This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
5 | |
5G-IoT | |
A | |
Active learning | |
Adaptive Authentication | |
Adaptive Security | |
Advanced Persistent Threats | |
advanced students | |
Adversarial Training | |
Age Detection | |
Age Determination | |
AI | |
AI adoption | |
AI Safety | |
AI-assisted journalism · | |
algorithmic profiling | |
APT Mitigation | |
Architectural Transformation | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Assessment | |
Assessments | |
Attack Mitigation | |
Augmented Reality | |
Automated adaptive test | |
automatiserte testar | |
B | |
Bayesian Network | |
Behavioural Biometrics | |
Benchmarking | |
BERT | |
Bias | |
Biometrics and neuroscience | |
Blood glucose prediction | |
C | |
Catch prediction | |
CNN | |
Code Review | |
Collective anomaly detection | |
Communication practices | |
Computational Pathology | |
Computer science | |
Computer Vision | |
computer-assisted | |
Computing Education | |
Concept Identification | |
Concept Inventory | |
Continuous Authentication | |
course planning | |
COVID-19 | |
Crime Scene Investigation | |
Criminal investigation | |
Critical Infrastructure | |
Critical Infrastructures | |
Critical sectors | |
Cryptographic Engineering | |
CS1 | |
Custom Scripting | |
Cyber resilience | |
Cyber security | |
Cyber Threat Intelligence | |
Cyberbullying | |
Cybercrime | |
Cybersecurity | |
Cybersecurity framework | |
D | |
Data ownership | |
DDoS attacks | |
Decentralized Identity | |
Deep learning | |
Deep-learning | |
Democracy | |
Didactics | |
Digital Forensics | |
Digital infrastructure | |
Digital Twins | |
Digitalization | |
Disinformation | |
DistilBERT | |
Diversity Equity Inclusion | |
Drawing | |
Dynamic Risk Assessment | |
E | |
Editorial tool | |
Education | |
educational approaches | |
Educational practices | |
Egen-vurdering | |
eGovernment | |
electronic health record | |
emergency room | |
emotions | |
Enterprise modelling | |
Ethical challenges | |
Examiners’ Perspective | |
Explainable AI | |
Exploratory research | |
F | |
Fact-checking | |
Federated Learning | |
Feedback Fruits | |
Fisheries | |
Flowguard | |
Focused thinking | |
Forensic Analysis | |
Forensic readiness | |
Formal logic | |
Fuzzing | |
førsteårsstudent | |
G | |
Gender | |
Generative AI | |
Grades | |
Gradient Descent | |
Group dynamics | |
GRU | |
H | |
Head Cameras | |
Health Care Education | |
Healthcare | |
Healthcare Examples | |
Healthcare Security | |
Healthcare System | |
Helsenorge | |
Helseplattformen | |
Hepatic Veins | |
Higher Education | |
Higher ICT education | |
human-centered AI | |
Hverandre-vurdering | |
I | |
Image data | |
Image filters | |
Incident Response | |
Incident Response Tools | |
industrial control system | |
informatikk | |
informatikkdidaktikk | |
information overload | |
Information Security | |
Information systems | |
Information technology | |
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) | |
Internasjonalisering | |
Internet of Medical Things | |
Internet of Things security | |
Introduction to Programming | |
Introductory Programming | |
intrusion detection | |
Investigation | |
IoT Devices | |
IS modelling | |
IT Education | |
IT Educators | |
IT security | |
J | |
Justifications | |
K | |
Keystroke Dynamics | |
KI | |
Kreativitet | |
Kunnskapsmedarbeidere | |
Kunstig intelligens | |
L | |
Large language models | |
Law enforcement | |
Leadership | |
Learning Experience | |
Literature Review | |
Live Video Streaming | |
LLMs | |
LSTM-2 | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
Manikin | |
Mapping study | |
marking | |
Master Theses | |
matematikkdidaktikk | |
Medical Information | |
Microsoft Copilot Chat | |
Misinformation | |
Mitral valve | |
Model Accuracy | |
Multi-class classification | |
Multi-Task Learning | |
Multimedia analytics | |
Multimedia application | |
Multimedia Verification | |
Multimodel | |
Municipality | |
N | |
News | |
Norwegian enterprises | |
Nudging | |
O | |
Online Survey | |
operational technology | |
Optimization | |
P | |
Pandemic | |
Pedagogy | |
Peer Assessment | |
Peer Code Assessment | |
Peer Code Review (PCR) | |
perception | |
phishing | |
physicians | |
Physiological modelling | |
pilot study | |
Platform | |
Portal Veins | |
Poster | |
Prior Knowledge | |
Privacy | |
Privacy-Preserving | |
problemløysing | |
programmering | |
Programming languages | |
programming paradigms | |
Programming visualisation | |
Projection | |
Projection Mapping | |
Proof checking | |
prosjekt | |
Prosjektbasert læring | |
public organization | |
Public sphere | |
Q | |
Qualitative study | |
R | |
Randomized control trial | |
Recommender systems | |
Remote Healthcare | |
Remote Patient Monitoring | |
Resilience | |
ResNet-50 | |
Responsible Artificial Intelligence | |
Responsible Digitalization | |
Restructuring activities | |
Retrieval augmented generation | |
Reverse engineering | |
RoBERTa | |
Role Models | |
S | |
Security | |
Security and Safety | |
Security Architecture | |
Security Automation | |
Security awareness | |
Security Engineering for Machine Learning | |
Security Frameworks | |
Security Operations | |
Security Orchestration | |
Security Policy Development | |
Security Skills Gap | |
Security Tools | |
Segmentation | |
Self-Regulated Learning | |
Serious Games | |
Signal processing | |
Smart Grid | |
Social Media | |
sociotechnical theory | |
Software | |
Software modeling | |
STEM-utdanning | |
Student Engagement | |
student involvement | |
Student Perspective | |
students as developers | |
Survey investigation | |
Sustainability | |
Sustainability Awareness Framework | |
Sustainability Design | |
SwinUNETR | |
Switching Functions | |
Systematic Literature Review | |
T | |
Teaching | |
Team Situational Awareness | |
technostress | |
Ternary Logic | |
Testing | |
Text data | |
Thinking classrooms | |
Threat Detection | |
Threat Hunting | |
Threat Modeling | |
tilbakemeldingsferdighet | |
Transparency | |
Trust | |
Tverrfaglighet | |
U | |
Ultrasound | |
Undergraduate teaching | |
Unknown Instruction Set Architecture | |
V | |
Verification | |
Vilenkin-Chrestenson Transform | |
Virtual Reality | |
ViT | |
vurdering | |
W | |
Web 3.0 | |
workplace | |
X | |