This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Abduction | |
absoluteness | |
Algebra | |
Algebraic Data Types | |
Algebraic Datatypes | |
algebras | |
approximation algorithm | |
associative-commutative | |
ATP | |
automated reasoning | |
automated theorem proving | |
Automation | |
B | |
Beth Definability | |
binary decision diagrams | |
bit-vectors | |
Bitvectors | |
Büchi games / parity games | |
C | |
CHC Transformations | |
clausal proof | |
Clause Elimination | |
clause ordering | |
Clause Selection | |
coinduction | |
Combination method | |
Combinatorics | |
Combinators | |
Combinatory logic | |
Commutativity | |
Competition | |
compilation | |
Complete theories | |
Completeness | |
concrete domains | |
concurrent dynamic logic | |
Conditional rewriting | |
Congruence closure | |
connection tableau calculus | |
Constrained Horn Clauses | |
constraint satisfaction | |
constructibility | |
Constructive Logic | |
Convex Polyhedra | |
Convex theories | |
Coq | |
Coq Proof Assistant | |
countable transitive models | |
Covers | |
cryptography | |
cyclic proofs | |
D | |
decidability | |
Decidability and complexity | |
Decision problem | |
Decision Procedure | |
decision procedures | |
Decision Trees | |
demodulation | |
dependent type theory | |
dependent types | |
Description logic | |
domain-specific languages | |
Dominance | |
Dyadic logic | |
E | |
E prover | |
elliptic curve | |
ELPI | |
embeddings | |
Equational reasoning | |
extensibility | |
Extensionality | |
F | |
Feasibility | |
Feasible Interpolation | |
finite boundedness | |
Finite satisfiability | |
first-order logic | |
first-order theorem proving | |
Fixed-point arithmetic | |
fixpoint logic | |
focusing | |
forcing | |
formal proofs | |
formal verification | |
Formalisation of Mathematics | |
Formalization of Mathematics | |
formalized mathematics | |
functional analysis | |
Functors | |
G | |
Game Logic | |
GCIs | |
generated theorem prover | |
generic extension | |
Geometry Algorithm | |
Groebner basis | |
Ground identities | |
group law | |
H | |
Higher-order | |
Higher-Order Logic | |
HOL | |
homogeneity | |
Hybrid Games | |
Hybrid Logic | |
hygiene | |
hyperresolution | |
Hypersequent calculi | |
I | |
induction | |
Inductive Datatypes | |
inference guidance | |
Infinity axioms | |
inhabitation | |
Integer arithmetic | |
interactive theorem proving | |
interpolation | |
Introsort | |
intuitionistic logic | |
intuitionistic modal logic | |
iprover | |
Isabelle | |
Isabelle-LLVM | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
Isabelle/ZF | |
isomorph-free exhaustive generation | |
L | |
Lambek's restriction | |
Layered selection | |
lean | |
lemma names | |
linear logic | |
literal selection | |
Liveness Analysis | |
LLVM | |
Logic | |
logic programming | |
logical framework | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
macros | |
mathematical components | |
mathematical notation | |
mathematical structures | |
mechanised mathematics | |
meta model | |
meta-parameters | |
Meta-properties | |
metaprogramming | |
Mizar | |
MMT | |
modal logic | |
model checking | |
Model computation | |
model revision | |
model theory | |
Monadic decomposition | |
Monadic first-order logic | |
monotone modal logic | |
monotone mu-calculus | |
multi-conclusion systems | |
Multi-way Join | |
multiplexing rule | |
N | |
nested sequents | |
Neural Networks | |
non-commutative logic | |
Non-normal modal logics | |
nonmonotonic logic | |
normal form | |
normalization | |
O | |
omega-admissibility | |
ontology | |
ordered resolution | |
Ordered Structures | |
orderly generation | |
P | |
Pdqsort | |
pedagogical example | |
Polite theories | |
Polymorphism | |
Presburger arithmetic | |
Program analysis | |
programmer's text editor | |
Prolog | |
Proof Assistant | |
proof assistants | |
proof automation | |
proof engineering | |
proof search | |
Proof System | |
proof tactic | |
proof theory | |
Provers | |
Q | |
QBF Proof System | |
QRAT | |
Quantified Boolean Formulas | |
Quantifier Expansion | |
Quicksort | |
Quotient Types | |
R | |
Rank-1 | |
Real arithmetic | |
Reduction classes | |
Redundancy | |
Regular Expressions | |
reinforcement learning | |
resolution | |
Results | |
Runtime Verification | |
S | |
SAT | |
SAT solving | |
Satisfiability | |
satisfiability checking | |
satisfiability games | |
Satisfiability modulo theories | |
saturation | |
saturation theorem proving | |
Saturation-based theorem proving | |
Saturation-Style Proving | |
Sequent calculus | |
SGGS | |
simplification | |
SMT | |
software verification | |
Soundness | |
SSA form | |
Strategy Extraction | |
stratified fragment | |
streams | |
Strings | |
subexponentials | |
substructural logic | |
Suggested Upper Merged Ontology | |
SUMO | |
superposition | |
superposition calculus | |
symmetry breaking | |
Syntax-Guided Synthesis | |
Synthetic un/decidability in Coq | |
System Competition | |
T | |
Temporal Logic | |
Term ordering | |
term rewriting | |
Termination | |
termination tool | |
theorem prover | |
Theorem proving | |
Theories | |
Theory Combination | |
Theory Reasoning | |
tool | |
Trakhtenbrot theorem | |
transitive closure | |
U | |
ultrafilters | |
ultraproducts | |
undecidability | |
unification hints | |
Uniform quantifier-free interpolation | |
universal algebra | |
V | |
Vampire | |
Variable independence | |
verification | |
Verified Compilation | |
Verified Efficient Algorithms | |
W | |
Web-based application | |
Word problem | |
X | |
XGBoost |