Malbec B
- Session 4B (Feb 26 09:00-10:30) Energy-Efficient and Approximate Computing
- Session 6B (Feb 26 13:30-15:00) Special Session - SIG IoT - Circuits for Energy Harvesting in IoT Applications
- Session 7B (Feb 26 15:30-17:00) Power Electronics, Energy Systems, and Electrical Networks
- Session 8B (Feb 27 09:00-10:30) Security and Cryptography Hardware Innovations
- Session 10B (Feb 27 13:30-15:20) RF & mm-Wave Circuits
- Session 12B (Feb 28 09:00-10:30) Special Session - Approximate and Transprecision Computing: the Quest of More with Less
- Session 14B (Feb 28 13:30-15:00) Emerging Techniques in FPGA and Reconfigurable Computing