This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Academic Elites | |
Administrative databases | |
agent | |
agent-based | |
aging | |
Alcohol consumption | |
Australia | |
Autonomy | |
B | |
binary sequences | |
blended family | |
C | |
Canada | |
Care pathways | |
career pathways forecasting | |
Career pattern | |
Career Sequences | |
career success | |
career trajectories | |
Career Trajectory | |
categorical sequences | |
causal link | |
censoring | |
Child care | |
childcare | |
Childhood co-residence structures | |
childhood conditions | |
childhood obesity | |
China | |
class structuration | |
cluster analysis | |
clustering | |
cognition | |
cohabitation | |
Cohabiting unions | |
college completion | |
complexity | |
contextual mobility | |
D | |
Delay | |
demography | |
Denmark | |
depressive symptoms | |
difference-in-differences | |
Disability | |
Disciplines | |
discrepancy analysis | |
distance | |
Dual-earner | |
duration | |
Dynamic Microsimulation | |
E | |
early-employment insecurity | |
earnings | |
economic globalization | |
education | |
Elites | |
Employability | |
employee time | |
Employment | |
employment activity | |
employment history | |
employment security | |
Employment trajectories | |
entropy | |
epistemology | |
Event history analysis | |
event-history | |
Event-history analysis | |
F | |
Family | |
family and work trajectories | |
Family demography | |
Family history | |
family pathways | |
family structure | |
Fencing | |
fertility | |
Finland | |
G | |
gender | |
Gender Inequality | |
Gender revolution | |
generations | |
German reunification | |
german time use study | |
Germany | |
GIS | |
Glass Ceiling | |
Glass Escalator | |
GLMM | |
Graduation | |
group based trajectory models | |
H | |
Hazard regression | |
Health | |
health inequalities | |
health status | |
Hidden Markov Model | |
hidden Markov models | |
Higher Education | |
Higher-Education | |
HILDA survey | |
history | |
HIV | |
Home-leaving | |
household debt | |
Hungary | |
I | |
income | |
index of complexity | |
Indonesia | |
Intergenerational | |
intergenerational mobility | |
intergenerational transmission | |
Internet Addiction | |
inverse probability of treatment weighting | |
J | |
job access | |
K | |
kinship networks | |
L | |
labor market careers | |
labor market entry | |
labor market flexibility | |
labor market integration | |
Labor market participation | |
Labor market trajectory | |
Lag sequential analysis | |
Latent class analysis | |
latent growth curve analysis | |
latent transition | |
Life course | |
life course analysis | |
Life Course Approach | |
life course data | |
life course sequence | |
life courses | |
life expectancies | |
Life transitions | |
long working hours | |
longitudinal analysis | |
Longitudinal Data Analysis | |
M | |
marginal structural models | |
Markov based models | |
Markov chain models | |
Markov Models | |
Markovian Models | |
marriage | |
maternal employment | |
Mental disorder | |
methodological innovation | |
microsimulation | |
migration | |
missing values | |
mortality risk | |
multi-dimensional sequence analysis | |
multi-state life table | |
multilevel | |
Multiphase Sequences | |
multiple imputation | |
Multiple sclerosis | |
multistate model | |
N | |
network | |
new career | |
new employment relationship | |
Nineteenth century | |
normalization | |
O | |
Occupational Mobility | |
occupational trajectories | |
optimal matching | |
Optimal Matching Analysis | |
P | |
paid leave | |
Panel data | |
paradigm | |
parental leave | |
Pathways | |
Phase-type model | |
Polar coordinate analysis | |
processing speed | |
Professional Trajectories | |
Professoral Careers | |
Profile at risks of disadvantage | |
pseudo panel | |
Pâtissiers' Competitions in France | |
R | |
recall bias | |
Relational Event Modeling | |
repeated measures multilevel model | |
research program | |
residential trajectories | |
Retention-Attrition | |
retirement benefits | |
review of literature | |
S | |
scarring | |
School-to-work-transition | |
Scientific research and private sector | |
segmentation | |
sequence | |
Sequence analaysis | |
sequence analysis | |
Sequence comparison | |
sequence networks | |
sequence pattern | |
short paper | |
siblings | |
similarity | |
Simultaneous equation estimation | |
single parents | |
social inequalities | |
social inequality | |
social integration | |
social mobility | |
Social Network | |
social origin | |
social policy | |
social reproduction | |
social sectors | |
social space | |
socialism | |
sociology of education | |
SOEP | |
spatial mobility | |
State sequence analysis | |
student pathways and achievement | |
sub-Saharan Africa | |
subjective health | |
success | |
support vector machines | |
survey mode | |
Switzerland | |
T | |
T-pattern | |
teen age pregnancy | |
time use | |
time-varying covariate | |
trajectories | |
Transfer-students | |
Transition Probabilities | |
Transition to adulthood | |
Transitions | |
transitions metric | |
tuition fees | |
Turnover | |
Typology | |
U | |
university enrolment | |
V | |
vacation | |
Vertical Sex Segregation | |
visualization | |
W | |
work-family reconciliation | |
workload in paid-unpaid work | |
Y | |
young adults | |
Young people | |
Youth employment |