This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
abstract argumentation | |
abstraction | |
Actual Causation | |
aggregates | |
Aggregating Semantics | |
algebraic axioms | |
Algorithm Selection | |
Answer Set Programming | |
answer-set programming | |
Argumentation | |
argumentation semantics | |
associativity | |
autoepistemic equilibrium models | |
Axiomatic Systems | |
B | |
Bayesian networks | |
BDDs | |
belief merging | |
belief revision | |
Bell numbers | |
Beth Definability | |
C | |
Causal ambiguities | |
Causal knowledge representation | |
Causal reasoning | |
closed world semantics | |
Cognitive modeling | |
commutativity | |
complexity | |
Computational Complexity | |
Concept inclusion | |
conditional | |
Conditional Doxastic Logic | |
conditional independence | |
Constellation Semantics | |
Contingent planning | |
controlled natural language | |
core-guided reasoning | |
CP-logic | |
Cultural Heritage | |
Cut-free completeness | |
D | |
data indexing | |
Data mining | |
Datalog | |
Decision trees | |
Default Logics | |
defeasible entailment | |
defeasible reasoning | |
Deontic Logic | |
description logic | |
Description Logics | |
Domain-lifted Inference | |
Dynamic Topological Logic | |
E | |
EL | |
elimination of connectives | |
empirical cognitive study | |
Epistemic Logic | |
epistemic specifications | |
epistemic splitting property | |
equivalence | |
Exact Learning | |
Existential rules | |
Extensions of PDL | |
F | |
Foundedness | |
G | |
generalization | |
generalized atoms | |
generation of knowledge bases | |
graded modalities | |
H | |
HEX Programs | |
Hilbert-style axiomatisation | |
Horn clauses | |
Hybrid Knowledge Representation | |
hypergraph duality | |
I | |
identity | |
Inconsistency handling | |
inductive logic programming | |
inductive program synthesis | |
inprocessing | |
instance store | |
instance transformations | |
Interpolation | |
Interval temporal logics | |
Intuitionistic Temporal Logic | |
isomorphism | |
K | |
Knowledge acquisition | |
knowledge base | |
knowledge representation | |
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | |
L | |
Labelled sequent calculi | |
least general generalization | |
Logic of action | |
Logic of beliefs | |
Logic of Here-and-There | |
Logic of preferences | |
logic programming | |
Logical Difference | |
M | |
manipulation | |
maximum satisfiability | |
metarules | |
modal logic | |
model updates | |
model-theoretic characterisations | |
Multi-agent epistemic logic | |
Multi-agent STIT logic | |
Multi-valued Logics | |
N | |
Nested sequent calculus | |
non-Boolean domains | |
Non-classical logics | |
Non-monotonic logic | |
non-monotonic reasoning | |
Non-monotonic sub-structural logic | |
Nonmonotonic Reasoning | |
normal form | |
O | |
ontologies | |
Ontology Modularity | |
Ontology-based query answering | |
order-sorted theories | |
over-approximation | |
P | |
Paracoherent Semantics | |
Parsimonious chase | |
Plans as programs | |
Policies in automated planning | |
Possible Worlds | |
preprocessing | |
Principle of Maximum Entropy | |
privacy | |
Probabilistic Abstract Argumentation Frameworks | |
Probabilistic Attack Normal Form | |
Probabilistic description logic | |
probabilistic description logics | |
Probabilistic interpretation | |
probabilistic logic | |
Probabilistic Logic Programming | |
program equivalence | |
program induction | |
program templates | |
programming-support tools | |
Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL) | |
Pseudo-Boolean constraints | |
Q | |
Qualitative decision theory | |
query answering | |
query rewriting | |
query-plan | |
Question Answering | |
R | |
Reasoning about Actions and Change | |
Relational Semantics | |
renaming | |
replacement patterns | |
S | |
SAT encodings | |
satisfiability | |
second-order | |
separation logic | |
Set-Theory | |
SLD-resolution | |
Stable Models | |
stable-model semantics | |
strategy-proofness | |
Sub-propositional Fragments | |
Sub-structural logic | |
Symbolic learning | |
System Description | |
T | |
team semantics | |
Temporal logic | |
theory reduction | |
Topological Systems | |
U | |
uncertainty reasoning | |
W | |
Wason Selection Task | |
Weak Completion Semantics | |
Weighted Argumentation | |
Well-foundedness | |
world views |