This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
acyclic space | |
AERN | |
Agda | |
Algebra | |
algebraic effects | |
arrays | |
B | |
Bar recursion | |
bicategories | |
Bidirectional Typing | |
bisimulations | |
blockchain | |
C | |
Calculation term | |
Calculus of Inductive Constructions | |
call-by-box | |
call-by-name | |
call-by-push-value | |
call-by-value | |
categorical diagrams | |
categorical logic | |
categories with families | |
category theory | |
Change of Basepoint | |
choreographic programming | |
Church encoding | |
classical and intuitionistic logic | |
coalgebra | |
coercive subtyping | |
coinduction | |
combinatory logic | |
completeness theorems | |
compositionality | |
Computable Analysis | |
concurrency | |
concurrent systems | |
Conservativity | |
constructive mathematics | |
constructive reverse mathematics | |
constructive set theory | |
constructive type theory | |
constructivism | |
containers | |
Coq | |
Covering Spaces | |
cubical agda | |
cubical type theory | |
cumulative hierarchy | |
Curry-Howard correspondence | |
D | |
degrees of relatedness | |
dependent record | |
dependent type theory | |
dependent types | |
Dependently typed programming | |
Dialectica | |
Differential Dynamic Logic | |
Diller-Nahm | |
distributed ledgers | |
dynamic | |
E | |
effects | |
elaboration | |
elaborator reflection | |
elaborators | |
Elpi | |
Embedding | |
enriched categories | |
enriched category theory | |
epimorphism | |
Equality | |
Ethereum | |
Ethereum Virtual Machine | |
evaluation | |
Exact real computation | |
Execution Model | |
extensible datatype | |
F | |
fibrations | |
finite semantics | |
finitism | |
First-order logic | |
Formal proof | |
Formal Verification | |
formal verification | |
formalisation | |
Fstar | |
Function Extensionality | |
Functional reactive programming | |
Functorial semantics | |
functorial strength | |
G | |
GADTs | |
general recursion | |
graphical interface | |
Guarded recursion | |
H | |
Heyting Arithmetic | |
higher coherence equations | |
higher-order automata | |
higher-order logic | |
Hoare logic | |
homotopy type theory | |
I | |
idempotent equivalence | |
identities | |
implementation | |
indefinitely large finite | |
independence | |
induction-recursion | |
inductive types | |
inhabitation problem | |
Intensional Type Theory | |
interactive theorem proving | |
internal language | |
Interpreters | |
intersection types | |
intuitionistic logic | |
K | |
Kripke semantics | |
L | |
labelled transition system | |
lambda-calculus | |
language design | |
Lean proof assistant | |
Lindenbaum-Tarski algebras | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
linear type theory | |
Liquid Haskell | |
Liquid Types | |
Logic and verification | |
Logical Frameworks | |
M | |
Mahlo universes | |
Markov's principle | |
Martin-Lof type theory | |
Martin-Löf type theory | |
mathematical structures | |
metacoq | |
modal embedding | |
modal logic S4 | |
modal type theory | |
Modal types | |
modularity | |
monads | |
monoidal category | |
MTT | |
Muenchhausen | |
multimodal type theory | |
multimode type theory | |
N | |
n-cube | |
Natural calculations | |
natural deduction for predicate logic | |
new predicate logic quantifiers | |
nominal techniques | |
non-idempotent intersection types | |
O | |
Object-oriented languages | |
omega-continuous functor | |
open datatype | |
operational game semantics | |
Operational semantics | |
Oracle | |
ordered type theory | |
ordinal | |
P | |
parallelism | |
parametricity | |
partial combinatory algebras | |
partial function | |
Partial functions | |
Partial morphisms | |
polarity annotations | |
potential infinite | |
potentialist | |
Preservation of extensional equality | |
presheaf models | |
profinite spaces | |
program equivalence | |
Program Extraction | |
program semantics | |
proof assistant | |
Proof assistants | |
proof automation | |
proof tactics | |
Proof term | |
Proofs engineering | |
PVS | |
Python bytecode | |
Q | |
quotient inductive types | |
R | |
rank polymorphism | |
Reader monad | |
realizability | |
reduction | |
refinement types | |
regular languages | |
rewrite rules | |
Rezk completion | |
Run-time erasure | |
S | |
Semantics | |
Semantics and reasoning | |
semi-simplicial types | |
semicategories | |
separation logic | |
set-theoretic types | |
simply-typed lambda-calculus | |
Smart Contracts | |
Solidity | |
sorts | |
Spaces of subsets | |
Static Verification | |
strictification | |
strictly positive | |
subformula property | |
subtype universes | |
subtyping | |
Syntax | |
Synthetic Homotopy Theory | |
T | |
termination | |
theorem proving | |
Topological spaces | |
topos theory | |
Traversable functors | |
triposes | |
two-level type theory | |
Type systems | |
type theory | |
type theory in type theory | |
type-checking | |
U | |
UniMath library | |
univalent foundations | |
universe polymorphism | |
untyped λ-calculus | |
UTxO | |
V | |
variable binding | |
Verification | |
Virtual machines | |
W | |
W-types | |
Weakest Precondition | |
Well-scoped syntax |