This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(Data-driven) Decision-making | |
A | |
abuse of fundamental rights | |
abuse of rights doctrine | |
access to account rule | |
Access to Justice | |
accountability | |
accountabilty | |
Adaptive Law | |
advertising law | |
advertising standards | |
AI | |
AI Harm | |
algorithm | |
algorithmic accountability | |
algorithmic decision-making | |
algorithmic decision-making systems | |
Algorithmic personalization of the law | |
algorithmic power | |
algorithmic pricing | |
Algorithmic Regulation | |
Algorithms | |
anonymity | |
ANPR | |
anti-discrimination | |
Anti-Discrimination Law | |
Anti-money laundering | |
apple | |
appropriability | |
Article 3 | |
Artificial intelligence | |
artificial intelligence systems | |
artistic works | |
Australia | |
author | |
authorities | |
Automated decision-making | |
Automated journalism | |
automated research | |
automatic categorization | |
Autonomous Artificial Intelligence | |
Autonomous cars | |
Autonomous Vehicles | |
Autonomy | |
B | |
banking | |
Behavioural advertising | |
best practices | |
big data | |
blockchain | |
Blockchain technologies | |
Botleg | |
Botnets | |
boundary concepts | |
business models | |
C | |
Cambridge Analytica | |
care robots | |
Case Law | |
Cass Sunstein | |
Certification | |
Charter | |
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union | |
chilling effects | |
choice architectures | |
citizen monitoring | |
citizens | |
civic | |
Click-Wrap | |
climate change | |
climate finance law | |
Cloud computing | |
Code of Conducts | |
Coherence | |
Collective Labour Law | |
commercial surveillance | |
commodification of personal information | |
common law | |
community norms | |
Competition | |
competition law | |
Complex Adaptive Systems | |
Complexity | |
compliance | |
compulsory licenses | |
computer science | |
concepts and frameworks | |
constitutional change | |
constitutional review | |
constitutionalisation | |
consumer | |
consumer law | |
Consumer protection | |
Contextual integrity | |
control | |
Convergence | |
Cooperative Intelligent Traffic Systems | |
copyright | |
copyright infringement | |
copyright law | |
Copyright licensing | |
Court | |
court orders | |
Courts | |
creativity | |
criminal records | |
critique of legal rights | |
cross-border interconnection | |
Crowdsourcing | |
Culture | |
Cyber consumer | |
cyber operation | |
D | |
data | |
data access | |
data breach notification | |
Data brokerage | |
Data brokers | |
data collection | |
Data Colonialism | |
data controller | |
data exchange | |
data exclusivity | |
Data governance | |
data justice | |
data localization | |
data market regulation | |
data markets | |
Data ownership | |
data politics | |
data protection | |
data protection law | |
data re-use | |
data regulation | |
Data Retention | |
Data reuse | |
Data Science | |
data sharing | |
data standardization | |
data subject | |
data subject rights | |
Data transparency | |
data-driven economy | |
data-driven harms | |
database directive | |
database protection | |
databox | |
decentral structures | |
Decentralised networks | |
Decentralization | |
deception | |
decommissioning and re-use | |
deep fakes | |
Deliberative democracy | |
democracy | |
design | |
design protection | |
developing countries and emerging markets | |
DGCA and Fitbit | |
difference | |
digital age | |
Digital assets | |
Digital Clearing House | |
Digital copyright | |
Digital environment | |
Digital Governance | |
Digital humanitarianism | |
Digital intermediaries | |
digital libraries | |
Digital markets | |
digital nudging | |
digital platforms | |
digital revolution | |
digital single market | |
Digital technologies | |
Digitalization | |
digitization | |
Directive 2001/29 | |
discrimination | |
Disintermediated Markets | |
Disruption | |
distributed ledgers | |
distribution system | |
dominant versus non-dominant voices | |
DPIA | |
DSO | |
dynamic pricing | |
E | |
e-Commerce Directive | |
ECHR | |
Economic Incentives | |
education loans | |
efficacy | |
electronic identities | |
emerging technologies | |
empirical study | |
Employee Surveillance | |
energy | |
energy law | |
Energy Transition | |
engagement | |
Environment | |
Environmental Protection | |
equality | |
essential facilities | |
ethics | |
EU | |
EU and Fitbit | |
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights | |
EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms | |
EU law | |
EU regulation | |
European data economy | |
European health research | |
exceptions and limitations | |
Explainability | |
extractivism | |
F | |
Fair Use | |
fairness | |
fan-created works | |
FDA and fitness trackers | |
finance | |
financial regulations | |
fintech | |
Foucault | |
free prior informed consent | |
freedom of expression | |
Freedom of information | |
Fundamental right | |
fundamental rights | |
Fundamental rights impact assessment | |
future of data protection | |
futuristic imaginaries | |
G | |
GDPR | |
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) | |
general freedom of action | |
global trade and data protection | |
governance-by-data | |
group privacy | |
group profiling | |
H | |
health | |
Health & Safety requirements | |
Health research | |
healthcare regulation | |
Horizontal relations | |
household exemption | |
Human Computer Interaction | |
human rights | |
human-robot interaction | |
hydrogen | |
I | |
idenfiticability | |
improving law and practice | |
Inalienability | |
incentives | |
Incomputability | |
indigenous data sovereignty | |
individual control | |
industrialization | |
inequality | |
inferences | |
information | |
information security | |
innovation | |
inscription | |
Intellectual Property | |
intermediary liability | |
international trade | |
Internet | |
internet of things | |
Internet of Things Regulatory concerns | |
Internet Profiling | |
internet safety | |
interoperability | |
IoT | |
Is fitbit a medical device? | |
ISP liability | |
J | |
Journalism | |
judicial protection | |
justice | |
K | |
L | |
Land use land use change and forestry | |
Law | |
Law & economics | |
law and distributive equity | |
law and humanities | |
law and policy | |
Law enforcement | |
Law of Everything | |
Legal history | |
Legal innovation | |
Legal Liability | |
Legal responsibility | |
Legality | |
Legibility | |
Legitimacy and governance | |
lending | |
Liability | |
Licensing agreements | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Machine-learning algorithm | |
Market power | |
medical devices | |
Member States Data Protection Law | |
Mental illness | |
mental models | |
Method for legal research | |
Mobile Application | |
mobile platforms | |
mobile privacy | |
modellification | |
modelling | |
Models | |
modernity | |
N | |
natural monopoly | |
negligence | |
network externalities | |
new media | |
new right for press publishers | |
news publishing | |
non-discrimination law | |
Non-monetary prices | |
notice and consent | |
notion of personal data | |
O | |
Obscurity | |
Observational studies | |
offshore | |
offshore energy systems | |
online communities | |
online lending | |
online platforms | |
online political microtargeting | |
Online tracking | |
online trust | |
open banking | |
Optimization | |
organisational measures | |
P | |
Paris Agreement | |
Participatory surveillance | |
patent | |
patent law | |
patents | |
Peer to peer trading | |
Personal Data | |
personal data management | |
personal data protection | |
Personalised prices | |
personalised pricing | |
phenomenology | |
PIMS | |
piracy | |
platform governance | |
platformization | |
Police Directive | |
Policing | |
Political economy | |
Population | |
portability | |
power-to-gas | |
Practices | |
pre-emptive algorithms | |
Prediction | |
predictive analytics | |
Predictive maintenance | |
predictive profiling | |
prevention | |
price differentiation | |
price discrimination | |
Privacy | |
Privacy and Data Protection | |
privacy by design | |
Privacy engineering | |
privacy management | |
Privacy Policy | |
Privacy Rights | |
privacy self-management | |
Private ordering | |
privatisation | |
procedural fairness | |
Product Liability | |
profiling | |
Property law | |
proportionality | |
Proposal for a copyright Directive in the Digital Single Market | |
prosumer | |
PSD2 | |
PSI | |
public domain | |
Public Interest | |
Public Sector Information | |
Public Undertakings | |
Public-private actions | |
punishment and technology | |
R | |
reasonableness | |
reflection | |
Reform | |
Regtech | |
regulation | |
Regulation by Design | |
Regulation of AI | |
regulation of data | |
regulatory disconnect | |
reliabilty | |
remedies | |
remix | |
Reporting | |
Research | |
research methods | |
Resilience | |
Responsibility | |
responsible innovation | |
Responsible Research and Innovation | |
Restricted ownership | |
retail payment systems | |
revenge pornography | |
Right of access | |
right to care | |
right to cure | |
Right to explanation | |
Right to privacy | |
rights power | |
risk | |
Risk assessment | |
risk management framework | |
risk score | |
risk-based approach | |
Risks | |
Road Traffic Rules | |
Robotic | |
Robotics | |
Rule of Code | |
Rule of Law | |
S | |
Safe design | |
Safety | |
scientific research | |
scoring | |
Security | |
self-determination | |
self-regulation | |
shared identity proxy | |
smart city | |
smart metering | |
Smartphone app | |
smell of data | |
social media | |
social responsibility | |
social robots | |
social sorting | |
society | |
software engineering | |
Southeast Asia | |
Southern Criminology | |
Southern Theory | |
spam | |
stakeholder management | |
standard contract terms | |
Standard form contracts | |
standardization | |
standards | |
state responsibility | |
State surveillance | |
Steinmuller | |
strategy | |
Strict Liability | |
student debt | |
subjectivity | |
sui generis | |
Suicide prevention | |
Suitable safeguards | |
supervision | |
surveillance | |
Surveillance in public space | |
system integration | |
T | |
Tax Law | |
TDM exception | |
Technological innovation | |
technological protection measures | |
Technology | |
technology regulation | |
temporality | |
Text and data mining (TDM) | |
the internet of things | |
theory | |
three-step test | |
Topic Modeling | |
tort law | |
Tort Liability | |
Trade Scerets | |
trade secrets | |
Trade Secrets Directive | |
trademarks | |
traditional knowledge | |
Transparency | |
transparency and accountability | |
Transparency by Design | |
U | |
U.S. law | |
Uncertainty | |
underwriting | |
Unfair Imbalance | |
Unsupervised Machine Learning | |
user-rights | |
utility model | |
V | |
VICI panel | |
visibility | |
Vulnerability | |
W | |
wearable devices | |
website blocking | |
welfare regulation | |
Welfare State | |
Westin | |
Wiretapping | |
Work floor democracy | |
Work-related Safety | |
Works councils | |
WTO | |
“ | |
“necessity test” |