This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- Interspecies interactions | |
- Microbial competition | |
- Polymicrobial infections | |
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa | |
- Staphylococcus aureus | |
A | |
Accelerated Growth | |
ACE | |
Adaptation | |
Adaptive dynamics | |
adaptive evolution | |
Adaptive response | |
adaptive therapy | |
adult chronic mental and physical health | |
adversity | |
aging | |
Air environment | |
Airborne microbiome | |
Altitude | |
Alzheimer's Disease | |
Alzheimer’s Disease | |
anatomy | |
ancient dental calculus | |
ancient DNA | |
ancient pathogen genomics | |
aneuploidy | |
angiotensin | |
Animal model | |
Antagonistic pleiotropy | |
Anthropogeny | |
Anthropology | |
anti-ulcerogenic activity | |
anti-virulence treatments | |
antibiotic resistance | |
Antibiotic resistance evolution | |
Antibiotic Stewardship | |
Antimicrobial Resistance | |
antimicrobial resistance surveillance | |
Antioxidant | |
antiviral resistance | |
antivirulence-antibiotic combination | |
anxiety | |
Appearance-Based Bullying | |
Appendectomy | |
Article metrics | |
Assessment | |
Astyanax mexicanus | |
Atherogenesis | |
Atherosclerosis | |
ATP-transporter | |
Atrial Fibrillation | |
australopithecus africanus | |
Autism | |
autism spectrum disorder | |
Auto Immunity | |
Autoimmune disease | |
Autoimmune diseases | |
B | |
baboons | |
Baccouche | |
Bacillus thuringiensis | |
Bacteremia | |
bacterial adaptation | |
bacterial evolution | |
bacterial infection | |
bacterial-host interactions | |
Barbara | |
bargaining | |
Barker Hypothesis | |
Basil | |
behavioral immunity | |
benefit harm tradeoff | |
bioarchaeology | |
biochemistry | |
Biodemography | |
bioenergetics | |
Biogerontology | |
Biological Anthropology | |
Bipedalism | |
birth | |
birth cohort | |
Blood pressure | |
Body size | |
Bone | |
Bovine macrophage | |
brain | |
Breastfeeding | |
burnout | |
C | |
Caenorhabditis elegans | |
Caesarean section risk | |
Cancer | |
cancer biology | |
cancer evolution | |
carbapenem resistance | |
carcinogenesis | |
cardiac | |
Cardiology | |
cardiometabolic diseases risk | |
Cardiovascular | |
career development awards | |
Cellular memory | |
cephalo-pelvic disproportion | |
cerebral/visceral ganglia | |
Cesarean Section | |
Change in direction | |
Childbirth | |
Childcare | |
Children | |
chronic inflammation | |
chronic kidney disease | |
circadian rhythm | |
circadian rhythms | |
Clinical Applications | |
co-evolution | |
Cognition | |
Cohort Study | |
Collateral sensitivity | |
Collective Animal Behavior | |
combination treatments | |
common ancestor | |
community campus local authority collaboration | |
community participation | |
Comparative | |
compensatory prophylaxis hypothesis | |
complex disease | |
Costs of reproduction | |
county level | |
CRISPR-Cas | |
critical care | |
cross-cultural | |
Cross-immunity | |
cross-sector economics | |
Curriculum | |
Curriculum development | |
Custodial grandparents | |
cybernetics | |
Cyclical immunity | |
cytokines | |
D | |
Darwinian fitness | |
defenses | |
degenerative diseases | |
delayed virulence | |
Dementia | |
Denmark | |
Dental calculus | |
Depression | |
Developing education resources for evolutionary medicine | |
development | |
developmental covariance | |
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease | |
Developmental Plasticity | |
developmental stability | |
DHS | |
Diabetes | |
diastole | |
diastolic function | |
diastology | |
diet | |
Disc degeneration and herniation | |
Disease | |
disease ecosystem | |
Disease evolution | |
Disease load | |
Disease of civilization | |
Disease susceptibility | |
divergence | |
DNA survival | |
DoHAD perspective | |
domestic violence | |
double burden malnutrition | |
Driver genes | |
drug interactions | |
drug resistance | |
Dynamic | |
E | |
E. coli | |
early life development | |
early life plasticity | |
early life stress | |
Early-life | |
Eco-Immunology | |
Education | |
Egyptian mummies | |
ehealth literacy | |
emergency medicine | |
Emerging Disease | |
emerging pathogens | |
Emotional mechanisms | |
Energetics | |
environment | |
environmental adaptation | |
Environmentally Sensitive | |
epidemiology | |
epigenetics | |
Erinaceus europaeus | |
Escherichia coli | |
Evidence | |
Evo-Devo | |
Evolution | |
evolution of human organ systems | |
evolution of pathogens | |
evolution of the healthy human being | |
Evolutionary | |
Evolutionary aspects of aging | |
Evolutionary biology | |
Evolutionary epidemiology | |
evolutionary function | |
evolutionary immunology | |
Evolutionary Medicine | |
evolutionary model | |
Evolutionary obstetrics | |
Evolutionary theory | |
Evolutionary-Medicine | |
evolvability and integration | |
Exercise | |
Experimental Evolution | |
extracurricular offer | |
F | |
fasting | |
feedback | |
Female-biased dispersal | |
Fertility | |
fetal malnutrition | |
fetal programming | |
FGF16 | |
FGF2 | |
FGF21 | |
FGF23 | |
fibrosis | |
Fish | |
fitness | |
food aid | |
Formalin | |
frailty syndromes | |
Function | |
functional anatomy | |
functional trait complex | |
G | |
gallium | |
game theory | |
gastric secretion | |
gender differences | |
gene | |
gene environment mismatch | |
Gene expression | |
gene manipulation | |
genetic drift | |
genome | |
genomic architecture | |
genomic-imprinting | |
GH | |
giraffa camelopardalis | |
giraffe | |
GLUT1 phenotype | |
Gluteus maximus | |
Graduate | |
Grandchild health | |
Grandparent health | |
Grandparental influence | |
Grandparental investment | |
grants process | |
Griffiths | |
Growth | |
gut microbiome | |
gut-brain axis | |
H | |
Haldane | |
Hansen's disease | |
Harvard | |
Health | |
health care coordination | |
health consequences | |
health promotion | |
health sciences | |
health services | |
heart | |
Heart Disease | |
heart failure | |
Hepatitis B virus | |
HLA | |
hormones | |
Host -pathogen interaction | |
Host-pathogens interactions | |
housing | |
How People Learn | |
Hox | |
HPA axis | |
Human and Animal Disease | |
human behavior | |
human evolution | |
Human genetic diversity Genetoic | |
human genetic variation | |
human reproductive ecology | |
human variation | |
Hypertension | |
hypertrophy | |
Hypotheses | |
hypoxia | |
Hysteresis | |
I | |
IGF-1 | |
immune | |
Immune function | |
immune memory | |
immune priming | |
immune system | |
immunity | |
immunological specificity | |
Immunology | |
impaired relaxation | |
inbreeding depression | |
inequalities | |
infectious disease | |
Infectious diseases | |
inflammation | |
innate immune system | |
Insomnia | |
Inter-generational health | |
Intergenerational influence | |
intergenerational living | |
intermediary metabolism | |
intersectorial action | |
intimate partner violence | |
Intragenomic conflict hypothesis | |
intuitive eating | |
iOMICS | |
Iraq | |
Iron resistance | |
Iron responsive genes | |
Irritable Bowel Syndrome | |
K | |
Killer move hypothesis | |
Kinetics and kinematics of the lower limb | |
knowledge evolution | |
kombucha | |
L | |
Lactation reactivation syndrome | |
Learning goals | |
left ventricular hypertrophy | |
Leprosy | |
Life Cycle | |
Life History | |
Life history approach | |
life history theory | |
life history trait evolution | |
Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy | |
Long-term health risks | |
Longitudinal | |
luteal phase | |
M | |
M. africanum | |
M. tuberculosis complex | |
Machine learning | |
Major histocompatibility complex | |
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) | |
Malaria | |
Malignancy | |
mammal | |
marriage | |
Masai giraffe | |
mass spectrometry | |
Masticatory apparatus | |
maternal and child health | |
Maternal stress | |
mathematical modelling | |
Matrilocal or patrilocal | |
meat consumption | |
mechanisms of metastasis | |
media health literacy | |
medical education | |
Medicine | |
megakaryocyte | |
menarche | |
Menopause | |
Menopause symptoms | |
menstrual cycle | |
mental disorder | |
mental health | |
Meta-analysis | |
metabolic disease | |
Metabolic Syndrome | |
metabolism | |
Metagenomics | |
metaproteomics | |
methods | |
Mexico | |
Micribiome | |
Microbe-Mediated Protection | |
Microbiome | |
microbiomes | |
Microbiota | |
Migratory birds | |
Migratory sleeplessness | |
mindful eating | |
mismatch | |
mobility | |
Molecular evolution | |
Moment arms | |
Moment arms of the hip | |
Morphology | |
mortality | |
multi-drug resistant tuberculosis | |
Multi-morbidity | |
Mummies | |
mutation | |
Mycobacterium leprae | |
myocardial fibrosis | |
N | |
Nationwide registry study | |
native americans | |
Natterson-Horowitz | |
Natural Animal Models | |
Natural disease concepts | |
natural selection | |
necropsy | |
Neonatal Growth | |
Nepotism | |
neural crest | |
Neuroimmunity | |
Neuroinflammation | |
Neutral zone | |
new health professional profile | |
Next-generation sequencing | |
Nicotinamide | |
Non-Proximate | |
Novel | |
Nrf2-transcription factor | |
Nursing education | |
nutrition | |
O | |
Obesity | |
Objective disease definition | |
obstetrical dilemma | |
Obstetrics | |
obstructed labour | |
Oddity Effect | |
okapi | |
Old Friends | |
Omega 3 | |
One Health | |
OPA | |
Oral Microbiome | |
Organismal Performance Assay | |
osteoarthritis | |
Osteoblast | |
Osteosarcoma | |
ovarian carcinoma | |
Ovarian hormone exposure | |
Overendurance athletes | |
overweight | |
Oxidative stress | |
P | |
Pacific | |
pain | |
Palaeoepidemiology | |
palaeopathology | |
Paleopathology | |
parasites | |
partnership | |
paternally imprinted genes | |
pathogen | |
pathogen evolution | |
Pathogen transmission | |
Pathogens | |
Pediatric | |
Pediatric Health | |
Pediatrics | |
peer review | |
Pellagra | |
Pelvic rotation | |
pelvis | |
Perception | |
performance enhancement | |
Peri-menopause | |
pharmaceutical | |
phenotypic plasticity | |
Philosophy | |
phylogenetic analysis | |
Phylogeny | |
phyonumerics | |
physical activity | |
physiology | |
Pili | |
placenta | |
Placentation | |
plasmid fitness costs | |
plastic response | |
platelet | |
pluridisciplinarity | |
Pomacea canaliculata | |
Population genetics | |
pre-clinical phase | |
Precision medicine | |
Predicted Adaptive Response Hypothesis | |
Predictive modeling | |
pregnancy | |
Pregnancy Compensation Hypothesis | |
prenatal programming | |
Preterm Birth | |
prevention | |
primate evolution | |
primates | |
probiotic | |
progesterone | |
prostate cancer | |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | |
Psychiatry | |
public health | |
Public health policies | |
Q | |
quantitative genetics | |
R | |
r/K selection | |
Red Complex | |
reduced compliance | |
refined sugars | |
regulation | |
reproduction | |
reproductive function | |
reproductive success | |
Respiratory health | |
reverse cholesterol transport | |
rhythmic orthologs | |
Rib lesions | |
Rotary kinetic chain | |
S | |
Scientific dissemination | |
Scientific literature | |
Scientific-Narrative | |
secular trend | |
Selected Effects | |
Selection | |
selection for resistance | |
Senescence | |
Sepsis | |
Sequential therapy | |
Sex Chromosome | |
sex differences | |
Sex-biased disease | |
sexual dimorphism | |
shared decision making | |
signaling | |
Skeletal Growth | |
social immunity | |
social interaction networks | |
Social organization | |
social welfare | |
Soft tissue | |
solid tumor | |
somatic growth | |
Species | |
Sperm dysfunction | |
Spondylolisthesis | |
Spondylolysis | |
Spontaneous | |
stiffening | |
stress | |
Structuring pedagogies to enhance learning | |
survivorship | |
Sustainable Development Goals | |
Symposium: Translational evolutionary medicine (Nicole Bender) | |
Systematic Review | |
T | |
T cell receptor | |
tapeworms | |
Taxonomy | |
TCR depletion | |
Teaching | |
territoriality | |
Testable | |
TGF-B1 | |
Thalassemia | |
The symposium is: Translational medicine (Nicole Bender) | |
Theoretical biology | |
thickening | |
Thousand Days of Life Hypothesis | |
three generation family | |
Thumbergia laurifolia extract | |
town planning | |
toxicity | |
trade-off | |
tradeoff | |
tradeoffs | |
trained immunity | |
transcriptome | |
transcriptome sequencing | |
transcriptomics | |
transmission ratio distortion | |
Tribolium castaneum | |
Tryptophan | |
Tuberculosis | |
Tuberculosis disease | |
U | |
Under-nutrition | |
Uniparental inheritance | |
Urbanization | |
V | |
Vasculopathy | |
ventricle | |
veterinary | |
Veterinary Medicine | |
viral evolution | |
Virome | |
Virulence | |
Virulence factors | |
Vitamin C synthesis and evolution | |
Vulnerability | |
W | |
weight loss diet | |
well-being | |
Wildlife | |
World Health Summit | |
Z | |
zoonoses | |
Zoonoses/Reverse zoonoses | |
Zoonosis | |
а | |
аepersonalization | |
е | |
еmotional exhaustion |