This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
a causal induction paradigm | |
abduction | |
absolutism | |
Abstract thinking | |
Action crisis | |
action observation | |
Action verbs | |
Activation likelihood estimation | |
activation spreading | |
active learning | |
actively open-minded thinking | |
adaptable decision-making | |
Adolescence | |
adolescents | |
adversarial cooperation | |
advertising | |
Advice Integration | |
advice taking | |
Advice-Taking | |
Affect | |
affective states | |
Aha!-experience | |
Algorithm Aversion | |
algorithmic advice | |
Altered states of consciousness | |
altruism | |
analogical transfer | |
Analytic | |
analytic thinking | |
analytical thinking | |
Anchoring | |
Anticipation | |
argument ab auctoritate | |
argument quality | |
argumentation | |
argumentation theory | |
Argumentative Theory | |
Artificial Intelligence | |
artificial products | |
associative learning | |
associative thinking | |
asymmetrically dominated decoys | |
Attention | |
attitudes towards climate change | |
attraction effect | |
Attractiveness Halo Effect | |
autonomic system | |
auxiliary hypotheses | |
Avoidant decision-making style | |
B | |
Base rate neglect | |
Bayesian cognitive science | |
bayesian confirmation theory | |
Bayesian inference | |
bayesian modeling | |
Bayesian modelling | |
Bayesian Networks | |
Bayesian reasoning | |
Bayesian updating | |
Bayesianism | |
Beauty Filters | |
Behavioral Decision Making | |
behavioral heuristics | |
belief | |
Belief bias | |
belief updating | |
betting decisions | |
bias | |
biases | |
Binary choice | |
bitstring semantics | |
blended response hypothesis | |
Bounded rationality | |
brain evolution | |
Brooding | |
Bullshit | |
Bullshit frequency | |
C | |
Causal cognition | |
Causal illusion | |
Causal inference | |
Causal Models | |
Causal perception | |
Causal reasoning | |
Causal selection | |
causality | |
certainty | |
chain free association (CFA) | |
ChatGPT | |
ChatGPT 3.5 | |
Children | |
Choice | |
choice-architecture | |
Civil discourse | |
climate change | |
Cognition | |
Cognitive bias | |
Cognitive biases | |
Cognitive capacity | |
cognitive control | |
cognitive development | |
cognitive effort | |
cognitive factors | |
cognitive inflexibility | |
cognitive offloading | |
Cognitive Processes | |
Cognitive Reflection Test | |
cognitive restoration | |
cognitive robotics | |
Cognitive training | |
Coherence | |
collaboration | |
collective decision making | |
commonality search | |
Communication | |
communication game | |
compound remote associate problems | |
compromise effect | |
computability | |
Computational modeling | |
Computational modelling | |
conditional reasoning | |
conditionals | |
Confidence | |
Confirmation | |
Confirmation theory | |
Conflict detection | |
Conflict of interest | |
Conjunction Fallacy | |
conjunctions of conditionals | |
Consensus | |
conservatorism | |
conspiracy belief | |
conspiracy beliefs | |
conspiracy theories | |
contagious | |
context effects | |
Contingency learning | |
Contingency table | |
Continued Influence Effect | |
continuous time | |
controversy | |
Convergent inferences | |
convergent thinking | |
Conversational pragmatics | |
cooperation | |
Counterfactual models | |
Counterfactual thinking | |
Counterfactual-Thinking | |
counterfactuals | |
COVID-19 pandemic | |
creative thinking | |
creativity | |
credibility | |
Cross-cultural | |
Crowding-out | |
Cultural difference | |
Culture | |
Cumulative cultural evolution | |
curiosity | |
D | |
de Finetti’s conditional | |
Debiasing | |
debunking | |
Debunking arguments | |
Deception | |
Decision by Sampling | |
decision making | |
decision strategies | |
Decision-making | |
decision-making styles | |
Decisions from experience | |
Deductive reasoning | |
deductive spatial reasoning | |
deliberate ignorance | |
deontic logic | |
deontic reasoning | |
Deontology | |
Depression | |
Descriptive Bayesian Modelling | |
Developing economy | |
Development | |
Dialectical thinking | |
dialogical structure | |
Dictator Game | |
Dilemmas | |
Disclosures | |
Discount/coupons | |
dispositional factors and situational factors | |
distress | |
divergent thinking | |
domain-specific priors | |
dual process | |
Dual process theories | |
Dual process theory | |
Dual process theory of thought | |
dual-process | |
Dual-Process Theories | |
Dunning-Kruger Effect | |
E | |
Einstellung effect | |
Emotions | |
emotions insight | |
Endowment effect | |
Energy and Water Consumption | |
Environmental concern | |
environmental value orientation | |
epistemic deference | |
Epistemic Game Theory | |
epistemic reasoning | |
Epistemic Utility Theory | |
error sensitivity | |
ESG | |
Everyday decision making | |
Evidence search | |
evidential reasoning | |
Exchange paradigm | |
executive functions | |
experiment | |
experimental pragmatics | |
expert interview study | |
expert testimony | |
Expertise | |
Experts | |
Explaining away | |
Explanation | |
Explanation evaluation | |
Explanation selection | |
explanations | |
explicit cue use | |
explore-exploit dilemma | |
external memory | |
extinction risks | |
F | |
fake cause | |
fake news | |
Fake news discernment | |
False-belief task | |
feedback | |
Field experiment | |
financial insecurity | |
Fluency | |
fluid intelligence | |
fMRI | |
Folk theory | |
Foreign language | |
Foreign-language effect | |
Formal Epistemology | |
forward flow | |
Frameworks | |
framing effect | |
Frequency tree | |
funtional theory | |
G | |
Gambler’s fallacy | |
game theory | |
gaze-centered evaluation | |
Generative AI | |
giving up | |
Goal framing | |
Goal progress | |
goal-framing | |
graphical causal models | |
green gap | |
Greene | |
group discussion | |
group reasoning | |
H | |
Hate Speech | |
Health | |
health communication | |
Heuristics and biases | |
Hidden variables | |
hierarchical Bayesian models | |
hot-hands fallacy | |
human dominance | |
Human-AI Decision Making | |
hypothesis-testing | |
I | |
Icons | |
identity-protective cognition | |
illusion of knowledge | |
Illusionism | |
illusory correlation | |
impasse | |
Incentives | |
incoherence | |
Independence | |
indicative conditionals | |
individual bias | |
individual differences | |
Individual Variation | |
Inductive reasoning | |
inequality of opportunity | |
inferential relevance | |
informal programming | |
informal reasoning | |
Information aggragation | |
information avoidance | |
Information Equivalence | |
Information Integration | |
information leakage | |
Information sampling | |
Information seeking | |
Information Theory | |
inhibition | |
Inner State | |
Innovation | |
inoculation | |
Inoculation theory | |
Insight | |
Insight problem solving | |
Insight problem-solving | |
Insight problems | |
instincts | |
institutional trust | |
Instrumental rationality | |
intellectual humility | |
Intelligence | |
intentionality bias | |
Interventions | |
intrinsically motivated behavior | |
Intuition | |
intuitive judgment | |
Intuitive logic | |
intuitive theories | |
investment | |
Investment decision-making | |
J | |
Judgement | |
Judgment | |
Judgment and Decision Making | |
Jumping to conclusion | |
justification | |
K | |
kinematic simulations | |
knowledge | |
knowledge representation | |
L | |
Language | |
large language models | |
Latent Profile Analysis | |
Law | |
Learning | |
Lens model | |
Limited Reasoning | |
linguistic | |
LLMs | |
logic | |
longitudinal data | |
longitudinal research | |
longitudinal study | |
Lying | |
M | |
mathematical problem-solving | |
Maths Anxiety | |
Meat Consumption | |
mechanistic explanations | |
media literacy tips | |
Memory | |
memory limits | |
memory retrieval | |
mental models | |
mental set | |
Mental Simulation | |
mental state reasoning | |
Message framing | |
meta-analysis | |
meta-cognition | |
meta-reasoning | |
Metacognition | |
metacognitions | |
Metacognitive monitoring | |
metareasoning | |
methodological differences | |
mind-wandering | |
Misinformation | |
mixed methods | |
Money | |
money illusion | |
Monitoring | |
monitoring and control processes | |
Monty Hall problem | |
Mood | |
Moral Behavior | |
Moral Cognition | |
moral decision-making | |
moral dilemmas | |
Moral Foundations | |
Moral Identity | |
Moral Judgment | |
moral judgments | |
moral learning | |
moral nudge | |
Moral Psychology | |
Moral reasoning | |
Morality | |
Morality-as-Cooperation | |
Motivated cognition | |
motivated reasoning | |
MPT Modelling | |
mReasoner | |
multi-attribute choice | |
Multidimensionality | |
multiple determination | |
N | |
naive realism | |
natural environments | |
natural frequencies | |
natural frequencies and probabilities | |
natural language | |
natural language processing | |
natural products | |
network analysis | |
neural encoding of value | |
neurobiology | |
Neuroscience | |
news exposure | |
Non-insight problems | |
Norm Conflict | |
normative concepts | |
Nudges | |
O | |
Objective Bayesianism | |
openness to experience | |
Opt out option | |
Optimal Inquiry | |
optimal stopping | |
optimality | |
orbitofrontal cortex | |
Outward appearance | |
Overconfidence | |
P | |
Parsimony | |
Partitioning sentence | |
Peer reviewing | |
perception | |
Personality factors | |
Perspective-taking | |
persuasion | |
planning | |
Pluralistic ignorance | |
political partisanship | |
political polarization | |
politics | |
powerlessness | |
Practical reasoning | |
pragmatic approach | |
Pragmatic inference | |
prebunking | |
precarity | |
preciseness | |
Prediction | |
Predictions | |
prefactual thinking | |
preference for artificial | |
preference for natural | |
Preferences | |
Prejudice | |
Preschool children | |
Price promotion | |
prior beliefs | |
pro-environmental behavior | |
pro-environmental behaviour | |
probabilistic reasoning | |
Probability | |
probability communication | |
probability estimates | |
probability judgments | |
probability weighting | |
problem representation | |
problem solving | |
Problem-solving | |
processing effort and cognitive effect | |
Program induction | |
Progress monitoring | |
Prosocial behavior | |
Pseudoscientific beliefs | |
Psychedelics | |
psychological barriers | |
psychoretorical approach | |
Psychorhetoric | |
Q | |
query theory | |
question answering | |
R | |
Rank-Based Judgement | |
Rational decision-making style | |
Rational Processes | |
Rationality | |
Raven's matrices | |
reaction time | |
Reasoning | |
Reasoning and Argumentation | |
reasoning errors | |
Recruitment | |
reduced array selection task | |
Reflection | |
reframing | |
Reinforcement | |
reinforcement learning | |
relational reasoning | |
Religious belief | |
repeated choice | |
Repetition | |
Representations | |
Research grant reviewing | |
research methods | |
Resistance to misinformation | |
resource rationality | |
resource-rational analysis | |
restorative environments | |
restructuring | |
Review | |
reward-guided behavior | |
risk | |
risk judgements | |
Risk preferences | |
risky choice | |
Rumination | |
S | |
sampling assumptions | |
Sampling biases | |
scalar implicatures | |
Science | |
science belief | |
scientific explanations | |
scientific practice | |
Scientific reasoning | |
selection task | |
selective sampling | |
Self-efficacy | |
self-other differences | |
Self-regulated learning | |
self-reported measures | |
semantic control | |
semantic networks | |
sentiment analysis | |
sequential decision-making | |
Signal detection models | |
simplicity | |
Single process theories | |
social behaviour | |
Social cognition | |
social dilemma | |
social epistemology | |
social information | |
social judgement | |
Social judgment theory | |
social learning | |
social media | |
Social norms | |
social reasoning | |
Socially responsible investments | |
socio-cognitive polarization | |
solitude | |
sophistication | |
source independence | |
Source reliability | |
spatial models | |
status quo bias | |
Strength of beliefs | |
suboptimality | |
superstitious thinking | |
sustainability | |
Sustainable Transport | |
syllogistic reasoning | |
synergistic risks | |
systems theory | |
T | |
Technical reasoning | |
Template Analysis | |
temporal explanations | |
tethering | |
Theories | |
Theory of mind | |
Theory of Planned Behavior | |
Think Aloud | |
Think-aloud protocols | |
Thinking disposition | |
Thinking in opposites | |
thinking style | |
Thought | |
time allocation | |
toddlers | |
trace measures | |
training | |
True-belief task | |
truth | |
Truth discernment | |
Truth effect | |
truth-telling | |
Two-response paradigm | |
U | |
uncertainty | |
Unconscious | |
Unconscious Analytic Thought | |
unfair inequality | |
unfounded beliefs | |
Untestable beliefs | |
Utilitarianism | |
utility maximization | |
V | |
validity | |
value-based conditions | |
Values | |
Verbal inteligence | |
Verbal probability | |
Verbalization | |
verification task | |
Visuo-spatial insight problem solving | |
W | |
Wason selection task | |
Wason's rule discovery task | |
waste sorting | |
water jar problems | |
well-being | |
wording effect | |
working memory | |
X | |
xenophobia | |
Z | |
zero-sum thinking |