This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
- | |
- Algorithmic Divide | |
- Equality | |
- Inclusion | |
- Literacy | |
- Rule of Law | |
4 | |
4-Ebenenmatrix | |
A | |
act on artificial intelligence | |
advertising law | |
AI | |
AI Act | |
AI and current challenges in public administration | |
AI and organisational & structural changes | |
AI and skills | |
AI benefits and challenges | |
AI liability | |
AI Liability Directive | |
AI literacy | |
AI Systems | |
AI tools | |
AI-Act | |
AI-generated Innovation | |
AI-Generated Outputs | |
AI-Space | |
AIA | |
Algorithmic Aversion | |
alternative Fakten | |
Anonymisierung | |
Architekturmanagement-Tool | |
argumentation | |
Argumentationstheorie | |
artificial intelligence | |
Artificial Intelligence in Video Games | |
Ausbildung | |
Auslegung | |
Austrian Inheritance Law | |
author of work | |
automated policy management | |
Automatisierung | |
Autonomie | |
B | |
Banksy saga | |
Basisdokument | |
Benchmark Dataset | |
Berechtigte Interessen | |
Berechtigtes Interesse | |
berufliche Sorgfalt | |
Besteuerungsverfahren | |
Betroffenenrechte | |
Beurteilung von Beweisen | |
Beweise | |
Beweismittel | |
Beweissicherung | |
Bias | |
Big Data Analysis | |
bildgebende Diagnostik | |
Bildungsportal | |
Biobanks | |
Bioethics | |
Biometric data | |
blockchain | |
BMF | |
BMJ | |
bot disclosure laws | |
BRZ | |
Bundesministerium | |
Bundestag | |
C | |
CARE principles | |
causality | |
Certification | |
Chancen | |
chatbot | |
ChatGPT4 | |
Child welfare | |
China | |
Codes of Conduct | |
collective privacy | |
Commission’s Guidelines on the Mitigation of Systemic Risks for Electoral Processes | |
Comparative Law | |
competition law | |
Compliance | |
Computable law | |
conflict of interests | |
Constitutional AI | |
Consumer Protection | |
Content Moderation | |
Content transformation | |
Contract Review | |
copyright | |
Corporate criminal law | |
court automation | |
Creative Rights | |
criminal procedure | |
Criminal proceedings | |
CSRD | |
CT/MRT | |
culture of health data | |
Current Care Guidelines | |
cyber incident | |
Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr | |
cyber operations | |
Cyber Resilience Act | |
cybercrime | |
Cybersecurity | |
Cybersicherheit | |
Cybersicherheit an Universitäten und Hochschulen | |
Cybersicherheitsrecht | |
D | |
Das beste KI unterstützte Selbst | |
Data Act | |
Data Economy | |
data governance | |
Data Law | |
data leak | |
Data Memorisation | |
data monopoly | |
Data portability | |
Data Privacy | |
Data Privacy Framework | |
Data protection | |
data stewardship | |
Data Transfer | |
Datenraum | |
Datenschutz | |
Datenschutz-Grundverordnung | |
Datenschutzrecht | |
Datenvermittlungsdienste | |
Decisions | |
Deepfakes | |
deisgn protection | |
Demarkationsprinzip | |
Design Thinking | |
Desinformation | |
Developer Liability | |
DiGA | |
DiGA in der Jugendpsychiatrie | |
Digital evidence | |
digital exhaustion | |
Digital Markets Act | |
digital patient twin | |
Digital Services Act | |
Digital Services Act (DSA) | |
digital sovereignty | |
Digital twin | |
digitale Kompetenz | |
Digitale Tramsformation | |
Digitale Transformation | |
Digitale Transformation in der öV | |
Digitale Zeitenwende | |
Digitalisierung | |
Disinformation | |
Disinformation regulation | |
Diskriminierung | |
disruption | |
DMA | |
Domain Specific Models | |
DORA | |
Dresdner Forderungen | |
Dresdner Forderungen 2.0 | |
DSA | |
dual-use | |
E | |
e-commerce | |
E-Government | |
E-Government-Architekturen | |
E-Justice | |
E-Verfahren | |
EDVG | |
eGesetzgebung | |
eGovernment-Wettbewerb | |
EHDS | |
eJustice | |
Election | |
Emotional data | |
Employment Contract | |
employment disputes | |
Enforcement | |
Enhancement | |
Erbrecht | |
Erfahrungsbericht | |
Erfolgsfaktoren | |
ESG | |
essential facilities | |
Ethical Guidelines | |
ethics | |
Ethik | |
EU | |
EU legislation | |
EU regulation | |
EU-AI-Act | |
EU-Datenstrategie | |
European Union | |
Europäische Datenstrategie | |
Evaluation | |
Evaluierung | |
Evidence-Based Medical Guidelines (EBMG) | |
Explainability | |
Explainable AI | |
F | |
Fact constitution | |
factual starting point of deciding | |
FAIR principles | |
Fake News | |
Faktenchecker | |
Fallstudien | |
federated learning | |
Finanzverwaltung | |
Formal logic | |
Formal methods | |
Fundamental Rights | |
Future | |
G | |
GDPR | |
Gefahren | |
Geheimhaltungsmaßnahmen | |
Gemini | |
genAI | |
Genauigkeit | |
Generative AI | |
Generative Artificial Intelligence | |
generative KI | |
Gerechtigkeit | |
German | |
Geschäftsgeheimnisse | |
Gesetzgebung | |
Gesetzliche Erbfolge | |
Gesundheitsbereich | |
Gesundheitsdaten | |
Gesundheitsdatenraum | |
Gesundheitssystem | |
Gleichbehandlungsgesetz | |
Global Standardization | |
Grenzen | |
große Sprachmodelle | |
grundrechte | |
H | |
Hackathon | |
Haftung | |
Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht | |
Harmonisierung | |
health data | |
Health Data AI | |
Health data space | |
healthcare | |
Hochrisiko-KI-System | |
holism | |
Hosting services | |
human centric | |
human in the loop | |
human oversight | |
Hybrid Models | |
I | |
ID verification | |
indigenous data | |
information design | |
Informational Privacy | |
Informational process | |
Informationsfreiheit | |
Informationsrecht | |
Innovation | |
Intellectual Property Governance | |
Interessensabwägung | |
internal investigations | |
International Data Transfers | |
Internet | |
IP-Law | |
ISO-Norm | |
ISO/IEC 5230 | |
IT-Forensik | |
IT-Recht | |
Iterationsmanagement | |
J | |
Judge assistance | |
Judiciary | |
juristische Methoden | |
Juristische Singularität | |
juristische Trolley-Anwendungen | |
Justiz | |
Justiz 3.0 | |
K | |
KI | |
KI in der Medizin | |
KI und Recht | |
KI Verordnung | |
KI VO | |
KI-Anwendungsbeispiele | |
KI-Gesetz | |
KI-Regulierung | |
KI-System | |
KI-Trainingsdaten | |
KI-Verordnung | |
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | |
Konformitätsvermutung | |
Korpuslinguistik | |
Krisenrecht | |
kritisches Hinterfragen | |
Künstliche Intelligenz | |
Künstliche Intelligenzen | |
Künstliche Rationalität | |
L | |
Large Language Models | |
Large Language Models (LLM) | |
Law | |
law of personality | |
Law-As-Code | |
LawTech | |
Learning Analytics | |
Legal Business Model | |
legal conflicts | |
Legal Content Annotation | |
legal decision as responsible human act | |
Legal Design | |
Legal Digital Twin | |
Legal Domain | |
Legal Informatics | |
Legal Linguistics | |
Legal machine | |
Legal NLP | |
Legal personhood | |
legal practice | |
legal reasoning | |
legal risk | |
Legal Singularity | |
Legal Tech | |
Legal Technology | |
LegalAI | |
Legality Assessment | |
LegalTech | |
Legislative | |
Legislative Automation | |
Legitimate Interest Assessment | |
Lehrgänge | |
Leitlinien | |
LLM | |
LLMs | |
logic | |
Logik | |
logische Formalisierung | |
Lücke | |
M | |
Machine culture | |
Machine Learning | |
mandatory data access | |
maschinelles Schließen | |
Maschinenbau | |
medical device regulation | |
Medical records | |
medical software | |
menschenzentrierter Regelungsansatz | |
Methodenlehre | |
methodology | |
minorities data | |
Misinformation | |
Mitarbeiterdaten | |
Mobile devices | |
models | |
N | |
Nachhaltigkeit | |
Natural Language Processing | |
nature and structure of deciding | |
neuer Studiengang | |
neural data | |
neuronale Netzwerke | |
Neurotechnologie | |
Neutralitätspflicht | |
New Approach | |
New Legislative Framework | |
NIS2 | |
NIS2-Richtlinie | |
no art without an artist | |
Non-Contractual Liability | |
Normative Diagramme | |
normative starting point of deciding | |
Normung | |
O | |
Online platforms | |
Ontologie | |
open data | |
Open Source | |
Open Source Software | |
Organisationsverantwortung | |
P | |
PACC | |
Parlament | |
Parteivortrag | |
Partizipation | |
Pedigree | |
Perception of AI-generated Content | |
Personal Data | |
Personalisierung des Rechts | |
personalization | |
Personenbezogene Daten in KI-Systemen in der Anwendung und beim Lernen | |
Perspectivity | |
Philosophy | |
Piracy Shield | |
plain language | |
Postgraduate | |
Potenziale | |
Praxis | |
Predictive Analytics | |
Prinzipienethik | |
Privacy | |
Privacy Shield | |
Privatisierung | |
proactive law | |
Procedural autonomy | |
Procedural Rhetoric | |
Produkthaftungsrichtlinie | |
prohibition | |
Prolog | |
prompt engineering | |
proof assistants | |
Provinienz | |
Prozesse | |
Prozesse in der öV | |
Prozessoptimierung | |
Prozesspriorisierung | |
Public Administration | |
Q | |
qualitative Inhaltsanalyse | |
quality of health data | |
R | |
RAG | |
Rahmenbedingungen | |
ransomware | |
ransomware-as-a-service | |
RDF-Format | |
Reallabor | |
Recht auf Erläuterung | |
Rechtsanwendungs-Kontexte | |
Rechtserzeugung | |
Rechtsgrundlage | |
Rechtsinforamtik | |
Rechtsinformatik | |
Rechtsinformation | |
Rechtslogik | |
Rechtsmissbrauch | |
Rechtssprache | |
Rechtsvisualisierung | |
Rechtswesen | |
rechtswissenschaftliches Studium | |
reflexive Kompetenz | |
Reg-Tech | |
Register- und Notarrecht | |
Regulation | |
Regulatory Frameworks | |
Reifegradmessung | |
retrieval augmented generation | |
RIS40Jahre | |
Risikoanalyse | |
Risk assessment | |
risk management | |
Roboterethik | |
Robustheit | |
Rollenverteilung: welche datenschutzrechtlichen Rollen haben die neuen Akteure der KI-VO | |
S | |
s(CASP) | |
Sachleistungsprinzip | |
Safe Harbor | |
safe statistics | |
Safety Components | |
Sandbox | |
Schrems rulings | |
Scientific research | |
Search | |
Sekundärrecht | |
Self-Driving Laws | |
Self-Driving State | |
Semantic Analysis | |
Semantic Technologies | |
Sentiency | |
Sexroboter | |
Sicherheitsbauteil | |
Sicherheitslücken | |
Single Point of Entry | |
social influencers | |
Social Sciences | |
Software verification | |
Softwarelizenzen | |
Solutions | |
Sprachfassungen | |
Staat | |
Stakeholderbeteiligung | |
Standardisierung | |
Study Programme | |
sustainability jargon | |
Symbolic Artificial Intelligence | |
symbolische KI | |
synthetic data | |
Systemic Risk | |
T | |
Taxonomie | |
Technikverständnis | |
Technology | |
Technology Acceptance | |
Text and Data Mining | |
Theorie der Sprechakte | |
theory of argumentation | |
Theory of Privacy | |
Thesen | |
trademarks | |
Trainingsdaten | |
Transparency | |
Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising Regulation | |
Transparenz | |
Transparenzgebot und Informationspflichten | |
Trennungsgebot | |
Trolley-Problem | |
Trust | |
Trustworthiness | |
Trustworthy AI | |
Turing | |
Täuschungsabsicht | |
U | |
Unfair Competition | |
United States | |
Universitätslehrgang | |
Unternehmensarchitekturen | |
Unternehmensethik | |
Urheberrecht | |
User-generated content | |
V | |
Verantwortung | |
Verhaltenskodex | |
verified algorithms | |
versammlungsrecht | |
Verwaltung | |
Verwaltungsdigitalisierung | |
verändertes Berufsbild | |
videogame distribution | |
Videogames | |
virtual influencers | |
Volkskultur | |
W | |
Wartezeitenabfrage | |
Web iIdex | |
Webscraping | |
Weiterbildung | |
Weiterentwicklung | |
wertebasierte Regulierung | |
Wettbewerbsrecht | |
Wirtschaftsrecht | |
Wissensgraph | |
Wissensrepräsentation | |
work marks | |
Workshop | |
X | |
XAI | |
Z | |
Zeitenwende | |
Zentrales Register | |
Zivilprozess | |
Zweckänderung | |
Ö | |
Öffentliche Verwaltung | |
Österreich | |
ö | |
öffentliche Verwaltung |