This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Active Learning | |
Air Traffic Control | |
ALCHQ++ | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Answer-Set Programming | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
Association Rule | |
Automated Theorem Proving | |
B | |
Bayesian Inference | |
Bayesian Networks | |
benchmark | |
boundedness | |
Business Decision Model | |
business rule | |
Business Rule Management System | |
C | |
CBA | |
chase | |
chase variants | |
Chronicles | |
Classification | |
Classification by Associations | |
Clinical Decision Support | |
Compiler | |
Complex event Processing | |
complex systems | |
Computable set theory | |
concept composition | |
condition-action rules | |
connection method | |
Constraint Handling Rules | |
Correction Sets | |
D | |
data integration | |
data visualization | |
Datalog+ | |
Decision Explanation | |
Decision Making | |
Decision Model and Notation | |
Decision Modelling | |
Decision procedures | |
Deductive Reasoning | |
Defeasible Reasoning | |
description logic | |
Description Logics | |
DMN | |
E | |
engines | |
equality | |
Event uncertainty | |
existential rules | |
Explanations | |
F | |
Faceted Browsing | |
Faceted Search | |
Fixed-Domain Semantics | |
G | |
Game Programming | |
geospatial data | |
Goal-Oriented Decision Modeling | |
graph algorithms | |
graph analysis | |
graph generation | |
graph recognition | |
H | |
Heuristics | |
High levels constraints on data stream | |
higher-order logic | |
higher-order modal logic | |
Horn Queries | |
I | |
IDP | |
Inferential-role semantics | |
Interval Operators | |
J | |
JavaScript | |
Justifications | |
K | |
KE-tableau system | |
Knowledge Base | |
Knowledge Base Paradigm | |
Knowledge Bases | |
Knowledge Graph | |
Knowledge Representation | |
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | |
Knowledge-as-a-Service | |
L | |
learning classifier systems | |
Leo prover | |
Logic programming | |
Logic Programs | |
Logical Analysis | |
M | |
Markov Chain Monte-Carlo | |
Markov Process | |
mason's marks | |
Medical Devices | |
MET | |
modal embedding tool | |
modal logic | |
Multi-agent Systems | |
multi-modal logic | |
multi-modal transport | |
N | |
neural networks | |
Neurological Disorders | |
Non Homogenous Markov Chain | |
non-monotonic reasoning | |
O | |
Object Model | |
ontologies | |
Ontology | |
Ontology Debugging | |
onward journey recommendations | |
OWL | |
OWL queries | |
P | |
passenger preferences | |
Pattern recognition | |
personalised recommendations | |
plug-n-play query system | |
Probabilistic Relational Models | |
production rules | |
Prolog | |
Prova | |
PSOA | |
PSOA RuleML | |
PSOA TransRun | |
PSOATransRun | |
Q | |
qualified number restrictions | |
Queries with Negated Atoms | |
Query Rewriting | |
Query Selection | |
R | |
RDF data analysis | |
RDFa | |
Reaction RuleML | |
reactive rules | |
Regulation | |
Regulation Formalization | |
Restricted chase termination | |
Rule Mining | |
rule-based inference | |
Rule-based Systems | |
RuleML | |
Rules | |
S | | | |
Semantic Embeddings | |
Semantic Interoperability | |
Semantic Markup | |
Semantic Web | |
Semantic Web tool | |
shallow semantical embedding | |
spatiotemporal reasoning | |
SPIN | |
Stable models | |
Structured Data | |
SWRL | |
T | |
Test-Driven Debugging | |
Tool Comparison | |
transformation | |
translators | |
Transport Ontology | |
Transportation System | |
Trustworthiness | |
U | |
Unity | |
use case | |
User Interaction | |
V | |
vertex centric representation | |
virtual assistants | |
W | |
Web Data Commons | |
Web Science | |
X | |
XCS | |