Paper Submission

Original research papers and presentation-only contributions,  with clear relevance to reachability problems, are both encouraged.

  • Original papers are extended abstracts of a full paper with at most 12 pages (excluding the bibliography and potential appendices), formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines. Accepted original papers will be published in the RP'24 conference proceedings. 
  • Presentation-only contributions are short abstracts based on a paper that is recently appeared (or is going to appear) in proceedings of another conference, or a paper that has not yet been submitted. Neither the abstract, nor its accompanying paper will be published in the RP'24 proceedings. Abstracts of presentation-only contributions submitted to RP'24 are of at most 2 pages (excluding the bibliography and potential appendices), formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines and summarizing the key ideas of the work to be presented. In case the abstract is  based on a paper that is recently appeared (or is going to appear) in proceedings of another conference, we ask authors to indicate that venue in their abstract submission to RP'24. 

Submissions in either categories should be made using EasyChair, via the link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rp24

Each accepted paper/contribution is expected to presented at RP'24. At least one author of each accepted paper/contribution is expected to register to and attend RP'24.