This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$\varepsilon$-Differential Privacy | |
$k$-Anonymity | |
$Pk$-Anonymity | |
A | |
accountability | |
ADB | |
Additional: | |
AI safety | |
ALPHV Blackcat | |
android | |
anonymity | |
anonymization | |
APTs | |
artificial intelligence | |
Attack Model | |
attack-aware | |
attribute-based | |
Audio Authentication | |
Authentication | |
Automatic target recognition (ATR) | |
automotive | |
Automotive Security | |
Autonomous Vehicles | |
B | |
backdoor | |
backup | |
Benchmark | |
Benchmarks | |
blockchain | |
Bloom filters | |
bot detection | |
Brute-force Guessing Attack | |
C | |
Certificate | |
Code Patterns | |
collaborative system | |
Communication Protocol | |
Compositionality | |
consumption | |
Context-sharing Platforms | |
controller area network | |
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems | |
Countermeasure | |
Countermeasures | |
cyber security | |
cyber-physical systems | |
Cyberattacks | |
cybercrime | |
Cybersecurity | |
D | |
data exposure minimization | |
data scarcity | |
data streaming | |
Decentralized Identifiers | |
deduplication | |
Deep Learning | |
Deepfake | |
DevSecOps | |
Differential Privacy | |
diffusion | |
Digital trust | |
Dilithium | |
distributed ledger technology | |
domain generation algorithm (DGA) | |
downgrade attack | |
E | |
encryption | |
Ensemble models | |
EV charging | |
Evasion Attack | |
F | |
fairness | |
false positive | |
feature engineering | |
feature selection | |
Federated Learning | |
file availability | |
free rider attacks | |
Fuzzy Deduplication | |
G | |
Generative Adversarial Networks | |
generative AI attack | |
group signature | |
H | |
Healthcare Systems | |
Horizontal hiding | |
human | |
human-computer interaction | |
hybrid | |
Hybrid Cryptosystems | |
I | |
Identity and Access Management | |
Index Terms—CCS Concepts: | |
Industrial Control Systems | |
Industrial Frameworks | |
Industry 5.0 | |
infostealer malware | |
initial access brokers | |
insider threat | |
Integrity | |
Internet Key Exchange | |
Internet of Things | |
intrusion detection | |
intrusion detection system | |
IoT | |
IoT Security | |
IPSec | |
ISO 15118-20 | |
K | |
kidney exchange | |
Kyber | |
L | |
Large Language Models | |
Lightweight vision transformer (LViT) | |
Location Privacy | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Machine unlearning | |
malware | |
MBSE | |
MGM Cyber Attack | |
mobile and wireless | |
modeling | |
multi-task learning | |
Multicategory learning | |
N | |
Network Intrusion Detection | |
network security | |
Network Traffic Classification | |
O | |
Open set recognition (OSR) | |
Operational Technology | |
operations | |
optimization | |
Orange Espana Attack | |
P | |
parameter-efficient fine-tuning | |
partial masking | |
patient privacy | |
PE vulnerabilities | |
Pen Testing | |
Penetration Testing | |
Poisoning attack | |
portability | |
post-quantum | |
Post-Quantum Cryptography | |
PQC Migration | |
pre-trained models | |
prediction | |
privacy | |
privacy communication | |
Privacy Embedded Learning (PEL) | |
Privacy Quantification | |
Privacy-Preserving | |
Privacy-Preserving Algorithms | |
Probabilistic Anonymization | |
protocol extension | |
R | |
raccoon infostealer | |
Random number generator | |
ransomware | |
Record-Independence | |
Red Teaming | |
RISC-V SoC | |
S | |
sanitizing | |
Scattered Spider | |
script kiddies | |
secure multi-party computation | |
Security | |
security and privacy | |
Security Smells | |
self-disclosure | |
self-sovereign identity | |
sensitivity detection | |
service operations | |
Side-channel attacks | |
Speech | |
standards | |
SW/HW | |
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR | |
T | |
Tag Consistency | |
Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment | |
Threat Modelling | |
ticketing system | |
time delta | |
timestamp | |
TLS | |
token | |
traceability | |
Trajectory Privacy | |
Trajectory Reconstruction | |
transfer learning | |
Tree-based algorithms | |
Trust | |
V | |
VANETs | |
Verifiable Credentials | |
W | |
Watermark | |
wearable device security | |
web metrics | |
X | |
X.509 | |
• | |
• Human-centered computing: Empirical studies in HCI | |
• Security and privacy: Usability in security and privacy |