This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$\theta$ functions | |
$G$-nonexpansive | |
( | |
(Common) fixed point | |
* | |
*-nonexpansive mapping | |
A | |
ABC-fractional operator | |
AI | |
Alexnets | |
Alk | |
almost contractions in generalized metric spaces | |
analytic special functions | |
approximate GCD | |
approximation | |
archaeological artefact | |
architecture | |
area reduction | |
arithmetic optimization | |
arrays | |
automated reasoning | |
B | |
BAN Logic | |
Banach contraction principle | |
Banach space | |
Banat black pine | |
benchmarking | |
Berinde multivalued contraction | |
Berinde type contraction | |
BERT language model | |
Bianchini type mappings | |
blockchain | |
Boundary Constraint | |
bounded solutions | |
Braids | |
bronchoscopy | |
C | |
Canny Edge Detection | |
CAT$(\kappa)$ Space | |
CAT(1) space | |
chaos game representation | |
Chatterjea multivalued contraction | |
Ciric operator | |
Ciric-Reich-Rus multivalued contraction | |
classification | |
cloud computing | |
clustering | |
coefficients of generators | |
Combining weak classifiers | |
common fixed point | |
comparison function | |
complex branch | |
computational origami | |
computer algebra | |
Computer vision | |
conceptual cohesion | |
concurrent programming language | |
consensus algorithms | |
continuous time Markov chain | |
contraction | |
contractive condition of integral | |
contractive mapping | |
Control System | |
convergence | |
Convex minimization | |
Convex Optimization | |
convex orbital Lipschitz operator | |
convex polygon | |
convexified risk | |
convolutional neural network | |
convolutional neural networks | |
Coordinate affine | |
coordinated table selective substitution systems | |
Coronavirus | |
corrosion | |
COVID-19 | |
Crack-Nicholson numerical scheme | |
Creating datasets | |
CUDA | |
curriculum planning | |
CVE | |
CVSS score | |
cyber-security | |
Cybersecurity Trends | |
Cylindrical Algebraic Coverings | |
Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition | |
D | |
data dependence | |
decidability | |
decreasing operator | |
deep neural networks | |
Dense Optical Flow | |
diagnostic platform | |
Differential Evolution | |
Discrete Stochastic Arithmetic | |
dissimilarities | |
distributed systems | |
Doc2Vec | |
driver monitoring | |
Dynamic Epistemic Logic | |
E | |
e-type contractions | |
efsm | |
elimination | |
enriched contraction | |
enumerative combinatorics | |
Eos | |
equivalence class | |
Euclidean method and extended method | |
examples | |
Existence and uniqueness | |
expressiveness | |
extragradient method | |
eye detection | |
F | |
fake news | |
federated learning | |
Fermat-Weber location problem | |
Firmly nonexpansive operator | |
first-order theorem proving | |
fixed point | |
fixed point algorithm | |
Fixed point set | |
fixed point theorem | |
fixed point theorems | |
fixed points | |
flat rational sets | |
floating-point arithmetic | |
Football | |
forest management | |
formal methods | |
formal reasoning | |
formalized mathematics | |
forward-backward algorithm | |
fruits dataset | |
fsm | |
functional programming | |
G | |
Gaussian Mixture Model | |
generalized contraction | |
geometric processing | |
Geraghty Contractions | |
Glacier retreat | |
governance | |
graph hard-to-process | |
graphic contraction | |
greedy algorithm | |
Groebner basis and M-reduction | |
Gödel Incompleteness | |
H | |
H-distance space | |
Hadamard manifolds | |
Hadamard space | |
Halpern type algorithms | |
Handling Methods | |
higher-order logic | |
Hilbert space | |
HMAS | |
holonic | |
Hough Transform | |
I | |
iCaRL algorithm | |
Image alignment | |
Image restoration problem | |
imprecise information | |
inclusion problems | |
incremental learning | |
independence number | |
indexing alternating Turing machines | |
Induction | |
inertial iteration | |
Inertial method | |
Inertial techniques | |
Inertial term | |
infrared camera | |
infrastructure | |
integer arithmetic | |
integers | |
interactive theorem proving | |
Intersection theory | |
invariant | |
IoT | |
Isosingular sets | |
iterative differential equation | |
J | |
Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn Glacier | |
K | |
K-means | |
Kannan type mappings | |
kernel functions | |
knowledge distillation | |
L | |
labeling automation | |
Lambert W | |
Landsat 8 | |
Language Model | |
Lean | |
Lean Theorem Prover | |
Linear Algebra | |
local fixed point theorem | |
logical risk | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Mask R-CNN | |
matching | |
Mathematical Model | |
matrix rings | |
Maude | |
memory management | |
metaheuristics | |
metric space | |
microcosm | |
microscope image analysis | |
Minimization problem | |
model training pipelines | |
Models coupling | |
modular method | |
modular spaces | |
monoids | |
monotone inclusion | |
monotone vector fields | |
motion planning | |
Multi-Task Learning | |
multiagent systems | |
Multiple-sets split feasibility problem | |
multiprocessor scheduling | |
Multivalued | |
multivalued functions | |
multivariate polynomial arithmetic with exponent cutoff | |
N | |
NC1 | |
Neutronics | |
News classification | |
Newton method | |
Non-Archimedean Modular Metric Spaces | |
non-associative rings | |
non-commutative rings | |
non-preemptive scheduling | |
nonasymptotic convergence | |
noncommutative algebra | |
nonexpansive | |
Nonexpansive mapping | |
nonexpansive mappings | |
NSPACE(log n) | |
number theory | |
Numerical algebraic geometry | |
Numerical irreducible decomposition | |
numerical validation | |
O | |
object-based image analysis | |
obstacle avoidance | |
one counter machines | |
open mapping theorem | |
OpenAI Gym | |
operational semantics | |
operator splitting | |
optimization | |
Ordinary differential equation | |
Ordinary differential equations | |
Ore algebra | |
origami geometry | |
Orikoto language | |
Orthogonal modular b−metric space | |
Ostrowski stability | |
P | |
Parallel Computing | |
Parametric Linear Algebra | |
partially ordered | |
path condition | |
performance evaluation programming | |
personalized learning | |
Petri nets | |
Picard iteration | |
Planning | |
Polynomial system | |
Pompeiu-Hausdorff distance | |
Population-Based Metaheuristics | |
privacy and vulnerabilities | |
Proinov type contraction | |
Proof Assistants | |
proof mining | |
Proximal point algorithm | |
proximity relations | |
pseudomonotone bifunction | |
Q | |
quantum field theories | |
quasi-contraction | |
R | |
R-weakly commuting | |
rational numbers | |
Real Algebraic Numbers | |
Reduced Row Echelon Form | |
regression and classification problems | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relation extraction | |
relaxed SoftMax | |
ReLU network | |
Resolvent operator | |
resultant | |
Rewritable Petri nets | |
Rewriting logic | |
Robotics | |
rounding errors | |
S | |
Satellite images | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | |
Schematic Representation | |
secure multiparty computation | |
Security protocols | |
semantic change | |
semantic cohesion | |
semantic segmentation | |
semantic similarity | |
Sensitivity analysis | |
sentiment analysis | |
shape approximation | |
shrinking method | |
silhouettes | |
Simulation functions | |
skew polynomials | |
soft and hard deadlines | |
software cohesion | |
software defect prediction | |
Software Engineer | |
software engineering | |
Software platform | |
software stacks | |
software testing | |
Software vulnerability | |
Space with distance | |
SPACE(log n) | |
Specialization problem | |
species distribution | |
spline functions | |
split equilibrium problems | |
Split feasibility problem | |
split fixed point problems | |
Split minimization problem | |
Split variational inclusion problem | |
Splitting Proximal Algorithms | |
Stochastic optimization | |
Strong convergence | |
Sublevel set | |
submonoids | |
supervised learning | |
support vector machines | |
swarm intelligence | |
symbolic computation | |
symbolic constraint solving | |
symbolic execution | |
syntax-directed editors | |
T | |
term—interpolation | |
text processing | |
Thermohydraulics | |
Three-term conjugate gradient method | |
Topic Clustering | |
Tree T | |
Turing machines | |
type | |
type-based reasoning | |
types-to-sets framework | |
U | |
ultrametrics | |
Undecidability | |
Unification | |
unification and anti-unification constraints | |
V | |
VAE | |
Vampire | |
Variational inequality | |
Video sprites | |
W | |
weak convergence | |
word embeddings | |
Word2Vec | |
WordNet | |
Z | |
Z3 |