This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1033 Program | |
17th Amendment | |
A | |
Abortions | |
absenteeism | |
Absolute poverty | |
Absorptive capacity | |
academia | |
Academic outcomes | |
Access to GPs and specialists | |
accountability | |
ADHD | |
Administrative behavior | |
administrative data | |
admission exams | |
Adverse selection | |
Affordability perception | |
Agency | |
Air pollution | |
airport passengers’ flows | |
Amalgamation | |
ambiguity | |
ancestral characteristics | |
anti-coordination | |
Asset Pricing | |
auctions | |
Auditing | |
audits | |
Automated admission | |
Automated student services | |
Awareness | |
B | |
Bargaining power | |
Behavioural Voters | |
benefit program | |
benefit targeting | |
between-group inequality | |
Beveridgian systems | |
bidding zone | |
bipolarization | |
Borders | |
Bounds | |
brain drain | |
brand loyalty | |
branded drugs | |
budget | |
budget outcomes | |
Budget Similarity | |
bunching | |
C | |
caesarean sections | |
Caferra-Morone-Santorsola Uncertainty Box | |
Cancer patient mobility | |
Carbon footprint | |
Carbon taxes | |
Care opportunities | |
career | |
carousel fraud | |
caste | |
Center-based Childcare | |
Characterization | |
charitable giving | |
childbirth | |
children | |
Choice Experiments | |
Choice-set heterogeneity | |
chronic conditions | |
cities | |
city council dismissals | |
Civic sense | |
civil participation | |
claiming elasticity | |
click-day | |
Climate change | |
Climate crisis | |
CO2 emissions distribution | |
Coefficient of Variation | |
Cohesion policy | |
collective health | |
Comparative institutional analysis | |
competences | |
compliance with fiscal rules | |
Composite indicator | |
conditional inference trees | |
Confidence | |
Confidential discount | |
Congressional Record | |
Consideration | |
consulting | |
Consumption inequality | |
Consumption tax | |
Contribution Game | |
coordination games | |
corporatist interests | |
corruption | |
cosine similarity | |
cost overruns | |
COVID-19 | |
Covid-19 lockdown | |
Covid-19 pandemic | |
COVID19 | |
Covid19 policy | |
creative economy | |
credit | |
Credito d'imposta | |
crime | |
crowdfunding | |
cultural heritage | |
cultural participation | |
cultural transmission | |
D | |
DEA | |
Debt stability | |
decentralization | |
Decision process | |
decomposition analysis | |
demand shocks | |
Democracy | |
Demographics | |
Depression | |
Deprivation | |
descriptive norms | |
design and build contracts | |
developing countries | |
development | |
Diffence in Difference analysis | |
Difference-in-differences | |
difference-in-discontinuities | |
differentiated autonomy | |
Digital Platform | |
digital regulation | |
Digital technologies | |
disability Insurance | |
discontent | |
discrimination | |
Diseases | |
distance learning | |
distorting-effect | |
Distributional economics | |
distributive justice | |
Divergence | |
donor behavior | |
drug adherence | |
Duration analysis | |
Dynamic contracts | |
Dynamic General equilibrium | |
Dynamic inconsistency | |
E | |
e-participation | |
Early Childhood | |
earnings | |
Earnings dynamic | |
Earnings penalty | |
Eco-innovation | |
Economic development | |
Economic growth | |
Economic theory of legislation | |
economics | |
economics of education | |
Economy of scale | |
education | |
education returns | |
Education Spending | |
Educational expansion | |
educational success | |
effective tax rate | |
efficiency | |
election campaign | |
Elections | |
electoral systems | |
electricity market | |
elicitation of social norms | |
elites | |
emergencies | |
employability | |
Employment | |
Endogenous fertility | |
energy | |
Energy affordability | |
Energy efficiency | |
Energy excise duties | |
energy use | |
Enforcement spillovers | |
England | |
England NHS | |
environmental concerns | |
environmental efficiency | |
Environmental externalities | |
Environmental policies | |
Environmental Policy | |
Environmental policy stringency | |
Environmental regulation | |
equality of opportunity | |
Equalization | |
equity | |
Equivalence scales | |
Erasmus | |
Ethical investment | |
Ethiopia | |
Ethnic Favouritism | |
EU attitudes | |
EU Cohesion Policy | |
EU Enlargement | |
Europe | |
Europe (SHARE) | |
European Parliament | |
European Social Survey | |
Eurozone countries | |
event study analysis | |
ex post behaviour of elected populist candidates | |
excellence | |
experience | |
Experiment | |
export policy | |
Exposure to democracy | |
External Reference Pricing | |
F | |
Fake news | |
Family Planning | |
female employment | |
Female leaders | |
Fertility | |
Field experiment | |
Financial and in-kind aid policies | |
financial distress | |
Financial education | |
financial literacy | |
firm dynamics | |
firm survival | |
firms | |
Fiscal decentralization | |
Fiscal disparity | |
fiscal drag | |
Fiscal knowledge | |
Fiscal policy | |
fiscal rules | |
fiscal sustainability | |
Food labels | |
Foreign Military Intervention | |
franchise extension | |
fundraising | |
Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design | |
G | |
Gambling | |
Gambling Regulation | |
Gap | |
Gas market | |
gender | |
gender differences | |
gender discrimination | |
gender earnings gap | |
Gender gap | |
Gender norms | |
gender pension gap | |
Gender quotas | |
generic substitution | |
Geographical distance | |
geography | |
governance | |
Government Size | |
government spending | |
Government transparency | |
GPs | |
Graduation forecast | |
Grandparenting | |
Green consumerism | |
Green parties | |
group antagonism | |
group bias | |
groups | |
Growth | |
growth elasticities of poverty | |
guilt aversion | |
H | |
Hahn-Banach theorem | |
Hardy-Littlewod-Polya Theorem | |
hate speech | |
HCV | |
health | |
Health and Socioeconomic Inequalities | |
Health behaviour | |
health cabinets | |
health expenditure | |
health inequality | |
health information seeking behavior | |
health insurance | |
Health outcomes | |
health status | |
health system satisfaction | |
health-income trade off | |
healthcare access | |
healthcare expenditures | |
healthcare public–private mix | |
Heterogeneity in preferences | |
heterogeneous agents | |
hidden drop-out | |
hidden Markov models | |
High education tracks | |
High-school track choice | |
high-skilled migration | |
higher education | |
Home Production | |
homemaker | |
honesty | |
hospital quality | |
hospitality | |
hospitalizations | |
hours | |
household | |
Household finance | |
Housing | |
Housing Sector | |
human capital development | |
I | |
identity | |
illicit financial flows | |
illusion of control | |
Immigration | |
immigration policy | |
Impatience | |
Impressionable years | |
Incentives | |
Incentivi per R&S nelle imprese | |
income declaration | |
income inequality | |
Income instability | |
indexation | |
individual income growth | |
industries | |
inequality | |
inequality decomposition | |
inequality elasticities of poverty | |
Inequality of opportunity | |
inequality of opportunity in health | |
inflation | |
Influence function | |
informal economy | |
information aggregation | |
Information avoidance | |
Information processing | |
information provision | |
Infrastructure | |
Infrastructure delivery | |
Inheritance | |
institutional trsut | |
institutional trust | |
institutions | |
instrumental variable | |
instrumental variables | |
intergenerational education mobility | |
Intergenerational mobility | |
intergenerational redistribution | |
Intergenerational transfers | |
Intermunicipal cooperation | |
International mobility | |
international policy coordination | |
intervivos transfers | |
Investments | |
Irrigation | |
Italian elections | |
Italian Institutions | |
Italian mayors | |
Italian Regions | |
Italy | |
J | |
Job Insecurity | |
Job polarization | |
Job Search | |
Judicial efficiency | |
K | |
Kantian morality | |
Knowledge | |
L | |
labor | |
labor cost | |
labor demand | |
labor effort | |
labor force composition | |
labor income tax | |
Labor markets | |
Labor Reallocation | |
laboratory experiment | |
Large Language Models | |
latent class analysis | |
Latent Class Logit | |
Latin America | |
law enforcement | |
learning loss | |
leave no one behind | |
Legal status | |
Liberal Italy | |
licence | |
Local expenditures | |
local government | |
local governments | |
Local public finance | |
Local quality of institution | |
loneliness | |
Lonely Planet | |
Long-Run Development | |
low-pay | |
Luxembourg | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Machine-Learning | |
mafia | |
majority rule | |
Malaria | |
Mali | |
many to one matching | |
Marginal Willingness to Pay Taxes | |
market power | |
markup | |
Mean and spread | |
medical profession | |
mental health | |
Mentorship | |
Mergers | |
Meta Analysis | |
micro evaluation | |
Militarization | |
min-max linear transformation | |
Minimum income schemes | |
mixed segmented model | |
mixture models | |
Monthly data | |
Moral accounting | |
moral hazard | |
Motherhood | |
Mothers Labour Market Participation | |
Movimento cinque stelle | |
MPs | |
Multi-Criteria Analysis | |
Multidimensional Inequality | |
Multidimensional screening | |
Multilevel mixed-effect | |
Multipurpose Household Survey | |
Municipal elections | |
municipal finance | |
Municipality | |
Municipality growth | |
Myopic | |
N | |
Narratives | |
National Health Service | |
natural experiment | |
Natural monopoly | |
Near Zero Emission Buildings | |
Negative binomial regression | |
Networks | |
newspapers | |
NHS England | |
NHS equity of access | |
NO2 abatement | |
Nominate | |
Non-cognitive Development | |
Non-democratic politics | |
non-parametric frontiers | |
nonlinearity | |
nudging | |
O | |
occupational accidents | |
occupational downgrading | |
OLG model | |
opinion dynamics | |
Optimal dynamic Tax evasion | |
Optimal taxation | |
Optimal Unemployment Insurance | |
Organized Crime | |
outcome based indicators | |
Output gap | |
Overoptimism | |
P | |
Pain | |
panel data | |
panel regression | |
Parenting style | |
Parenting styles | |
Parliament | |
Parties | |
Party affiliation | |
pass through | |
Patience | |
Patient choice | |
patronage | |
Pay-as-you-go pension systems | |
PAYG pension | |
pension | |
pension systems | |
performance | |
personal values | |
personal website | |
persuasion bias | |
Pharmaceutical regulation | |
pharmacies | |
philanthropy | |
physicians licensing | |
Pigouvian taxation | |
place-based policy | |
polarization | |
policies | |
Policy | |
policy evaluation | |
policy preferences | |
Policy-making | |
Political Budget Cycles | |
Political connections | |
Political legislation cycles | |
political manipulation | |
political pressure | |
political selection | |
politician wages | |
Politics | |
Pollution | |
Population ageing | |
Populism | |
populist parties | |
Populist Trap | |
poverty | |
power | |
Precautionary Savings | |
preference for redistribution | |
preference stability | |
preferential tax regimes | |
Preferred tax basis | |
premature mortality | |
prescriptions | |
primary care | |
private health insurance | |
Pro-environmental attitudes | |
Procurement | |
Procyclicality | |
production technology | |
productivity | |
professional capture | |
profits¸ | |
progressivity | |
propensity score matching | |
protests | |
Public Budget | |
public demand | |
Public early childcare provision | |
Public franchises | |
public good contribution | |
public goods | |
public health efficiency index | |
public management | |
public procurement | |
public services | |
public spending | |
public subsidies | |
public works | |
public works procurement | |
Public-Private Partnerships | |
Q | |
Quality | |
R | |
R&D expenditure | |
Racial Discrimination | |
Randomised Online Experiment | |
RCT | |
re-weighting | |
Real-time analysis | |
Recovery plans | |
Recycling Behaviour | |
Reddito di Cittadinanza | |
redistribution | |
Regional classification of pandemic risk | |
regression discontinuity design | |
Regression-discontinuty-design | |
regulation | |
reimbursement policy | |
relational contract | |
Relational Contracts | |
relative concern | |
relative deprivation | |
religion | |
religiosity | |
Rent appropriation | |
representation | |
Representative democracy | |
representative surveys | |
reranking | |
Resolute | |
resources adequacy | |
retired | |
retirement | |
Reverse Charge | |
reverse charge mechanism | |
RIF regressions | |
risk | |
Risk attitude | |
risk diversification | |
Roads | |
Roll call votes | |
rotation | |
Routine Biased Technical Change | |
rural development | |
S | |
sample size | |
school finance | |
school starting age | |
Second Republic | |
Second-generation immigrants | |
secondary care | |
sectoral aggregation | |
Segregation | |
selectivity | |
Self Assessed Mental Health | |
self-assessed health status | |
Self-image | |
Sequential choice | |
Sequential screening | |
severe weather events | |
She-Cession | |
sick leave | |
Slot machines | |
SMEs | |
Social Capital | |
social learning | |
social media | |
social mobility | |
social networks | |
social norm | |
social norms | |
social norms on gender roles | |
social protection | |
solo self-employed | |
Sophisticated | |
Spatial inequalitites | |
spatial interactions | |
specialist care | |
spillover effects | |
spillovers | |
Split-ticket voting | |
spot price | |
stability | |
Staggered DID | |
State Capacity | |
statins | |
STEM | |
Stochastic Frontier Analysis | |
Stock Market | |
Structural Change | |
Student mobility | |
Subjective expectations | |
subjective well-being | |
surnames | |
Survey data | |
survey experiment | |
Sustainability | |
T | |
Target efficiency | |
Tassazione di impresa | |
Tax avoidance | |
Tax Compliance | |
Tax Credits | |
tax evasion | |
Tax expenditures | |
tax incentives | |
tax passthrough | |
Tax policies | |
Tax Reform | |
Taxation | |
teacher scores | |
technical change | |
technological progress | |
technology adoption | |
technology usage | |
Telehealth | |
Temporary shocks | |
Tertiary education | |
Text analysis | |
time delays | |
Time Preference | |
Time preferences | |
Time-consistent policies | |
Total Factor Productivity | |
Tourism | |
Traffic policy | |
Transaction costs economics | |
transition risk | |
Transport infrastructure | |
Treatment effect heterogeneity | |
trivariate recursive models | |
trust | |
turnover tax elasticity | |
Two-way Mundlak | |
U | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncertainty and information | |
unemployed | |
Unemployment benefits | |
Unemployment Insurance Financing | |
Unemployment Insurance Subsidies | |
Unfairism | |
United States congressional elections | |
university | |
University choice | |
university honors programs | |
Unjust detention | |
unretirement | |
untreated | |
Unverifiability | |
urban creativity | |
urban-rural | |
US (HRS) | |
V | |
Vaccination | |
Value-added tax | |
Variation in treatment timing | |
VAT | |
VAT cut | |
VAT gap | |
Vatican | |
Victims’ compensation | |
violence | |
Voluntary Environmental Agreement | |
voter turnout | |
voting | |
Voting Behavior | |
vouchers | |
W | |
Wage discrimination | |
wage premia | |
wage setting institutions | |
wages | |
Weak States | |
wealth inequality | |
Wealth taxes | |
Wealth Transfers | |
Welfare | |
well-being index | |
Willingness to Pay | |
within-group inequality | |
women's labor market participation | |
work interruptions | |
Workers with Disability | |
Working pensioners | |
working time | |
World Heritage | |
world war I | |
Wrongful conviction | |
Y | |
Youth Unemployment | |
Z | |
zonotope |