This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2019-nCoV | |
A | |
Aadhaar | |
abuse of dominance | |
Access | |
Access to Justice | |
access to legal content | |
Accountability | |
affect | |
Aftermarkets | |
agricultural data | |
AI | |
AI and algorithmic learning models | |
AI governance | |
AI in smart cities | |
AI regulation | |
algorithmic credit scoring | |
algorithmic decision-making | |
Algorithmic Impact Assessment | |
Anti-money laundering | |
antitrust | |
Antitrust law | |
Antitrust tools | |
Arbitrariness | |
Arrangements | |
Art Market | |
Art. 101 TFUE | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Augmented reality | |
Automated Decision-Making | |
autopoiesis | |
B | |
bargaining code | |
Behavioral Economics | |
Big Tech | |
biometric ID | |
Biometric surveillance | |
Biometric Systems | |
Biometrics | |
Biopower | |
black hat SEOs | |
Blockchain | |
bodily practices | |
border management | |
bottleneck | |
Breyer | |
Business | |
Business torts | |
C | |
calculated publics | |
capacity-building | |
carbon taxes | |
censorship | |
Central Bank Digital Currencies | |
Changing social functionalities | |
Charter of Fundamental Right of the EU | |
China | |
China and the EU | |
Choice Architecture | |
circular economy | |
citizen sensing | |
civil law | |
civil society | |
Click fraud | |
Climate Case | |
climate change | |
Cluster markets | |
Co-Governance | |
codification | |
Coherence | |
Collaborative economy | |
Colonial relations | |
communication science | |
Community networks | |
Comparative Study | |
competence creep | |
competition | |
Competition law | |
competition policy | |
complete and effective protection | |
computer science | |
confidential information | |
conflict-of-laws | |
Conglomerates | |
Connectivity | |
consent framework | |
Consistency | |
Constitutional law | |
consumer protection | |
consumer protection law | |
Consumer protection laws | |
contact tracing apps | |
Content Moderation | |
Cooperation | |
Copyright | |
Coronavirus | |
Counter terrorist financing | |
Courts | |
Covid | |
COVID 19 | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 pandemic | |
Criminal justice | |
criminal law | |
crisis information | |
crisis management | |
cross-border processing | |
Cryptocurrencies | |
cybersecurity | |
D | |
dark patterns | |
Data ecosystems | |
data governance | |
data justice | |
Data ownership | |
Data property | |
data protection | |
data protection law | |
Data protection principles | |
data regulation | |
data retention | |
Data rights | |
Data sharing | |
data stewards | |
Data subject rights | |
data subjects' rights | |
data surveillance | |
Data transfers | |
data trusts | |
data-intensive systems | |
datamining | |
decision-making | |
Democracy | |
Democratic control | |
democratic values | |
dependency | |
Design of enforcement agencies | |
digital advertising | |
Digital Agriculture sector | |
Digital Clearinghouse | |
Digital Constitutionalism | |
Digital Economy | |
Digital ecosystems | |
Digital Identity | |
digital infrastructure | |
Digital Market Act | |
Digital markets | |
Digital Markets Act | |
digital payments | |
Digital platforms | |
Digital regulation | |
Digital Services Act | |
digital technology | |
digital welfare state | |
digitalisation | |
Digitization | |
Dignity | |
discourse analysis | |
discrimination | |
Discrimination by AI | |
Disinformation | |
diversity | |
Domain Name Disputes | |
Double standards | |
DSA/DMA proposals | |
E | |
E-justice | |
e-waste | |
Emotional Artificial Intelligence | |
energy consumer | |
energy data | |
Energy Justice | |
Energy Transition | |
Enforcement | |
Environmental sustainability | |
Epistemic injustice | |
ethics | |
EU competence | |
EU competition law | |
EU consumer law | |
EU data protection law | |
EU Green Deal | |
EU law | |
EU-law | |
European digital agenda | |
European Union | |
ex-post/ex-ante competition rules | |
excessive pricing | |
exclusion | |
Explanation | |
exploitative abuse | |
Exports | |
extractivism | |
Extraterritorial effects | |
F | |
Face-related technologies | |
Facial recognition | |
Facial Recognition Technology | |
Fairness - Accountability - Transparency | |
FDA Regulation | |
FDI | |
Female data subjects | |
financial inclusion | |
financial marginalization | |
Financial Technology | |
fintech | |
food processing | |
Fraud detection | |
Fraud-on-the-market rule | |
Freedom of Expression | |
Freedom of Thought | |
freedom to conduct a business | |
fundamental right to data protection | |
Fundamental Rights | |
G | |
gatekeeper | |
GDPR | |
gender equality | |
Gender Studies | |
German Constitution | |
Gig work | |
global governance | |
Global South | |
governance | |
green growth | |
Greenpeace | |
group privacy | |
H | |
Health code system | |
health crisis | |
Health Data | |
Health Data Space | |
health inequality | |
health insurance | |
Home | |
hourglass architecture | |
human dignity | |
human rights | |
Human rights law | |
Humanitarian Aid | |
Hyperlocal design | |
hyperobjects | |
I | |
identifiability | |
identification | |
imaginaries | |
India | |
indigenous communities | |
individuation | |
Industry | |
Inequities | |
Information | |
information fiduciaries | |
Information markets | |
Informediaries | |
infrastructures | |
innovation | |
innovation policy | |
Institutional design | |
Institutional framework | |
Institutional transitions before during and after crises | |
instrumental | |
Integration clauses | |
Integrity of markets | |
intellectual property | |
Intellectual Property Rights | |
Inter-Legality | |
Interdisciplinary translation | |
Intermediary liability | |
International Human Rights Law | |
international legal norm | |
International legal theory | |
International Standards | |
Internet of Things | |
interoperability | |
IoT | |
IP exceptions | |
IP overlaps | |
ISO | |
J | |
Justification | |
K | |
Kenya | |
Knowledge commons | |
Knowledge practices | |
L | |
Labelling | |
law | |
law and technology | |
Law Enforcement | |
Law Enforcement Directive | |
LED | |
Legal Theory | |
legibility | |
legitimacy | |
liability | |
Licensing levels | |
licensing makers of components | |
liner shipping | |
local government | |
lock-ins | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Marginalization | |
Market definition | |
market power | |
market regulation | |
mass surveillance | |
Medical Devices | |
Merger Control | |
Merger oversight | |
mergers | |
Migrations | |
money | |
monitoring | |
N | |
national security | |
neighboring rights | |
new technologies | |
non-discrimination law | |
Norway | |
Notice and choice | |
Nudges | |
O | |
online platforms | |
Online sex work | |
open science | |
Outsourcing | |
P | |
pacing problem | |
Pakistan | |
pandemic | |
parasites | |
Patent | |
patent classifications | |
patent databases | |
patent landscaping | |
patent searching | |
patents | |
Payment Services Directive II | |
Peer-to-peer energy trading | |
Personal data | |
Personal data protection | |
Personal Identity | |
personalisation | |
Personalization in insurance | |
pharmaceutical markets | |
Philosophy | |
planned obsolescence | |
planning theory | |
Platform governance | |
Platform resistance | |
Platformized Infrastructures | |
platforms | |
politics of regulation | |
portability | |
poverty | |
Power | |
Power relations | |
Presumption | |
price gouging | |
price regulation | |
Privacy | |
Privacy by design | |
Privacy Expectations | |
private enforcement | |
private governance | |
private sector | |
Privatisation of public tasks | |
Proactive competition policy | |
Profiling | |
Proportionality | |
Prosumer | |
Protection of human faces | |
Public domain | |
public goods | |
Public Health | |
Public Health Emergencies | |
public interest | |
Public Services Card | |
Public space | |
Public-Private Partnership | |
Public-Private Partnerships | |
publishing industry | |
purpose limitation | |
R | |
Ratings and reviews | |
recent law | |
recognition | |
Refugee | |
Regulating emerging technologies | |
Regulation | |
regulation theory | |
regulations | |
Regulatory approaches | |
regulatory disconnection | |
Relevant market | |
remedies | |
remote proctoring | |
renewable energy | |
Renewable Energy Law | |
Renewables | |
Research | |
resilience | |
responsibility | |
restoring competition | |
restrictive IPR condition | |
Right to Explanation | |
right to repair | |
Rights | |
rule of law | |
S | |
Sanctuary | |
SARS-CoV-2 | |
Schrems | |
Scientometric Visualisation | |
Search Platforms | |
Secondary copyright liability | |
Securities law | |
Security | |
Selfregulation | |
Situated knowledges in debates around regulation of AI | |
Smart Cities | |
Smart City | |
smart technologies | |
social cash | |
social equality | |
social function of IP | |
social justice | |
Social Media | |
social protection | |
socio-ecological disasters | |
Socio-Technical Systems | |
soft law | |
Software | |
Sri Lanka | |
Standard essential patents | |
statutory law | |
Stratumseind Living Lab | |
Structural Remedies | |
STS | |
Supply chain | |
Support Schemes | |
Supreme Court | |
Surveillance | |
Surveillance Capitalism | |
Surveillance marketplace | |
Sustainability | |
sustainable development | |
SyRI | |
T | |
Targeted advertising | |
targeting | |
technological fix | |
technology collaboration contract | |
technology transfer | |
Third country surveillance | |
third-party content | |
trade secrets | |
trust-based governance models | |
U | |
universities | |
User rights | |
V | |
vaccine distribution | |
value chains | |
vertical mergers | |
vertical online distribution restraints | |
Vulnerable Data Subject | |
Vulnerable Data Subjects | |
W | |