This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
accelerated carbonation | |
air | |
air cooled grate | |
Anaerobic digestion | |
B | |
biohydrogen | |
Biomass | |
Biometano | |
Biomethane | |
bioraffineria | |
Biowaste | |
bottom ash | |
C | |
carbon fiber | |
ceneri pesanti | |
CFRP | |
Circular Economy | |
Circular Economy e qualità materia | |
Climate Control | |
combustion optimisation | |
comparison scenario | |
Composition | |
Compostaggio | |
Composting | |
comunicazione creativa | |
concrete production | |
containers | |
cost | |
Customer equivalent person | |
D | |
density separation | |
Digestione anaerobica | |
disposal | |
Distributed gas feeding | |
diversion | |
E | |
Economic performance | |
efficiency | |
efficienza | |
ELCR | |
emission | |
Energy Recovery | |
environmental benefits estimate | |
Environmental Indicators | |
environmental legislation | |
Environmental sustainability | |
Environmental Sustainability Index | |
estrazione a secco | |
EU | |
Evoluzione delle vie di smaltimento | |
exposure | |
F | |
fluidized-bed reactor | |
Food waste | |
G | |
gasification | |
Gate fees | |
Government Policy | |
Green Waste | |
I | |
Incenerimento | |
Incinerator | |
industrial plant | |
Interception rate | |
L | |
labour | |
LCA | |
Life Cycle Assessment | |
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) | |
Lung cancer | |
M | |
Magaldi | |
mass-burning kiln | |
Material Recovery | |
Modelling | |
modello decisionale | |
moving grate | |
MSW | |
MSWI residues | |
municipal solid waste collection | |
O | |
Optimization | |
organic fraciton of municipal solid waste | |
Organic waste | |
Oxy-pyrolysis | |
P | |
percezione | |
Pilot reactor | |
plant capacity | |
pollution | |
profit enhancement | |
Public consultation | |
Public Engagement | |
pyrolysis | |
R | |
Raccolta differenziata | |
recovery | |
Recupero | |
Recupero energetico | |
recycle | |
recycling | |
refractory wear | |
Regione Emilia-Romagna | |
Regolazione | |
Renewable Energy | |
Residue | |
respirometric index | |
respirometry | |
Restaurant waste | |
Rifiuti organici | |
Risk analysis | |
riutilizzo | |
rotary kiln | |
Routing | |
S | |
scorie | |
secondary raw materials | |
Separate collection | |
separazione metalli | |
sewage sludge | |
sistemi di raccolta dei rifiuti urbani | |
sludge recovery | |
Smaltimento | |
Smaltimento fanghi di depurazione | |
Strategic Communications | |
Syngas | |
T | |
Tariffe | |
TOC limit | |
Trattamento | |
U | |
Ultrafine particles | |
Unit generation | |
V | |
vehicles | |
W | |
Waste flows allocation | |
Waste logistics | |
Waste Management | |
Waste management system | |
waste to energy | |
Waste treatment | |
Waste-to-Energy | |
water cooled grate | |
WEEE | |
WEEE recycling | |
wet waste | |
wood ash | |
WTE plants | |
Z | |
zero waste |