Days: Tuesday, September 17th Wednesday, September 18th Thursday, September 19th
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10:30 | A Simulation-Based Study on the Integration of Vehicular Communication in Reducing Secondary Crashes in Congested Freeways (abstract) |
10:50 | Last-Mile Delivery Optimization: Recent Approaches and Advances (abstract) |
11:10 | Enhanced IoT-Enabled Smart Parking sytem with RFID Integration and line assistance (abstract) |
10:30 | Developing Natural Language Processing Algorithms to Fact-Check Speech or Text (abstract) |
10:50 | Real-Time Deep Anomaly Detection: An Overview of Benchmark Datasets and Performance Metrics (abstract) PRESENTER: Yau Alhaji Samaila |
11:10 | An Intelligent Arabic Legal Assistant System (IALAS) based on Ontology (abstract) |
11:30 | Enhanced prediction of airfoil’s drag coefficient using curve fitting and artificial neural network (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Mohssen Elshaar |
10:30 | Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience: The Role of Emerging Technologies (abstract) |
10:50 | Transfer Learning using Computer Vision Models for Fall Detection from UWB Radars (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Shadi Abudalfa |
11:10 | A VNS Approach For a Joint Fulfillment and Consolidation Problem in E-commerce (abstract) |
11:30 | Comparing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Online Couriers Scheduling in Crowdsourced Last-Mile Delivery (abstract) |
Hossam Hassanein
Professor and Director, School of Computing, Queen's University
14:20 | A review of state-of-the-art vibration analysis in assessing the comfort level of cycling surface quality (abstract) |
14:40 | Deep Learning Based Moored Ship Movement Prediction to Determine Berthing Position (abstract) |
15:00 | Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based Self-Tuning Control for Combustion Engines (abstract) |
14:00 | Enhancing Aerodynamics Performance: A Redesign Approach for the Hawkeye UAV (abstract) PRESENTER: Najwa Taufik |
14:20 | Automated mobilities and cybercities: Future challenges and opportunities (abstract) |
14:40 | Assessing commuters’ satisfaction with public transportation in Jakarta smart city (abstract) |
15:00 | Cybersecurity Considerations in the Design and Operation of Smart Buildings (abstract) |
14:00 | Intelligent Multi-Agent English Auction Interaction Protocol for Logistics Service Provider Selection (abstract) |
14:20 | Predicting Actual Temperature of an Autoclave for Composite Materials Using Balanced-ElasticNet (abstract) PRESENTER: Ayaz Ul Hassan Khan |
14:40 | Logistics Hub Location Optimization: A K-Means and P-Median Model Hybrid Approach Using Road Network Distances (abstract) |
15:00 | Serendipity and LLM based Recommender system for Smart Transportation (abstract) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
Wednesday, September 18th, 2024
08:30-09:15: Panel Discussion
The Role of Autonomous Vehicles in Saudi Arabia: Enhancing Traffic Safety and Human Acceptance
The advent of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is poised to revolutionize transportation across the globe, and Saudi Arabia, with its ambitious Vision 2030, is no exception. This panel will explore the role of AVs in Saudi Arabia, focusing on how these technologies can enhance traffic safety and what it will take to achieve human acceptance in a country known for its unique driving culture and challenging road safety landscape.
Panel moderator
Ansar Yasar
Hoogleraar / Professor ITS, Head of Business Development Unit
Instituut voor Mobiliteit (IMOB), Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium
Seyed Mohammad Shahidehpour
Bodine Chair Professor and Director of the Robert W. Galvin Center
Illinois Institute of Technology, United States
Mohd Rizal Bin Arshad
Professor at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Min Xie
Chair Professor of Industrial Engineering,
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tang Tong Boon
Director, Institute of Health & Analytics,Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Biswajit Sarkar
Professor and Hwalchun Endowed Professor Department of Industrial Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
09:20 | Reducing the Environmental Impact of Midblock Crossing (abstract) |
09:40 | Advancing Drone Autonomy: A Comprehensive Framework for Agile Controller Design in Quadcopters (abstract) |
10:00 | Estimating Fuel Consumption Using Instantaneous and Average Speed in On-ramp Scenarios (abstract) |
09:20 | Electricity Demand Modelling Analysis of Saudia Arabia for Sustainable Development: An Application of LEAP Framework (abstract) |
09:40 | Optimal Control of Automated Networked Vehicles Considering Double Intersections (abstract) |
10:00 | A Two-Stage YOLOv8 Approach for Waste Detection and Classification in Cognitive Cities (abstract) ![]() |
09:20 | A Machine Learning Approach for Highly Volatile, Disaggregated, and Intermittent Demand Forecasting for Last-mile Logistics in Saudi Arabia (abstract) |
09:40 | Reverse Logistics Network Design for Waste Solar PV Panels in Saudi Arabia (abstract) |
10:00 | Business Applications of Cargo Drones in the EU (abstract) |
Sustainable Optimization of On-Demand Transportation Systems: Balancing Efficiency and Energy Concerns (abstract) |
Identifying the Magnetic Levitation System (33-210) through Neural Networks (abstract) |
Comparative Analysis of a VMI System in a Two-Echelon SC Versus Traditional Systems with Flexible Production Rates (abstract) |
A Time Window Assignment Strategy for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem (abstract) |
Addressing Agri-Business Challenges using Internet of Things Technologies: Case Study of Botswana (abstract) |
Dynamics of a EV Charging Station considering Queuing Theory (abstract) |
Exploring Computer Vision and Photogrammetry in Learning-Based Dimensional Road Pavement Defect Detection for Smart Transportation: A Comprehensive Review (abstract) |
Velocity Estimation Using an Improved Image Local Feature Representation with Enhanced SIFT Descriptor for Mobility (abstract) |
A Review of the Challenges and Opportunities for Smart Mobility and Logistics Solutions (abstract) |
Optimal Design and Techno-Economic Analysis of a Grid-Tied Microgrid for Electric Vehicle Charging Applications (abstract) |
Enhancing Vehicle Convoy Safety and Comfort through Model Predictive Control-based Variable Inter-vehicular Spacing (abstract) |
10:40 | Parameter estimation of NedStackPS6 PEM fuel cell using Newton-Raphson-based optimizer (abstract) |
11:00 | Exploring the Potential of Using Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology for Locomotives in Saudi Arabia (abstract) |
11:20 | Design of Double Integral Sliding Mode Controller for Energy Storage System of a Novel Multisource Hybrid Electric Vehicle (abstract) |
11:40 | Delivery of Medical Supplies to Remote Locations via Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Approaches, Challenges, and Solutions (abstract) |
10:40 | Challenges and Innovations in 3D Object Recognition: The Integration of LiDAR and Camera Sensors for Autonomous Applications (abstract) |
11:00 | Energy-Efficient Solar Water Pumping: The Role of PLCs and DC-DC Boost Converters in Addressing Water Scarcity (abstract) |
11:20 | Path planning assessment for autonomous UAV operation (abstract) |
11:40 | From Image to Map: Advancing GIS Decision Support Systems through Automated Building Detection and Vectorization Using the EURG DETECTIFY Interface (abstract) |
10:40 | Charging Stations Selection for EVs Using the Best-Worst Method and TOPSIS Approach (abstract) |
11:00 | A Novel Air Delivery Approach Using Crowdshipping and Commercial Flights (abstract) |
11:20 | The green capacitated lot sizing for industrial symbiosis (abstract) |
11:40 | Exploring the Potential Benefits and Overcoming the Constraints of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Operator Training (abstract) |
Marc Figuls
Managing Partner, Factual-Consulting
Josep Laborda
CEO & Managing Partner, Factual-Consulting
14:20 | ROS-Enabled Autonomous Vehicle Architecture within CARLA : A Comprehensive Overview (abstract) |
14:40 | Simulating Collaborative and Autonomous Persistent Surveillance by Drones for Search and Rescue Operations (abstract) |
15:00 | Challenges in Multi-domain Robot Swarm for Industrial Mapping and Asset Monitoring (abstract) |
14:20 | Wideband building material characterization for 6G applications (abstract) |
14:40 | Intrusion Detection in Smart Home Environments: A Machine Learning Approach (abstract) |
15:00 | Investigating impacts of extreme weather episodes on travel behavior using microsimulation model-based activity-travel schedules (abstract) |
14:20 | Aerodynamic analysis of RQ-2 fixed-wing UAVs in close formation flight (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Joash Oendo |
14:40 | Social Media as a Market Prophecy: Leveraging ML Algorithms for Predicting Market Trends and Demand (abstract) |
15:00 | Enhancing E-commerce Dynamics through Deep Learning-Based Customer Demand Prediction (abstract) |
15:40 | Detecting Road Defects and Hazards in Metropolitan Environments Using Optimized Deep Learning Techniques (abstract) |
15:40 | Robust High Gain Control for Uncertain Hybrid Powertrain Systems in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (abstract) |
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Josep Maria Salanova Grau
Principal Researcher, Hellenic Institute of Transport / Center for Research and Technology Hellas
09:20 | Development of a Remote Alert System for Vehicle Pre-Location in Signal-Deficient Zones (abstract) PRESENTER: Sulaiman Saleh Saif Al Khatry |
09:40 | Near Real-time Privacy Protection: Automated Location-dependent Video Blurring in UAV live-streams (abstract) |
10:00 | UAV-based Real-Time Face Detection using YOLOv7 (abstract) |
09:20 | Spatial Analysis of Flood Susceptibility Using Frequency Ratio in Shigar Valley, North Pakistan (abstract) |
10:00 | Optimizing One-Block Planar Coil Design for Wireless Power Transfer in Electric Vehicles: A Comparative Study (abstract) |
09:20 | Spray Dynamics Characterization of Directly Injected Hydrogen into High-Pressure Medium: A Numerical Study (abstract) |
09:40 | Purifying Seawater from Petroleum Derivatives Resulting from Oil Tankers using Autonomous Robot: Seaswarm Robot (abstract) PRESENTER: Zeina Alabido |
10:00 | Optimization Of Public Electric Buses Wireless Charging Station Scheduling With Sustainable Energy Resources (abstract) |
10:40 | UAV Visual Path Planning Using Large Language Models (abstract) |
11:00 | A Compact Dual-Band Antenna for Enhanced Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication (abstract) PRESENTER: Yau Alhaji Samaila |
11:20 | IoT-Enabled Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Monitoring System for Precision Agriculture: Integrating IEEE 802.15.4 based HyLaR-OF-M Routing Algorithm (abstract) |
11:40 | Assessing the Sustainability Alignment of Smart Mobility Projects (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Pekka Leviäkangas |
10:40 | Technology Readiness Level Assessment on Digital Technologies for Energy Efficiency (abstract) ![]() |
11:20 | Blockchain-Watermarking scheme based K-Means for Medical Image (abstract) PRESENTER: Mohammad Hammoudeh |
11:40 | Enhancing Cybersecurity in Healthcare IoT Systems Using Reinforcement Learning (abstract) |
10:40 | Enhancing voltage stability in DC microgrid using robust integral sliding mode controller (abstract) |
11:00 | Smart and Resilient Microgrid for EV Mobility and Commercial Applications with Demand Response (abstract) |
11:20 | Enhanced State-of-Charge Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using a Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Observer (abstract) |
11:40 | Enhanced Voltage Stability for DC Microgrids Integrating Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Virtual Inertia and Damping Control (abstract) PRESENTER: Mohamed Zaery |
13:30 | A Medical Image Watermarking Technique based on Blockchain (abstract) |
13:50 | Variations of EEG Signal on Different Brain Regions During Imagery and Execution Movement Task (abstract) |
14:10 | Numerical Investigation of Non-premixed Hydrogen Flame Dynamics using RANS Models (abstract) ![]() PRESENTER: Hafidz Jakaria |
13:30 | Performance enhancement of an annular expansion-deflection nozzle to enhance rocket thrust (abstract) PRESENTER: Sheriffdeen Anafi |
13:50 | Fully Informed Search Algorithm for Estimating the Parameters of Li-Ion Battery Model under UDDS drive cycle profile (abstract) |
14:10 | Advanced Thermal Management System with Silver Nanofluid Cooling for Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Battery Packs (abstract) |