This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
5 | |
5G wireless networks | |
A | |
accelerometry | |
acne scars | |
Adaptive control | |
adaptive processing | |
Airy disk | |
Algorithm | |
Analog-digital conversion | |
Analytical Formula | |
Artificial bee colony algorithm | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Artificial Neural Network | |
automatic personality recognition | |
automotive industry | |
autonomous vehicles | |
autotransformador | |
Average Switching | |
B | |
Back-To Back converter | |
Bandwidth | |
bank credit | |
bank risk | |
banking | |
bar damage | |
Batteries | |
Battery chargers | |
Battery energy storage system | |
Battery energy storage systems | |
Battery Modeling | |
Bearing faults | |
Bidirectional power flow | |
binary classification | |
Bio-inspired Optimization | |
blindness | |
Blobs | |
Blood Donor | |
blood vessel | |
Bluetooth | |
breast cancer | |
Bridge | |
Brushless rotating machines | |
Buck converter | |
Bulky Magnetics | |
C | |
Cables | |
CEP- Convertidor Electrónico de Potencia | |
cervical cytology | |
chattering | |
Classification | |
cloud computing | |
Clustering | |
CNN | |
Coherency Identification | |
Communication protocols | |
Companion-circuit | |
Confusion matrix | |
Constrained feedback control | |
Contrast-pattern | |
Control | |
Control Systems | |
Convex Observers | |
convey-crane | |
convolution neural networks | |
convolutional networks | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
Convolutional neural networks | |
corrosion | |
cortocircuito | |
Coupled Capacitor | |
Cross Correlation | |
Current control | |
current transfer ratio | |
D | |
DAB- Dual Active Bridge | |
data analysis | |
data analytics | |
Data Science | |
DC Fault | |
DC-DC converter | |
DC/DC | |
DCT | |
DC–DC converters | |
dead time | |
Decision support system | |
Deep Learning | |
demand response program | |
differential | |
discrete time Taylor-Fourier transform | |
Diseño | |
distributed energy resources | |
Distributed generation systems | |
Distribution networks | |
double second order generalized integrator | |
DST | |
dynamic element matching | |
E | |
EconiQ | |
economic dispatch | |
Education | |
Efficiency | |
electric power generation | |
Electric Vehicle | |
Electric vehicles | |
Electricity Markets | |
electrification | |
Electrónica de potencia | |
embedded computer vision | |
Embedded system | |
Embedded Systems | |
Energy harvesting | |
energy storage | |
Equivalent electric circuit | |
ervical cancer | |
Estabilidad | |
Estimator | |
Exhaustive search | |
Exponential Smoothing | |
F | |
F-CNN | |
failures | |
Fast Frequency Response | |
Fault | |
fault detection | |
Fault Diagnosis | |
Feature Extraction | |
feedback control | |
Field-Weakening | |
Filtering | |
fingerprinting | |
finite element method | |
Finite-time stabilization | |
Forecast | |
Fourier transform | |
free collision trajectories | |
Frequency Identification | |
frequency-lock loop | |
Fuel cells | |
fuel station | |
Fuzzy controller | |
Fuzzy Logic Controller | |
G | |
galvanic vestibular stimulation | |
Gaussian Laplacian | |
Gemelos digitales | |
gender recognition | |
Generator | |
Genetic Algorithm | |
Gestión de carga | |
Glaucoma | |
gradient boosting classifier | |
Grid Forming | |
H | |
Hand-to-eye calibration | |
Haptic | |
Hardware in the loop | |
Harmonic distortion | |
Harmonic Identification | |
harmonics | |
Harmonics Estimation | |
Harmonics suppression | |
Harvesting energy | |
heat control | |
Hepatitis C | |
High Frequency Applications | |
High Frequency Buck Converter | |
High gain converter | |
High-Speed | |
Hitachi | |
Holt-Winters | |
HVDC | |
Hybrid Electric vehicle | |
hydrogen | |
I | |
IEC 60601-2-24 | |
IED | |
IEEE test system | |
Image authentication | |
image processing | |
Imbalance condition | |
Impedance-Based Method | |
impedancia | |
Incipient damage detection | |
Inductance | |
Induction machine | |
induction motor | |
industrial internet of things | |
Inercia | |
Inercia Virtual | |
Inertia | |
Information Recovery | |
infusion electro-medical device | |
Ingeniería Electrónica | |
insulin | |
Intelligent Systems | |
Intent-Based Network | |
Interleaved | |
internal model controller | |
Internet of things | |
Inverters | |
IoT | |
Islanding | |
Isolate On-Board Battery Charger | |
J | |
Jetson nano | |
K | |
K Nearest Neighbor classifier | |
K-Nearest Neighbors | |
K-Nearest-Neighbor | |
Kalman filter | |
KNN | |
L | |
laser speckle contrast imaging | |
Least Squares | |
Linear complementarity model | |
linear control | |
LMI | |
Lora | |
low-scale power generation | |
M | |
machine learning | |
machine vision | |
Magnetic induction | |
Magnetic loop | |
Maximum efficiency point tracking | |
MBPC | |
MDA | |
MFT | |
microgrid | |
Microgrids | |
MILP | |
minicomputer | |
mismatch | |
MMC | |
MMS | |
mmWave | |
MobileApplication | |
Model predictive control | |
Modeling | |
modelling | |
Monitoring node | |
morphology of cervical cancer | |
Moving Averages | |
MTDC | |
Multilevel inverter | |
multimodal | |
Multiple input single output converter | |
Multiple Signal Classification | |
Multiport converter | |
Multiterminal | |
Mutual Impedance | |
N | |
Natural frequencies | |
NaturalLanguageProcessing | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
Newton method | |
NIR Spectroscopy | |
noise shaping | |
Non-equilibrium point | |
Non-Invasive glucose measuring | |
Non-linear control | |
non-linear modelling | |
Nonlinear behavior | |
nonlinear PID controller | |
nonlinear spectra | |
O | |
Observer | |
off-grid | |
Omnidirectional Robot | |
OMP | |
OPAL | |
open-loop unstable process | |
optic disc | |
Optimal Observer | |
optimal power flow | |
Optimización | |
Optimización numérica | |
optimization | |
optocoupler | |
output fluctuation | |
overcurrent | |
overhead conductors | |
Oversizing | |
P | |
paint quality control | |
parallel processing | |
Parameter estimation | |
parameter identification | |
Partial Core | |
Passive Components | |
Passivity-based control | |
PCT | |
peak shaving | |
pedestrian dynamics | |
Permanent magnet machines | |
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor | |
Permanent magnets | |
phase-locked loop | |
photovoltaic | |
Photovoltaic generation | |
photovoltaic plants | |
Photovoltaic systems | |
Physiological Sensors | |
PI controller | |
Pick and place process | |
PID | |
pinhole | |
planning | |
PMSM | |
PNN | |
point to point VSC-HVDC links | |
Portafolio ecológico | |
Posgrado | |
Posgrado en Ingeniería Eléctrica | |
potential fields | |
Power control | |
Power Conversion | |
Power Converter | |
Power converters | |
Power Electric Systems | |
Power Electronics | |
power flows | |
Power insulator | |
Power Losses | |
power quality | |
Power Quality Disturbances | |
Power system restoration | |
Power System Stability | |
power systems | |
Power transmission system | |
Predictive Control | |
presumptive diagnosis | |
Principal component analysis | |
protection | |
Protection and Control | |
Protection coordination | |
Prototype selection | |
proxemics | |
PSO | |
pumped storage hydropower | |
PV systems | |
PWM | |
Pyramidal images | |
Python programming language | |
Q | |
Quad-rotors | |
Quadratic Buck Converter | |
Quadrotor UAV | |
Quality of Service | |
R | |
R2P2 | |
Radio Frequency link | |
random forest | |
Random Forest Classifier | |
Real Time | |
Real time transmission | |
rectus femoris | |
recurrence quantification analysis | |
Reflectance | |
remote monitoring | |
renewable | |
renewable energy | |
Renewable energy resources | |
renewable energy system | |
Respiratory and Heart Beat Rates | |
risk assessment | |
Robot calibration | |
robotic arm | |
Robotics | |
rural areas | |
S | |
Sampling methods | |
SAR | |
savonius turbine | |
SCUC | |
seismic codes | |
seismic signal analysis | |
Selective | |
Semiconductor Devices | |
Sensor network | |
Sensortag | |
sequential modeling | |
Series branch | |
servo actuator | |
Short-circuit | |
shunt reactor | |
Signal extraction | |
Signal Processing | |
Simulación | |
Simulación en Tiempo Real | |
simulation | |
Sistema eléctrico de distribución | |
Sistemas Computacionales | |
Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia | |
sizing | |
Skin tone detection | |
sliding mode controller | |
Smart agriculture | |
smart electricity meter | |
smoothing effect | |
social media | |
solar | |
solar farm | |
Sparse method | |
Sparse representation | |
spatial filtering | |
Spectral signatures | |
Spectrogram | |
spectrum analysis | |
Sport Science | |
SST- Transformador de Estado Sólido | |
Stability | |
statcom | |
state of charge | |
State Space Representation | |
static security assessment | |
static thermal ratings | |
stator | |
stator current | |
steady state | |
Steady-state | |
Stereo vision system | |
subscriber location | |
Substation | |
Supercapacitors | |
superpixels | |
Supervised Learning | |
Suport Vector Machine | |
Support Vector Machine | |
support vector machines | |
SVM | |
Switching Model | |
Synchronized-Measurement | |
T | |
Takagi Sugeno | |
Takagi-Sugeno model | |
Tarifas eléctricas según tiempo de uso ToU | |
Task Force | |
Taylor-Fourier filters | |
TCSC | |
Tecnológico de Morelia | |
temperature distribution | |
TGBROD algorithm | |
thermal analysis | |
thermal image | |
Time series | |
Time-optimal control | |
Total Harmonic Distortion | |
trajectory generation | |
Trajectory tracking | |
transducer | |
Transformador | |
Transformadores | |
Transformer | |
Transformerless PV inverter | |
Transmission Line Model | |
Transmission lines | |
Type-4 Wind Turbine | |
Typhoon HIL/PRANATEC | |
U | |
UAV | |
Unit commitment | |
Unknown Input Observer | |
Unmanned aerial vehicles | |
unsegmented infrared thermography | |
V | |
Vehículos eléctricos a baterías | |
vertical axis turbine | |
Viakon y Prolec | |
Vibration signals | |
Vibrations | |
video analysis | |
Virtual Relay | |
visual impairment | |
voltage and current sensors | |
Voltage control | |
Voltage regulation | |
VSI | |
W | |
Watermarking | |
weapons | |
Weighted Moving Averages | |
whale optimization algorithm | |
wind | |
wind energy | |
wind turbine | |
Z | |
zinc_air battery |