This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$l_0$ ``norm'' | |
0 | |
0-1 Linear Programming | |
A | |
Acceleration | |
Access Point Selection | |
Ad auctions | |
Adaptive solution | |
aerospace engineering | |
aerospace systems | |
air traffic control | |
Airline Industry | |
algebraic degree | |
Algorithm Configuration | |
Algorithms | |
Alpha Fairness | |
Alternating Directions Method of Multipliers | |
anisotropic eikonal equation | |
anomaly clustering | |
anomaly detection | |
Approximation algorithms | |
asymptotic value | |
asynchronous algorithms | |
Auction theory | |
availability | |
B | |
balancedness | |
Basis Pursuit | |
Bayesian optimization | |
benchmarking | |
Bender Decomposition | |
Benders decomposition | |
Bidding strategy | |
Bilevel optimization | |
Bilevel programming | |
Birkoff-James orthogonality | |
bounded curvature | |
Bundle Methods | |
C | |
Campanato nearness condition | |
cancer therapy | |
Capacity adjustment | |
capacity planning framework | |
chattering | |
Classification | |
Cloud Computing | |
Cloud System | |
clustering | |
CMA-ES | |
Co-clustering | |
co-coercivity | |
Column Generation | |
Combinatorial optimization | |
communication property | |
Competitive ratio | |
completion time | |
Complexity | |
computer algebra | |
Congestion games | |
connectivity | |
Constrained Shortest Path Problem | |
Contextual Bandits | |
Continuous convex non smooth optimization | |
continuous optimization | |
Control | |
Convex geometry | |
Convex optimization | |
Coordinate descent | |
Correlation clustering | |
Coupling Driving/Charging | |
cycle inequalities | |
D | |
Data Science Competition | |
Day-ahead market | |
deadline | |
decision making under uncertainty | |
Decision Support | |
Decomposition | |
decomposition-coordination | |
decomposition/coordination | |
deep learning | |
Demand side management | |
Density Estimation | |
Direct method | |
Dirichlet conditions | |
Discrete convexity | |
Discrete optimization | |
Discrete-time affine systems | |
distributed computing | |
Distributed SDN Control Planes | |
document representation | |
dual effect | |
Dynamic chance constraints | |
dynamic games | |
dynamic programming | |
Dynamic sampling | |
E | |
Eddy-current approximation | |
Efficiency of equilibria | |
electric power consumption | |
electric vehicle | |
Electric Vehicles | |
Eletrical Vehicle Scheduling Problem | |
Elliptic PDEs | |
empirical risk minimization | |
energy consumption efficiency | |
Energy Optimization | |
Energy Storage Systems | |
Energy-aware production planning | |
Energy-efficiency | |
Ensemble methods | |
Entropy minimization | |
Enumeration algorithms | |
Equilibrium | |
Ergodicity | |
European Parliament | |
evolution strategies | |
evolutionary therapy | |
expensive objective functions | |
Exploitation-exploration tradeoff | |
extensive form | |
F | |
Face enumeration | |
facility location | |
failure | |
Fatigue | |
feature selection | |
Fenchel transform | |
Fenchel-Moreau conjugacy | |
Fictitious play | |
Finite time and finite state space | |
First order systems | |
Flow interchange | |
Fokker-Planck equation | |
Forecasting | |
FSO | |
Fuller phenomenon | |
functional data | |
functional data analysis | |
G | |
Game theory | |
GAN | |
Gaussian Processes | |
Genericity | |
genetic algorithm | |
Geometric optimal control | |
Global optimization | |
Gradient flows | |
Graph algorithms | |
Graph Partitioning | |
Graph Theory | |
graphs | |
H | |
Hamilton-Jacobi approach | |
Hamilton-Jacobi equation | |
Hamilton-Jacobi equations | |
Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman approach | |
Handover | |
Heuristics | |
HJB | |
homotopy and continuity methods | |
Hotelling Games | |
Huber loss | |
Hybrid models | |
hybrid numeric-symbolic algorithm | |
Hydro Unit Commitment | |
Hydro Unit Commitment Problem | |
Hyperbolic Polynomials | |
Hyperbolic Programming | |
I | |
ILP model | |
imperfect state information | |
Impulse control | |
Incomplete Information | |
increasing convex bound | |
Incremental | |
indirect methods | |
information | |
Information Flow Processing | |
Instances Generator | |
Intelligent transportation systems | |
interdiction problem | |
inverse control | |
inverse optimal control | |
Inverse problems | |
L | |
Lagrangian Decomposition | |
large-scale optimization | |
Learning | |
level bundle methods | |
Level set | |
Limit Value | |
Linear programming | |
linear-convergence | |
linear-quadratic problem | |
LNS | |
local search Heuristics | |
Location games | |
Lot sizing | |
Lot-sizing | |
M | |
machine learning | |
marine applications | |
Market equilibrium | |
Markov Chains | |
Markov Decision Processes | |
Mathematical Programming | |
Mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints | |
Max Flow | |
Max-Cut | |
maximum cardinality matching | |
Mean field approximation | |
Mean Field Games | |
Mean-Field Games | |
medical imaging by NMR | |
Membrane gas separation process | |
minimum time | |
MIP formulation | |
Mixed-integer programming | |
Mobile data networks | |
Model-based Reinforcement Learning | |
modelling | |
Modelling Systems | |
Moment optimization | |
monotonicity | |
most vital | |
Multi-armed bandit | |
Multi-commodity flows | |
Multi-leader-disjoint-follower problems | |
multi-objective optimization | |
multi-objective problems | |
Multi-Path Resource Allocation | |
Multi-technology Wireless Networks | |
multigrid methods | |
multiobjective | |
Multiplex Signed Graph | |
Multiplicative noise | |
Multitask learning | |
multivariate extreme theory | |
Multivariate stochastic ordering | |
N | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Network Function Virtualization | |
Network neutrality | |
Network routing | |
non-autonomous optimal control | |
Non-holonomic optimal control | |
non-linear invariants | |
non-stationary environment | |
Non-stationary Kriging | |
Nonanticipative strategies | |
Nonatomic congestion games | |
Nonatomic games | |
Nonconvex | |
Nonlinear optimal control | |
nonlinear programming | |
Nonnegativity | |
Nonsmooth optimization | |
novelty detection | |
numerical approximation | |
Numerical Optimization | |
O | |
O-D flows | |
Occupation measure | |
online computation | |
Online Learning | |
operations research games | |
optimal control | |
optimal control problem | |
Optimal control problems | |
Optimal mini-batch | |
Optimal transport | |
optimisation under uncertainty | |
optimization | |
Optimization in dynamical systems | |
Over-time optimization | |
P | |
Partial differential equations | |
Partially observed markov decision processes | |
particle filter | |
PDE control | |
perfect recall | |
phase-coded waveforms | |
Planar graphs | |
planning | |
Polya's representation | |
Polynomial Optimization | |
Polynomial time algorithm | |
Population games | |
population monotonic allocation scheme (pmas) | |
positive semidefinite rank | |
Positivstellensatz | |
Probabilistic graphical models | |
probability functions | |
project scheduling | |
proximal projection | |
Putinar's representation | |
Q | |
Quality of service | |
R | |
radar | |
Radar resources management | |
Railway scheduling | |
Random choice | |
random discrete capacity | |
real algebraic geometry | |
recourse | |
Rectifiability | |
Regression | |
Regularity | |
reinforcement | |
repeated games | |
Resource Allocation | |
Resource Constrainted Shortest Paths | |
restricted co-coercivity | |
restricted strong monotonicity | |
Robust Control | |
Robust Optimization | |
robustness | |
Rolling stock | |
runtime analysis | |
S | |
Sat-Valued Analysis | |
Scheduling under energy constraints and costs | |
Schroedinger bridges | |
SDDP | |
selection | |
self-adaptive evolutionary algorithms | |
Self-contracted curves | |
Semi-definite programming | |
semi-metric polytope | |
Semidefinite programming | |
Service Function Chaining | |
Set covering | |
Shape optimization | |
Sharp linear invariants | |
Shooting and continuation techniques | |
Signed graph | |
simulation-based optimization | |
Sinkhorn algorithm | |
smart charging | |
Smart grid | |
Software Defined Networks | |
Software Dened Networking | |
Solver implementation | |
sparse optimization | |
Sparse recovery | |
Sparsity | |
State constraints | |
Stochastic approximation | |
Stochastic average gradient descent | |
Stochastic Control | |
stochastic dynamic programming | |
stochastic games | |
stochastic Lyapunov drift | |
Stochastic optimization | |
Stochastic Pert networks | |
stochastic process | |
stochastic programming | |
Stochastic variance reduced methods | |
Stokes equations | |
Stream Data Mining | |
strong stochastic bound | |
strongly monotonicity | |
Structural Balance | |
Sum of nonnegative circuit polynomials | |
Sum of squares | |
Sum of squares optimization | |
sums of squares decomposition | |
superquantile | |
Supervised classification | |
surrogate-model-based optimization | |
Survivable networks | |
Synthesis | |
System Identification | |
T | |
Tabu search | |
text mining | |
text stream | |
theory | |
Time series | |
time-series | |
times series | |
Topological gradient | |
Topological sensitivity | |
topology optimization | |
traffic engineering | |
Traffic routing | |
Trajectory reconstruction | |
Transfarable Utility (TU-)games | |
transport | |
triangle inequalities | |
Tropical algebra | |
Tropical geometry | |
Trust Region | |
TSP | |
U | |
Uncertain Systems | |
Unconstrained polynomial optimization | |
uniform value | |
Unit commitment | |
Unit Commitment Problem | |
V | |
Variance reduction | |
variational inequality | |
Variational Inference | |
Verification | |
Viability | |
Viscosity solutions | |
visualization techniques | |
VRP | |
W | |
Wasserstein distance | |
Wasserstein space | |
weak KAM Theory | |
Z | |
zero sum | |
zero-sum |