This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- Exposure bias | |
- Sampling strategy | |
- Scene text spotting | |
- Sequence generation | |
3 | |
3D Reconstruction | |
3d synthetic data | |
A | |
Access Point selection | |
Accuracy-speed trade-off | |
Action recognition | |
Adam | |
Adaptive adjustment | |
Adhoc Video Retrieval | |
Adversarial attack | |
Adversarial Defense | |
Adversarial Robustness | |
Aerial Images | |
Aerial scenario detection | |
Agent | |
AI | |
AI-based Assistance | |
AI-Generated Image Recognition | |
Alertness | |
Anomaly detection | |
API Sequence | |
Approximation Algorithm | |
Archive System | |
Art retrieval | |
Art synthesis | |
Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) | |
ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) | |
Attack detection method | |
Attention mechanisms | |
Augmented Retrieval | |
Authorization | |
AVL tree | |
B | |
B-splines | |
Basal Metabolic Rate | |
Bee sound | |
Behavioral facilitation | |
benchmark | |
Benchmarking | |
BERT | |
Bibliographic Network | |
BKcrawler | |
BLIP | |
BLIP2 | |
Blockchain | |
Boder k-Means | |
Body Mass Index | |
Brain Tumor Segmentation | |
Bus travel time prediction | |
C | |
Camouflaged Object Detection | |
cancer molecular biomarkers | |
Cardiac diagnostic | |
Category prediction | |
Certificate Authority | |
CES | |
Chatbot | |
chemical-drug relation extraction | |
Chroma | |
CLIP | |
CLIP Model | |
Cluster Management | |
Clustering WSNs | |
CNN | |
Colorectal Cancer | |
Complex Matrix factorization | |
Complex Optimization | |
Computer Vision | |
Conditional Flow Matching | |
Consanguineous marriage | |
Constraint Programming | |
Containerization | |
Content-based Retrieval | |
Content-based Video Retrieval | |
Content-based video search | |
Context extraction | |
Context-based Retrieval | |
Contextual Captioning | |
Contextual Query Enrichment | |
contour | |
Contrastive Learning | |
Convolution | |
Convolution Neural Network | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | |
Cosine Similarity | |
Cost optimization | |
Credit score | |
cross-dataset | |
Cross-nested logit | |
cryptography | |
CT Reconstruction | |
CUDA | |
Customer experiences | |
D | |
Da Nang | |
Dangerous action recognition | |
Data Augumentation | |
Data Enrichment | |
data protection | |
Data Representation | |
Data Synthesis | |
database security | |
dataset | |
Dataset Augmentation | |
DCT coefficient | |
DD-ReconNet | |
Decentralized Finance | |
Deep clustering | |
deep compression | |
Deep Learning | |
deep neural network | |
deepfake | |
DeFi | |
Delegation | |
Denoised Smoothing | |
Dependency parsing | |
Depth Estimation | |
Depth supervision | |
desktop workspace | |
DevOps | |
Diabetes Prediction | |
DIBR | |
Dietary assessment | |
Diffusion | |
Diffusion Model | |
Direct Preference Optimization | |
Disaster | |
Distortion Handling | |
document-level contexts | |
DOM | |
Domain gap | |
Domain generalization | |
Dual-Scale Masked Multi-Head Self-Attention | |
E | |
ECG classifier | |
Edge Computing | |
Educational applications | |
EEG | |
EfficientNet-B4 | |
ElasticSearch | |
Embedding | |
embedding-based search | |
Emotion recognition system | |
Encryption | |
End-to-end retrieval system | |
Endoscopy | |
Energy control system | |
Energy Efficiency | |
Energy Optimization | |
Energy-based model | |
Enhanced SCA | |
Enhancement Encoder | |
Ensemble Integration | |
ensemble learning | |
Enterprise information systems | |
epigenomic data | |
Evaluation Framework | |
Evaluation method | |
Event Extraction | |
Event Retrieval | |
Event-Based Image Captioning | |
Event-based Retrieval | |
Evolutionary algorithms | |
evolutionary computing | |
Evolutionary multitask optimization | |
Expert System | |
Explainable Artificial Intelligence | |
Extreme Weather | |
F | |
Face anti-spoofing | |
FaceID Adapter | |
Facility Location | |
Farneback optical flow method | |
Fault localization | |
feature extracting | |
Feature Extraction | |
Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) | |
feature selection | |
Federated learning | |
Few-shot Learning | |
Fine-tune Language Model | |
Food object | |
Forecasting Traffic flow | |
Forest Diffusion | |
Fourier transform | |
FPGA | |
FPS | |
Fusion of CLIP and BEiT-3 for Retrieval Applications | |
Fuzzing | |
Fuzzy c-Means | |
G | |
Gaussian RBFs | |
GenAI | |
Generative AI | |
Genetic algorithm | |
genomic privacy | |
genomic processing | |
Geopolitical map analysis | |
GNN based optimization | |
GPS trajectory data | |
GPU | |
Gradient Boosted Tree | |
Graph | |
Graph Neural Networks | |
Graph Representation Learning | |
graph-based model | |
GRU | |
H | |
Handwriting Recognition | |
Hash table | |
Hashing | |
HCI | |
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar | |
Helmet | |
Heterogeneous Coverage of Target | |
Heterogeneous Network | |
Hierarchical image classification | |
Ho Chi Minh AI City Challenge | |
Human action recognition | |
Human pose estimation | |
Human-computer interaction | |
Hybrid classroom | |
Hybrid method | |
Hybrid Objective Function | |
I | |
Image | |
Image Analysis | |
Image Authenticity | |
Image Captioning | |
Image dehazing | |
Image embedding | |
Image Encoding | |
Image Fingerprints | |
Image generation | |
Image Purification | |
Image Restoration | |
image retrieval | |
image super-resolution | |
Image Synthesis Detection | |
image to image translation | |
image-based search | |
Image-Text Multimodal Representation | |
Incremental learning | |
Independent Cascade Model | |
Inflammation | |
Information decay technique | |
Information Diffusion | |
Information Retrieval | |
Information Search And Retrieval | |
Information Security | |
Information System | |
Instance segmentation | |
Intelligence Evaluation | |
Interactive | |
Interactive Question Answering | |
Interactive Retrieval | |
Interactive retrieval system | |
interactive video retrieval | |
Interactive Video Retrieval System | |
Interactive video search | |
Interactivity | |
Internet of Medical Things | |
Intrusion Detection System | |
Iot device | |
IoT security | |
IoT sensor networks | |
Island omission detection | |
J | |
Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture | |
jpeg image | |
K | |
Keystroke recognition | |
Knowledge Distillation | |
Kolmogorov Arnold Networks | |
L | |
Lagrange dual method | |
Large data | |
Large Language Model | |
Large Language Models | |
Large Language Models (LLM) | |
Large Scaled Vector Database | |
Learning quality | |
Lending | |
Lifelog | |
Lifelog Event Retrieval | |
lifelog events | |
Lightness classification | |
Lightweight | |
Live Low Latency | |
Liver Lesion Classification | |
LLM | |
LLM-based Search | |
LLM-Driven Query Optimization | |
LLMs | |
LMPM model | |
Load Scheduling | |
Local Search | |
Log analysis | |
Log representation | |
Long Text Classification | |
low-resource | |
LSHADE Algorithm | |
LSTM | |
Lumbar Spine | |
Lumbar Spondylosis | |
M | |
MAC Scheduling | |
Machine Learning | |
machine translation | |
Malware Detection | |
mAP | |
Map-mapping | |
Maximum Capture Problem | |
Meal Plan ยท | |
MedCapNet | |
MedGraph-RPE | |
Media Retrieval | |
Medical Image Analysis Models | |
Medical Image Captioning | |
Meta Learning | |
MetaFormer | |
MFCC | |
Microservices | |
Microservices architecture | |
Military camouflaged object detection | |
Minimum S-club cover problem | |
Minor-impact areas | |
mixed reality | |
Mixture of sparse autoencoders | |
MKLDNN optimizer | |
Mobile Assistant | |
MobileNetV2 | |
Model benchmarking | |
Model poisoning attacks | |
Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning | |
Modified Resnet | |
MOEA/D | |
Monocular Images | |
Motion Analysis | |
Multi-Agent System | |
Multi-agent systems | |
Multi-Agents | |
Multi-label Classification | |
Multi-level classification | |
Multi-modal Retrieval System | |
Multi-modality Model | |
Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm | |
Multi-phase MRI | |
multi-stage fine-tuning | |
Multi-task learning | |
Multi-User | |
multifactorial evolutionary algorithm | |
Multilayer perceptron | |
Multimedia and Multimodal Retrieval | |
Multimedia Information Retrieval | |
Multimedia retrieval | |
Multimedia Search | |
multimodal and multimedia retrieval | |
multimodal and multimedia video retrieval | |
Multimodal fusion | |
Multimodal Large Language Model | |
multimodal retrieval | |
Multimodal retrieval system | |
Music-driven dance generation | |
N | |
National News Visual | |
National Residents Database | |
Natural language processing | |
network intrusion detection system | |
network security | |
Neural Machine Translation | |
Neural painting | |
Neural Parser | |
NLP | |
Non-IID | |
Novel View Synthesis | |
Nutritional Labels | |
O | |
Object Detection | |
Object detection model | |
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) | |
Open world | |
Optical Character Recognition | |
Optical Illusion | |
optimal solution | |
Orienteering Problem | |
OSNet | |
Out-of-domain problem | |
Outer Approximation | |
Outer-Approximation | |
P | |
PageRank | |
Parallel Computing | |
Parallel Inference | |
Partial Convolution | |
particle swarm optimization | |
Pascal VOC | |
Person Re-Identification | |
Photo Editor Tool | |
Piecewise linear approximation | |
Place Recognition | |
polyp segmentation | |
Post-Correction | |
Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
Power allocation | |
PP-OCRv3 | |
Pre-trained Language Models | |
Prediction Aggregation | |
Presence | |
Pretopology | |
Procedural painting | |
Product category prediction | |
prompt engineering | |
Prompt injection | |
Prompt-based object counting | |
Provenance Data | |
pruning | |
Q | |
Quality-diversity optimization | |
quantization | |
Quaternions | |
Query Context | |
Question Answer Generation | |
Question-Answering Systems | |
QUIC | |
R | |
Radial Basis Functions | |
RAG | |
Rainy Weather | |
Rank Fusion | |
RAT Detection | |
Re-ID | |
Re-ranking | |
Real-time food detection | |
Real-time News Retrieval | |
Real-time object detection | |
Real-time system | |
Real-World Semantics | |
Recognition ยท | |
Recursive Feature Elimination | |
Reference point | |
Referring Video Object Segmentation | |
Reinforcement learning | |
Relative Positional Encoder | |
Remote Access Trojan | |
Remote collaboration | |
Reputation Score | |
Residual Noise | |
ResNet | |
Retrieval | |
Retrieval Augmented Generation | |
Retrieval System | |
Retrieval-Augmented Generation | |
Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) | |
reversible data hiding | |
reweighting | |
Risk Levels | |
Risk Patterns | |
RLHF | |
Robot Operating System (ROS) | |
Robust deepfake detection | |
Robustness | |
S | |
scheduling | |
search engine | |
Self-Attention | |
Self-supervised Learning | |
Semantic Chunking | |
Semantic Search | |
Semantic segmentation | |
Semi-Automation | |
Semi-supervised | |
Semi-Supervised Learning | |
Sentence-level Classification | |
Sentiment analysis | |
Simulated annealing algorithm | |
sketch-based image retrieval | |
Sketch-based retrieval | |
Skin lesion Segmentation | |
Smart contract | |
Smart Grid | |
Snowy Weather | |
SNS | |
Social Network | |
Software Architecture | |
Software Testing | |
Space-Time Image Velocimetry (STIV) | |
Spatial Insights | |
Spatial/channel-wise attention | |
Speaker verification | |
speech classification | |
Stable diffusion | |
Stacking Ensemble Learning | |
Static Images | |
STFT | |
Stochastic gradient descent | |
StrongSORT | |
style transfer | |
Submodular Cuts | |
Swarming behavior | |
swin transformer | |
Synthetic Image Detection | |
T | |
tangible interaction | |
Telephone call | |
Temporal Retrieval | |
Temporal Search | |
Temporal-Aware Search Mechanisms | |
Teritorial Integrity Verification | |
Text Classification | |
Text Embedding | |
Text Segmentation | |
Text Summarization | |
Text to Image | |
text-based image retrieval | |
Text-Based Query | |
text-based search | |
Text-Based Video Event Retrieval | |
Text-to-image generation | |
Text-to-Image Matching | |
Topic modeling | |
Tracking | |
Traffic flow prediction | |
Traffic Surveillance | |
Trajectory similarity | |
Transfer learning | |
Transformer | |
transformer-based model | |
U | |
UAV Simulation | |
UCF50 dataset | |
Uncertainty in traffic | |
University Admission Chatbots | |
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation | |
Unsupervised Learning | |
Unsupervised Machine Learning | |
Unsupervised speaker diarization | |
Upper Gastrointestinal | |
Upstream Rivers | |
Usearch | |
User generated content | |
User Interaction | |
User Privacy | |
V | |
Variational autoencoder | |
Vector | |
Vegan restaurants | |
Victim | |
Video Browsing | |
Video Event Retrieval | |
Video Retrieval | |
Video Search | |
Video Streaming | |
VietFood67 | |
Vietnamese | |
Vietnamese food dataset | |
Vietnamese treebank | |
Vietnamese-Khmer | |
VietTreeBank | |
Virtual Assistant | |
Virtual keyboard | |
Virtual Reality | |
VisChronos Framework | |
Vision Transformer | |
Vision Transformer-H/14 | |
Vision-Language model | |
Vision-Language Models | |
Visual Embedding | |
Visual Question Answering | |
Visual Sensor Network | |
Visual-Textual Embedding | |
VnDT | |
VR | |
VR agent | |
VSum-HB | |
W | |
Weak supervision | |
Web application security | |
Web Cookies Classification | |
Web data extraction | |
WebSocket | |
WebTransport | |
Whisper | |
WhisperX | |
Wireless Sensor Network | |
Word Embeddings | |
X | |
X-ray Images | |
Y | |
YOLO | |
YOLO model | |
YOLOv10 | |
YOLOv8-L | |
YOLOWorldv2 | |
Z | |
Zero-shot counting |