Days: Sunday, June 17th Monday, June 18th Tuesday, June 19th Wednesday, June 20th Thursday, June 21st Friday, June 22nd

Sunday, June 17th

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09:45-10:00 Session 2: Opening (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

Kick off of the 1st International Physical Internet Doctoral Colloquium with opening words of Iris vis.

10:00-11:30 Session 3A: Round 1: Presentations (Club Lounge) (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

Hyperconnected Mobile Buffer Storage Capacity Management
Presenter:          Louis Faugere
Discussant 1:     Ido Orenstein
Discussant 2:     Lienert Cosemans
Professor:          Eric Ballot

Delivery Process with Flexibility Using Automated Parcel Lockers
Presenter:          Ido Orenstein
Discussant 1:     Louis Faugere
Discussant 2:     Albert Schrotenboer
Professor:          Walid Klibi

Gerlach van der Heide (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Louis Faugere (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Hyperconnected Mobile Buffer Storage Capacity Management (abstract)
Ido Orenstein (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Elad Sadan (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Delivery Process with Flexibility Using Automated Parcel Lockers (abstract)
10:00-11:30 Session 3B: Round 1: Presentations (Boardroom) (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

Steering past the language barrier: Managing multilingual workplace interactions in the European road haulage sector
Presenter:          Bianca Dijkstra
Discussant 1:    
Walid Mourhrib
Discussant 2:     Nayeon Kim
Professor:          An Caris

Physical Internet: Stakeholder Mapping
Presenter:          Walid Mourhrib
Discussant 1:     Bianca Dijkstra
Discussant 2:     Joren Gijsbrechts
Professor:           Benoit Montreuil

Nicol Saaltink (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Bianca Dijkstra (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - Campus Fryslân, Netherlands)
Steering past the language barrier: Managing multilingual workplace interactions in the European road haulage sector (abstract)
Walid Mourhrib (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Sahar Validi (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Samir Dani (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Physical Internet: Stakeholder Mapping (abstract)
12:00-13:00 Session 4: Interactive plenary session on publishing paper on Physical Internet (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

A question and answer session with Eric Ballot and Benoit Montreuil.
Central theme: “Learning how to position current Physical Internet research into existing literature in order to enable publications in high-quality scientific journals”

14:00-15:30 Session 5A: Round 2: Presentations (Club Lounge) (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

Hyperconnected Physical Internet Hubs
Presenter:          Shannon Buckley            
Discussant 1:     Albert Schrotenboer
Discussant 2:     Bianca Dijkstra
Professor:          An Caris

A decomposition framework for routing and transportation in the physical internet
Presenter:          Albert Schrotenboer
Discussant 1:     Shannon Buckley
Discussant 2:     Ido Orenstein
Professor:          Walid Klibi

Gerlach van der Heide (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Shannon Buckley (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Benoit Montreuil (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Hyperconnected Physical Internet Hubs (abstract)
Albert Schrotenboer (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Iris Vis (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
A decomposition framework for routing and transportation in the physical internet. (abstract)
14:00-15:30 Session 5B: Round 2: Presentations (Boardroom) (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

The Role of Maritime Ports in the Physical Internet
Presenter:          Patrick Fahim
Discussant 1:     Isabella Sanders
Discussant 2:    
Walid Mourhrib
Professor:          Benoit Montreuil

Hyperconnected Fresh Supply Chains
Presenter:          Isabella Sanders
Discussant 1:     Patrick Fahim
Discussant 2:     Roel Post
Professor:          Eric Ballot

Nicol Saaltink (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Patrick Fahim (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
The Role of Maritime Ports in the Physical Internet (abstract)
Isabella Sanders (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Hyperconnected Fresh Supply Chains (abstract)
16:00-17:30 Session 6A: Round 3: Presentations (Club Lounge) (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

Stochastic Inventory Allocation and Deployment in Hyperconnected Fulfillment Networks
Presenter:          Nayeon Kim
Discussant 1:     Roel Post
Discussant 2:     Patrick Fahim
Professor:          Eric Ballot

The impact of supplier and product characteristics on Vendor-Managed Inventory
Presenter:          Roel Post
Discussant 1:     Nayeon Kim
Discussant 2:     Isabella Sanders
Professor:          Benoit Montreuil

Gerlach van der Heide (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Nayeon Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Walid Klibi (Kedge Business School, France)
Benoit Montreuil (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Stochastic Inventory Allocation and Deployment in Hyperconnected Fulfillment Networks (abstract)
Roel Post (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Paul Buijs (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Jaap Wieringa (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Hans Wortmann (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
The impact of supplier and product characteristics on Vendor-Managed Inventory (abstract)
16:00-17:30 Session 6B: Round 3: Presentations (Boardroom) (IPIC2018 Doctoral Co)

A deep reinforcement learning approach for synchronized multi-modal replenishment
Presenter:          Joren Gijsbrechts
Discussant 1:     Lienert Cosemans
Discussant 2:     Shannon Buckley
Professor:          An Caris

Option contracts in synchromodal transport
Presenter:          Lienert Cosemans
Discussant 1:     Joren Gijsbrechts
Discussant 2:     Louis Faugere
Professor:          Walid Klibi

Nicol Saaltink (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Joren Gijsbrechts (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Robert Boute (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
A deep reinforcement learning approach for synchronized multi-modal replenishment (abstract)
Lienert Cosemans (UHasselt - Hasselt University, Belgium)
Inneke Van Nieuwenhuyse (UHasselt - Hasselt University, Belgium)
An Caris (UHasselt - Hasselt University, Belgium)
Option contracts in synchromodal transport (Research proposal) (abstract)
Monday, June 18th

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13:30-17:00 Session 7A: E-global & Physical internet projects (IPIC2018)

A short introduction of Iris Vis in Physical internet, followed by six presentations of master students about their thesis related to e-commerce & Physical Internet.

Nicol Saaltink (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: A7
13:30-17:00 Session 7B: Healthcare logistics & 5G seminar (Language: Dutch) (IPIC2018)

Het Nederlandse zorgstelsel behoort tot de besten in de wereld, maar wordt ook geconfronteerd met een aantal uitdagingen. Een van de grootste uitdagingen betreft het inrichten van patiëntgerichte zorg, waarbij die zorg bovendien steeds vaker extramuraal, in plaats van intramuraal, plaats zal vinden. Als gevolg hiervan zullen logistieke stromen van bijvoorbeeld zorghulpmiddelen, voedsel, medicijnen en zorgprofessionals verder fragmenteren. Nieuwe logistieke modellen zijn nodig om deze stromen efficiënt en kosteneffectief in te richten en aan te sturen. Human Care, Vegro en 5Groningen nodigen zorgbestuurders en andere belanghebbenden uit mee te denken over de mogelijkheden van het toepassen van vijfde generatie mobiele communicatietechnologie (5G) in de zorg.

Paul Buijs (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
17:00-20:00 Registration & Evening Reception (IPIC2018)

The Welcome Reception provides an excellent opportunity to network, meet old friends and colleagues, as well as meet new people as the program begins. During the welcome reception, we have check-in desks available for registration as well.

Location: Xo
Tuesday, June 19th

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09:00-09:45 Session 8: Opening Ceremony (IPIC2018)
Iris Vis (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: Aula
Iris Vis (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Welcome by chair of the organizing committee (abstract)
Sibrand Poppema (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Word of welcome by the president of the Board of the University of Groningen (abstract)
Albert Veenstra (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Word of welcome by the scientific director of TKI Dinalog (abstract)
09:45-10:15 Session 9: Plenary Keynote (IPIC2018)
Iris Vis (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: Aula
Sergio Barbarino (ALICE, Belgium)
Why realizing Physical Internet fast is necessary on the path of zero emissions logistics (abstract)
10:30-11:30 Session 10A: Intelligent Load Carriers (IPIC2018)

Intelligent load carriers are a crucial element of the Physical Internet. What are the lessons learned from previous research regarding the design and use of intelligent load carriers? And, which steps are already taken by the frontrunners in practice?

Paul Buijs (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Florian Ehrentraut (TU Graz, Austria)
Smart and modular containers for the Physical Internet – possibilities and obstacles (abstract)
Erik Ekkel (Ahrma Pooling, Netherlands)
Transparency in the supply chain with intelligent returnable packaging solutions (abstract)
Paul Buijs (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Discussion (abstract)
10:30-11:30 Session 10B: Introduction in Physical Internet (IPIC2018)

An introduction into the concept of the physical internet and its main characteristics for newcomers to the field.

Location: Senaatszaal
Eric Ballot (MINES ParisTech, France)
Andreas Nettsträter (Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik, Germany)
Introduction in Physical Internet (abstract)
13:00-14:30 Session 11A: Regional Initiatives (IPIC2018)

Pilot projects at a regional level are key enablers for implementation of a global Physical Internet. Therefore, this session presents initiatives in several European countries for applying Physical Internet concepts.
Topics range from implementation ideas to experiences with partners from industry and government.

Christian Landschützer (TU Graz, Austria)
Location: A2
Farzad Niakan (MINES ParisTech, PSL-Research University, France)
Eric Ballot (MINES ParisTech, PSL-Research University, France)
Shenle Pan (MINES ParisTech, PSL-Research University, France)
Allocation of shipping routes in an open network based on bi-objective optimization (abstract)
Maria Kalt (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - LOGISTIKUM, Austria)
Patrick Brandtner (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - LOGISTIKUM, Austria)
Michael Plasch (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - LOGISTIKUM, Austria)
Oliver Schauer (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - LOGISTIKUM, Austria)
Establishing a Physical Internet Test Region – Learnings from ATROPINE (abstract)
Florian Ehrentraut (Institute of Logistics Engineering - Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Péter Telek (UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC - Institute of Logistics, Hungary)
Tamás Bányai (UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC - Institute of Logistics, Hungary)
Christian Landschuetzer (TU Graz, Austria)
A new network concept for Logistic Centres in Hungary – regional segmentation in line with the PI vision (abstract)
Luis López-Molina (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain)
Jaime de Miguel Rodríguez (University of Seville, Spain)
Vanessa Rodriguez Cornejo (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain)
Ángel Cervera Paz (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain)
Miguel Ángel Montañez Del Río (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain)
Rosario García García (Universidad de Cádiz, Spain)
Complex Systems as a model for implementing Physical Internet standards: “Using Drones for last mile logistics" (abstract)
13:00-14:30 Session 11B: Innovation in modes (IPIC2018)

We explore the potential of new modes of transport like the Hyperloop NL, autonomous shipping, air traffic networks, platooning and drones. Panelists representing the different modes of transport highlight the main innovations that these modes are going through and look forward towards their role inside the PI. During the discussion with the audience, we will aim to identify critical design requirements for these systems from the perspective of the PI.

Lóri Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Geert Boosten (University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Innovation drivers in aviation (abstract)
Bayu Jayawardhana (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Collaborative autonomous vehicles as a new mode of transportation (abstract)
Robert Hekkenberg (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Autonomous Sailing (abstract)
Stefan Marges (Hardt, Netherlands)
Hyperloop for sustainable logistics (abstract)
Hans Quak (TNO, Netherlands)
Self-organizing organization and coordination in automated transport (abstract)
13:00-16:00 Session 11C: Serious gaming (IPIC2018)

Explore the role and power of serious gaming during this session. A presentation of Liesbeth Staps will show how serious gaming can be incorporated in logistics. Furtermore, you will have the possibility to explore and play one of the serious games!

Liesbeth Staps (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Location: A900
Liesbeth Staps (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Introduction Serious gaming (abstract)
Eric Ballot (MINES Paris Tech, France)
Meike Hopman (TNO, Netherlands)
Jorrit Harmsen (TNO, Netherlands)
Mariam Lafkihi (Mines Paristech, France)
Liesbeth Staps (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Serious gaming (Playing the games) (abstract)
14:35-16:05 Session 12A: Ports in Physical Internet (IPIC2018)

Ports are locations where goods change modality, a complex location in the Physical Internet. Discussion about the future role of ports, modality choice and optimization. 

Michiel Nijdam (Ports of Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Location: A2
Michiel Nijdam (Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands)
The future of ports in the Physical Internet (abstract)
Jaco Voorspuij (GS1 Global Office, Belgium)
Ben van Scherpenzeel (Port of Rotterdam Authority, Netherlands)
Seamlessly Integrate Maritime & Ports operations in end-to-end Supply Chains through Port Call Optimisation (abstract)
Fieke Hillerström (TNO, Netherlands)
Maarten Kruithof (TNO, Netherlands)
Arriving on time using uncertainty aware deep learning (abstract)
Michiel Nijdam (Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Discussion (abstract)
14:35-16:05 Session 12B: Intra logistics (IPIC2018)

New intralogistics (material handling) systems are increasingly modular, autonomous, and scalable. We explore whether and how the PI has made its entry into intralogistics, with three panelists, representing developers, users, and academia. In the discussion with the audience we discuss challenges and future directions of the PI in intralogistics.

René de Koster (Erasmus University, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Fred Verstraaten (Vanderlande, Netherlands)
Vanderlande, Smart Industry and the Physical Internet Connected! (abstract)
Tjalling de Vries (DHL, Netherlands)
Developing new warehouse technologies to industrialize them for use in traditional warehouses (abstract)
Debjit Roy (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India)
Data-driven Order Fulfillment in Warehouses: New Estimation-Optimization Opportunities with PI (abstract)
16:30-20:00 Session 13: Talent Lab - Next Generation (IPIC2018)

At Tuesday, June 19 you can join the inspiring International Physical Internet Conference event ‘Talent Lab – Next Generation’ in the Aa-kerk Groningen. You will have the opportunity to meet passionate entrepreneurs, scientists and students and see potential future logistic opportunities. Enlarge your network during pitches of entrepreneurs and startups, while experience is shared during a poster session to provide you valuable insights. Spark discussions on the basis of some interesting statements that we will present at our discussion tables. It is possible to visit the vaults of the church during a guided tour (at your own risk). The tour of the vaults is not suitable for people with impaired mobility or a fear of confined spaces.

Location: Der Aa-Church
Wednesday, June 20th

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09:00-09:50 Session 14: Plenary Keynote (IPIC2018)
Lóri Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Location: Aula
Robert Jan Ter Kuile (GVB, Netherlands)
On the proper behaviour of people, parcels and packets. What can they learn from each other? (abstract)
Wando Boevé (Hutchison Ports ECT Rotterdam, Netherlands)
The synchromodal mindshift (abstract)
10:00-11:30 Session 15A: E-Commerce (IPIC2018)

The growth of e-commerce has led to an increasing number of deliveries to cities. In the past years, the number of parcels, web shops, parcel carriers, delivery vehicles and delivery options provided to consumers are increased. Consumers like fast and customized deliveries. In order to win customers, web shops use logistics as a marketing tool. New delivery initiatives follow each other in quick succession. Parcels are delivered where and when the customer wants it. Because of this customization, it is a challenge for e-fulfillment parties to use resources efficiently. Collaboration and coordination become essential. For example, an open network of parcel lockers is an ideal opportunity to optimize the usage of the lockers. In this session, some of these new initiatives will be explained and discussed from an industry and academic perspective.

Nicol Saaltink (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Kees Jan Roodbergen (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
E-commerce & the Physical Internet (abstract)
Nick Bond (Cubee, Belgium)
Parcel lockers in an open network (abstract)
Russel Thompson (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
Optimising the Capacity of the Parcel Lockers (abstract)
Louis Faugere (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Hyperconnected Mobile Buffer Storage Capacity Management (abstract)
Shannon Buckley (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Impact of Modular Containerization and Continuous Consolidation on Hyperconnected Parcel Logistics Hub Design and Performance (abstract)
10:00-11:30 Session 15B: Governance (IPIC2018)

Which new arrangements are needed between private and public institutions to allow the PI to function effectively? The panelists provide introductions to the topic of governance from the perspectives of the legal and commercial constraints to collaboration, the management of safety and security risks, changes in global logistics service networks (forwarders and maritime carriers) and the technical and organisational challenges of data exchange (new information platforms). During the discussion with the audience we will aim to identify critical issues for governance of the PI.

Lóri Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Location: Senaatszaal
Frans Cruijssen (Argusl/CO3, Netherlands)
Commercial and legal aspects of increased collaboration (abstract)
Michiel Haarman (iShare, Netherlands)
Governance of Data Exchange (abstract)
Rutger Thielen (DBSchenker, Netherlands)
Industry's Needs for Governance of the Physical Internet (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 16A: Blockchain & Legal Aspects (IPIC2018)

The Blockchain is regarded by many as the ultimate ‘trust machine’ which is deemed to replace traditional banking systems, land registers, public record systems, and even conventional voting systems. Distributed-ledger technology has the potential to  address  the  trust,  transparency,  and  bureaucracy  challenges  that  several  public bodies currently face. Explore the role of Blockchain in logistics during this session.

Sofia Ranchordás (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: A2
Sofia Ranchordás (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Welcome and opening of session (abstract)
Jon Kuiper (Koopman Logistics, Netherlands)
A Blockchain application in the finished vehicle supply chain (abstract)
Wout Hofman (senior research scientist, TNO, Netherlands)
Jacco Spek (TNO, Netherlands)
Christian van Ommeren (TNO, Netherlands)
Applying blockchain technology for situational awareness in logistics - an example from rail (abstract)
Yari Borbon Galvez (LIUC Business School, Italy)
Fabrizio Dallari (LIUC Business School, Italy)
Physical Blockchain: A Blockchain use case for the Physical Internet (abstract)
Sofia Ranchordás (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Legal aspects of using blockchain technology in logistics (abstract)
Sofia Ranchordás (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Jon Kuiper (Koopman Logistics, Netherlands)
Yari Borbon Galvez (LIUC Business School, Italy)
Wout Hofman (TNO, Netherlands)
Panel discussion with all presenters (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 16B: City Logistics & Government (IPIC2018)

Explore the role of government in city logistics during this session at the Smart freight city hub Groningen-Eelde.

Birgit Hendriks (Binnenstadservice Nederland, Netherlands)
Hans Quak (TNO, Netherlands)
Future developments in city logistics and the role of procurement (abstract)
Paul de Rook (Municipality of Groningen, Netherlands)
Zero Emission City Logistics Groningen (abstract)
Karel van der Lingen (Goederenhubs, Netherlands)
Opening of the smart city freight hub "Goederenhub Groningen Eelde" (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 16C: Simulation analysis & Warehousing (IPIC2018)

This session is split between two relevant separate topics.
The first part deals with novel developments in warehousing and production, based on concepts from the Physical Internet and the Internet of Things.
The second part presents simulation and simulation-optimization methods for making effective routing decisions in different settings.

An Caris (Hasselt University, Belgium)
Location: A8
Tomas Ambra (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - MOBI, Belgium)
An Caris (Transportation Research Institute Hasselt University, Belgium)
Cathy Macharis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - MOBI, Belgium)
Do you see what I see? A simulation analysis of order bundling within a transparent user network in geographic space (abstract)
Christian Haider (Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms Laboratory, Austria)
Alexander Kinast (RISC Software GmbH, Austria)
Stefanie Kritzinger (RISC Software GmbH, Austria)
Erik Pitzer (Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
Michael Affenzeller (School of Informatics, Communications and Media, Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
Simulation-based optimization approach for PI-networks (abstract)
Xin Wang (The University of Hong Kong, China)
Xiang T.R. Kong (The University of Hong Kong, China)
George Q. Huang (The University of Hong Kong, China)
Hao Luo (Shenzhen University, China)
Cellular Warehousing for Omnichannel Retailing: Internet of Things and Physical Internet Perspectives (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 16D: Synchromodality (IPIC2018)

This session will cover the link between the Physical Internet and synchromodality. Improvements in synchromodal planning and synchronization will be discussed. The attitude of stakeholders will be further explored during this session.

Lóri Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Rob Zuidwijk (Erasmus University, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Nina Lemmens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Joren Gijsbrechts (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Robert Boute (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Synchromodality in the Physical Internet: Dual Sourcing and Real-time Switching between Transport Modes (abstract)
Joren Gijsbrechts (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Robert Boute (KU Leuven/Vlerick Business School, Belgium)
A deep reinforcement learning approach for synchronized multi-modal replenishment (abstract)
Masoud Khakdaman (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Lori Tavasszy (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Jafar Rezaei (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Identifying the attitude of logistic service providers towards Synchromodal transport services (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 16E: Conceptual frameworks (IPIC2018)

This session aims to strengthen the conceptual basis for the Physical Internet.
For implementation, it is vital to understand PI on a conceptual level and how PI impacts existing supply chain concepts.
The presentations deal with the analogy with the digital internet, as well as resulting new supply chain concepts.

Rod Franklin (Kühne Logistics University, Germany)
Location: A7
Raphaël Oger (Industrial Engineering Center - IMT Mines Albi - Toulouse University, France)
Benoit Montreuil (Physical Internet Center - ISYE School - Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Matthieu Lauras (Industrial Engineering Center - IMT Mines Albi - Toulouse University, France)
Frédérick Bénaben (Industrial Engineering Center - IMT Mines Albi - Toulouse University, France)
Towards Hyperconnected Supply Chain Capability Planning: Conceptual Framework Proposal (abstract)
Jordi Arjona Aroca (Valenciaport Foundation, Spain)
Salvador Furió Pruñonosa (Valenciaport Foundation, Spain)
Analogies and differences between routers and logistics hubs. (abstract)
Chuanwen Dong (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Rod Franklin (Kuehne Logistics University, Germany)
From the Digital Internet to the Physical Internet: A conceptual framework with a simple network model (abstract)
15:30-17:30 Groningen Experience (IPIC2018)

During Groningen Experience, we provide you with the opportunity to explore more of the city of Groningen. It is possible to attend a guided tour in a cabrio bus or to explore the city by feet with a guide. Please gather in the central hall of the Academy building.
The bus tour will also visit the Zernike campus of our University: More than 4000 researchers, employees and a few hundred entrepreneurs work here on innovative solutions which are of importance in the future. Today, more than 35000 students develop themselves into professionals at the University of Groningen and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences. For about 150 companies, the high tech facilities and the collaboration opportunities provide an excellent basis for their products and services.
Please register yourself via the registration card for your preferred option. Enjoy our beautiful city!

15:30-17:30 Session 17A: ALICE Roadmap to Physical Internet: from concept to practice (IPIC2018)

Presentation and interactive discussion of the current status of ALICE Roadmap Towards the Physical Internet facilitated by the SENSE project. The focus is on missing technologies, current barriers and possible ways to realize PI until 2030.

Location: Heymanszaal
Andreas Nettsträter (Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik, Germany)
ALICE Roadmap: Currently Identified Research Areas (abstract)
Fernando Liesa (ALICE, Belgium)
ALICE Roadmap: Introduction to the SENSE Project (abstract)
15:30-17:30 Session 17B: City Logistics & Operations (IPIC2018)

During this session, Benoit Montreuil will provide a introduction lecture in the Physical Internet & City Logistics. Initiatives, (new) standards and new insights will be discussed regarding hub operations and the last mile. Furthermore, the challenge of large-item logistics will be discussed.

Birgit Hendriks (Binnenstadservice Nederland, Netherlands)
Benoit Montreuil (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
The Physical Internet: Towards Hyperconnected City Logistics (abstract)
Jaco Voorspuij (GS1 Global Office, Belgium)
Frits van den Bos (GS1 Netherlands, Netherlands)
Last Mile Standards as enablers for PI adoption (abstract)
Nayeon Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Benoit Montreuil (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Nitish Kholgade (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
Urban Large-Item Logistics with Hyperconnected Fulfillment and Transportation (abstract)
Hao Luo (Department of Transportation Economics and Logistics Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, PR China, China)
Siyu Tian (Department of Transportation Economics and Logistics Management,Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, PR China, China)
Xiang T.R. Kong (Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
Physical Internet enabled bulky goods urban delivery system: a case study in customized furniture industry (abstract)
18:00-22:00 Gala Dinner (including visit to the Groninger Museum) (IPIC2018)

Only accessible for registered guests.

The Gala Dinner is traditionally a highlight in the social programme of all IPIC editions and provides an opportunity for the participants to relax and enjoy meeting outside the conference programme. The doors of the museum will open at 18:00 for you as an IPIC participant, where you have the possibility to visit the exhibition of the famous photographer David LaChappele. His spectacular, colourful, and often controversial portraits of celebrities have become iconic archetypes of our generation. This first large-scale solo museum show in the Netherlands will feature more than 70 works, highlighting areas of the artist’s oeuvre, from portraiture, still life, landscapes and tableaux. This comprehensive survey also introduces LaChapelle’s latest series, New World, in which he attempts to photograph the unphotographable - in a future quest for paradise.

Our gala dinner will start at 19:00 in the Coop-Himmelblau pavilion of the museum.

Thursday, June 21st

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09:00-09:50 Session 18: Plenary Keynote (IPIC2018)
Bas van Bree (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Location: Aula
Sophie Punte (Smart Freight Center, Netherlands)
Smart Freight Leadership to drive the transformation of the logistics sector (abstract)
Kristel Groenenboom (Container Service C. Groenenboom, Netherlands)
Divide or diverse? Power of diversity in logistics (abstract)
10:00-11:30 Session 19A: Cyber Security (IPIC2018)

In this session, speakers will discuss the threat of cyberattacks. The Physical Internet should be beneficial to all of us. However, PI may also be vulnerable to cyberattacks or human errors. What are the vulnerabilities? What could be the impact of a PI-hack? Can we deal with these effects or do we need to go back to the drawing board?

Theo Smit (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Location: Senaatszaal
Benoit Montreuil (Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)
The Physical Internet: Towards Cybersafe Logistics Hyperconnectivity (abstract)
Dirk Zittersteyn (HackerOne, Netherlands)
Secure design of the internet (abstract)
Theo Smit (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Panel Discussion (abstract)
10:00-11:30 Session 19B: Human Aspects (IPIC2018)

Human aspects in logistics and the Physical Internet: what is the role of human behaviour in the development of the Physical Internet concept? How do organisations need to change in order to collaborate in connected logistics networks. We will explore and discuss in this session the power of collaboration, the role of interdisciplinary research and the impact of the Physical Internet on human capital and organnisations in the logistics sector.

Bas van Bree (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Bas van Bree (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Introduction to Human Aspects in Logistics and Physical Internet (abstract)
Rik Peters (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
Learning from History (abstract)
Hans Quak (TNO, Netherlands)
Elisah Van Kempen (TNO, Netherlands)
Meike Hopman (TNO, Netherlands)
Moving towards practical implementation of self-organizing logistics – making small steps in realizing the PI vision by raising awareness (abstract)
Paolo Bisogni (European Logistics Association, Belgium)
Franca Cantoni (Catholic University, Italy)
Marco Giannini (University of Pisa, Italy)
Building bridges between the curricula of Italian universitiesin logistics & SCM and the needs of 4.0 “customer-centric” enterprise professionals (abstract)
Bas van Bree (TKI Dinalog, Netherlands)
Discussion (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 20A: Connectivity (IPIC2018)

One of the main elements of the Physical Internet is Connectivity. The newest insights and best practices about data sharing, service platforms and about computional support will be discussed during this session.

Nik Delmeire (European Shippers Council, Belgium)
Location: A8
Nik Delmeire (European Shippers Council, Belgium)
Connectivity (abstract)
Lina Konstantinopoulou (ERTICO - ITS Europe, Belgium)
AEOLIX Data sharing network (abstract)
Frank Knoors (Logit One, Belgium)
Services platform for logistics (abstract)
Matthias Prandtstetter (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
The Meaning and Importance of True Intermodal Route Planning in the Context of the Physical Internet (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 20B: Sustainability (IPIC2018)

Freight and logistics generates 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. How can we realize emission reductions of 50-80% by 2050 while freight demand is expected to triple? This requires a transformation of the sector that pulls everything out of the closet and revisits how the logistics system is designed. Panelists will explore the role of the physical internet, synchromodality, and disclosure of consistent carbon footprints across the global logistics supply chains in decarbonizing the freight sector. During the discussion with the audience we will explore what is needed to help companies realize reductions and what is the role of government and research & innovation?

Sophie Punte (ALICE / Smart Freight Centre, Netherlands)
Location: Heymanszaal
Sophie Punte (Smart Freight Centre, Netherlands)
Introduction (abstract)
Bill Pawluk (Convertible Trailer Manufacturing (CTM), Canada)
Physical Internet's importance to decarbonizing logistics (abstract)
Leon Simons (Connekt, Netherlands)
The role of synchromodality in reducing emissions and costs (abstract)
Eszter Toth-Weedon (Smart Freight Centre, Netherlands)
GLEC Framework as the universal method for better data and decisions toward emission reductions (abstract)
Igor Davydenko (TNO, Netherlands)
State of the art in carbon footprinting of business logistics activities (abstract)
Sophie Punte (Smart Freight Centre, Netherlands)
Discussion (abstract)
Sophie Punte (Smart Freight Centre, Netherlands)
Closing (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 20C: Decision Making (IPIC2018)

The ability to make effective decisions is a key requirement to realize the Physical Internet vision.
This session concerns effective decision-making in several parts of the Physical Internet chain.
Various practical problems are solved, including assigning containers to trains, controlling inventories, and fair sharing of gains in collaboration.

Robert Boute (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Location: A7
Tarik Chargui (1.LAMIH, UMR CNRS 8201, UVHC, Valenciennes,France. 2.RSAID, ENSATe, University of Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tetouan,Morocco., France)
Abdelghani Bekrar (1. LAMIH Laboratory, UMR CNRS 8201, UVHC, Le Mont Houy, 59313, Valenciennes, France., France)
Mohamed Reghioui (2. RSAID Laboratory, ENSATe, University of Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tetouan, Morocco., Morocco)
Damien Trentesaux (1. LAMIH Laboratory, UMR CNRS 8201, UVHC, Le Mont Houy, 59313, Valenciennes, France., France)
Road-Rail Assignment Problem: Mathematical Formulation, Heuristic and Tabu Search. (abstract)
Maroua Nouiri (LAMIH Laboratory, UMR CNRS 8201, UVHC, France, France)
Abdelghani Bekrar (LAMIH Laboratory, UMR CNRS 8201, UVHC, France, France)
Damien Trentesaux (LAMIH Laboratory, UMR CNRS 8201, UVHC, France, France)
Inventory Control under Possible Delivery Perturbations in Physical Internet Supply Chain Network (abstract)
Banu Yetkin Ekren (Yasar University, Turkey)
Anil Akpunar (Yasar University, Turkey)
Gizem Mullaoglu (Yasar University, Turkey)
Inventory Control Models towards Physical Internet: Lateral Transshipment Policy Determination by Simulation (abstract)
Robert Boute (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Tom Van Steendam (Vlerick Business School, Belgium)
An industry-oriented and fair gain sharing allocation rule (abstract)
13:00-15:00 Session 20D: Collaboration, Stakeholders & Mechanisms (IPIC2018)

This varied session deals with a wide range of recent topics.
Topics include supply chain collaboration, mechanism design, and mapping of stakeholders.
Furthermore, a pipeline network is proposed to solve the last-mile problem.

Walid Klibi (Kedge Business School, France)
Location: A2
Mariam Lafkihi (Mines ParisTech, France)
Eric Ballot (Mines ParisTech, France)
Shenle Pan (Mines ParisTech, France)
Freight transportation mechanisms in the Physical Internet (abstract)
Walid Mourhrib (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Sahar Validi (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Samir Dani (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Physical Internet: Stakeholders Mapping (abstract)
Balthasar Schönangerer (Institute of Logistics Engineering, TU Graz, Austria)
Daniel Tinello (Institute of Logistics Engineering, TU Graz, Austria)
LogiPipe: A vision to close the Physical Internet´s last-mile gap while improving city health and prosperity (abstract)
Simon Dalmolen (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Wout Hofman (TNO, Netherlands)
Harrie Bastiaansen (TNO, Netherlands)
Hans Moonen (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Erik Cornelisse (CGI, Netherlands)
Matthijs Punter (TNO, Netherlands)
Trust in a multi-tenant, logistics, data sharing infrastructure: Opportunities for blockchain technology (abstract)
15:30-15:50 Session 21: Meet the CEO and Future CEO (IPIC2018)
Location: Geertsemazaal
Benjamin Derksen (Frank, Netherlands)
Meet the CEO & Future CEO: Benjamin Derksen (Frank) & pupils from the 'De Starter' school (abstract)
15:50-16:20 Session 22: Inspiring Keynote: Manon Ossevoort (IPIC2018)
Location: Geertsemazaal
Manon Ossevoort (TractorTractor, Netherlands)
A tractor drive to the South Pole (abstract)
Friday, June 22nd

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12:20-16:00 Session 24: Company Visit (IPIC2018)

Visit Groningen Seaports (Eemshaven) and discover their sustainable innovations and cooperations: Chemport Europe and project Zero. You can also visit the Shared Smart Factory in Emmen. Discover Internet of Things and smart logistics in a smart factory where all partners work together for the best results. Please register yourself via the registration card for your preferred option.
The bus to the Shared Smart Factory in Emmen departs at 12:30 from the Ossenmarkt. You can gather in the central hall of the Academy building at 12:20. The bus to Groningen Seaports in Eemshaven departs at 13:30 from the Ossenmarkt. You can gather in the central hall of the Academy building at 13:20.