This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
' | |
'design' capabilities | |
( | |
(VET) Teachers' practical knowledge | |
A | |
accreditation | |
accreditation of prior learning | |
adaptation | |
Adult learners | |
Adult learning | |
Adults | |
Alberta Canada | |
anti-work | |
APEL | |
Apprentices | |
Apprenticeship | |
apprenticeship levy | |
apprenticeship non-completion | |
Apprenticeship system | |
Apprenticeship system as a charateristic of German and Swiss VET | |
Apprenticeship-type schemes | |
apprenticeships | |
aspirations | |
Assessment | |
assessments | |
austerity | |
Australia | |
Austria | |
B | |
Bio-politics | |
Blended learning | |
Bloom’s revised taxonomy | |
Bourdieu | |
Brexit | |
BTECs | |
C | |
Canada | |
Capability Approach | |
capitalism | |
Career actors | |
Career Transitions | |
Careership | |
Case study | |
Changes in work | |
China | |
civic engagement | |
Clark's triangle of coordination | |
Cognitive process | |
college baccalaureates | |
college sector lecturers | |
college-based higher education | |
colleges of education | |
company | |
comparability | |
comparative analysis | |
comparative education research | |
Comparative Perspective in the field of VET research | |
comparative study | |
Comparative VET Research | |
Competence | |
Competence-based approaches | |
composite index | |
computer | |
concepts of lifelong learning | |
Consequences of different governance logics | |
Context | |
Conventional approach | |
Cornell Critical Thinking Test | |
Craft | |
creative and cultural sector | |
Creativity | |
creativity and curriculum | |
Crisis | |
Critical Realism | |
curricula | |
curriculum | |
Curriculum & Assessment | |
Curriculum analysis | |
D | |
de-academisation | |
Decision Making | |
decision-making logic | |
Denationalization | |
departmental culture | |
Deregulation | |
didactics | |
Differentiation | |
digitalisation | |
Dilemmatic spaces | |
distinction | |
Diversities | |
Drawing techniques | |
Dual model | |
dual study model | |
Dual System as the dominant model in Germany and Switzerlanbd | |
dual system in Germany and Switzerland comparative perspective | |
dual university | |
Dual VET | |
E | |
Economic education | |
Education Management | |
education policy | |
education-employment linkage | |
educational changes | |
educational equality | |
educational experiment | |
educational technology | |
EFA Courses | |
Employability | |
Employability skills | |
employer | |
employer behaviours | |
Employer demands | |
employer engagement | |
Employer expectations | |
employment outcomes | |
Engagement | |
engineering | |
Engineering drawing | |
Engineering Education | |
England | |
enterprise | |
entrepreneurial behavior | |
entrepreneurialism | |
Entrepreneurship | |
entrepreneurship education | |
epistemic | |
Epistemology | |
Equity and inequality | |
ethnographic | |
Ethnomethods | |
Europe | |
Evaluation | |
exams | |
experiential learning | |
F | |
Family | |
FE | |
FET | |
Financial education | |
Financial literacy | |
Financial skills | |
Fiscal | |
flexibility | |
foreign language learning | |
formative assessment | |
foundation degree | |
Further Education | |
Further Education Colleges | |
G | |
Gap analysis | |
German VET | |
Germany | |
global student migration | |
Goffman | |
Governance | |
Governance and management of VET | |
H | |
Hard Problem of Consciousness | |
health care | |
heat stress | |
Higher Apprenticeships | |
Higher Education | |
higher technical education | |
Higher VET | |
higher VET education | |
higher vocational education | |
historical analysis | |
I | |
Imagined Careers | |
Impact of global economic change on VET | |
Implementation of VET reform | |
Inclusion and social exclusion | |
India | |
Industrial engagement | |
industry training New Zealand | |
Industry-led skill development | |
inequalities | |
Inequality | |
inequity | |
informal learning | |
Information technology | |
Innovation | |
Institutional change | |
Institutionalized youngsters | |
Intercultural competences | |
Interculturality in VET | |
international comparative research in VET | |
internationalization | |
IT occupations | |
K | |
Knowledge | |
knowledge and skills | |
Knowledge creation | |
knowledge generation | |
L | |
labour market | |
labour migration | |
labour process | |
language of publication | |
Law | |
Leadership | |
learner success | |
learners’ investment | |
Learning Cultures | |
learning environment | |
Learning outcomes | |
learning technologies | |
Level 1 | |
liberal education | |
Logics of governance | |
longitudinal study | |
Low achievement | |
M | |
Markets in tertiary education | |
mathematics teachers | |
mature | |
methods | |
Mexico | |
Migration and VET | |
Mismatch | |
mobility | |
mode effects | |
models of motivation | |
Money management | |
motivation | |
Mrs Thatcher | |
Multinational Companies | |
N | |
national educational traditions | |
national training systems | |
net costs of training | |
networks | |
New Zealand industry training system | |
nostalgia | |
O | |
on-job assessment | |
On-the-job trainers | |
online | |
Outcomes | |
P | |
paper | |
paraprofessionals | |
Participant perspectives | |
Participation | |
Pathways | |
pay inequity | |
Pedagogical content knowledge | |
Pedagogy | |
peer review in VET | |
Perceptions | |
PhD | |
phraseology | |
policy | |
policy analysis | |
policy change | |
policy review | |
Policy Transfer | |
policy transfer in VET | |
polytechnic education | |
polytechnic institutions | |
Polytechnic provision | |
Portugal | |
Post 30s Careers | |
Poverty | |
Practice | |
precarious labour markets | |
Principals | |
Production/training's tension | |
Professional | |
professional biographical design competence | |
professional education and training | |
professional identities | |
professional identity | |
professional knowing | |
professional knowledge | |
professional teaching qualification | |
Proficiency | |
progression | |
Project Based Learning | |
Public/Private | |
Q | |
Qualification | |
qualification completion | |
Qualifications | |
Qualitative methods and data | |
Qualitative study | |
R | |
recognition and validation of prior learning | |
Recontextualisation | |
Reflection skills | |
reform | |
refugee youth | |
resistance to changes | |
responsibility | |
retail apprentices | |
Romania | |
RPL | |
rural youth | |
S | |
Saudi Arabia | |
school evaluation | |
Second-career teacher | |
self esteem | |
semi-professions | |
Skill | |
skill under-utilisation | |
Skills | |
Skills agenda | |
skills development | |
Skills eco-systems | |
Skills Ecosystems | |
Skills shortages | |
social inclusion | |
social learning networks | |
Social media | |
social practices | |
Social Representations | |
socio material perspective | |
sociology of professions | |
Sociology of work | |
South Africa | |
Staff | |
Stakeholder management | |
status of vocational teachers’ profession self-efficacy | |
student access | |
Student silencing | |
Student voice | |
student welfare | |
student-mothers | |
Subject-specific pedagogy | |
Swiss banking sector | |
Swiss dual VET | |
Switzerland | |
symbolic violence | |
T | |
tablet computers | |
Teacher development | |
teachers | |
teaching | |
Teaching assistants | |
Technical Education | |
Technical matriculation college | |
Technical Vocational Education and Training | |
term and model of VET culture | |
Tertiary education | |
tests | |
training | |
Training and employment in the UK | |
Training in company | |
Training Standards | |
Trajectories | |
Transfer | |
Transition | |
Transition year | |
Transitions | |
TVET | |
TVET Learners | |
U | |
universal higher education | |
USA | |
V | |
Validity | |
Varieties of Capitalism | |
VCAL | |
VET | |
VET curriculum | |
VET pedagogy | |
VET policy | |
VET Policymaking | |
VET race and ethnicity | |
VET reform | |
VET students | |
VET teachers/trainers | |
Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning | |
Vocationak | |
vocational | |
vocational and general education teachers | |
vocational education | |
vocational education and training | |
Vocational Education Training Policy | |
vocational higher education | |
Vocational knowledge | |
Vocational Learning | |
Vocational Pedagogy | |
Vocational Philosophy | |
vocational teachers | |
vocational teachers’ work | |
vocational training | |
vocational training policy | |
Vocational/Academic Divide | |
W | |
Women | |
Work-based learning | |
Work-related learning | |
Workplace learning | |
Y | |
Young people | |
Youth | |
youth in VET |