This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
* | |
*-b-enriched nonexpansive mapping | |
A | |
actor network | |
Age-Related Macular Degeneration | |
air front | |
algebraic geometry | |
anti-VEGF injections | |
API calls | |
Art | |
artificial inteligence | |
artificial intelligence | |
Artificial Neural Networks | |
asynchronous contraction | |
AutoML | |
B | |
backend instruction | |
Banach space | |
benchmarks | |
BERT | |
big data | |
Binary Classification | |
bisimulation | |
blood glucose | |
Boltzmann method | |
boosting | |
branch cuts | |
C | |
C++ | |
CAT(0) space | |
Classification | |
classification algorithms | |
Classification of tissues | |
closest vector problem | |
clustering | |
Colonoscopy | |
Combinatorics | |
Comet | |
Complexity | |
computer aided diagnosis | |
computer algebra | |
Computer vision | |
continued fractions | |
continuous time Markov chains | |
contraction type mapping | |
contractive mapping | |
contrast-enhanced ultrasound | |
convolutional neural networks | |
corrosion | |
cost vs accuracy | |
Counting linear extensions | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 pandemic | |
Crawlers | |
crossover | |
cyber attack | |
cyber vulnerability | |
Cyclotomic polynomials | |
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition | |
D | |
data analysis | |
data cleansing | |
data extraction | |
data quality | |
data-driven thermal models | |
dataflow | |
Dataset Distillation | |
decision trees | |
deep learning | |
Deep Q-learning | |
Degeneracy | |
Delineability | |
demiclosedness-type property | |
Depth estimation | |
design flow | |
design space exploration | |
Discrete structures | |
distributed systems | |
driver monitoring | |
E | |
early diagnosis | |
Edge Detection | |
ego-motion | |
ego-trajectory segmentation | |
electrical machines | |
Emulators | |
encoding | |
Enrich non-expansive | |
enriched mapping | |
enriched multivalued nonexpansive mapping | |
enriched nonexpansive mapping | |
enriched nonexpansive operator | |
enriched strictly pseudocontractive operator | |
ensemble learning | |
EProver | |
equivalence classes | |
evolutionary algorithms | |
Evolutionary Art | |
evolving deep neural networks | |
Explainable AI | |
exponential root mean squared log error | |
eye detection | |
F | |
failure prediction | |
fixed point | |
focal liver lesion | |
Forecasting | |
formal power and Laurent series | |
FP | |
fraction-free algorithm | |
G | |
Gastrointestinal polyps | |
generalized metric space | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
Genetic Algorithms | |
geometric mean relative error | |
Google Borg | |
GPT | |
graphic contraction | |
GUIs | |
H | |
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis | |
heuristics | |
Hilbert space | |
hybrid functions | |
hybrid intervals | |
hybrid sets | |
Hyperparameter tuning | |
I | |
Indicator of Compromise | |
infinite models | |
infrared camera | |
integer-preserving algorithms | |
integral inclusion | |
Integration | |
intent detection | |
inter-observer variability | |
Interpretation abstract | |
inverse functions | |
inverse gamma function | |
IoT | |
ISA | |
J | |
James H. Davenport's 70th Birthday | |
K | |
k-means | |
Kaggle Datasets | |
kernel ridge regression | |
Keyword1 | |
Keyword2 | |
Krasnoselskii algorithm | |
Krasnoselskii iterative method | |
Krasnoselskii-Mann iteration | |
L | |
labeling automation | |
Landscape Analysis | |
lattice | |
Lazard projection/lifting | |
linear algebraic systems | |
linear regression | |
LLM | |
LLVM | |
LLVM compiler | |
low resource language | |
LSTM | |
Lung cancer | |
M | |
Mace4 | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine learning algorithms | |
Machine Learning Models | |
Maia type theorem | |
malware | |
manipulated citations | |
Maplesoft | |
mapping | |
mean absolute log error | |
mean squared log error | |
metric condition | |
metric space | |
metric spaces | |
Minecraft | |
model interpretability | |
Models Evaluation | |
Modular decomposition | |
MOEA/D | |
Monotone | |
Multi-objective | |
multi-valued nonlinear contraction | |
multi-valued nonlinear graph contraction | |
multi-valued operator | |
N | |
natural language understanding | |
network distortion | |
neural architecture search | |
Neural Network | |
Neural Networks | |
Neuroevolution | |
node2vec embedding | |
nodule diagnosis | |
numerical analysis | |
numerical ananlysis | |
O | |
OCT | |
one-max | |
ONNX | |
ontology engineering | |
ontology learning | |
Optimisation | |
Optimization | |
Ostrowski property | |
P | |
Parameterized Quantum Circuit | |
partial differential equations | |
Partial orders | |
piecewise linear | |
Point Cloud | |
pre-weakly Picard mapping | |
prediction | |
Protein Folding Problem | |
Protein Structure Prediction | |
Prover9 | |
Q | |
Quantifier Elimination | |
quantitative programming | |
Quantum Reinforcement Learning | |
R | |
r-cyclic covering | |
radiomics | |
Random Forest | |
Ransomware | |
real root isolation | |
Recurrent | |
Regression | |
reshape | |
ResNet architectures | |
Rewriting | |
RGBD Video | |
RISC-V | |
root mean squared log error | |
S | |
Satisfiabiliy Checking | |
Scalability | |
scheduling | |
Schrodinger Equations | |
Scrapers | |
Screening | |
Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithms | |
self-supervised learning | |
semantic change | |
semantic segmentation | |
Simulated Annealing | |
slot filling | |
smart cities | |
SMT | |
software development | |
software effort estimation | |
Solar Flare | |
Space Weather | |
Splatting | |
Sprites | |
stability properties | |
Statistics | |
stream programs | |
strictly pseudocontractive mapping | |
stroke | |
strong convergence | |
Sturm | |
subarachnoid hemorrhage | |
subset sum | |
successive approximation Picard mapping | |
supervised learning | |
symbolic block matrices | |
Symbolic Computation | |
symbolic domain decomposition | |
symbolic matrix algebra | |
Symbolic method | |
symmetry | |
T | |
TableGen | |
task oriented dialogue system | |
tensor | |
text summarization | |
The Bistritz test | |
the unit-circle zero location problem | |
timeseries | |
Topology optimisation | |
traffic flow | |
traffic management | |
traffic patterns | |
Transformer | |
transformer neural network | |
Translation | |
Tribute | |
truncated series | |
U | |
Ulam-Hyers stability | |
unbounded subset sum | |
Uniform random sampling | |
urban development | |
V | |
Vampire | |
Variable length | |
Variational inequalities | |
Virtual Term Substitution | |
visual programming | |
W | |
Waldmeister | |
weak convergence | |
weakly Picard mapping | |
weather | |
well-posedness of fixed point problem | |
word embeddings | |
X | |
XAI | |
Z | |
zero-cost proxies |