This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(r|p)-centroid problem | |
1 | |
1-skeleton | |
2 | |
2D packing | |
A | |
ADMM mechanism | |
aggregate rankings | |
Aircraft flow merging | |
Aircraft flows merging | |
Aircraft order | |
Analog of statistical significance property | |
Aperiodic process | |
Approximation | |
Approximation algorithm | |
Approximation algorithms | |
asymmetric players | |
Asymmetric transportation network | |
Asymmetryc problem | |
Autarky | |
Automated Synthesis and Control | |
Autonomous driving | |
B | |
backward induction | |
Bar charts | |
batch processing | |
Bayesian and minimax approaches | |
bi-level location model | |
bicriteria problem | |
bilevel mathematical programming problems | |
bilevel problem | |
Bilevel programming | |
bin packing | |
binary customer's behavior rule | |
Borda rules | |
boundary value problems | |
Bounded scatter | |
Bounded Sub-Determinants | |
Branch-and-Cut algorithm | |
Bregman divergence | |
C | |
changing constraints | |
chemical reaction optimizationn | |
choosing reliability level | |
Choquet integral | |
clique number | |
cluster ensemble | |
Clustering | |
clustering algorithms | |
collection of information | |
combinatorial optimization | |
Comparative Statics | |
compartment epidemic models | |
competitive and non-competitive retail | |
competitive location strategy | |
competitive placements | |
competitive ratio | |
complex networks | |
Complexity | |
Compressed communication | |
computation with infinities | |
computational complexity | |
computational experiment | |
consistency | |
consistent prize allocation | |
Constrained convex optimization | |
constrained multi-agent optimization | |
Constraint programming | |
Consumer Surplus | |
Continuous-time games | |
Control | |
Control Algorithms | |
control system | |
convergence | |
Convertor Shop Floor | |
Convex optimization | |
convolutional neural network | |
cooperation | |
cooperative game | |
cooperative game theory | |
Cooperative solution | |
coordination mechanisms | |
core | |
cospectral graphs | |
cost function | |
Counting Problem | |
D | |
DC functions | |
DC programming | |
DC representation | |
Decentralized optimization | |
Differential evolution | |
differential game | |
differential games | |
diffusive logistic model | |
digital system | |
Discrete data analysis | |
discrete facility location | |
discrete optimization | |
Discrete optimizations | |
dispersion | |
dissemination of information | |
distillation column | |
Distributed control | |
Distributed optimization | |
distributionally robust optimization | |
diversity maximization | |
Dixit-Stiglitz Model | |
DL | |
duality | |
dynamic games | |
Dynamic Network Game | |
E | |
economics | |
Edgeworth equilibria | |
efficiency of a closed-loop supply chain | |
efforts expended | |
elastic demand | |
Elastic/flexible optical networks | |
Electricity markets | |
Energy Domain | |
Energy storages | |
Energy system | |
epidemic process | |
equilibrium | |
equilibrium problem with equilibrium constraints | |
Error compensation | |
Error estimation | |
Euclidean space | |
Evolutionary Computation | |
Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms | |
exact penalty | |
exceeding wellfare level | |
Existence theorem | |
experimental evaluation | |
F | |
facet-inducing inequalities | |
facility location | |
facility location problem | |
feedback control | |
feedback parameters | |
finding near-optimal solutions | |
first-order methods | |
Fishery-management model | |
flow shop | |
for NP-hard problems | |
Forecasting | |
Forward contracts | |
frequency boundary | |
Friedkin–Johnsen model | |
fuzzy clustering | |
Fuzzy core | |
fuzzy parameters | |
G | |
game on network | |
games with imperfect information | |
Generalized LSE | |
Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem | |
genetic algorithm | |
given range | |
global convergence guarantees | |
global optimality conditions | |
Global optimization | |
global search method | |
Global search scheme | |
Global Search Theory | |
graph clustering | |
Graph coloring | |
graph diameter | |
gravity center constraint | |
greedy algorithm | |
group decision | |
growth economic models | |
Gurobi | |
Gurobi MIP-solver | |
H | |
Heuristic | |
Hexamatrix games | |
high performance computing | |
Hotelling's duopoly | |
hybrid limit cycles | |
hybrid optimal control | |
hyper-heuristic | |
Hyperheuristics | |
I | |
idempotent mathematics | |
image recognition | |
incomplete data | |
Individual travel times | |
inequality constraints | |
Infinity Calculator | |
Infinity Computer | |
infrastructure logistics | |
Integer Linear Programming | |
integral indicators | |
Integrated Rating Mechanism | |
Interaction controller-pilot | |
Interference | |
intermediate problems | |
interpretability | |
Interval systems of linear algebraic equations | |
inventory model | |
inverse problem | |
Investments in R&D | |
K | |
k-means | |
K-nearest neighbors | |
Karush--Kuhn--Tucker conditions | |
Kolmogorov backward equations | |
L | |
Lagrange function | |
Lagrange theorem | |
Lagrangian formalism | |
large-scale modeling | |
learning augmented | |
Least Deviations Method | |
Level surface approximation | |
Limited number of bins | |
linear barrier | |
linear optimization | |
local search | |
local search method | |
Location and Design | |
Location problems | |
Logistics | |
long-term strategic interactions | |
loyalty | |
M | |
magnetic levitation plant | |
main theorem of the game theory | |
makespan | |
manifold regularization | |
market design | |
Market Equilibrium | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Massive MIMO | |
matching mechanisms | |
Mathematical Modelling | |
Matheuristic | |
Max-min problem | |
maximum tax profit | |
mechanism design | |
metaheuristic | |
Metaheuristics | |
Methodology | |
MIMO | |
Minimal safe interval | |
Minimal variation value | |
Minimization of interactions number | |
mining industry | |
MIP heuristic | |
MIP solver | |
Mixed integer programming | |
mixed-integer programming | |
momentum methods | |
Monopolistic competition | |
monotone endowment | |
Monotonous process | |
moving source | |
Multi-user MIMO | |
multicriteria games | |
Multidimensional Knapsack Problem | |
multiple project scheduling | |
multiple-stop trips | |
multiprocessor scheduling | |
multipurpose structure | |
Multistage game | |
multistage problem | |
Mutual information | |
N | |
Nash bargaining solution | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Nash equilibrium problem | |
network centrality | |
network roll-out problem | |
networks | |
Nikaido-Isoda function | |
Non-additive measure | |
Non-conflict queue | |
nonconvex game | |
Nonconvex optimization | |
nonconvex problem | |
nonlinear programming | |
nonordered groups | |
nonsmooth oprimization | |
Nonsmooth variational problem | |
NP-hard problem | |
NPV | |
numerical method | |
O | |
one-armed bandit | |
online | |
opinion dynamics | |
Optima localization | |
Optimal arrivals | |
optimal control | |
Optimal control of moving along the reference trajectory | |
optimal location | |
optimal moment | |
Optimization | |
order picking | |
ordered groups | |
Oscillatory process | |
P | |
Parallel algorithm | |
parallel machine | |
parallel processors | |
Parallelizable job | |
parameter control | |
Pareto efficiency | |
parking permit problem | |
Partner set | |
Payoff distribution procedure | |
penalty function | |
Perfect competition | |
perfect equilibrium | |
performance guarantee | |
periodic VRP | |
pessimistic optimal solution | |
phase constraints | |
pick-up and delivery | |
pirate game | |
pointwise source | |
pollution control | |
polyhedral structure | |
Polymatrix games of three players | |
polynomial-time algorithm | |
Polynomial-time solvability | |
Polynomially solvable special case | |
portfolio optimization | |
precedence constraints | |
Precoding | |
predictive model | |
Preemptive access | |
preference relation of the decision maker | |
Prescribed instant | |
primal-dual method | |
probabilistic criterion | |
production-level transportation system | |
project scheduling | |
propensity to tax evasion | |
Proportional fairness | |
Proportionate open shop | |
pyramidal encoding | |
pyramidal tour with step-backs | |
Q | |
QR MLD | |
quantile criterion | |
quantile function | |
Quasi-linear recurrence relations | |
quasiconcave function | |
Queueing system | |
Queuing theory | |
R | |
rank-order competitions | |
Reaching checkpoint | |
recycling | |
regime-switching | |
regularization | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relaxation subgradient method | |
Renewable resource extraction | |
renewable resources harvesting | |
resource allocation problem | |
Restricted preemption | |
Retailing | |
robust stability | |
robustness | |
rod heating | |
Routing | |
Routing open shop | |
Routing problem | |
Russian college admissions system | |
S | |
Saddle point problem | |
saddle-point methods | |
sample approximation | |
Scheduler problem | |
scheduling | |
scheduling problems | |
school timetabling | |
scoring | |
SE | |
second-order optimization | |
sensors | |
Separable constraints | |
Shapley value | |
Shop scheduling | |
shopping | |
Short Rational Generating Function | |
Short wave antenna | |
Shortest remaining processing time | |
sigmoid function | |
simple paths | |
Simulation | |
SINR | |
SIR model | |
skyline heuristic | |
Smart Grid | |
smooth approximation | |
Social networks | |
social planner's strategy | |
social processes | |
Social Welfare | |
soft decision tree | |
source problem | |
spectral distance | |
Spectral graph theory | |
spectral problem | |
Spectrum Allocation | |
Speed scaling | |
sphere covering problem | |
sphere packing problem | |
sphere packing problems | |
split delivery | |
Stability radius | |
stable network | |
Stackelberg Equilibrium | |
Stackelberg game | |
Stackelberg solution | |
Standard lower bound | |
statistical methods | |
Steel Making Production | |
Stochastic algorithms | |
stochastic games | |
stochastic local search | |
stochastic optimization | |
stochastic programming | |
storage | |
store location and agglomeration | |
strategic planning | |
Strategic users | |
Strip packing | |
Subdifferential | |
Subdifferential descent method | |
Subgame-perfect equilibrium | |
Subset-Sum Problem | |
Supply functions equilibrium | |
Svenson-Traub algorithm | |
System Identification | |
T | |
tabu search | |
tax control | |
Telecom | |
temperature measuring point | |
tensor train | |
Terminal set | |
text clustering | |
the Pareto set reduction | |
Threshold robustness | |
Time series | |
time windows | |
Time-consistency | |
transport robot | |
transportation problem | |
two-sided market | |
two-stage optimization | |
U | |
ultimatum game | |
Uncapacitated vehicles | |
uncertain data | |
uncertainty | |
V | |
VAE | |
value of information | |
Variable Neighborhood Search | |
Variable sized bin packing | |
Variation interval | |
variation method | |
vector packing | |
vertex adjacency | |
VNS | |
vrp | |
W | |
weakly supervised learning | |
Wireless Systems | |
worst-case analysis | |
Y | |
Yang-Hajek's mechanism | |
Z | |
zero–one programming |