This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(trans)national street demonstrations | |
2 | |
2015 | |
A | |
acknowledgment | |
affect | |
Affective Intelligence | |
Anger | |
anti-organizational behavior | |
anxiety | |
apologies | |
Assumptions | |
atrocities | |
attitudes | |
Attribution bias | |
authoritarianism | |
B | |
bayes | |
beliefs | |
biases | |
Big Five | |
Big Five Measurement | |
blame | |
Body Odors | |
Bosnia an Herzegovina | |
Broken telephone game | |
C | |
Campaign | |
Citizenship | |
civic engagement | |
civil society | |
Climate change | |
cognition | |
cognitive appraisal theories of emotions | |
Cognitive biases | |
Cognitive dissonance | |
Collective Action | |
collective memory | |
comparative | |
Comparative politics | |
competence | |
complementary stereotypes | |
comprehensibility | |
Conflict | |
Conflict Management | |
Conformity | |
conservatism | |
Conspiracy theories | |
Conspiracy Theory | |
content analysis | |
Continuity | |
Critical Life incidents | |
cross-national | |
cross-pressures | |
cross-sectional survey | |
Culture | |
D | |
dark triad | |
Data Mining | |
decision making | |
Democracy | |
democratic behaviour | |
democratic ideals | |
democratic leaders | |
Denmark | |
Deontology | |
deservingness cues | |
devaluation of refugees | |
Diaspora | |
dictatorial behaviour | |
dictators | |
Discontent | |
disease | |
disengagement | |
Disgust | |
distributive justice | |
diversity | |
E | |
Economic voting | |
economic worries | |
Education | |
effects of news stories | |
Elections | |
electoral campaigns | |
elite decision making | |
emotion | |
emotional expression | |
emotions | |
Ethnic diversity | |
Ethnic identity | |
European Values Study | |
Evolutionary psychology | |
Experiment | |
experimental research | |
experiments | |
Extremism | |
Eye tracking | |
F | |
facial appearance | |
Facial Dominance | |
folk economic beliefs | |
Forced Migration | |
Forgiveness | |
Frame strength | |
framing | |
framing effects | |
framing theory | |
free will | |
G | |
gay couples | |
gender | |
gender roles | |
gender stereotypes | |
genocide | |
Global inequality | |
Group identification | |
H | |
health | |
heterosexism | |
heuristics | |
hybrid regimes | |
I | |
identity | |
ideology | |
image | |
Immigrants | |
Immigration | |
immigration polices | |
implicit attitudes | |
Impressionable years hypothesis | |
incumbency advantage | |
Inequality | |
influence of pictures | |
information | |
information processing | |
ingroup transgressions | |
Intelligence | |
intergenerational transmission of ideology | |
intergroup conflict | |
Intergroup relations | |
intergroup threat | |
Internal Efficacy | |
international institutions | |
intersectionality | |
Irrationality | |
J | |
judgment | |
justice | |
justifications | |
K | |
Kenneth Kaunda | |
Knowledge | |
Kosovo | |
L | |
labor market change | |
law | |
leader evaluation | |
Leader preferences | |
Leadership | |
Leadership evaluation | |
leadership styles | |
leadership traits | |
Learning | |
left-right self-placement | |
M | |
Machiavellianism | |
manipulation | |
Masculinity | |
Mass Media | |
measurement | |
media | |
media effects | |
Memory | |
mental health | |
Methodology | |
Minimal group | |
mistrust | |
mnemonic convergence | |
Modality | |
Moral reasoning | |
moral values | |
morality | |
motivated cognition | |
motivation | |
movement politics | |
Multiculturalism | |
multimodal | |
Multiple identification | |
Muslims | |
N | |
narcissism | |
narratives | |
National identity | |
Nationally representative samples | |
Need for Acknowledgement | |
Need for Closure | |
Negative Campaigning | |
News | |
news content | |
Nonverbal behavior | |
norm violations | |
Northern Ireland | |
Nostalgia | |
O | |
Olfaction | |
Opinion diversity | |
outgroup bias | |
outgroup threat | |
P | |
participation | |
Partisan Motivated Reasoning | |
party politics | |
Peace | |
perceived legitimacy | |
performance of authorities | |
perpetrators | |
personality | |
Personalization of Politics | |
Personlity of Elites | |
persuasion | |
Poland | |
Politic Engagement | |
political behaviour | |
Political communication | |
Political Conflict | |
political elites | |
political gender gap | |
Political ideology | |
political institutions | |
political interest | |
Political Misperceptions | |
political participation | |
Political Process | |
Political Psychology | |
political socialization | |
Political Trust | |
politician evaluations | |
Populism | |
Populist leaders | |
Post-conflict country | |
prejudice | |
presidential election | |
Privilege | |
procedural justice | |
processing | |
progressivism | |
protest | |
protest policing styles | |
protest threats | |
protest vote | |
protesting | |
Protests | |
psychopathy | |
public opinion | |
Q | |
query theory | |
R | |
radicalization | |
rationality | |
Recall | |
refugees | |
Register-data | |
Rejection of science | |
Relative Deprivation | |
religion | |
Religious identity | |
Representation | |
Repression | |
resilience | |
Resource Tool-Box | |
right-wing authoritarianism | |
Right-wing populist parties | |
Robert Mugabe | |
Role modeling | |
S | |
Satisfaction with Democracy | |
scale development | |
Self-efficacy | |
self-schema | |
sexual attitudes | |
sibling gender effects | |
similarity | |
social attitudes | |
social change | |
Social Conflict Contexts | |
Social Conservatism | |
social dominance orientation | |
social dominance theory | |
social identifications | |
Social identity complexity | |
social influence | |
Social networks | |
social protest | |
Social Trust | |
social welfare attitudes | |
Socialization | |
status quo bias | |
stereotypes | |
strategic incapacitation | |
structural risk factors | |
structure equation model | |
Survey experiment | |
system justification | |
system trust | |
T | |
taboo | |
tactical diffusion | |
Televised Debates | |
terrorism | |
text | |
Threat | |
Transmission of political communication | |
Trauma | |
Trolley dilemma | |
Trust | |
trust in politicians | |
U | |
uk elections | |
unconscious processes | |
Utilitarianism | |
V | |
Value congruence | |
Victimhood | |
video survey experiment | |
Violence | |
visual | |
Visual Attention | |
visual cues | |
volunteering | |
vote to achieve a desire of expression | |
Voter turnout | |
voter's experience during voting process | |
Voting | |
voting behavior | |
voting decisions | |
voting experiment | |
voting rule and expressiveness | |
W | |
welfare attitudes | |
Workplace | |
Y | |
youth |