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09:00 | Runtime Monitoring DNN-based Perception (via the Lens of Formal Methods) PRESENTER: Chih-Hong Cheng ABSTRACT. Deep neural networks (DNNs) are instrumental in realizing complex perception systems. As many of these applications are safety critical by design, engineering rigor is required to ensure that the functional insufficiency of the DNN-based perception is not the source of harm. In addition to conventional static verification and testing techniques employed during the design phase, there is a need for runtime verification techniques that can detect critical events, diagnose issues, and even enforce requirements. This tutorial aims to provide readers with a glimpse of techniques proposed in the literature. We start with classical methods proposed in the machine learning community, then highlight a few techniques proposed by the formal methods community. While we surely can observe similarities in the design of monitors, how the decision boundaries are created vary between the two communities. We conclude by highlighting the need to rigorously design monitors, where data availability outside the operational domain plays an important role. |
10:00 | Instrumentation for RV: From Basic Monitoring to Advanced Use Cases PRESENTER: Chukri Soueidi ABSTRACT. Instrumentation is crucial in Runtime Verification because it should ensure that monitors are fed with relevant and accurate information about the executing program under monitoring. While expressive instrumentation is desirable to handle any possible monitoring scenario, instrumentation should also efficiently capture the just-needed information and impact the monitoring program as least as possible. This tutorial comprehensively overviews the instrumentation process and considerations for single and multithreaded programs. We discuss often overlooked aspects in instrumenting multithreaded programs. We also cover metrics for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of instrumentation. We use four hands-on use cases to apply the introduced concepts and provide practical guidance on choosing and applying instrumentation for runtime verification. |
11:30 | Monitoring Blackbox Implementations of Multiparty Session Protocols PRESENTER: Bas van den Heuvel ABSTRACT. We present a framework for the distributed monitoring of networks of components that coordinate by message-passing, following multiparty session protocols specified as global types. We improve over prior works by (i) supporting components whose exact specification is unknown (“blackboxes”) and (ii) covering protocols that cannot be analyzed by existing techniques. We first give a procedure for synthesizing monitors for blackboxes from global types, and precisely define when a blackbox correctly satisfies its global type. Then, we prove that monitored blackboxes are sound (they correctly follow the protocol) and transparent (blackboxes with and without monitors are behaviorally equivalent). |
12:00 | Decentralized Predicate Detection over Partially Synchronous Continuous-Time Signals PRESENTER: Charles Koll ABSTRACT. We present the first decentralized algorithm for detecting predicates over continuous-time signals under partial synchrony. A distributed cyber-physical system (CPS) consists of a network of agents, each of which measures (or computes) a continuous-time signal. Examples include distributed industrial controllers connected over wireless networks and connected vehicles in traffic. The safety requirements of such CPS, expressed as logical predicates, must be monitored at runtime. This monitoring faces three challenges: first, every agent only knows its own signal, whereas the safety requirement is global and carries over multiple signals. Second, the agents’ local clocks drift from each other, so they do not even agree on the time. Thus, it is not clear which signal values are actually synchronous to evaluate the safety predicate. Third, CPS signals are continuous-time so there are potentially uncountably many safety violations to be reported. In this paper, we present the first decentralized algorithm for detecting conjunctive predicates in this setup. Our algorithm returns all possible violations of the predicate, which is important for eliminating bugs from distributed systems regardless of actual clock drift. We prove that this detection algorithm is in the same complexity class as the detector for discrete systems. We implement our detector and validate it experimentally. |
14:00 | Flexible Runtime Security Enforcement with Tagged C PRESENTER: Sean Anderson ABSTRACT. We introduce Tagged C, a novel C variant with built-in tagbased reference monitoring that can be enforced by hardware mechanisms such as the PIPE (Processor Interlocks for Policy Enforcement) processor extension. Tagged C expresses security policies at the level of C source code. It is designed to express a variety of dynamic security policies, individually or in combination, and enforce them with compiler and hardware support. Tagged C supports multiple approaches to security and varying levels of strictness. We demonstrate this range by providing examples of memory safety, compartmentalization, and secure information flow policies. We also give a full formalized semantics and a reference interpreter for Tagged C. |
14:30 | Bridging the Gap: A Focused DSL for RV-Oriented Instrumentation with BISM PRESENTER: Yliès Falcone ABSTRACT. We present a novel instrumentation language for BISM, a lightweight bytecode-level instrumentation tool for JVM languages. The new DSL aims to simplify the instrumentation process, making it more accessible to a wider user base. It employs an intuitive syntax, directly mapping to the key requirements of program instrumentation for runtime verification. It enhances productivity by eliminating boilerplate code and low-level details, while also supporting code generation and collaboration. The DSL balances expressiveness, and abstraction, bridging the gap between domain experts and the complexities of instrumentation specification. |
14:50 | CCMOP: A Runtime Verification Tool for C/C++ Programs PRESENTER: Yufeng Zhang ABSTRACT. Runtime verification (RV) is an effective lightweight formal method for improving software’s reliability at runtime. There exist no RV tools specially designed for C++ programs. This paper introduces the first one, i.e., CCMOP, which implements an AOP-based RV approach and supports the RV of general properties for C/C++ program. CCMOP provides an AOP language specially designed for C++ program to define the events in RV. The instrumentation of RV monitor is done at AST-level, which improves the efficiency of compilation and the accuracy of RV. CCMOP is implemented based on JavaMOP and an industrial-strength compiler. The results of extensive experiments on 100 real-world C/C++ programs (5584.3K LOCs in total) indicate that CCMOP is robust and supports the RV of real-world C/C++ programs. |
15:10 | eMOP: A Maven Plugin for Evolution-Aware Runtime Verification PRESENTER: Pengyue Jiang ABSTRACT. We present eMOP, a tool for incremental runtime verification (RV) of test executions during software evolution. We previously used RV to find hundreds of bugs in open-source projects by monitoring passing tests against formal specifications of Java APIs.We also proposed evolution-aware techniques to reduce RV’s runtime overhead and human time to inspect specification violations. eMOP brings these benefits to developers in a tool that seamlessly integrates with the Maven build system. We describe eMOP’s design, implementation, and usage. We evaluate eMOP on 676 versions of 21 projects, including those from our earlier prototypes’ evaluation. eMOP is up to 8.4x faster and shows up to 31.3x fewer violations, compared to running RV from scratch after each code change. eMOP also does not miss new violations in our evaluation, and it is open-sourced at |