This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abatement costs | |
Access to credit | |
accessibility | |
ACS | |
Aerospace Manufacturing | |
Agglomeration | |
Agri-food production | |
Agricultural trade | |
Agriculture | |
agrifood supply chain | |
AI | |
alignment | |
Alumni Network | |
Annual Business Survey | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
auto industry | |
Avoidance behavior | |
B | |
Balanced Growth Path | |
banking | |
benefit cost | |
bid data | |
Biotech | |
Bird Population | |
broadband | |
built environment | |
Bus | |
Business creation | |
business dynamism | |
business mix | |
business startups | |
C | |
capital regions | |
capital stock | |
carbon pricing | |
carbon sequestration | |
causal inference | |
Census | |
census tract | |
Centralization | |
Child Health | |
Childless | |
Chinese Economy | |
classification | |
Climate | |
Climate change | |
Climate Equity | |
CO2 emissions | |
Coal-related occupations | |
Coastal resources | |
Cohesion Policy | |
Communications | |
Community Reinvestment Act | |
commuting flows | |
commuting patterns | |
commuting zones | |
composite index | |
Confidential Data | |
Conflict | |
continuum codes | |
Convergence | |
Cooperative Extension | |
Cost Sharing | |
county-level | |
COVID-19 | |
crashes | |
Creative Capital | |
Creative Class | |
creative destruction | |
credit access | |
Criminal Displacement | |
D | |
Data Access | |
Decentralization | |
delineation | |
development | |
difference in differences | |
disaster | |
Disaster warning | |
Districts | |
domestic trade | |
downscaling | |
Driverless Technology | |
E | |
economic activity | |
economic development | |
Economic Development Incentives | |
economic forecast | |
Economic Growth | |
Economic impact | |
economic impacts | |
Economics degree reclassification | |
Educational outcomes | |
Efficiency | |
employment | |
Employment Distribution | |
employment strategies | |
energy burden | |
energy cost | |
Entrepreneur | |
entrepreneurship | |
Environmental Justice | |
Epidemic Impact | |
EV production | |
Event study | |
excess deaths | |
experimental statistics | |
External Debt | |
Extreme weather impact | |
F | |
factory | |
family embeddedness | |
federal administrative data | |
Federal Data | |
Female | |
Fertility | |
fiber | |
Film industry | |
finance | |
Financial Literacy | |
firm birth | |
firm death | |
Firm entry | |
Fishing tournament | |
fixed effects | |
food security | |
Food Supply Chain | |
Funded Ratios | |
fuzzy sets | |
G | |
Ganges River | |
GDP statistics | |
gender | |
Geospatial Data | |
government consumption | |
Government Expenditures | |
Greenhouse gas emission | |
greening | |
gross investment | |
Gulf of Mexico | |
H | |
health | |
health access | |
Health Care Access | |
Health inequalities | |
Healthcare | |
hedonic analysis | |
Hedonic Price Analysis | |
hedonics | |
heterogeneity | |
heuristics | |
hierarchical clustering | |
historiography | |
home values | |
Hospital Location | |
House Price | |
housing | |
housing models | |
housing prices | |
Human capital | |
I | |
Immigration policy | |
Immunization Behavior | |
incentives | |
Index specification | |
Industrial Clusters | |
industries | |
Inequality | |
infrastructure | |
innovation | |
innovation indicators | |
Input-Output | |
input-output analysis | |
Institutions | |
integrated | |
Integrated model | |
Interjurisdictional Competition | |
International students | |
investment expenditures | |
J | |
Job Postings | |
journalists | |
L | |
Labor Demand | |
Labor Market | |
Labor markets | |
Labor Share | |
land ruggedness | |
land suitability | |
Land use | |
Land use changes | |
Landowners | |
Latent class analysis | |
Law Enforcement | |
Legislature | |
livestock production | |
Local consumption demand | |
Local Economic Growth | |
Local government | |
local labor markets | |
Location Choice | |
Low-skilled labor | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Manufacturing | |
Maritime Piracy | |
mental health | |
meso-level data | |
Meta-analysis | |
Microeconometrics | |
Migration | |
Minorities | |
Minority | |
modeling uncertainty | |
mortality | |
mortgage lending | |
MSA | |
N | |
NAICS Sectors | |
Natural Cause Mortality | |
neighborhood | |
neighborhoods | |
North America | |
North Carolina | |
NTMs | |
O | |
Oil and gas rigs | |
Oklahoma | |
OMB | |
Online networking platform | |
Operations Research | |
OPT | |
optimal strategies | |
outreach | |
P | |
Pandemic | |
personal consumption expenditures | |
PFAS | |
PhD | |
philosophy | |
place-based innovation | |
planning | |
plant location | |
Policy | |
Political Economy | |
poverty | |
poverty pockets | |
PPML | |
Principal Component | |
private fixed investment | |
Productivity | |
Program evaluation | |
Property Taxes | |
Public Health | |
Public transportation | |
Q | |
quality of life | |
Quantile Regression | |
quarterly | |
R | |
R&D value added | |
racial and gender differences | |
real estate economics | |
Reginal Development | |
regional | |
regional development | |
Regional difference | |
Regional Economic Development | |
Regional economy | |
regional employment | |
Regional Input-Output | |
Regional migration | |
regional programmes | |
regional science scholarship | |
Regional Vulnerability Index | |
regions | |
remote work | |
Remote Worker | |
Remote Worker Incentives | |
Research | |
rural | |
Rural America | |
Rural Areas | |
rural development | |
rural employment | |
rural livability | |
rural-urban | |
rural-urban differences | |
S | |
Safe Traffic | |
SALT Cap | |
School District Funding | |
School-to-work migration | |
Sectoral interdependence | |
shift share | |
skills | |
Sleep | |
Social interactions | |
Solar | |
Solar Development | |
Solar energy-related occupations | |
Somalia | |
South Carolina | |
Southeast U.S. Economy | |
southern | |
spatial | |
spatial autocorrelation | |
Spatial econometrics | |
Spatial Panel Model | |
Spatial regression | |
Spatial spillovers | |
Spatial SUR model | |
spending estimates | |
spillovers | |
Stakeholder engagement | |
Standard Application Process | |
state | |
State and Local Government Taxation | |
State Economies | |
State Pensions | |
state-level | |
STEM | |
student loans | |
substate | |
Superstar Employer | |
synthetic data | |
T | |
Tariffs | |
Tax credits | |
Tax Increment Finance | |
territorial inequalities | |
third place | |
thought experiment | |
Time Zones | |
tourism | |
Trade Flows | |
Trade Policy | |
TrafficnAccidents | |
transdsiciplinary | |
Transportation Link | |
Transportation Links | |
Tropical cyclones | |
Tulsa | |
U | |
U.S. Census tract | |
unemployment | |
United States | |
urban | |
Urban Heat Islands | |
urban influence | |
urban landscapes | |
Urban Planning | |
Urban service delivery | |
US labor force | |
V | |
Voting | |
vulnerability | |
W | |
wages | |
Walter Isard | |
water | |
Water Pollution | |
Wealth Estimation | |
wealth inequality | |
West Virginia | |
work-from-home | |
Workforce |