View: session overviewtalk overview
( 9:00-9:05) WELCOME CEREMONY [Dr. Huimin Lu/Program Chair]
( 9:05-10:00)・Keynote 1: Edge Intelligence- The Convergence of Humans, IoT, and AI [Prof. Schahram Dustdar/IEEE Fellow]
(10:00-11:00)・Keynote 2: Internet of Things: Applications, Enablers, Security [Prof. Manu Malek/IEEE Life Fellow]
(11:00-12:00)・Keynote 3: Network Motif Entropy [Prof. Edwin Hancock/IEEE Fellow], PDF
(13:00-14:00)・Keynote 4: Unification of Deep Learning and Reasoning [Prof. Dapeng Wu/IEEE Fellow]
(14:00-15:00)・Keynote 5: Robust Pattern Recognition in Open World [Prof. Chenglin Liu/IEEE Fellow]
(15:00-16:00)・Keynote 6: Human Gait Analysis [Prof. Yasushi Yagi/IPSJ Fellow]
(16:00-17:00)・Keynote 7: Deep Learning Theory [Prof. Dacheng Tao/IEEE Fellow]
(17:00-18:00)・Keynote 8: Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Vehicular Network [Prof. Xuemin Shen/IEEE Fellow]