This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3D Modelling | |
A | |
ABC algorithm | |
active perception | |
Adaptability | |
Adaptation | |
Adaptive locomotion | |
aerodynamics | |
Age effect | |
Agent-based simulations | |
Aggregation | |
Agreement algorithm | |
Amphibious snake robot | |
analytical solution | |
animal behavior | |
animal movement | |
Ant | |
Ant colony | |
Ant-mimicking | |
Ants | |
AR tracking | |
Arrhythmic activity | |
artificial agent | |
attraction | |
Automated Vehicle | |
Autonomous Behavioral Change | |
Autonomous distributed system | |
B | |
Batteryless Swarm Robot | |
binocular vision system | |
bio-inspired | |
Bio-inspired robotics | |
Bio-inspired Swarm Modelling | |
bioengineering | |
biomaterials | |
Biomimetic artificial neuron | |
Bipedal locomotion | |
bird flight | |
Boid | |
boids model | |
bottleneck | |
Boundary control | |
Bounding gait | |
bursty behavior | |
C | |
casualty-based cooperation | |
Center of Pressure Sensor | |
chaos | |
Circadian activity rhythms | |
circular statistics | |
clustering | |
cockroach antennae | |
collective behavior | |
collective decision making | |
Collective dynamical orderings | |
collective dynamics | |
Collective Learning | |
collective migration | |
Collective motion | |
Collision avoidance | |
Collisionless walking | |
combined rimless wheel | |
Community structure | |
Competition | |
Consensus | |
control | |
Coordinated Motion | |
coupled oscillators | |
criticality | |
Cultured neuronal cells | |
D | |
decentralized | |
Decentralized control | |
Deep Neural Network | |
Deep neural networks | |
Diacamma | |
Diacamma sp | |
Dictyostelium discoideum | |
dielectric elastomer | |
Directional change | |
disaster | |
Distributed control | |
Distributed model predictive control | |
Distributed Optimization | |
distributed systems | |
division of labor | |
droplet | |
Droplets system | |
Dung beetle | |
Dung beetles | |
dynamic | |
dynamic environment | |
Dynamic walking | |
E | |
Ecology | |
Economy | |
Embodied AI | |
Embodiment | |
Emergent Dynamics | |
energy-autonomy | |
Ethology | |
Evolutionary game theory | |
evolutionary robotics | |
Evolutionary Swarm Robotics | |
Extended Calman Consensus Filter | |
extended Kohonen’s network | |
eye-to-hand configuration | |
F | |
failure diagnosis | |
Feedback connections | |
fixed response threshold model | |
flapping motion | |
Flexible manipulator | |
Flexible spine | |
flexible-legged | |
flock | |
flock of bird | |
Flocking | |
fluctuation | |
Foot sensor | |
foraging | |
foraging behavior | |
forces | |
Formation control | |
Formicidae | |
Frenet-Frame | |
full state feedback | |
Funnel Control | |
G | |
Gait Design | |
Gait generation | |
gaits | |
Geared mechanism | |
Genetic algorithm | |
gliding flight | |
gliding snake | |
Global information | |
graph signal processing | |
group size | |
group-size regulation | |
H | |
Hamiltonian systems | |
Helical Rolling Motion | |
Helical wave propagate motion | |
Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems | |
Hierarchical Interaction | |
hierarchy of activity level | |
high-order multi-agent systems | |
homogeneous systems | |
honeybee nest-hunting | |
Hopf oscillator | |
Hyper-Realistic Humanoid Bio-Mimetic Robotic Systems | |
Hyperbolic function | |
I | |
Inactivity | |
inertial sensor | |
input/output constraint | |
insect olfaction | |
Insects | |
interaction | |
Intermittency | |
invariant set | |
Inverse differential kinematic control | |
J | |
Jumping | |
L | |
language game | |
Learning by Stimulation Avoidance | |
Learning control | |
legged locomotion | |
Legged robots | |
LMI | |
Localization | |
Locomotion | |
Locomotion control | |
logistics system | |
LSA | |
Lévy walks | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Macro purpose | |
Marangoni surfers | |
medicine | |
Memory | |
Minimum-time control | |
mixed H2/H∞ control | |
Mobile robot | |
model uncertainty | |
Modular robot | |
motion uncertainty | |
Movement | |
multi agent system | |
multi robots | |
Multi-agent systems | |
multilegged | |
Multiple Lagrangian Systems | |
Multipurpose kinematics | |
Mutation | |
N | |
naming game | |
navigation | |
Nest relocation | |
Network structure | |
Neuron model | |
non-smooth loose soil | |
nonlinear dynamics | |
Novelty production | |
O | |
Object manipulation | |
Object recognition | |
Oblique coordinate system | |
Ocular prosthesis | |
Odometry | |
Omnidirectional Image Sensor | |
omnidirectional treadmill | |
Optimal control | |
output feedback | |
P | |
Partial differential equation | |
Particle swarm optimization | |
Passive dynamic walking | |
Path Planning | |
Pattern recognition | |
perception-driven obstacle-aided locomotion | |
pheromone | |
phototaxing | |
Pill bug | |
Ponerine ant | |
positive-feedback | |
Practical Synchronization | |
Probabilistic Finite State Machine | |
programmable matter | |
Proximal Gradient Algorithms | |
psychophysical laws | |
Public goods game | |
pushing | |
Q | |
Quadruped running | |
quadrupedal robots | |
Quorum decision | |
Quorum Sensing | |
R | |
random walks | |
rank minimization | |
rapid-prototyping | |
recruiting | |
Recurrent neural network | |
Red harvester ant | |
Redundant Robots | |
Region Constraints | |
relief supply | |
repulsion | |
Response Threshold Model | |
RFID observation | |
robot | |
Robot arm | |
Robotic swarm | |
Robust Model Predictive Control | |
Robustness | |
ROS | |
S | |
scaling law | |
school of fishes | |
Screw-drive mechanism | |
search strategy | |
Self- Organisation | |
Self-corrective behavior | |
Self-Localization | |
Self-organised aggregation | |
Self-organization | |
self-organizing map | |
servosphere | |
Siding Mode Control | |
signal restoration | |
simple algorithm | |
simulacra and simulation | |
simulation | |
Sliding friction | |
Sliding Mode Observer | |
Sliding-Mode Control | |
Slime Mould | |
Slippery surface | |
Smooth Inverse of Input Dead Zone | |
snake | |
Snake robot | |
snake robots | |
Snake-like robot | |
Social insect | |
social insects | |
Social interaction | |
Social Physiology | |
Social tagging | |
Sociometry | |
Soldier Crab | |
Sparse Modeling | |
Spatial dependence | |
Specialization | |
Spider | |
stability | |
STDP | |
stigmergy | |
strict Lyapunov functions | |
Subsumption architecture | |
Super-Twisting | |
Surface recognition | |
Sustainability | |
swarm | |
Swarm behaviors | |
swarm cognition | |
Swarm intelligence | |
Swarm robot | |
swarm robotics | |
Swarm system | |
Swarming bacteria | |
sweeping robot | |
synchronization | |
T | |
Tactile sensor | |
Task allocation | |
task specialization | |
Teleoperation control | |
Telescopic legs | |
temperature | |
Teslasheet | |
theoretical study | |
time series analysis | |
Time-varying system | |
Toll Pricing | |
tonic immobility | |
Traffic Flow Oprimization | |
Transfer entropy | |
Tribolium | |
trophallaxis | |
Try and error | |
Turn alternation | |
Two-Dimensional Communication | |
U | |
uncanny valley | |
Uncertainty | |
Underactuated locomotion | |
Underactuated rimless wheel | |
Underwater snake robot | |
Underwater Swimming Manipulator | |
Unicellular Communication | |
unintentional cooperation | |
Upper body | |
V | |
V-shaped formation | |
value-sensitive decision making | |
Velocity updating rule | |
virtual reality system | |
Vocabulary similarity | |
W | |
Walknet | |
WBIC | |
Weber's law | |
weeding robot | |
WIP | |
Wireless Power Supply | |
Wobbling mass | |
wrapped Cauchy distribution |