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Bio Dipl. Eng. Zdravets Eftimov Assistant Professor University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski” 01.04.2017 – 03.05.2018 Manager Production Barite Mining Ltd, Botunets, Sofia Bulgaria. Responsible for managing the whole production process of Barite Mining Ltd – the biggest barite producer in Europe. The production process includes both mining and processing of 1.1M tpa and production of 100K tpa of barite concentrate and 300K tpa iron-manganese concentrate.
01.05.2013 – 01.04.2017 Production engineer. Head of production and technical department. Barite Mining Ltd, Botunets, Sofia Bulgaria. Production planning and mine production planning. Production long and short term scheduling. Logistic and planning the expedition of the produced concentrates. Managing the production process for open pit mine (tailings pond) and flotation plant – managing the execution of the production projects. Managing the logistics of the produced concentrates from the flotation plant to the final client. Planning the production and linking the production program with the expedition schedule. Organizing the expeditions of the produced final concentrates. Designing of annual operating projects for mining and processing of iron and barite ore. Designing of local projects for preproduction exploration and mine production. Designing plans and projects for combined exploitation of the tailings pond “Chelopechene” (mining the raw material from it and back filling in the opened areas the new tailings). Preparation of mapping, drawings and layouts of the mine and production areas. Managing the process of construction and exploitation of open tip mine and sedimentation ponds in tailings pond “Chelopechene, flotation plant and the adjoining infrastructure. Contacts with consultants. Preparation of project assignments. Contacts with suppliers and preparation of purchase orders. Administration work and contacts with ministries and their regional offices.
15.02.2011 – 05.2012 Mining engineer. Mine production engineer and head of blasting operations. Solvay Bulgaria Fluorit Ltd, Sofia Bulgaria. Mine planning and mine production planning. Mine long and short term scheduling. Production planning and scheduling. Managing the production process for underground mine and flotation plant – managing the execution of the production projects. Mine modeling and 3D modeling. Designing of annual operating projects for mining and processing of raw materials. Designing of local projects for mine workings and mine production. Designing of projects for drilling and blasting activities. Designing of ventilation systems. Designing of projects for mine facilities heaps, crushing, screening and processing. Underground mine surveying. Preparation of mapping, drawings and layouts of the mine workings and production areas. Managing the process of construction, exploitation and optimization of underground mine “Lukina padina”, flotation plant and the adjoining infrastructure. Contact with consultants. Preparation of project assignments. Contacts with suppliers and preparation of purchase orders. Administration work and contacts with ministries and their regional offices.
01.02.2006 – 15.02.2011 Mining engineer. Mine production engineer and head of blasting operations. N I N Fluorit Ltd, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Mine planning and mine production planning. Mine long and short term scheduling. Production planning and scheduling. Managing the production process for underground mine and flotation plant – managing the execution of the production projects. Mine modeling and 3D modeling. Designing of annual operating projects for mining and processing of raw materials. Designing of local projects for mine workings and mine production. Designing of projects for drilling and blasting activities. Designing of ventilation systems. Designing of projects for mine facilities heaps, crushing, screening and processing. Underground mine surveying. Preparation of mapping, drawings and layouts of the mine workings and production areas. Investments control over the process of construction of underground mine “Lukina padina”, flotation plant and the adjoining infrastructure. Preparation of project assignments. Contacts with suppliers and preparation of purchase orders. Administration work and contacts with ministries and their regional offices.
2010 – 07.06.2018 University of mining and geology “St Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Bulgaria PhD in underground development of mineral resources “Quality control of the ore using the mining methods”
2005 – 2009 University of mining and geology “St Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Bulgaria Masters in development of mineral resources Master of science 2000 – 2005 University of mining and geology “St Ivan Rilski”, Sofia, Bulgaria Development of mineral resources Bachelor 1996 - 2000 127th School "Ivan N. Denkoglu" Business and Finance Mother tongue(s) Bulgarian Other language(s) Italian, Russian, English Participation in scientific sessions, conferences and congresses: 1. National Scientific and Technical Conference - author; 11.10.2006. Sofia, Bulgaria 2. II-nd National Scientific and Technical Conference - author; 07-10.11.2010, . Devin, Bulgaria. 3. 22nd World Mining Congress - author; 11-16. 09.2011 , Istanbul, Turkey. 4. III-th National Scientific and Technical Conference - author; 08-10.10. 2012, Devin, Bulgaria.
Publications 1. Eftimov Z., Fluorite deposit “Lukina padina”, 11.10.2006 Sofia, National Scientific and Technical Conference; 2. Eftimov Z., Resumption of mining activity in the Chiprovtsi region, Minno delo I geologia Journal, 3/2007; 3. Eftimov Z., D. Anastasov, Opportunities for quality management of the ore in mining of fluorite - 07-10. 11.2010 . Devin, Bulgaria; II-nd National Scientific and Technical Conference. 4. Eftimov Z., D. Anastasov, Scientific aspects of the formation of the quality of ore in the extraction stage – 11 - 16 09 .2011g. Istanbul, Turkey; 22nd World Mining Congress. 5. Kutsarov K., D Anastasov, Z. Eftimov, Principles in the application of mining software for geological modeling and mine planning, Minno delo i geologia Journal, 2-3/2012. 6. Anastasov D., Z. Eftimov, Kutsarov K.,” Some aspects of volume cores stress and hydraulic radius in supporting pillars in met deposits” Devin, Bulgaria; III-th National Scientific and Technical Conference.08-11.10.2012. 7. Eftimov Z., D. Anastasov, K. Kutsarov.,”Processes for formation of the quality of the ore”, Devin, Bulgaria; III-th National Scientific and Technical Conference.08-11.10.2012. 8. Eftimov Z.,” Digital and 3D blocks models for planning and quality control of the ore in underground mines”, Devin, Bulgaria; V-th National Scientific and Technical Conference.04-07.10.2016. 9. Eftimov Z., D. Anastasov,”Quality management chalanges applying sublevel caving mining methods”, Devin, Bulgaria; VI-th National Scientific and Technical Conference.04-01-04.10.2018. 10. Dachev G., Z. Eftimov, Kutsarov K., Mitev I., Bayraktarov A., Balev V., Perspectives in development of the underground mine “Varba-Batanci” Devin, Bulgaria; VI-th National Scientific and Technical Conference.04-01-04.10.2018. 11. Eftimov Z., D. Anastasov, .,” New underground infrastructure in "Varba-Batantzi" mine”, Journal of mining and geological sciences, Volume 62, N2, ISSN 2682-9525 (print) ISSN 2683-0027 (online), 2019. 12. Eftimov Z., D. Anastasov, .,” Innovation in the mining methods in the "Varba-Batantzi" underground mine”, Journal of mining and geological sciences, Volume 62, N2, ISSN 2682-9525 (print) ISSN 2683-0027 (online), 2019.