This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
3 | |
3d modelling | |
A | |
Abrasive flow machining | |
acoustic pulse reflectometry | |
Acoustics attenuation | |
Acoustics impedance | |
Active Thermal Imaging | |
Active Thermography | |
Additive Manufacturing | |
advanced eddy current inspection | |
Advanced post-processing | |
AI | |
Aircraft industry | |
Algebraic reconstruction technique | |
amplitude-free | |
Anchor Bolts | |
AnnularRing | |
Arabidopsis | |
array transducers | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artworks | |
Augmented Reality | |
Automated inspection | |
Automatic Defect Recogntion | |
automation | |
Automation and Intelligence | |
B | |
bolt | |
C | |
calibration | |
Capacitance | |
CFRP Composites | |
chemeicals | |
cm | |
coating | |
Collaboration | |
Composites | |
Computed Tomography | |
Computer Vision | |
Concrete structures | |
Condition Assessment | |
consumables | |
Corrosion | |
corrosion mapping at elevated temperatures | |
creep | |
Critical Zone Tank | |
CUPS | |
D | |
Database | |
DDF | |
Decision Making | |
Deep Learning | |
defects | |
Depth measurement | |
DGS | |
Dhvani | |
diffraction | |
Digital laminography | |
Digital Radiography | |
Digital twin | |
Digital X-ray | |
Digital X-ray Inspection | |
digitalization | |
Discrete Wavelet Transform | |
Dispersion curves | |
DLA | |
domain adaptation | |
drones | |
Dynamic Inspection | |
E | |
Eddy Current | |
Eddy Current non-destructive Testing | |
eddy current tube inspection | |
EDS | |
Efficient and Effective solution | |
Engineering | |
Erosion | |
ERP | |
F | |
Failure Prediction | |
Failure Types | |
Fan-beam X-ray | |
Fatigue cracks | |
Features Extraction | |
FEM | |
ferromagnetic materials | |
Fibre detection | |
flaw detection | |
Flax fibre | |
FMC | |
Food quality | |
FRP | |
Fuel Tank Inspection | |
Functionally gradient viscoelastic material pipes Circumferential guided waves | |
G | |
generative adversarial network | |
government grants | |
Guided waves | |
H | |
HDPE | |
heat exchangers | |
Heat Treatment | |
High Frequency | |
high-temperature UT | |
HOMC | |
HTHA | |
Hydrogen Damage | |
Hyperspectral Imaging | |
I | |
IIoT | |
Imaging inspection | |
immersion | |
In-Line Inspection | |
Induction Thermography | |
industrie 4.0 | |
Industry 4.0 | |
Infrared Testing | |
Infrared Thermography | |
inspection | |
Integration | |
Internet of Things | |
Inverse characterization | |
ISO 9001:2015 | |
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 | |
J | |
Joining technology | |
L | |
Laser Thermography | |
Legendre polynomial method | |
Lithium-ion battery | |
Lock-in | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
magnetic particle testing | |
Manufacturing | |
Manufacturing defects | |
Mapping | |
marine turbocharger | |
Measurement | |
Mechanical Engineering | |
Metrology | |
Microwave Inspection | |
Mobile Apps | |
Modeling | |
N | |
NDE | |
NDE 4.0 | |
NDT | |
NDT 4.0 | |
Non-Destructive Testing | |
nondestructive testing | |
notch sizing | |
Numerical simulation | |
O | |
OARI | |
Onstream Tank Inspection | |
optical coherence tomography | |
Overhead inspection | |
P | |
Pain Areas | |
PAUT | |
PCI | |
penetrant testing | |
Periodic structure | |
phase coherence imaging | |
Phased Array | |
Physics | |
Pipeline | |
Plants | |
Polar-coordinate image reconstruction | |
Porosity | |
Porous metal | |
Porous structures | |
Powder mixing | |
Power Plant | |
Probe design | |
Probes | |
PSEC | |
Q | |
Qualification and Certification | |
quality assurance | |
quality control | |
R | |
Radiographic Testing - Digital (RT-D) | |
Radiography | |
Rayleigh wave | |
Real time | |
Real-time monitoring | |
Remote Field Technology | |
Robotic crawler | |
Robotic Inspection | |
Robotic scanning | |
Robotics | |
Root Concavity | |
Roughness | |
S | |
seals | |
SEM | |
Sensor | |
Service Damage | |
shear-wave inspection at elevated temperatures | |
Shearography | |
Short Range Guided Wave | |
Simulation | |
Simulation Assisted | |
Single Sided Inspection | |
sizing | |
Sound Analytics | |
Sound of Equipment | |
SRUT | |
State of charge | |
Subsea Pipelines | |
supply chain | |
surface Crack detection | |
Surface roughness | |
Sustainable composites | |
T | |
TAPS | |
technology | |
TFM | |
Thermal Fatigue | |
Thermography | |
tofd transducers | |
Torsional wave mode | |
Training | |
trapped powder | |
TubeCat | |
U | |
Ultrasonic | |
Ultrasonic characterization | |
Ultrasonic guided waves | |
Ultrasonic Inspection | |
Ultrasonic Signals | |
Ultrasonic testing | |
Ultrasonics | |
Ultrasound | |
Undercut | |
UV-B | |
V | |
VertiScan | |
virtual data creation | |
W | |
Wave propagation | |
work safety | |
Written Practice | |
X | |
X-ray | |
X-ray computed tomography | |