| Fatima Ezzahra Kassid Pages in this Program Bio Education:
- Mehanical engineer from ENSEM 2013.
- PHD student in ENSEM since 2014 . a part of Material and structure mechanics team (MSMT):working on studying and solving electromechanical field problems related to magnetic separators devices
Working experiences:
- Onsite application engineer in FLowserve since 2020
- Project engineer in Flowserve from 2017 - 2020
- technical supervisor in SUZUKI Morocco from 2014 - 2017
- Magnetic separator: modeling of electromagnetic induction by finite element method ,ICME 2018,TUNISIA,
- Modélisation et simulation des problemes à champs éléctromagnétique: séparateurs mécaniques,CMEEE 2017,Marrakech
- Finite Element Analysis of Two Dimensional Permanent Magnets,IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Volume No.15,Issue No.1.January 2020.
- Flowserve spirit 2019: Celebrating level "3", Contribution to satisfy customer's requests
- Flowserv Spirit 2020: Distinguish contribution to the devolopement of the company,Level "4".
- Flowserv Spirit 2021: Distinguish contribution to the safety of the customer's site,Level "4".