Tuesday, October 8th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00-10:00 UTP keynote in room AWS of the Alfândega Porto Congress Centre (APCC)
09:00 | A Calculus of Space, Time and Causality: its Algebra, Geometry, Logic (abstract) |
10:30-11:00 Session 1: Opening and Homage
Location: room Arrabida
10:30 | The Legacy of Stefania Gnesi: From Software Engineering to Formal Methods and Tools, and Back (abstract) |
10:50 | From Dynamic Programming to Programming Science: Some Recollections in Honour of Stefania Gnesi (abstract) |
11:00-11:15 Session 2: Software Engineering
Location: room Arrabida
11:00 | Multi-modelling and Co-simulation in the Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems: Towards the Digital Twin (abstract) |
11:15-12:30 Session 3: Formal Methods and Tools
Location: room Arrabida
11:15 | Innovating Medical Image Analysis via Spatial Logics (abstract) |
11:30 | Formal Methods in Designing Critical Cyber-Physical Systems (abstract) |
11:45 | Automata-Based Behavioural Contracts with Action Correlation (abstract) |
12:00 | Logical Support for Bike-Sharing System Design (abstract) |
12:15 | A Generic Dynamic Logic with Applications to Interaction-Based Systems (abstract) |
14:00-14:30 Session 4: Requirements Engineering / Natural Language Processing
Location: room Arrabida
14:00 | Ambiguity in Requirements Engineering: Towards a Unifying Framework (abstract) |
14:15 | Looking Inside the Black Box: Core Semantics Towards Accountability of Artificial Intelligence (abstract) |
14:30-15:00 Session 5: Software Product Lines
Location: room Arrabida
14:30 | A Decade of Featured Transition Systems (abstract) |
14:45 | Towards Model Checking Product Lines in the Digital Humanities: An Application to Historical Data (abstract) |
15:30-16:45 Session 6: Formal Verification
Location: room Arrabida
15:30 | A Systematic Approach to Programming and Verifying Attribute-Based Communication Systems (abstract) |
15:45 | On the Prediction of Smart Contracts’ Behaviours (abstract) |
16:00 | Hunting Superfluous Locks with Model Checking (abstract) |
16:15 | Formal Verification of Railway Timetables - Using the UPPAAL Model Checker (abstract) |
16:30 | An Axiomatization of Strong Distribution Bisimulation for a Language with a Parallel Operator and Probabilistic Choice (abstract) |
17:15-17:45 Session 7: Applications
Location: room Arrabida
17:15 | Modelling of Railway Signalling System Requirements by Controlled Natural Languages: A Case Study (abstract) |
17:30 | How Formal Methods Can Contribute to 5G Networks (abstract) |
17:45-18:15 Session 8: Homages and Closing
Location: room Arrabida
17:45 | A collection of video homages (abstract) |
18:05 | The last word is for the honoree... (abstract) |