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10:00 | Learning-Based Approaches to Predictive Monitoring with Conformal Statistical Guarantees PRESENTER: Francesca Cairoli ABSTRACT. This tutorial focuses on lightweiht methods to predictive monitoring (PM), specifically the problem of detecting at runtime future violations of a given requirement from the current state of a system. While performing model checking at runtime would offer a precise solution to the PM problem, it is generally computationally expensive. To address this scalability issue, several lightweight approaches based on machine learning have recently been proposed. The objective is to learn an approximate yet efficient surrogate model of the expensive model checker. We provide a comprehensive review of the latest learning-based methods for runtime PM. Nevertheless, the main challenge remains to ensure high-quality approximate predictions, especially in safety-critical applications. Therefore, we delve into an in-depth review of conformal prediction and their application in quantifying predictive uncertainty estimates. This quantification enriches the surrogate models by offering statistical guarantees regarding the generalization error. |
11:30 | Monitoring Hyperproperties With Prefix Transducers PRESENTER: Marek Chalupa ABSTRACT. Hyperproperties are properties that relate multiple execution traces. Previous work on monitoring hyperproperties focused on synchronous hyperproperties, usually specified in HyperLTL. When monitoring synchronous hyperproperties, all traces are assumed to proceed at the same speed. We introduce (multi-trace) prefix transducers and show how to use them for monitoring synchronous as well as, for the first time, asynchronous hyperproperties. Prefix transducers map multiple input traces into one or more output traces, by incrementally matching prefixes of the input traces against expressions similar to regular expressions. The prefixes of different traces which are consumed by a single matching step of the monitor may have different lengths. The deterministic and executable nature of prefix transducers makes them more suitable as an intermediate formalism for runtime verification than logical specifications, which tend to be highly nondeterministic, especially in the case of asynchronous hyperproperties. We report on a set of experiments about monitoring asynchronous version of observational determinism. |
12:00 | A Stream Runtime Verification Tool with Nested and Retroactive Parametrizations PRESENTER: Paloma Pedregal ABSTRACT. In online monitoring, a monitor is synthesized from a formal specification, which later runs in tandem with the system under study. In offline monitoring the trace is logged as the system progresses to later do post-mortem analysis after the system has finished executing. In this tool paper we demonstrate the use of retroactive dynamic parametrization, a technique that allows an online monitor to revisit the past log as it progresses. This feature enables new monitors to be incorporated into an already running system and to revisit the past for particular behaviors, based on new information discovered. Retroactive parametrization also allows a monitor to lazily ignore events and revisit and process them later, when the monitor discovers that it should have processed those events. We showcase the use of retroactive dynamic parametrization to perform network monitor denial of service attacks. |
14:00 | General Anticipatory Monitoring for Temporal Logics on Finite Traces PRESENTER: Hannes Kallwies ABSTRACT. Runtime Verification studies how to check a run of a system against a formal specification, typically expressed in some temporal logic. A monitor must produce a verdict at each step that is sound with respect to the specification. It is often the case that a monitor must produce a ? verdict and wait for more observations. On the other hand, sometimes a verdict is inevitable but monitoring algorithms wait to produce the verdict, because it seemingly depends on future inputs. Anticipation is the property of a monitor to immediately produce inevitable verdicts, which has been studied for logics on infinite traces. Monitoring problems depend on the logic and on the semantics that the monitor follows. In initial monitoring, at every instant the monitor answers whether the specification holds for the observed trace from the initial state. In recurrent monitoring, the monitor answers at every instant whether the specification holds at that time. In this paper we study anticipatory monitoring for temporal logics on finite traces. We first show that many logics on finite traces can be reduced linearly to Boolean Lola specifications and that initial monitoring can be reduced to recurrent monitoring for Lola. Then we present an algorithm with perfect anticipation for recurrent monitoring of Boolean Lola specifications, which we then extend to exploit assumptions and tolerate uncertainties. |
14:30 | Metric First-order Temporal Logic with Complex Data Types PRESENTER: Srdjan Krstic ABSTRACT. Temporal logics are widely used in runtime verification as they enable the creation of declarative and compositional specifications. However, their ability to model complex data is limited. One must resort to complicated encoding schemes to express properties involving basic structures such as lists or trees. To avoid this drawback, we extend metric first-order temporal logic with a minimalist, yet complete, functional programming language. The extension features an expressive collection of types including function, record, variant, and inductive types, as well as support for type inference and monitoring. Our monitor implementation directly parses traces in the JSON format, based on the user’s type specification, which avoids a separate pre-processing step. We compare our approach to existing shallow embeddings of temporal properties in general-purpose host languages and to encodings into simple temporal logics. Specifically, our language benefits from a precise semantics and a good support for monitoring-specific static analysis. |
15:00 | Runtime Verification Prediction for Traces with Data PRESENTER: Doron Peled ABSTRACT. Runtime verification can be used for checking the execution of a system against a formal specification. A first-order temporal specification allows expressing constraints on the order of occurrence of events and the data that they carry. We present an algorithm for predicting possible errors, within (some parametric) k events, when monitoring executions with data against a specification written in past first-order temporal logic. Such early prediction would allow preventive actions to be taken as soon as possible. Predicting errors involves checking multiple possibilities for extensions of the monitored execution. This kind of incremental calculation intensifies the problem of keeping up with the speed of occurring events, hence rejecting the naive brute-force solution that is based on exhaustively checking all the extensions of certain length. Our method is based on generating representatives for the possible extension, which guarantee that no potential verdict is missed. In particular, we take advantage of using BDD representation, which allows efficient construction and representation of such classes. The method is implemented as an extension of the RV tool DejaVu. |
16:00 | Scalable Stochastic Parametric Verification with Stochastic Variational Smoothed Model Checking PRESENTER: Francesca Cairoli ABSTRACT. Parametric verification of linear temporal properties for stochastic models requires to compute the satisfaction probability of a certain property as a function of the parameters of the model. Smoothed model checking (smMC) infers the satisfaction function over the entire parameter space from a limited set of observations obtained via simulation. As observations are costly and noisy, smMC leverages the power of Bayesian learning based on Gaussian Processes (GP), providing accurate reconstructions with statistically sound quantification of the uncertainty. In this paper we propose Stochastic Variational Smoothed Model Checking (SV-smMC), which exploits stochastic variational inference (SVI) to approximate the posterior distribution of the smMC problem. The strength and flexibility of SVI, a stochastic gradient-based optimization making inference easily parallelizable and enabling GPU acceleration, make SV-smMC applicable both to Gaussian Processes (GP) and Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN). SV-smMC extends the smMC framework by greatly improving scalability to higher dimensionality of parameter spaces and larger training datasets, thus overcoming the well-known limits of GP. |
16:30 | Monitoring Algorithmic Fairness under Partial Observations PRESENTER: Konstantin Kueffner ABSTRACT. As AI and machine-learned software are used increasingly for making decisions that affect humans, it is imperative that they remain fair and unbiased in their decisions. To complement design-time bias mitigation measures, runtime verification techniques have been introduced recently to monitor the algorithmic fairness of deployed systems. Previous monitoring techniques assume full observability of the states of the (unknown) monitored system. Moreover, they can monitor only fairness properties that are specified as arithmetic expressions over the probabilities of different events. In this work, we extend fairness monitoring to systems modeled as partially observed Markov chains (POMC), and to specifications containing arithmetic expressions over the expected values of numerical functions on event sequences. The only assumptions we make are that the underlying POMC is aperiodic and starts in the stationary distribution, with a bound on its mixing time being known. These assumptions enable us to estimate a given property for the entire distribution of possible executions of the monitored POMC, by observing only a single execution. Our monitors observe a long run of the system and, after each new observation, output an updated PAC-estimate of how fair or biased the system is. The monitors are computationally lightweight and, using a prototype implementation, we demonstrate their effectiveness on several real-world examples. |
17:00 | Compositional Simulation-Based Analysis of AI-Based Autonomous Systems for Markovian Specifications PRESENTER: Beyazit Yalcinkaya ABSTRACT. We present a framework for the compositional simulation-based analysis of AI-based autonomous systems for Markovian specifications, i.e., specifications with no temporal dependencies. Our compositional approach allows us to cut down the cost of executing a large number of long-running simulations, by decomposing a simulation-based analysis task into several shorter more efficient analysis tasks. Results obtained from the individual analyses are then stitched together to generate a result for the general simulation-based task. Our approach is based on a decomposition of scenarios formalized as concurrent hierarchical probabilistic extended state machines that describe sequential and parallel compositions of scenarios. We present two instantiations of our framework for the two problems of falsification and statistical verification. Using a case study from autonomous driving, we demonstrate the scalability of our compositional approach in comparison to a monolithic simulation-based analysis approach. |