This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Active Learning | |
activity monitoring | |
Activity recognition | |
AdaBoost | |
ADR | |
Air Travel | |
alpha and theta training | |
Alpha-separator | |
Alt-Right | |
Ambient Assisted Living | |
Andalusian universities | |
anomaly detection | |
Ant Colony Optimization | |
Apache Spark | |
archetypal analysis | |
Article Structure | |
Artifact | |
Artificial Bee Colony | |
Artificial intelligence | |
artificial visión | |
Asset Management | |
Association rule mining | |
ATM fraud | |
Attribute selection | |
Authorship Attribution | |
Autoencoders | |
Automatic programming | |
Autonomous Agents | |
Autonomous CCTV Surveillance | |
Autoregressive models | |
B | |
Bag of words | |
bankruptcy | |
bare bones fireworks algorithm | |
Bartlett sphericity | |
Bat algorithm | |
Bayesian networks | |
Bayesian Optimization | |
Bibliographic data | |
Bibliographic network | |
Bibliometric analysis | |
Bibliometric network analysis | |
Big Data | |
Bio-inspired computation | |
Biometric identification | |
BLAS | |
Blockchain | |
Bumblebee | |
C | |
Cardiac murmur | |
Cartesian genetic programming(CGP) | |
Catastrophic Forgetting | |
Categorical Data | |
chatbot | |
Cholesky factorization | |
class imbalance | |
Classification | |
Classification problems | |
classification trees | |
Classifier Calibration | |
classifier ensemble | |
Clinical decision support | |
Cloud Intrusion Detection Model | |
clustering | |
Co-committee members | |
Coclustering | |
collaborative filtering | |
Combinatorial optimization | |
Combining Classifiers | |
Committees | |
Community Detection | |
Community Finding Problems | |
Compositional Finite-sum Optimization | |
Compositional Stochastic Gradient Descent | |
compound local binary pattern | |
Compression | |
Computer science | |
computer-aided diagnosis | |
Constrained Role Mining | |
contamination | |
Content-based Recommender Systems | |
Convex Optimization | |
Convolution | |
Convolutional Neural Network | |
Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Cooking | |
Correlation matrix | |
Cost-sensitive classification | |
critical nodes | |
crowdsourcing | |
D | |
data analysis | |
Data Center | |
data mining | |
Data Preparation | |
Data selection | |
Data stream | |
data understanding | |
Data-driven diagnostic | |
DDoS Attack | |
Deep Boltzmann Machine | |
Deep learning | |
Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
deep-learning | |
Denoising autoencoders | |
dialogue manager | |
Differential evolution | |
Dimensionality reduction | | | |
direct trust | |
Distribution fitting | |
Diversity | |
Doc2Vec | |
dynamic weighted majority method | |
E | |
e-Learning | |
E-voting | |
E-voting system | |
ECG | |
Echo state networks | |
EEG | |
Eigenvector centrality | |
Electrocardiography | |
ELM | |
Emotional Models | |
Empirical mode decomposition | |
energy consumption | |
ensemble learning | |
Ensemble Selection | |
Ensembles | |
Entropy Measure | |
event log | |
event logs | |
evolutionary algorithms | |
Evolutionary computation | |
External dimensions | |
extreme learning machine | |
Extreme Learning Machines | |
Extreme Opinion | |
Extremism | |
Exudates | |
F | |
Far-Right | |
Fault detection | |
Fault location | |
Feature Discovery | |
Feature Engineering | |
Feature extraction | |
Feature Selection | |
Feature Space | |
Feature transformation | |
fingerprinting | |
Firefly Algorithm | |
First Story Detection (FSD) | |
Form Applications | |
formal theory | |
Forms | |
Framework | |
Fundus images | |
Fuzzy C-means | |
fuzzy clustering | |
Fuzzy Distance | |
Fuzzy Logic | |
fuzzy validation indices | |
G | |
gaussian process | |
General Structure | |
Generalized methodology | |
Generative Adversarial Network | |
Generative Adversarial Networks | |
Genetic algorithm | |
Genetic algorithm GA | |
Genetic Algorithms | |
Gland unit identification | |
glaucoma | |
gradient boosting | |
gradient descent | |
grammar induction | |
Grammatical evolution | |
Granulometries | |
Graph problems | |
H | |
Handwritten Character Recognition | |
handwritten digit recognition | |
Hashtags | |
Hate speech | |
HCI | |
Headache | |
Health systems | |
Heterogeneous Ensemble | |
High dimensionality | |
High impedance fault | |
Histological prostate image | |
HOLT Winters algorithm | |
Homogeneous Ensemble | |
Human Activity Recognition | |
hybrid classifiers | |
Hybrid sentence representation | |
I | |
Image classification | |
Image representations | |
image segmentation | |
Imbalanced Data | |
imbalanced learning | |
Immersion Cooling | |
Implicit Citation Extraction | |
Imputation Methods | |
Independent component analysis | |
indirect trust | |
indoor-localisation | |
Industrial environment | |
industrial event log | |
industrial event logs | |
Information Management | |
Information retrieval | |
instance selection | |
intelligent agents | |
Intelligent rub-impact fault diagnosis | |
Interface evaluation | |
Internal and individual dimensions and double presence | |
International Collaboration | |
interpretability | |
Intersection | |
Intrusion detection | |
IoT | |
Isotonic Regression | |
J | |
Jaccard Similarity | |
Japanesse Tree Frog | |
jaya algorithm | |
Jihadism | |
JPEG | |
K | |
K nearest neighbors | |
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin | |
Kernel approximations | |
kernel methods | |
kernels | |
keystroke dynamics for authentication | |
kNN Prototyping | |
Knowledge Discovery | |
Knowledge-based optimization | |
L | |
LBP | |
Learn to Rank | |
Learning Analytics | |
learning environment | |
Learning Flight | |
least-squares anomaly detection | |
Lifelong learning | |
linguistic features | |
Literature overview | |
Locally constrained watershed transform | |
log generation | |
Long short-term memory | |
longwall face | |
low-computational cost | |
LSTM | |
M | |
Machine Learning | |
machinery operation analysis | |
Mahalanobis distance | |
Malicious Software | |
Malware Detection | |
mammography | |
Manufacturing | |
Mapping study | |
MapReduce | |
Markov random field | |
MASE | |
Massive Open Online Courses | |
matrix factorization | |
MCDA | |
medical image processing | |
Medical imaging | |
Medical network | |
Medicines prescriptions | |
meta-classifiers | |
Meta-Learning | |
Meta-Optimization | |
Metaheuristic | |
metaheuristics | |
Meteosat data | |
Metropolis-Hastings | |
Min-Hash | |
Minimal Learning Machine | |
missing audio samples | |
Missing Data | |
mobile devices | |
Modeling Drop-out | |
Modelling | |
monitoring system | |
motif discovery | |
MTree | |
multi-agent system | |
Multi-dimensional and multi-label supervised classification problems | |
Multi-Label Classification | |
Multi-layer perceptron | |
Multi-objective optimization | |
Multi-Step prediction | |
multiple annotators | |
multiple kernel learning | |
Multiple-Classifier System | |
Multiresponse sparse regression | |
N | |
network analysis | |
Network Embedding | |
networks | |
Neuroevolution | |
neurofeedback training | |
Noise reduction | |
Non-cooperative search | |
non-standard classification | |
Non-Verbal Communication (NVC) | |
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization | |
novelty detection | |
Novelty Score | |
NREL Dataset | |
O | |
object recognition | |
Online Clustering | |
online extremism discovering | |
Online Novelty Detection | |
online reviews | |
Online Social Networks | |
Ontology | |
Operational Planning | |
Opinion Mining | |
optical coherence tomography | |
optimization | |
Oratorical coach | |
Ordinal Classification | |
outlier and novelty detection | |
outlier detection | |
Overlap | |
P | |
pattern discovery | |
pattern enumeration | |
pattern mining | |
Pattern Recognition | |
performance evaluation measures | |
periodic time series | |
Pharmacovigilance | |
Pool Adjacent Violators | |
pooling | |
Portfolio Management | |
Power consumption prediction | |
predication | |
prediction | |
Prediction Intervals | |
predictive analysis | |
Predictive Maintenance | |
Predictive Thermal Modeling | |
Principal component centrality | |
process mining | |
Processing | |
Psychosocial risk factors | |
Q | |
Q-network | |
quantization tables | |
quizzes | |
R | |
Radicalization | |
random forest | |
random search | |
RBAC | |
receptive fields | |
recommender system | |
recommender systems | |
recurrent neural network(RNN) | |
Recurrent Neural Networks | |
Recurrent Neural Networs | |
REDS graphs | |
Reduction of dimensionality | |
Reference points | |
Regression | |
Reinforcement learning | |
representation learning | |
Resampling | |
Retinal Image Synthesis | |
reviewers category | |
reviews score prediction | |
RKHS | |
Role Mining | |
Rule-based knowledge representation | |
rules | |
S | |
Science mapping analysis | |
score re-balancing | |
security | |
Self-centered mode | |
Self-Monitoring | |
Self-organizing maps | |
Semantic segmentation | |
Semantic Similarity | |
Semantic Web | |
Semantics | |
Semi-Supervised Learning | |
Sensor network design | |
sensory data | |
Sentence2Vec | |
Sentiment analysis | |
Seq2Seq | |
Serendipity | |
Set similarity search | |
shooter game | |
Short-term traffic flow prediction | |
Signal processing | |
Signal reconstruction | |
Signal separation | |
similarity measure | |
Simulation | |
Single-Document Summarizations | |
Smart Contract | |
Social events | |
Social Network | |
Social network analysis | |
Social networks | |
Social Tags | |
social trait impressions | |
software architecture | |
Solar Energy Forecasting | |
Solar radiation estimation | |
Spain | |
Spanish theses | |
Spark | |
Sparse models | |
Spatial Data | |
spectral methods | |
Stacking | |
Statistical Computing | |
Stochastic Average Gradient Descent | |
Stochastic Gradient Descent | |
Stock Markets | |
subjectivity | |
Superpixels | |
Supervised Learning | |
Supervised Machine Learning | |
Support vector machine | |
support vector regression | |
SVD | |
SVM | |
Swarm Intelligence | |
Swarm robotics | |
synthetic multidimensional data | |
Systematic literature review | |
T | |
Tacit knowledge | |
TDOA | |
temporal relationships | |
TensorFlow | |
Terrorism | |
Text classication | |
time series | |
Time series discretisation | |
Time series forecasting | |
Time Series Prediction | |
time warping | |
time-series classification | |
Topic Clustering | |
Topic modeling | |
Topic2Vec | |
Transfer Learning | |
Traveling Salesman Problem | |
tree ensemble | |
trust | |
U | |
U-Net | |
underground mining | |
Undersampling | |
Uniform sampling | |
unsupervised | |
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation | |
Unsupervised Learning | |
V | |
VAE | |
vapour-liquid equilibrium | |
Variational Autoencoder | |
Video Anomaly Detection | |
Viola-Jones algorithm | |
W | |
Warehouse Ranking | |
Water Cycle Algorithm | |
water quality | |
Waterpixels | |
Wave height prediction | |
weakly supervised | |
Wearable Devices | |
White Supremacy | |
Wind energy | |
wind energy prediction | |
Wind Forecast | |
Wind Power Ramp Events | |
Wind Speed Forecasting | |
Women | |
Word Embedding | |
Word vectors | |
Word2vec | |
WSNs |