- Session 3D (May 15 10:45-12:15) IP TRACK: Data Sharing, Ownership and Governance
- Session 5D (May 15 14:00-15:30) IP TRACK: AI, Copyright and Press Publishers
- Session 6D (May 15 16:00-17:30) IP TRACK: Copyright Exceptions and Design Protection
- Session 7C (May 16 09:00-10:30) IP TRACK: Data, Platforms and IP rights
- Session 9D (May 16 11:45-13:15) IP TRACK: Shifting Norms in Copyright Law
- Session 11D (May 16 15:00-16:30) IP TRACK PANEL: European Data Economy and Regulation of Data
- Session 13D (May 17 09:00-10:30) IP TRACK: Property, Industrial Property, and Innovation
- Session 15C (May 17 11:45-13:15) AI AND RESPONSIBILITY TRACK: Regulating AI