Days: Tuesday, April 3rd Wednesday, April 4th Thursday, April 5th Friday, April 6th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
We study financial contagion in the euro area stock markets during the European sovereign debt crisis. We look at both stock returns and volatility measures extracted from option prices. We also provide measures of excess dispersion and correlation by combining data on stock indices and their constituents. We find higher correlations for volatilities than returns. We also find that return correlations increase in volatile periods. The impact of the crisis across countries and sectors, however, was heterogeneous. Banks were mostly affected, those from core countries holding Greek bonds first, and Spanish and Italian banks holding mostly domestic sovereign debt later.
10:05 | Variable Annuities with State-Dependent Fees ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Evaluating variable annuities with GMWB when exogenous factors influence the policy-holder withdrawals ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Some empirical evidence on the need of more advanced approaches in mortality modeling ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Forecasting Systemic Risk ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Left tail risk attribution in algorithmic portfolio strategies ( abstract ) |
10:45 | A Generalized Error Distribution-based method for Conditional Value-at-Risk evaluation ( abstract ) |
10:05 | The Rearrangement algorithm of Puccetti and Rüschendorf: proving the convergence ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Comparing possibilistic portfolios to probabilistic ones ( abstract ) |
11:05 | Empirical Evidence from the Three-way LC model ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Mortality Projection using Bayesian Model Averaging ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Using deepest dependency paths to enhance life expectancy estimation ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Analysis of the evolution of changes in the Spanish mortality rates using functional data ( abstract ) |
12:00 | On the tail behavior of a class of multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic processes ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Bootstrap Non-Stable Autoregressive Processes: Modelling of Bubbles ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Detecting Time Irreversibility Using Quantile Autoregressive Models ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Mixed Causal-Noncausal AR Processes and the Modelling of Explosive Bubbles ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Integration of non-financial criteria in equity investment ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Some critical insights on the unbiased efficient frontier à la Bodnar & Bodnar ( abstract ) |
12:40 | The bank tailored integrated rating ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Bond Portfolio Management in a Post-Solvency II Regulatory Environment ( abstract ) |
13:20 | A note on the shape of the probability weighting function ( abstract ) |
Hotel Ganivet is located in Calle de Toledo, 111. (Just at 150 m from the Conference site).
15:00 | Coherent risk measures and infinite expectation risks ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Monotone monetary preferences on large spaces ( abstract ) |
15:40 | VaR Representation Theorem ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Stock prices dynamics through multidimensional linkages ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Multiple testing for different structures of Spatial Dynamic Panel Data models ( abstract ) |
15:40 | Variable selection in estimating bank default ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Real-world versus risk-neutral measures in the estimation of an interest rate model with stochastic volatility ( abstract ) |
15:20 | What if two different interest rates datasets allow for discribing the same financial product? ( abstract ) |
15:40 | Dissecting Interbank Risk using Basis Swap Spreads ( abstract ) |
16:30 | An individual risk model for premium calculation based on quantile: a comparison between Generalized Linear Models and Quantile Regression ( abstract ) |
16:50 | Bridging risk measures and classical ruin theory ( abstract ) |
17:10 | Value at Risk for heavy tailed ambiguous risks ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Price convergence within and between the Italian electricity day-ahead and dispatching services markets ( abstract ) |
16:50 | Forecasting the volatility of electricity prices by robust estimators: an application to the Italian market. ( abstract ) |
17:10 | An electricity price index for volatile spatially dependent data ( abstract ) |
16:30 | A Self-Excited Switching Jump Diffusion (SESJD): properties, calibration and hitting time ( abstract ) |
16:50 | Decomposition formula for jump diffusion models ( abstract ) |
17:10 | Modeling High-Frequency Price Data with Bounded-Delay Hawkes Processes ( abstract ) |
17:35 | A Single Factor Model for Constructing Dynamic Life Tables. ( abstract ) |
17:55 | Improving Lee-Carter forecasting: methodology and some results ( abstract ) |
18:15 | Risk and Uncertainty for Flexible Retirement Schemes ( abstract ) |
18:35 | A comparative analysis of neuro fuzzy infer-ence systems for mortality prediction ( abstract ) |
17:35 | Bayesian semiparametric multivariate stochastic volatility with an application to international volatility co-movements ( abstract ) |
17:55 | Geographic Dependence and Diversification in House Price Returns: the Role of Leverage ( abstract ) |
18:15 | A Comparison of Limited Information Estimators in Dynamic Simultaneous Equations Models ( abstract ) |
18:35 | Reexamining financial and economic predictability with new estimators of realized variance ( abstract ) |
17:35 | Bayesian Factorization Machines for Risk Management and Robust Decision Making ( abstract ) |
17:55 | Socially Responsible Ratings and Financial Performance ( abstract ) |
18:15 | Household wealth and portfolio choice when tail events are salient ( abstract ) |
18:35 | A Bi-level Programming Approach for Global Investment Strategies with Financial Intermediation ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Dependence modelling: Vine Copula ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Bivariate Functional Archetypoid Analysis: An Application to Financial Time Series ( abstract ) |
19:00 | A spatio-temporal model for the inequality in the income distribution of Italy ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Pricing illiquid assets by entropy maximization through linear goal programming ( abstract ) |
19:00 | The effect of rating contingent guidelines and regulation around credit rating news ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Life insurers’ asset-liability dependency and low-interest-rate environment ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Insurance premium principles to price future contracts. Applications in Energy markets. ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Two–Sided Skew and Shape Dynamic Conditional Score Models ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Approximate arbitrage with limit orders ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Reducing the risk of adverse selection in the pricing process. A practical case with a two-stage cluster procedure and a Hurdle negative binomial GLM ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Price informativeness and rating revisions: Effects of reputational events and regulation reforms ( abstract ) |
19:00 | The optimal investment and consumption for financial markets generated by the spread of risky assets for the power utility ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Could Machine Learning predict the Conversion in Motor Business? ( abstract ) |
19:00 | The Islamic Financial Industry. Performance of Islamic vs. conventional sector portfolios ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Asian Options pricing under Ornstein–Uhlenbeck dynamic ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Optimum Thresholding for Semimartingales with Levy Jumps under the mean-squared error ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Statistical learning algorithms to forecast the equity risk premium in the European Monetary Union ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Google searches for portfolio management: a risk and return analysis ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Market Price of Longevity Risk for A Multi-Cohort Mortality Model with Application to Longevity Bond Option Pricing ( abstract ) |
19:00 | The w(p) in the financial markets: An empirical approach on the S&P 500 ( abstract ) ![]() |
19:00 | Illusion of control and decision making under risk: experimental results ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Modelling mortality of subpopulation with Per Capita GDP ( abstract ) |
19:00 | When is utilitarian welfare higher under insurance risk pooling? (Short Paper - pdf) ( abstract ) |
19:00 | A Boolean-valued model approach to conditional risk (Poster) ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Sustainability of the Algerian retirement system: a multi scenarios analysis ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Nudging long-term saving: Might the “Save More Tomorrow” approach work in Spain? ( abstract ) |
19:00 | When is utilitarian welfare higher under insurance risk pooling? (Abstract) ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Optimal Management of Immunized Portfolios ( abstract ) |
19:00 | The value of information for optimal portfolio management ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Simulating Economic Variables using Graphical Models ( abstract ) |
19:00 | Pricing Electricity Derivatives with Markov Regime Switching Models ( abstract ) |
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
A basic problem when trading in nancial markets is to analyze the prize movement caused by placing an order. Clearly we expect - ceteris paribus - that placing an order will move the price to the disadvantage of the agent. This price movement is called the market impact.
Following the recent work of A. Kyle and A. Obizhaeva we apply dimensional analysis - a line of arguments wellknown in classical physics - to analyze to which extent the square root law applies. This universal law claims that the market impact is proportional to the square root of the size of the order.
We also analyze the dependence of the trading activity on a stock, i.e. number of trades per unit of time, in dependence of some suitable explanatory variables. Dimensional analysis leads to a 2/3 law: the number of trades is proportional to the power 2/3 of the exchanged risk.
The mathematical tools of this analysis reside on elementary linear algebra.
Joint work with Mathias Pohl, Alexander Ristig and Ludovic Tangpi.
10:05 | Optimal annuitization under regime switching mortality ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Market-Consistent Valuation of Participating Life Insurance Contracts under Longevity Risk: The Case with Heterogeneous Groups of Policyholders ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Pre- and post-retirement savings choices with longevity-linked securities ( abstract ) |
11:05 | Dynamic policyholder behaviour and surrender option evaluation for life insurance. ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Conditional Autoregressive Quantile-Located Value-at-Risk ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Forecasting Optimal Portfolio Weights Using High Frequency Data ( abstract ) |
10:45 | A copula-based quantile model ( abstract ) |
11:05 | Combining multivariate volatility models ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Extending classical stochastic calculus for insider trading scenarios ( abstract ) |
10:25 | The Value of Informational Arbitrage ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Equilibrium under imperfect competition and asymmetric information ( abstract ) |
11:05 | A continuous auction model with insiders and random time of information release ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Automatic Balancing Mechanisms for Mixed Pension Systems ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Automatic Balancing Mechanisms in Practice: What lessons for pension policy makers? ( abstract ) |
13:00 | The challenges of wealth and its intergenerational transmission in an aging society ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Predicting the Conditional Distribution of Energy Returns using Score Driven Dynamics ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Quantitative Risk Management for Cryptocurrencies ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Forecasting risk with Markov-switching GARCH models: A large-scale performance study ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Testing for VIX forecast densities: A Generalized Autocontour Approach ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Market Crashes and the Capital Asset Pricing Model ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Optimal stopping and Volterra type equations: application to the Brownian bridge ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Risk/Return analysis on credit exposure: do small banks really apply a pricing risk-based on their loans? ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Probability of Default Modeling: A Machine Learning Approach ( abstract ) |
Hotel Ganivet is located in Calle de Toledo, 111. (Just at 150 m from the Conference site).
15:00 | Cyber risk management: a new challenge for actuarial mathematics ( abstract ) |
15:20 | ”Money purchase” pensions: contract proposals and risk analysis ( abstract ) |
15:40 | International longevity risk pooling ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Robust time--varying undirected graphs ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Periodic autoregressive models with multiple structural changes by genetic algorithms ( abstract ) |
15:40 | Forecasting energy price volatilities and comovements: New evidences from fractionally integrated multivariate GARCH models ( abstract ) |
15:00 | The $d_\theta$-median as a tool to provide robust estimates of the location of interval-valued data: the influence of Brexit on IBEX 35 ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Some connections between stochastic orders and financial derivatives, the case of the condor financial derivatives ( abstract ) |
15:40 | The loss function approach in multivariate risk measurement ( abstract ) |
The fact that we are living longer in many developed (and developing) countries has a significant financial effect on individuals, governments, social security systems, pension plans and insurance and reinsurance companies. In this context, we will examine the background in terms of historical trends and consider the financial implications of longevity trends and “longevity risk”. In order to plan in advance for the impact of these changes, we require reliable models that enable the accurate forecasting of future longevity trends and the measurement of uncertainty. We will examine different approaches to the modelling of the trends in the underlying mortality rates as well as the mortality improvement rates. We will present some results from comparative studies of modelling and forecasting and offer some reflections on the current state of the science and practice.
17:35 | An experience based premium rate discounts system in crop insurance using Tweedie’s regressions ( abstract ) |
17:55 | A stochastic model to evaluate the pricing distortions in the indemnity insurance methods for the MTPL insurance ( abstract ) |
18:15 | The Contribution of Usage-based Data Analytics to benchmark Semi-autonomous Vehicle Insurance ( abstract ) |
18:35 | The Impact of Feedback Trading on Option Prices ( abstract ) |
17:35 | Implied volatility indices: an empirical analysis based on stochastic volatility continuous-time models ( abstract ) |
17:55 | European Insurers: Interest Rate Risk Management ( abstract ) |
18:15 | Automatic detection and imputation of outliers in electricity price time series ( abstract ) |
18:35 | The Limits to Volatility Predictability: Quantifying Forecast Accuracy Across Horizons ( abstract ) |
17:35 | An explicit solution of a portfolio optimization problem in a mean-variance-skewness model ( abstract ) |
17:55 | Kurtosis Maximization for Outlier Detection in GARCH Models ( abstract ) |
18:15 | An Extension of Multidimensional Scaling to Several Distance Matrices, and its Application to the Italian Banking Sector ( abstract ) |
18:35 | Exploratory Projection Pursuit for Multivariate Financial Data ( abstract ) |
The conference banquet is not included in the registration fee. Tickets can be bought online or on site in the registration desk. (Upon request) 60.00 EUR per person.
Day and time: Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 20:30 – 23:30
Dinner will take place in “La Masía”.
With 1,722.60 hectares of natural space, this location is the most important public park in Madrid. The history of Casa de Campo began with the decision by Philip II to move the Court to Madrid, and reside there. The King built a manor house linking the Palace with the hunting area called El Pardo. Later, farms and fields bought from the areas surrounding the Casa de Campo were added.
It was declared a Royal Forest under Fernando VI. As a result of the hunting and country atmosphere of the farm, as well as its proximity to the Palace, the original country house belonging to the Vargas Family was enlarged to host the Royal Family for such activities. Carlos III gave it a new twist when he introduced livestock and agriculture as one of its purposes, which would be continued by Queen María Cristina.
During the Spanish Civil War, many battles were fought there, and the numerous bombings affected its antique construction, giving rise to new military constructions, which still can be seen.
“La Masía” is located inside the Casa de Campo. For those attendees staying in other areas of Madrid, we suggest to take the underground (called “Metro”) to Lago station (line 10 – blue).
The dinner will begin at 20:30 hours. Staff will be checking dinner bookings on arrival at the dinner venue. Please wear your badges.
Special dietary requirements, vegetarian and vegan meals should have been ordered on your booking form. If you have requested so, please inform your assigned waiter.
*After dinner a shuttle service will be available to take all participants to PUERTA DE TOLEDO.
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:00 | Dimension selection in distance-based generalized linear models with application to pricing ( abstract ) |
09:20 | A cluster distance-based procedure for dimension reduction and prediction ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Logistic classification for new policyholders taking into account prediction error ( abstract ) |
09:00 | Modelling and Forecasting Suicide: A Factor-Analytic Approach ( abstract ) |
09:20 | The effect of Marital Status on Life Expectancy: Is Cohabitation as Protective as Marriage? ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Brownian Semistationary models and Fractional Brownian Motions ( abstract ) |
09:00 | Estimation and prediction for the modulated power law process ( abstract ) |
09:20 | An empirical analysis of the lead lag relationship between the CDS and stock market: Evidence in Europe and US ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Pricing of agricultural derivatives: an approach based on models with mean reversion and seasonality ( abstract ) |
09:00 | Numerical solution of the regularized portfolio selection problem ( abstract ) |
09:20 | The influence of dynamic risk aversion in the optimal portfolio context ( abstract ) |
09:40 | Approximate EM algorithm for sparse estimation of multivariate location--scale mixture of normals ( abstract ) |
10:05 | A Basic Social Pension for Everyone? ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Helping Long Term Care coverage via differential on mortality? ( abstract ) |
10:45 | A minimum pension for older people via expenses rate ( abstract ) |
11:05 | Disability Pensions in Spain: A Factor to Compensate Lifetime Losses. ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Equation-by-Equation Estimation of Multivariate Periodic Electricity Price Volatility ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Estimation risk for the VaR of portfolios driven by semi-parametric multivariate models ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Asymptotics of Cholesky GARCH Models and Time-Varying Conditional Betas ( abstract ) |
11:05 | Modelling Time-Varying Volatility Interactions with an Application to Volatility Contagion ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Financial Networks and Mechanisms of Business Capture in Southern Italy over the First Global Wave (1812-1913). A Network Approach ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Assessing news contagion in finance ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Community detection based association rules in bipartite networks ( abstract ) |
10:05 | Forecasting the Equity Risk Premium in the European Monetary Union ( abstract ) |
10:25 | Measuring financial risk co-movement in commodity markets ( abstract ) |
10:45 | Hybrid tree-finite difference methods for stochastic volatility models ( abstract ) |
11:05 | Revisiting the dynamics between CDS spreads and stock returns under a nonlinear approach ( abstract ) |
12:00 | The Level Mortality in Insured Population ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Stochastic Mortality in a Lévy Process Framework and Application to Longevity Products ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Consistently modeling unisex mortality rates ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Bayesian nonparametric sparse Vector Autoregressive models ( abstract ) |
12:20 | Sparse networks through regularised regressions ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Disagreement in Signed Financial Networks ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Bayesian Tensor Binary Regression ( abstract ) |
13:20 | Bayesian Tensor Regression Models ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Computation of CVA, DVA and BVA adjustment using a copula approach for dependence modeling ( abstract ) |
12:20 | An Integrated Approach to Explore the Complexity of Interest Rates Network Structure ( abstract ) |
12:40 | A model-based measure of network heterogeneity with an application to the Austrian interbank market ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Loss data analysis with maximum entropy ( abstract ) |
12:00 | Valuing insider information on interest rates in financial markets ( abstract ) |
12:20 | A continuous time model for BitCoin price dynamics ( abstract ) |
12:40 | Small Sample Analysis in Diffusion Processes: a Simulation Study ( abstract ) |
13:00 | Inference in a Non-Homogeneous Vasicek-Type Model ( abstract ) |
Hotel Ganivet is located in Calle de Toledo, 111. (Just at 150 m from the Conference site).
15:00 | Modeling equity release benefits in terms of financial needs of the elderly ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Actual sustainability of a pension system by logical sustainability theory. An application to the CNPADC Italian case ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Practical Problems with Tests of Cointegration Rank with Strong Persistence and Heavy-Tailed Errors ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Drift in Transaction-Level Asset Price Models ( abstract ) |
15:00 | Modeling dependent and simultaneous risk events via the Batch Markov-Modulated Poisson Process ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Optimal investment strategies and intergenerational risk sharing for target benefit pension plans ( abstract ) |
15:40 | A generalized moving average convergence/divergence for testing semi-strong market efficiency ( abstract ) |
15:00 | A market consistent framework for the fair evaluation of insurance contracts under Solvency II ( abstract ) |
15:20 | Risk and return in Loss Portfolio Transfer (LPT) treaties within Solvency II capital system: a reinsurer’s point of view ( abstract ) |
15:40 | Conic Finance and Earning Announcements ( abstract ) |
16:30 | The Drivers and Value of Enterprise Risk Management: Evidence from ERM Ratings ( abstract ) |
16:50 | Latent risk in the correlation assumption under insurance regulations ( abstract ) |
17:10 | The assessment of longevity risk in a stochastic Solvency II perspective ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Tuning a Deep Learning Network for Solvency II: Preliminary Results ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Multivariate dependence and spillover effects across energy commodities and diversification potentials of carbon assets ( abstract ) |
16:50 | The behaviour of energy-related volatility indices around scheduled news announcements: Implications for variance swap investments ( abstract ) |
17:10 | Modelling the Australian electricity spot prices: A VAR-BEKK approach ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Testing normality for unconditionally heteroscedastic macroeconomic variables ( abstract ) |
16:50 | Regulatory Learning: how to supervise machine learning models? ( abstract ) |
17:10 | Financial systems convergence in the EU and the crisis ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Optimal insurance contract under ambiguity. Applications in extreme climatic events. ( abstract ) |
16:30 | Structural Pricing of CoCos and Deposit Insurance with Regime Switching and Jumps ( abstract ) |
16:50 | Optimal Strategies With Option Compensation Under Mean Reverting Returns or Volatilities ( abstract ) |
17:10 | The variance implied hedge ratio ( abstract ) |
17:30 | Option price decomposition in spot-dependent volatility models and some applications ( abstract ) |