This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
$ | |
$k$-path | |
( | |
(un)boundedness | |
* | |
*-autonomous categories | |
3 | |
3-swap neighborhood | |
3OV | |
A | |
abelian group | |
adapting to changing preferences | |
adaptive hom algorithms | |
agent | |
Algebraic branching programs | |
algebraic circuits | |
Algebraic complexity classes | |
Algebraic complexity theory | |
Algebraic formulas | |
algorithm | |
algorithms | |
algorithms for finite groups | |
ambiguity-limited NP | |
amortized analysis | |
Analysis of Boolean Functions | |
approximate graph isomorphism | |
Approximate Realization | |
approximation algorithm | |
Automata | |
automata theory | |
automated synthesis | |
avoidable vertex | |
B | |
Balls | |
Band matrices | |
Biclique partition number | |
Bigraphic Sequences | |
Binary rank | |
binary search | |
Bipartite Graphs | |
Bipartite Perfect Matching | |
Bitonic st-Ordering | |
Blocker problems | |
Boolean circuit | |
Boolean rank | |
Boolean satisfiability problem | |
Boundary sequences | |
branching algorithm | |
bundled fragment | |
C | |
cartesian restriction categories | |
Category Theory | |
causality | |
Cayley graph | |
Chromatic number | |
circle graphs | |
circuits | |
Claw-free graphs | |
Clifford group | |
CLTL | |
Cluster vertex deletion | |
CNF | |
Coalition Formation | |
Coherent control | |
cohomology | |
Combinatorial reconfiguration | |
communication complexity | |
Comonads | |
Compact semialgebraic sets | |
complete sets | |
Completeness | |
complexity | |
Complexity dichotomy | |
complexity measure | |
complexity theory | |
Composition Method | |
computable functions | |
computational complexity | |
computational complexity theory | |
Computational Counting Complexity | |
computational social choice | |
Conflict-Free Coloring | |
constraint satisfaction problems | |
Constraints | |
Continuant | |
continuity | |
counting classes | |
Counting complexity | |
Counting CSP | |
Craig Interpolation Property | |
D | |
d-Hitting Set | |
d-Path Vertex Cover | |
Data Languages | |
decidability | |
Degree Sequences | |
descriptive complexity | |
Determinant versus permanent | |
deterministic algorithms | |
Determinization | |
Directed graph | |
Directed Graphs | |
Discrete linear dynamical systems | |
distance realization | |
Dynamic algorithms | |
dynamic data structure | |
E | |
Edge contraction | |
EFX | |
elementary diagram | |
encoding | |
enumeration problem | |
Equilibria | |
Exact algorithm | |
Exact Matching | |
Expansion Lemma | |
Exponential Local-Global Principle | |
expressive power | |
F | |
facility location | |
fair allocation | |
Feedback Vertex Set | |
Fibonacci sequence | |
fine-grained complexity | |
finite model property | |
Finite model theory | |
first order logic | |
first-order modal logic | |
fixed-point | |
fixpoints | |
fluted fragment | |
foremost temporal path | |
formal language theory | |
G | |
Game Theory | |
games | |
Global Transformations | |
Graph algorithm | |
Graph arboricity | |
Graph Coloring | |
Graph Drawing | |
graph exploration | |
Graph Homomorphisms | |
graph labeling | |
graph matching | |
Graph of addition | |
Graph problems | |
Graph Realization | |
graph search | |
graph similarity | |
Graphic Sequences | |
Graphical Language | |
Graphs | |
Gray code | |
group theory | |
guarded fragment | |
H | |
Hamilton cycle | |
Hedonic Games | |
heuristics | |
Higher-order Boolean functions | |
hom algorithms | |
homomorphism numbers | |
Hybrid logic | |
hypercube | |
I | |
identity problem | |
incremental algorithms | |
Independence number | |
Independent set | |
Indexed languages | |
infinite words | |
intersection non-emptiness problems | |
Interval graphs | |
J | |
Johnson graph | |
K | |
k-bend Drawings | |
Kernelization | |
knapsack | |
knapsack problems in groups | |
Knot-free graphs | |
L | |
Language theory | |
learning automata | |
lifting | |
Lindenmayer Systems | |
linear dynamical systems | |
linear logic | |
Linear Optical Circuits | |
Linear Recurrence Sequences | |
local improvement | |
Local search | |
logic | |
lower bound | |
lower bounds | |
M | |
master lists | |
Matchings | |
matrix multiplication | |
matrix semigroups | |
memory | |
Metric Dimension | |
minimal elimination ordering | |
minimisation | |
minimum spanning tree | |
Mobius Function | |
modal logic | |
model checking | |
Model comparison game | |
model theory | |
Monadic Second-Order Logic | |
monoidal categories | |
moving points | |
mu-calculus | |
multi-structural games | |
Multigraph Realization | |
N | |
Narayana's cow sequence | |
Nested words | |
network design | |
Nominal automata | |
Non-deterministic communication complexity | |
Non-deterministic Dynamical Systems | |
non-elementary complexity | |
Non-separating path | |
Nonnegative Counting CSP | |
NP-hardness | |
number of quantifiers | |
number-in-hand communication | |
Numeration systems | |
O | |
Optical Quantum Computing | |
Optimisation of periodic structures | |
oracle construction | |
ordered fragments | |
P | |
p-adic Schanuel Conjecture | |
P-printable sets | |
packing | |
Padovan sequence | |
Parameterized complexity | |
parity | |
parity games | |
partial representation extension | |
Partially Ordered Sets | |
Path cover | |
Pentadiagonal matrices | |
Perfect Matching | |
permutahedron | |
Planar graphs | |
Planar L-Drawings | |
PLS-completeness | |
polynomial calculus | |
polynomials | |
postselection | |
Prefix | |
Presburger arithmetic | |
Price of anarchy | |
Price of stability | |
probabilistic coherence spaces | |
Program termination | |
progress measure | |
promise classes | |
proof barrier | |
proof complexity | |
Proper Sample Compression Schemes | |
Q | |
quantum channels | |
quantum complexity theory | |
Quantum Computing | |
Qudit quantum computing | |
Qudit Stabilizer | |
query complexity | |
R | |
RAC Graphs | |
Ramsey-theory | |
range distance realization | |
rank logic | |
rational functions | |
reachability | |
Reachability Problem | |
reachability problems | |
recognition algorithm | |
Regular matrices | |
Resource Optimisation | |
rooted trees | |
roots of unity | |
Rotor Walk | |
Rotor-routing | |
S | |
s-t connectivity | |
S-Unit Equations | |
SAT | |
SAT-solvers | |
Schelling games | |
Series-Parallel Graphs | |
sheaf theory | |
Sieve Methods | |
Skolem Conjecture | |
Skolem function | |
Skolem Problem | |
space-bounded computation | |
split decomposition tree | |
Sports scheduling | |
Stability | |
Stable Marriage | |
Stable Roommates | |
Steiner Tree problem | |
Straight-line Drawings | |
strategy iteration | |
streaming algorithms | |
streaming string transducers | |
string diagrams | |
Strings | |
structural complexity theory | |
structure isomorphism | |
Sturmian words | |
Subset problems | |
Suffix | |
sum-of-squares | |
T | |
tableaux | |
temporal connectivity | |
Temporal graph | |
Tetradiagonal matrices | |
The Skolem Problem | |
tiling problems | |
Token sliding | |
Traveling Tournament Problem | |
tree | |
Tree algebra | |
Tree-like Multigraph | |
trees | |
Treewidth | |
Tridiagonal matrices | |
two-way transducers | |
U | |
undecidability | |
Uniform termination bounds | |
Uniformization | |
Unique Matching | |
unit-disk range emptiness query | |
unitriangular matrices | |
universal trees | |
Upward-Planarity | |
V | |
value iteration | |
van Benthem-Rosen theorem | |
VC-dimension | |
Verification | |
Vertex cover | |
vertex-transitive | |
visibly pushdown automata | |
W | |
weak k-EXP hierarchies | |
Weisfeiler-Leman algorithm | |
word problems | |
Z | |
zero-sum cycle | |
ZX-calculus |