Days: Thursday, September 7th Friday, September 8th
Thursday, September 7th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:45-10:45 Session P1: Antonio M. Rodríguez Chía: Solving Methods for Single Allocation hub location problems
Plenary Session I
10:45-11:05Coffee Break
11:05-12:05 Session S1: Hub Location and Applications
11:05 | Single-allocation hub location with upgraded connections (abstract) PRESENTER: Mercedes Landete Ruiz |
11:25 | The Waste-to-Biomethane Logistic Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Víctor Blanco |
11:45 | The profit-oriented hub line location problem with elastic demand (abstract) PRESENTER: Luisa I. Martínez-Merino |
12:10-13:10 Session S2: Discrete Location
12:10 | Budget-constrained center upgrading in the p-center location problem: A math-heuristic approach (abstract) PRESENTER: Laura Anton-Sanchez |
12:30 | The Induced Facility Location Problem with Upgrading (abstract) PRESENTER: Inmaculada Espejo |
12:50 | Framework for Fairness Analysis in Location Problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Alberto Torrejón Valenzuela |
13:10-14:10Lunch at ICMS
14:10-15:10 Session S3: Covering Problems
14:10 | A novel integrated approach for locating agricultural sensors based on the zoning and p-median problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Tiare Torres |
14:30 | Some insights on the Conditional Value-at-Risk approach for the Maximal Covering Location Problem with an uncertain number of facilities (abstract) PRESENTER: Ricardo Gázquez |
14:50 | Setting second-level facilities in the multi-product maximal covering location problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Marta Baldomero-Naranjo |
15:10-15:15Short Break
16:15-16:35Coffee Break
16:35-17:35 Session S4: Continuous Location
16:35 | Planar location problems with uncertainty demand points: robustness concepts (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan A. Mesa |
16:55 | Touring polytopes, the weighted region and some related location problems (abstract) PRESENTER: Justo Puerto |
17:15 | Exact Solution Methods for the p-Median Problem with Manhattan Distance and a River with Crossings (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Byrne |
Friday, September 8th
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
09:15-10:35 Session S5: Applications
09:15 | An exact approach towards solving a hydrogen refuelling network design problem with pipelines (abstract) PRESENTER: Kit Searle |
09:35 | Mixed Integer Programming Models for Installation of Offshore Wind Turbines (abstract) PRESENTER: Charles Emeka Onyi |
09:55 | The Pipelines and Cable Trays Location Problem in Naval Design (abstract) PRESENTER: Gabriel González-Domínguez |
10:15 | Heuristic segmentations in Electron Tomography using the DOMP (abstract) PRESENTER: Juan Manuel Muñoz-Ocaña |
10:35-10:55Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Session S6: Network Design
12:00 | Connected graph partitioning with aggregated and non-aggregated gap objective functions (abstract) PRESENTER: Elena Fernandez |
12:20 | Budget constrained cut problems (abstract) PRESENTER: José Luis Sainz-Pardo |
12:40 | New Formulations and Column Generation Algorithm of the Minimum Normalized Cuts Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Francisco Temprano Garcia |
13:00-14:00Lunch at ICMS
14:00-15:20 Session S7: Location and Routing
14:00 | The Min Max Multi-Trip Location Arc Routing Problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Teresa Corberán |
14:20 | Prize-collecting Location Routing on Capacitated Trees (abstract) PRESENTER: Manuel Munoz-Marquez |
14:40 | The load-dependent drone general routing problem (abstract) PRESENTER: Paula Segura |
15:00 | The Hampered Travelling Salesman Problem with Neighbourhoods (abstract) PRESENTER: Carlos Valverde |
14:30-15:00Coffee Break
15:40-16:40 Session S8: Bilevel and Conic Programming
15:40 | Combinatorics of Extended Representations of generalized power cones (abstract) PRESENTER: Miguel Martínez-Antón |
16:00 | A bi-level facility delocation problem with spatially loyal customers: exact methods and metaheuristics (abstract) PRESENTER: José-Fernando Camacho-Vallejo |
16:20 | Bi-Level Service Design Problem considering outsourcing costs (abstract) PRESENTER: Nicolas Zerega Oyarzun |