This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$1$-planar graph | |
A | |
algorithm | |
algorithms | |
algorithms with predictions | |
amortised analysis | |
Approximation | |
Approximation algorithm | |
Approximation Algorithms | |
arboricity | |
B | |
Baker's technique | |
bidimensionality | |
Bin Covering | |
Bloom filters | |
book embedding | |
Bounded expansion | |
Budgeted watchman route problem | |
C | |
c-planar | |
cache-oblivious algorithm | |
Canonization | |
Capacitated Facility Location | |
certified algorithms | |
Chordal graphs | |
Circuit Complexity | |
cluster editing | |
cluster vertex deletion | |
clustering | |
Coloring | |
combinatorial optimization | |
competitive analysis | |
complexity dichotomy | |
Computational Complexity | |
Computational Geometry | |
convex hull | |
Convexity | |
correlation clustering | |
Counting Logic | |
cut function | |
cycle-hitting problems | |
D | |
data structures | |
Delaunay Graphs | |
Delaunay Triangulations | |
Descriptive Complexity | |
directed feedback vertex set | |
Directed Steiner Tree | |
Distance Oracles | |
Dominating Set | |
Dynamic Algorithms | |
E | |
Edge Coloring | |
edge colouring | |
edge deletion | |
entropy | |
entropy bounds | |
essential vertices | |
Euclidean plane | |
Exponential Time Hypothesis | |
F | |
Fault Tolerant Spanners | |
fine-grained complexity | |
Fixed-parameter tractability | |
fixed-parameter tractable | |
fixed-parameter tractable algorithms | |
frameworks | |
Fréchet distance | |
G | |
Genome Rearrangement | |
Geometric Graphs | |
geometric intersection graph | |
graph algorithm | |
Graph Algorithms | |
graph class recognition | |
graph containment | |
Graph Isomorphism | |
graph modification | |
Graph modification problem | |
H | |
H-Subgraph-Free Deletion | |
hierarchical partition | |
high dimension | |
High Dimensional Expander | |
Hilbert metric | |
hitting set | |
Hypergraph Expansion | |
I | |
Independent set | |
independent stable sets | |
induced subgraph problem | |
integrality gap | |
intersection graph of segments | |
interval graph | |
J | |
jittering | |
K | |
kernelization | |
L | |
Leafage | |
Learning-Augmented Algorithms | |
Linear Programming | |
Link Expansion | |
local search | |
lower bounds | |
LP | |
M | |
matching problem | |
maximum degree | |
mim-width | |
minimum degree | |
Model checking | |
modular robot | |
Modular robots | |
multiple selection | |
Multivariate Optimization | |
multiway cut | |
N | |
Network Design | |
non-crossing constraints | |
NP-hardness | |
O | |
Online algorithms | |
online algorithms with advice | |
Online Algorithms with Predictions | |
online algorithms with revoking | |
optimization under uncertainty | |
ordered graphs | |
Orthogonal Range Searching | |
overlapping clustering | |
P | |
PAC Learning | |
parameterized complexity | |
partitions | |
Path graphs | |
perturbation resilience | |
Phylogenetics | |
pivoting cube model | |
Planar graph | |
planar graphs | |
planar subcubic graph | |
Points | |
polygonal curves | |
proper coloring | |
Q | |
Quota watchman route problem | |
R | |
Random Walks | |
Randomized algorithms | |
randomized online algorithms | |
Rank-Width | |
Reconfiguration algorithm | |
reconfiguration algorithms | |
Rectangle Stabbing | |
S | |
Scheduling | |
Schnyder wood | |
segment intersection graph | |
Shortest Paths | |
Simplicial Complexes | |
simplification | |
simultaneous representation | |
Single Cut-and-Join | |
sliding cube model | |
Sliding cubes | |
spanning tree | |
Sparse Cuts | |
Sparsity | |
special graph classes | |
stacking order | |
storage efficiency | |
streaming algorithm | |
string indexing | |
subexponential FPT algorithms | |
submodular minimization | |
Succinct data structure | |
symbol placement | |
T | |
TBA | |
TBA1 | |
TBA2 | |
Threshold Rank | |
Tree Cover | |
V | |
Vertex leafage | |
vertex multicut | |
vertex splitting | |
visibility | |
Visibility-based search | |
W | |
W-hardness | |
weighted ancestors | |
weighted matching | |
Weisfeiler--Leman | |
width parameter |