This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
2 | |
2D Electron Transport | |
5 | |
5G | |
A | |
Active contours | |
Activity recognition | |
adaptive refinement | |
adaptive wireless Sensor Network | |
adaptivity | |
adjoint methods | |
AIC | |
AMPL | |
Analog Signal Processing | |
Antenna array | |
antenna on-chip (AoC) | |
Antenna optimization | |
anti-abandon system | |
artificial magnetic conductor (AMC) | |
Artificial neural networks | |
Asymmetrical slot antennas | |
Atmospheric turbulence | |
Automate | |
Automatic kidney segmentation | |
automotive | |
Availability | |
B | |
Balanced stripline feeding | |
Bandpass filter | |
baseband signal | |
BAW | |
Beam-forming | |
Beamforming | |
bi-isotropic material of the Tellegen type | |
big data | |
Big data analytics | |
Binary decision diagram | |
Bioengineering | |
Bioengineering Applications | |
Biomedical equipment | |
Biomedical Radar | |
Biosensor | |
boundary extraction | |
Bowtie dipole antenna | |
C | |
calibration factor | |
Calibration Test bench | |
Capacitive loads | |
cardioid | |
Causal normalization | |
Cell-free Massive MIMO | |
CFAR | |
Channel Capacity | |
Channel prediction | |
Characteristic impedance | |
Characterization | |
child detection | |
Child head | |
Clutter | |
co-creation | |
coherent signal detection | |
Combined sensors | |
Compressive sampling | |
Computational complexity | |
computational electromagnetics | |
computer vision | |
control plane | |
Coupled resonator | |
CPW T-junction | |
CPW-fed antennas | |
crowdsourcing tools | |
Cryogenic Characterization | |
Cryptographic algorithms | |
Cut-Off SNR Level | |
D | |
Data analytics | |
data mining | |
Dead time | |
Deep space FSO communications | |
Defected ground structure (DGS) | |
descriptive statistical analysis | |
development prospects | |
Devops Insights | |
Dielectric measurement | |
dielectric spectroscopy | |
digital economy | |
Digital filters | |
Digital games | |
Direct partial Boolean derivative | |
discretization | |
dispersive delay line | |
DNA | |
Doherty amplifier | |
Doppler | |
Doppler processing | |
Drone | |
dual core microcontroller | |
Dual-band amplifier | |
dual-band filter | |
E | |
Echo | |
Echo state network | |
Edge applications | |
Education inforamtion portal | |
Effective relative permittivity | |
Electric materials | |
Electrical power quality meters | |
electromagnetic wave propagation | |
Electrostatic discharge current | |
electrostatics | |
elevation correction | |
embedded | |
Enclosure | |
end-user engagement | |
Energy consumption | |
Energy harvesting | |
Equivalent-circuit model | |
error estimation | |
error performance | |
Exponentiation | |
external noise | |
Extreme learning machin | |
F | |
fairness | |
Faster R-CNN | |
Fault location | |
FBMC | |
Features extraction | |
FET | |
FFT | |
Fifth generation mobile system | |
Filters | |
financial analysis | |
financial indicators | |
Finite element method (FEM) | |
Fisher Snedecor F fading | |
Flexible Job Shop Scheduling | |
Flexible numerology | |
FMCW | |
FMCW radar | |
Foam | |
Fog Computing | |
Free Space Optics | |
Frequency spectrum analysis | |
FSK | |
fully passive system | |
Functional normalization | |
Fussell-Vesely’s importance | |
Future Internet | |
G | |
GaN amplifier | |
GaN HEMT | |
gas sensors | |
GID | |
Gold | |
Ground Penetrating Radar | |
group delay | |
Group Sparse | |
H | |
HAAR | |
Hadoop | |
heatstroke | |
HEMT | |
HEMT optical behavior | |
High frequency | |
High power | |
High Temperature | |
High-Frequency Over-the-Horizon Radar (HF-OTHR) | |
histogram | |
Histogram of oriented gradient | |
Hough transform | |
human health | |
Hybrid boundary element method (HBEM) | |
I | |
IBM Cloudant | |
Identification | |
image processing | |
image pyramidal representation | |
image recognition | |
impact crater detection | |
Industry 4.0 | |
industry breakdown | |
information technology management | |
innovation | |
innovation management | |
Interdigital Capacitor | |
Interferometers | |
intermodulation products | |
internal noise | |
Internet of Things | |
Inverse modeling | |
IoT | |
IPDT model | |
J | |
Jetson TX2 | |
Jitter | |
K | |
K band | |
Kasami | |
Kink phenomenon | |
L | |
Lambert W function | |
Laplacian source | |
laser | |
Laser therapy | |
Latency | |
LFSR | |
light exposure | |
Lightning strokes | |
linear programming | |
linearization | |
localized backside etching (LBE) | |
logarithmic quantization | |
Logic differential calculus | |
Low profile | |
low-power | |
LSP | |
Lumped element model | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
magnetic field | |
magnetic flux density | |
magnetic probe | |
Magneto Electric dipole | |
main trends | |
Markov Chain | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Massive MIMO | |
Material Identification | |
Maxmin performance | |
Maxmin-sumrate | |
Mean coding bit rate | |
measurement | |
Measurement uncertainty | |
Measurements | |
Mersenne-Twister | |
meshing techniques | |
Metal plate | |
Microcellular environment | |
Microfluidics | |
Microservices | |
microstrip patch antenna | |
Microwave frequency | |
Microwave measurement | |
microwave/millimeter wave sensors | |
millimeter waves | |
Millimeter-wave | |
MIMO | |
Minimal cut vector | |
mixing ratio | |
mobile ad hoc network | |
Mobile phone | |
Mobility management | |
Modular arithmetic | |
monopole antenna | |
Moodle | |
morphological opening and closing | |
MOS | |
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis | |
Multi-objective optimization | |
N | |
Name normalization | |
Network | |
network performance analysis | |
network programmability | |
network simulation | |
Network slicing | |
Neural model | |
Neural network | |
Neural networks | |
NIST test suite for randomness | |
noisy reference loss | |
Normalized conjugate precoding | |
NS-3 | |
NSSF | |
O | |
OFDM signal | |
ORB | |
Overall telecommunication system | |
P | |
PAE | |
patch | |
Performance modeling | |
phaser | |
Physical-layer security | |
Picocellular environment | |
point charge | |
power added efficiency | |
power amplifier | |
Power and Rate Adaptation | |
PRBGs | |
Promethee method | |
Pseudo-random numbers | |
pulse shape modulation | |
Pulse shaping | |
Pyroelectric device | |
Q | |
QCL | |
QoS | |
QTBM | |
Quality of Experience | |
Quantum computing | |
Quantum existing testing | |
Quantum extreme value searching algorithm | |
Quasi-logarithmic quantizer | |
R | |
Radio Access Network | |
rank reversal | |
Real time location systems | |
Real-time | |
Relay test | |
Remote health monitoring | |
resource allocation | |
Resource distribution management | |
RF and microwave modeling | |
RF energy harvesting | |
RF MEMS switch | |
RFID | |
robustness on variance changes | |
S | |
S parameters | |
S-parameters | |
SAW | |
SAW resonators | |
Scalable normalization | |
Scale normalization | |
Scattering parameters | |
Schrodingers Equation | |
Sclerotherapy | |
second harmonic | |
second harmonics | |
second-order nonlinear signals | |
Segmentation of renal cyst | |
Semiconductor device modeling | |
semilogarithmic compression characteristic | |
Sensor fusion | |
sensor interface | |
sequence alignment | |
Series feeding | |
Shielding Effectiveness | |
short range radar module | |
SIFT | |
Signal generator | |
simplex | |
simulation | |
Simultaneous wireless information and power transfer | |
Single photon detector | |
SiPM | |
Smart grid | |
Software-Defined Networking | |
split ring resonators (SRR) | |
SQNR | |
Stability | |
Step test | |
Stepped frequency radar | |
Structure function | |
SURF | |
surface reflected wave removal | |
Switched quantizer | |
T | |
Temperature | |
Test and measurement | |
the Russian market | |
Time delay | |
TLM wire model | |
transmission power | |
U | |
Ultra Wide Band | |
uncertainty quantification | |
User Context Management | |
UWB antenna | |
V | |
VCII | |
Very fast transients | |
Video Streaming | |
W | |
W-Band | |
Wave digital model | |
wavelet | |
Weather prediction | |
WebRTC | |
Wideband | |
Wifi | |
Window functions | |
wireless communications | |
wireless ECG monitoring | |
Wireless powered communication networks | |
Z | |
Zero-bias Schottky diode | |
Zero-forcing precoding |