This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1871 Paris Commune | |
1960s art | |
A | |
Abundance Economics | |
accessibility | |
acoustic energy | |
activism | |
aesthetic exercise | |
aesthetic judgment | |
aesthetic theory | |
aesthetic value | |
aesthetics | |
Aesthtetic | |
affect | |
Affect Theory | |
Affective Energy | |
affective registers | |
Afronowism | |
Ageing | |
agency | |
Agency-Personhood Continuum | |
agential | |
AI | |
alchemy | |
Alexis Pauline Gumbs | |
algorithm studies | |
Algorithmic Design | |
Algorithmic Justice | |
algorithms | |
alternate energy futures | |
alternate energy pasts | |
American poetry | |
Animal | |
animal disability | |
Animal Magnetism | |
animal studies | |
Animation | |
Anthropocene | |
anxiety | |
apparatus | |
architecture | |
archives | |
art | |
art & science | |
Art and Design | |
art curation | |
Art History | |
art in labs | |
Art Science and Technology Studies | |
art-science collaboration | |
artificial ignorance | |
artificial intelligence | |
Arts Lounge | |
arts-based inquiry | |
artwork | |
astral projection | |
astrology | |
Atoms | |
attention economy | |
Attunement | |
Australia | |
authorship | |
automation | |
Automaton | |
automobility | |
avian crip | |
avian rehabilitation | |
AWEsome stream | |
B | |
Being | |
Big Tech | |
bio-art | |
bioart | |
biodigital literacies | |
Bioinformatics | |
Biology | |
biomass | |
Biometrics | |
Biopolitics | |
bioremediation | |
Biosensing Generative Opera | |
biotechnology | |
BIPOC perspectives | |
bitcoin | |
Black Studies | |
blockchain | |
bodies | |
Body | |
book history | |
Border Studies | |
bots | |
brand monitoring | |
breath | |
Broken Earth | |
Buckminster Fuller | |
Buddhism | |
C | |
camera | |
cameras | |
care | |
Carework | |
Caribbean literature | |
caring behavior | |
carnivalesque | |
causality | |
chaos | |
Character-driven science novel | |
chemistry | |
Childbirth | |
China | |
Christianity | |
cinema | |
Citizen Science | |
clifi | |
climate change | |
climate crisis | |
coal | |
Coal Capitalism | |
coal extraction | |
code | |
collaboration | |
collaborative | |
collaborative and creative methods | |
colonial infrastructures | |
colonial oppression | |
colonialism | |
commodity | |
common sense | |
Communication | |
community | |
community arts | |
community practice | |
complex adaptive systems | |
computation | |
computational literature | |
computer poetry | |
Computers | |
Conceptual Art | |
conjuring | |
conservation | |
constraints and parameters | |
Contemplation | |
Contemporary Art | |
corporate scenarios | |
COVID-19 | |
creative writing | |
Creativity | |
Crisis | |
critical algorithm studies | |
critical code studies | |
Critical Design | |
critical fashion | |
critical theory | |
Critical Zone | |
cryptocurrency | |
Cultural Anthropology | |
cultural studies | |
Culture | |
Cyberculture | |
Cybercultures | |
cybernetics | |
cyborg scholarship | |
D | |
dance | |
dance and technology | |
Daoism | |
Darwin | |
Data | |
Data Science | |
data studies | |
Data/Information Science | |
David George Haskell | |
Death | |
debilitation | |
Debord | |
decarbonization | |
decay | |
Decolonization | |
deconstruction | |
DeepFake | |
Degital Media | |
Deliberative Engagement | |
Delight-based scholarship | |
Democratizing Science | |
Design | |
design history | |
deviation | |
digital | |
digital art | |
digital environment | |
Digital Environments | |
digital media | |
digital navigation | |
Digital Space | |
disability studies | |
Discovery | |
Doctor Faustus | |
Doing | |
Donna Haraway | |
Drama | |
Drawing | |
Duration | |
dynamics | |
E | |
early cinema | |
Earth science | |
Eco-catastrophe | |
Ecocriticism | |
ecocultural communication | |
ecological crisis | |
Ecological Economics | |
ecology | |
ecopoetics | |
ecosystem services | |
Eileen Myles | |
Electrical energy | |
electrical energy sources | |
Electricity | |
electronic literature | |
Electrozone | |
Elon Musk | |
embodied technology | |
Embodiment | |
Embodiment and Somatic Practice | |
emergency humanities | |
Emerging Technology | |
Emotion | |
Emotional Labor | |
emotions | |
Energetic Imagination | |
Energetic movement | |
Energetic nationalism | |
energies | |
energy | |
Energy and Space in Postwar and Contemporary Art | |
Energy and the Body | |
energy colonialism | |
energy conservation | |
energy cultures | |
energy depletion | |
energy efficiency | |
Energy Extraction | |
energy flows | |
energy history | |
energy humanities | |
Energy Narratives | |
energy ontologies | |
Energy production | |
Energy Return on Investment | |
Energy terms | |
energy unconscious | |
Energyscapes | |
enlightenment | |
entanglements | |
entropy | |
Environment | |
environmental crisis | |
Environmental data | |
environmental humanities | |
environmental justice | |
Environmental Media | |
Environmental Personhood | |
environmentalism | |
environmentalism of the poor | |
Ephemera | |
Epigenetics | |
epiphenomena | |
Epistemological Chaos | |
epistemology | |
Equity | |
Erich Fromm | |
Eros e Priapo | |
Esotericism | |
ethics | |
ethics of technology | |
Europe | |
Excrement | |
Exhaustion | |
Experimental Practice | |
extraction | |
extractive populism | |
extractivism | |
F | |
Face recognition | |
Fairies | |
Fairy tales | |
fantasy | |
fatigue | |
Female biology | |
FEMeeting | |
Feminine Cultures | |
feminism | |
feminisms | |
feminist | |
feminist epistemologies | |
Fertilization | |
fiction | |
film | |
fin de siecle | |
finance | |
financialization | |
Flow | |
flow of energy | |
Fluxus | |
folklore | |
Form | |
fossil capital | |
fossil capitalism | |
Fossil Fuels | |
France | |
Frankenstein | |
freeware | |
French | |
fuel | |
Futures | |
Futurism | |
futurist | |
G | |
Game Engines | |
Game Studies | |
Games | |
gaming | |
gaschromatography | |
Gaslighting | |
Gasometer | |
Gender | |
genetic modification | |
geodesy | |
geology | |
geometry | |
geophysical energy | |
Gertrude Stein | |
gesture | |
ghosts | |
Gilbert Simondon | |
global energies | |
Goethe's 'The Sorrows of Young Werther' | |
Governance | |
GPT-3 | |
graphic medicine | |
Graphics | |
green energy | |
Green Screen | |
Grief | |
Guided VR Excursion | |
H | |
h g wells | |
habitability | |
Hackteria | |
haptics | |
Harun Farocki | |
haunting | |
Havana Syndrome | |
HCI | |
healthcare | |
Hindu Nationalism | |
historical materialism | |
histories | |
History of Computing | |
History of Programming | |
History of science | |
homunculus | |
hormones | |
horror | |
Human Gene Editing | |
Human Genome | |
Human Germline | |
Human microbiome | |
Human-Computer Interaction | |
humanism | |
Hydroelectric | |
hysteria | |
I | |
Identity | |
ideology | |
IGM | |
ignorance | |
Image | |
Imaginative Fiction | |
imperialism | |
impermanence | |
India | |
indigenous | |
Indigenous knowledge | |
Indigenous Politics | |
Individuation | |
inductivelycoupledplasmamassspectrometry | |
industrial physiology | |
industrialization | |
Informal Bioethics | |
information | |
information theory | |
infrasound | |
infrastructure | |
inseparability | |
insomnia | |
Inspiration | |
Installation | |
institutions | |
intangible | |
interactive art | |
Interactive Dance and Media Arts | |
interconnectivity | |
interdisciplinary | |
interdisciplinary studies | |
Intermedia | |
interspecies | |
intraactivity | |
intuitive ontology | |
invisibility | |
J | |
Jemisin | |
just transition | |
Justice | |
K | |
Kant studies | |
Kindchenschema | |
Knowledge Production | |
L | |
lablit | |
labor | |
landscape | |
Latin American literature | |
law | |
Library Science | |
Life Writing | |
light | |
liminal space | |
listening | |
literary theory | |
Literary Wholeness | |
literature | |
Literature and Science | |
Live Stream Micro-performances | |
liveart | |
Liveness | |
logistics | |
Long Covid | |
Lulu and Nana | |
M | |
machine | |
machine learning | |
Machine Metaphor | |
Magic | |
Magnitude | |
Marxism | |
mary shelley | |
mass culture | |
Mass Psychology | |
Material Agency | |
materialist media studies | |
materiality | |
Materiality in Postwar Art | |
materialization | |
Mathematical Formalism | |
Mathematics | |
Measurement | |
measurement systems | |
meat | |
mechanism | |
Media | |
media and biopolitics | |
media art | |
Media Arts | |
Media Ecology | |
Media event | |
media history | |
Media Performance | |
media studies | |
media theory | |
Media Theory & Philosophy | |
Mediation | |
medicine | |
Meditation | |
Meditazione milanese | |
Memes | |
memory | |
Metabolism | |
metadata | |
metamorphosis | |
metaphor | |
Metaphysics | |
methodology | |
microperformativity | |
Milieu | |
Military and Popular Culture | |
military SF | |
Mindfulness | |
Minecraft | |
minimalism | |
Mischaracterizations of Science | |
Mobility | |
Modernism | |
modernity | |
Molecular Vitalism | |
Moments of Being | |
more-than-fuel | |
Movement Research | |
multi-disciplinarity | |
multimedia | |
multimedia project | |
multispecies | |
music | |
Mutual Aid | |
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis | |
Mysticism | |
N | |
n-gram | |
narrative | |
Narrative energy | |
natural capital | |
nature | |
negentropy | |
Neglected terms | |
network | |
Network Dynamics | |
Network Society | |
neurodiversity | |
neuroscience | |
new energies and synergies | |
new materialism | |
new media | |
New Media Art | |
New Reproductive Technology | |
New Zealand | |
newmaterialism | |
NFT | |
Nineteenth Century | |
non-conscious experience | |
non-extractive | |
nonhuman | |
nonhuman animals | |
nonhuman labor | |
Nonprofit Funding | |
noticing | |
Nuclear colonialism | |
Nuclear energy | |
O | |
object-oriented feminism | |
Objectivity | |
Observation | |
ocean | |
oil culture | |
olfaction | |
ontology | |
Open Source | |
Operational images | |
ornithology | |
OuLiPo | |
out of energy | |
overproduction | |
P | |
pain | |
Painting | |
pandemic | |
participatory art | |
participatory arts practice | |
participatory conversations | |
Pataphysics | |
pattern/randomness | |
Peak Oil | |
peat | |
Pecha Kucha | |
perception | |
perception of others | |
Performance | |
performance studies | |
performative sign | |
perfumery | |
permeation | |
pest species | |
petro-unconscious | |
petrocapitalism | |
petroculture | |
petrofiction | |
petromyopia | |
philosophy | |
Philosophy of Technology | |
photography | |
physics | |
plant humanities | |
plant studies | |
Plantationocene | |
plants | |
Platform Labor | |
platform studies | |
Plot | |
poetics | |
poetry | |
Popular Film | |
Popular science writing | |
Post-qualitative methods | |
Posthuman | |
Posthuman methodology | |
posthumanism | |
postpandemic | |
Postwar Art | |
Potentiality | |
power | |
practice | |
practice-based research | |
predictive policing | |
Pregnancy | |
process | |
Process Philosophy | |
prāṇa | |
psychoanalysis | |
publishing | |
Q | |
quantum computing | |
quantum feminism | |
quantum mechanics | |
Quantum Physics | |
queer | |
R | |
Race | |
radical hope | |
reading | |
reading capital | |
Realistic science novel | |
recursive publics | |
reform | |
relationality | |
religion | |
renewable energy | |
Repetition | |
representation | |
reproduction | |
Reproductive Energy | |
reproductive justice | |
research | |
research-creation | |
responsibility | |
Rest | |
rhetoric | |
Rhizosphere | |
Riff-Along | |
Right-wing political affect | |
River | |
robots | |
Rolling Blackouts | |
S | |
Salmon | |
Scale | |
Sci fi | |
Sci-fi | |
sciart | |
Science | |
science communication | |
science fiction | |
science fiction and fantasy | |
science in fiction | |
science in society | |
scientific romance | |
selective awareness | |
Semiotic border of positive-negative energy | |
Sense and Sensory Experience | |
Senses | |
sexism | |
Shared Future | |
short story | |
Silicon Valley | |
sleep | |
Sleep Consciousness Breath | |
Smart Technologies | |
social media | |
Society | |
software studies | |
solar energy | |
solarpunk | |
sound | |
sound and affect | |
Sound Studies | |
Soundscape composition | |
Southeast Asia | |
southern energy history | |
southern literature | |
space travel | |
SpaceX | |
special relativity | |
spectacle | |
speculation | |
speculative evolution | |
speculative fiction | |
Speculative Futures | |
spirits | |
Star Wars | |
steampunk | |
Stewart Brand | |
Stigma | |
structuralism | |
sublation | |
surrealism | |
Surveillance | |
surveillance studies | |
Symbiosis | |
Sympathy | |
System | |
systems | |
séance | |
T | |
Tactical Media | |
Tarot | |
techno-paganism | |
technoculture | |
technodiversity | |
technology | |
Technology & Evolution | |
technosciences | |
television art | |
temporalities | |
temporality | |
Tesla | |
Texts-images | |
The Anthropocene | |
the human | |
The Matrix | |
the physics of time | |
The Sprawl | |
theater | |
theatre | |
Thermodynamics | |
Time | |
To the Lighthouse | |
Topography | |
Touch | |
training | |
trans narratives | |
Trans of Color Critique | |
transduction | |
transductive ethnography | |
transformation | |
Transgenic | |
transient pattern | |
transnational | |
Transparency | |
Transportation | |
trees | |
trypophobia | |
U | |
U.S. and Global Souths | |
Ultrasound scan | |
unconformity | |
US Literature and Science | |
use value | |
utopia | |
V | |
vegetal | |
Victorian literature | |
video | |
Video Art History | |
video essays | |
video game art | |
video games | |
videographic criticism | |
viral | |
Virginia Woolf | |
virtual assistants | |
virtual reality | |
Visual Art | |
Visual Culture | |
Visual Effects | |
Visualization | |
vitalism | |
W | |
walking | |
Waste | |
water | |
wave function | |
wearable | |
web work | |
weeds | |
Wernher von Braun | |
whale oil | |
wikis | |
wildlife | |
William Carlos Williams | |
Women in Art Science and Technology | |
Woolf | |
Work | |
Work and Employment | |
work and labor | |
Workshopology | |
World War I | |
world-building | |
Y | |
Yoga Day | |
YouTube |