This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(1+(λ﹐λ)) genetic algorithm | |
1 | |
1-skeleton | |
1-tough graphs | |
A | |
accelerated gradient descent | |
adaptive step-size choice | |
adverse selection model | |
affine hull | |
age groups | |
aggregation | |
algorithm complexity | |
algorithm configuration | |
alternating minimization | |
approximate algorithm | |
Approximate centers | |
approximate solution | |
approximation algorithm | |
approximation algorithms | |
APX-completness | |
arborescence | |
Arrow-Debreu model | |
asymmetric network | |
Autarky | |
automated warehouse | |
B | |
batches | |
Bayesian probability | |
Berge equilibrium | |
best-choice game | |
Big Data | |
bilevel integer programming | |
bilevel mathematical programming problems | |
Bilevel optimization | |
bilevel programming | |
binary Leslie's model | |
black-box optimization | |
Boolean satisfiability problem | |
boundary-value problem | |
boundary-value problems | |
branch and bound algorithm | |
Branch Location Problem | |
branch-and-bound algorithm | |
branch-and-cut algorithm | |
C | |
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem | |
capacity mechanism | |
cardinality constraint | |
cardinality constraints | |
Circle covering problem | |
clique number | |
clustering | |
Coalitions of constrained size | |
Cobb-Douglas utility | |
coefficient surfaces | |
collective intelligence | |
Combinatorial optimisation | |
combinatorial optimization | |
communication network | |
Comparative Statics | |
comparative testing | |
Competitive equilibrium | |
competitive location problem | |
competitive pricing | |
Complexity | |
Composite Optimization Problem | |
computational complexity | |
computational testing | |
computer-aided language learning | |
computer-aided proof | |
concave programming | |
Conjectures and counterexamples | |
conjugate function | |
constructive heuristic | |
Consumer Surplus | |
Continuous facility location | |
Contractual economies | |
Control | |
convergence | |
Convex analysis | |
Convex hull | |
convex optimization | |
Convex Programming Problem | |
convolutional neural networks (CNN) | |
Cooperative game | |
cooperative game theory | |
cooperative solution | |
coordinate-wise step | |
costly function | |
coupled-task scheduling | |
cryptographic hash function | |
cut-generation | |
cutting planes | |
D | |
d.c. functions | |
D.c. optimization | |
data flow | |
dataset | |
decision maker preferences | |
decomposable optimization problem | |
decomposition | |
defender-attacker model | |
demand side management | |
descent splitting method | |
developing system | |
difference of two convex functions | |
Differential game | |
differential games | |
Differential games with continuous updating | |
discrete optimization | |
discrete problem | |
distance graph invariant | |
distributionally robust optimization | |
Dixit-Stiglitz Model | |
Dixit–Stiglitz–Krugman Model | |
double description method | |
doubling dimension | |
dual problem | |
duality | |
E | |
e-mobility | |
economic equilibrium | |
edge capacities | |
edge-colored graph | |
elastic demand | |
electronic radio components | |
emergency medical services | |
emission control | |
empty lattice simplex | |
Endogenous Choice of Technology | |
entropy-linear programming | |
entropy-regularized optimal transport | |
environmental pollution | |
equality and inequality constraints | |
estimation | |
Euclidean space | |
Evolutionary Algorithm | |
evolutionary algorithms | |
Exact algorithm | |
Exact l1 penalty function method | |
exact penalty | |
Exact Penalty Theory | |
exchange model | |
expected utility theories | |
F | |
facility location | |
Facility Location Problem | |
finite automata | |
finite metric space | |
first-order methods | |
fixed point | |
fractional optimization | |
Fractional programming problems | |
Free Trade | |
Fuzzy contractual allocations | |
G | |
gain optimization | |
genetic algorithm | |
Geometric clustering | |
global minimum | |
global optimality condition | |
global optimization | |
global search algorithm | |
global search method | |
global search scheme | |
Global Search Theory | |
Gomory cuts | |
Gomory polyhedron | |
gradient | |
Gradient Domunance Condition | |
graph clustering | |
graph diameter | |
graph invariant | |
graph isomorphism problem | |
graph spectrum | |
graph theory | |
greedy agglomerative procedure | |
H | |
Hamiltonian graphs | |
Harness design | |
Hessian | |
Heuristics | |
High dimensions | |
hypercells | |
I | |
ILP formulation and matheuristic | |
inapproximability lower bound | |
income convergence | |
incomplete information | |
Incongruent circles | |
Incremental algorithm | |
Inexact Method | |
Inexact Model | |
Inexact Oracle | |
infinitesimal quantities | |
information exchange | |
information theory | |
integer linear programming | |
integer points of a polyhedron | |
Integer Programming | |
Interbank payment systems | |
interdiction | |
inverse optimization problem | |
investment portfolio | |
irreducible map | |
Irregular Polyomino Tiling | |
Itakura-Saito divergence | |
K | |
k-imputation | |
k-means | |
KKT optimality conditions | |
KKT-approach | |
knapsack polyhedron | |
knapsack problem | |
knot theory | |
L | |
Lagrange function | |
Lagrangian | |
Lie group | |
linear constraints | |
Linear Convergence | |
linear programming | |
Linear quadratic differential games | |
linear relaxation | |
Local Optima | |
local search | |
local search method | |
locomotive crews scheduling | |
Logistics | |
long cycles | |
M | |
machine learning | |
Machine learning algorithm | |
Macroeconomic stress scenarios | |
Mahalanobis distance | |
makespan | |
manufactoring | |
Market Equilibrium | |
Mathematical models | |
matrix correction | |
matrix multiplication | |
MaxSAT | |
median location problems | |
Metabolic networks | |
Metaheuristic | |
metaheuristic optimization | |
Metaheuristics | |
methods of solving | |
metric combinatorial problem | |
Minimum sum-of-squares | |
mixed integer linear programming | |
mixed-integer programming | |
Modified k-means | |
MSSC | |
multi-dimensional knapsack problem | |
Multiclass pattern recognition | |
multicriteria game | |
Multiobjective optimization | |
multiple allocation | |
Multiple covering | |
Multiple line detection problem | |
multistage game | |
multistage optimization | |
mutation rate | |
N | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Network distances | |
network flows | |
Network simplication | |
Non-Convex Programming | |
non-cooperative game | |
Non-Euclidean metric | |
nonconvex optimization | |
nonconvex problem | |
nonlinear optimization | |
nonlinear trend | |
NP-hard problem | |
numerical solution | |
O | |
One-dimensional case | |
online algorithms | |
Online Optimization Problem | |
online social networks | |
open shop | |
Open-loop Nash equilibrium | |
Operations Research in banking | |
Optical-geometric approach | |
optima localization | |
optimal diversity management | |
optimal transport | |
Optimality conditions | |
optimality criterion | |
Optimistic solution | |
optimization | |
optimization algorithms | |
optimization framework | |
Optimization in Industry | |
optimization models | |
optimization problem | |
Optimization Problems | |
Orthogonal Transformation | |
Ottaviano-Tabuchi-Thisse Utility | |
P | |
p-median with mutual distance | |
packing | |
parabola method | |
parallel identical processors | |
parallel job | |
parameter control | |
parameter tuning | |
Pareto equilibria | |
Pareto optimality | |
pattern recognition | |
Payoff | |
penalty method | |
performance guarantee | |
picking | |
Pigouvian Taxes | |
polar coordinate system | |
polyhedral complementarity | |
polyhedral theory | |
polyhedral uncertainty | |
polynomial core | |
Polynomial-time | |
polynomial-time algorithm | |
polytope | |
Pontryagin's Maximum Principle | |
preserving controls | |
pricing | |
primal-dual method | |
probability function | |
production limits | |
pseudo-Boolean optimization | |
PTAS | |
pure exchange economy | |
push-relabel method | |
pyramidal tour with step-backs | |
Q | |
quadratic functions | |
Quasi-Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme | |
quasiequilibrium problems | |
R | |
railway transportation | |
randomized rounding | |
rational exploitation of ecosystems | |
recharging | |
reduction of the Pareto set | |
Reduction Theorem | |
Relative Accuracy | |
Relative Lipschitz-Continuity | |
release and delivery time | |
reliable facility location | |
retail electricity markets | |
Retailing | |
Reverse stress testing | |
Robust saddle-point | |
routing flow shop | |
routing open shop | |
Runtime | |
S | |
saddle-point methods | |
saddle-point problems | |
SAT | |
Scenarios for stress testing | |
scheduling | |
scheduling with limited storage | |
Second-order Method | |
Selection | |
shortest path problem | |
Signal processing | |
simulation-optimization model | |
Sinkhorn's algorithm | |
Sinkhorn's fixed point algorithm | |
smooth convex optimization | |
social graphs | |
Social Welfare | |
software | |
solution algorithm | |
spanning tree | |
sparsity | |
speech quality assessment | |
speed scaling | |
Split delivery service | |
Stability analysis | |
Stackelberg Equilibrium | |
Stackelberg game | |
state constraints | |
stochastic local search | |
Stochastic Mirror Descent | |
stochastic optimization | |
stochastic programming | |
strongly convex optimization | |
submodularity | |
subsoil development program | |
sum of ratios problem | |
supply auction | |
supply chain | |
support function | |
Switching Subgradient Scheme | |
Symmetry Group | |
synthesis of feedback control | |
system of nonlinear equations | |
system-on-chip | |
T | |
tatonnement | |
tensor | |
Tensor Method | |
terminal control | |
The dual Newton's method | |
The linear second-order cone programming problem | |
The local convergence | |
The most appropriate partition | |
The super-linear rate of convergence | |
theshold control | |
three-level problem | |
threshold strategy | |
time consistency | |
time series econometrics | |
Time windows | |
traffic demand matrix estimation | |
transmission irregular graph | |
trigonometric | |
two machines | |
U | |
Unbiased Mutation | |
Uncapacitated vehicles | |
Uncertain semi-infinite optimization problem | |
Unimodal function | |
unimodular equivalence | |
unit root | |
unknotting problem | |
V | |
Variational inequalities | |
vector lattice | |
Vector variational inequalities | |
vertex adjacency | |
vertex transmission | |
Volterra equation of the first kind | |
W | |
weak Berge equilibrium | |
weak coercivity conditions | |
Weighted clustering | |
worst case behavior analysis | |
worst-case behavior analysis | |
Z | |
zero-order method | |
zero-order methods | |
г | |
граф | |
д | |
дерево | |
древесная декомпозиция | |
древесность | |
л | |
лес | |
м | |
мультиграф | |
п | |
покрывающая раскраска рёбер | |
покрывающий индекс | |
т | |
теорема Нэш-Вильямса |