Days: Monday, July 1st Tuesday, July 2nd Wednesday, July 3rd
Monday, July 1st
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:30-08:45 Session Welcome: Welcome
James Evans (The University of Chicago, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
08:45-09:15 Session IN: Arati Prabhakar Interview Interlocuter: Lisa Margonelli
Bhaven Sampat (Arizona State University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
09:15-09:50 Session IN: Plenary: Adam Jaffe
Bhaven Sampat (Arizona State University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
09:50-10:20 Session IN: Plenary: Abhishek Nagaraj
Bhaven Sampat (Arizona State University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
10:20-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Session Panel 1: Beyond Patents and Papers: Operationalizing and Evaluating the Social Impact of Science
Location: Main Auditorium
12:00-12:30 Session IN: Plenary: YY Ahn
Bhaven Sampat (Arizona State University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
12:30-13:30Lunch Break
13:30-15:45 Session A1: Knowledge and Networks Part 1
Alexander Furnas (Northwesttern University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
13:30 | Research Topic Diversity and Convergence Among US Research Universities (abstract) PRESENTER: Yifan Qian |
13:45 | The promise and pitfalls of the metaverse for science (abstract) PRESENTER: Diego Gómez-Zará |
14:00 | Limited Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge Forecasts Collapse (abstract) PRESENTER: Donghyun Kang |
14:15 | Quantifying exposure to Large Language Models in millions of college syllabi (abstract) PRESENTER: Alireza Javadian Sabet |
14:30 | The Concept-Knowledge Nexus: Pathways of Concept Evolution and Knowledge Assembly (abstract) PRESENTER: Carina Kane |
14:45 | Diachronic periodical embeddings reveal evolution of science (abstract) |
15:00 | Short-Term Exposure and Long-Term Knowledge Absorption (abstract) PRESENTER: Binglu Wang |
15:15 | Real-time visualization of large networks and embeddings from scholarly datasets using Helios-Web (abstract) |
15:30 | The Speed of Knowledge and the Rise of Team-Based Invention (abstract) |
13:30-15:45 Session B1: Funding Research
Location: Room 120
13:30 | The Strategy of Royalty-Free Licensing and its Impact on Firm Innovation: The Case of Tesla (abstract) PRESENTER: Ziming Wang |
13:45 | Lost in Translation? Measuring how well research maps to government research priorities (abstract) PRESENTER: Angel Luis Tamame |
14:00 | Scientific Grant Funding and the Onset of Hot Streaks: Unintended Consequences and Latent Opportunities (abstract) |
14:15 | How Does Industry Shape Academic Science? Evidence from “Million Dollar Plants” (abstract) |
14:30 | Identifying Fabricated Networks within Authorship-for-Sale Enterprises (abstract) PRESENTER: Simon Porter |
14:45 | Women benefit from early career research funding more than men (abstract) |
15:00 | Networks in the market for researchers (abstract) PRESENTER: Flavio Hafner |
15:15 | Strategic Scientific Disclosure: Evidence from the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (abstract) PRESENTER: Kristen Valentine |
13:30-15:45 Session C1: Scientific Methodology and Collaboration
Kevin Kniffin (Cornell University, United States)
Location: Room 125
13:30 | Helicopter Science and Datasets: Disproportionate Use of Distant Datasets by Global North Researchers (abstract) |
13:45 | Socio-Epistemic Bubbles and Tacit Confidence in Randomized Clinical Trials (abstract) PRESENTER: Donghyun Kang |
14:00 | China’s Rising Leadership in Global Science (abstract) PRESENTER: Christopher Esposito |
14:15 | Evaluating the Impact of Biomedical Tools and Methods (abstract) |
14:30 | Vogue in American Sociology (abstract) PRESENTER: Honglin Bao |
14:45 | How Audience Interconnectedness Shapes the Use of Interdisciplinary Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Jina Lee |
15:00 | How and When Interdisciplinarians Are Promoted – and What Deans Perceive and Recommend (abstract) PRESENTER: Kevin Kniffin |
15:15 | Unpacking interdisciplinarity: Input and output interdisciplinarity have different associations with evaluation outcomes (abstract) |
15:30 | Measuring Research Interest Similarity with Transition Probabilities (abstract) |
13:30-15:45 Session G1: Equity and Bias in Research
Location: Lecture Room - East Court
13:30 | Assessing the risk of the Alzheimer's literature from fraudulent research (abstract) PRESENTER: B. Ian Hutchins |
13:45 | Gender Bias in Emerging New Research Topics: The Impact of COVID-19 on Women in Science (abstract) PRESENTER: Massimo Riccaboni |
14:00 | Gender, Experience, and Institutional Policies as Determinants of High Potential Innovation Success (abstract) |
14:15 | Global mobility of the recent STEM postdoctoral workforce registered in ORCID (abstract) |
14:30 | Gender and Attrition in the Changing Organization of Scientific Work (abstract) PRESENTER: Seokkyun Woo |
14:45 | Socioeconomic status influences academic scholarship (abstract) PRESENTER: Carolina Chavez-Ruelas |
15:00 | The Class Gap in Career Progression: Evidence from US Academia (abstract) |
15:15 | The Beauty Bias Effect in Scientific Careers (abstract) PRESENTER: Qinghua Lee |
15:30 | Papers with High Novelty Claims and Female Authors Are Scrutinized More (abstract) |
15:45-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Session A2: Knowledge and Networks Part 2
Location: Main Auditorium
16:00 | Empirical, Human, and Machine Assessments of Research Credibility in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (abstract) |
16:15 | From Protoscience to Epistemic Monoculture: How Benchmarking Set the Stage for the Deep Learning Revolution (abstract) PRESENTER: Bernard Koch |
16:00-16:30 Session B2: Funding Research
Location: Room 120
16:00 | Funding the Frontier: Visualizing the Broad Impact of Science and Science Funding (abstract) PRESENTER: Yifang Wang |
16:15 | Concentration and Connections of the National Academy of Sciences Members (abstract) PRESENTER: Hanzhang Zhou |
16:00-16:30 Session C2: Scientific Methodology and Collaboration
Donghyun Kang (University of Chicago, United States)
Location: Room 125
16:00 | Software Credit: How Authorship Relates to Code Contribution (abstract) PRESENTER: Eva Maxfield Brown |
16:15 | Uncovering Research Values from Scientific Abstracts Across Computer Science Subfields (abstract) PRESENTER: Hang Jiang |
16:00-16:30 Session G2: Equity and Bias in Research
Seokkyun Woo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)
Location: Lecture Room - East Court
16:00 | Prestige Hierarchies in U.S. Faculty Hiring Over a Century: 1880-1990 (abstract) PRESENTER: Christian Chacua |
16:15 | Gendered devaluation underlies faculty retention (abstract) PRESENTER: Katie Spoon |
16:30-18:00 Session P1: Poster Session
Location: Great Hall
How 'Free' is Free Speech in Academia? Effects on Researchers and Their Research (abstract) |
The Effect of Credit Shocks on Sustained Team Collaboration in Patenting (abstract) |
Charting the course of artificial intelligence policy: formulation, trends and scientific foundations (abstract) |
Intersectionality’s Publication Dilemmas: Innovation, Influence, and Inequality (abstract) |
Exploring the Causes for Retracted Research in Chemistry and Related Fields (abstract) |
The scientific foundations of Brazilian health policy: an analysis of clinical protocols and therapeutic guidelines (abstract) |
Decoupling in US-China scientific collaboration (abstract) |
Reproducibility, Replicability, and Transparency in Research: What 430 Professors Think in Universities across the USA and India (abstract) |
Human Capital and Firm’s Innovation Direction (abstract) |
The Development of Facticity—from Preliminary Finding to Accepted Implicit Knowledge (abstract) |
Research Collaboration Patterns Before and After COVID (abstract) PRESENTER: Hanzhe Zhang |
Quantifying citation imbalance in computer science: Gender and conference tier (abstract) PRESENTER: Kazuki Nakajima |
A System-level Analysis of Conference Peer Review (abstract) |
Eliciting Honest Information From Authors Using Sequential Review (abstract) |
Measuring coherence in research projects output through LLMs (abstract) |
Sharing Solutions without Spilling Secrets: The Role of Technicians in the Diffusion of Knowledge at Innovation Frontiers (abstract) |
The Persistent Effect of R&D-related Industrial Policy: Human Capital Accumulation as a Mechanism (abstract) |
Building and Characterizing a Collaboration Network of the US National Cancer Institute’s Extramural Workforce (abstract) |
Does Reading the Literature Improve the Ability to Predict the Effects of Interventions? (abstract) PRESENTER: Robin Na |
Cognitive diversity, repeated cooperation, and collective intelligence in dynamic cooperative networks (abstract) |
Global Policy Strategies in Response to Tech Innovations (abstract) |
Towards Identifying WhoFundedIt: An Assessment of Data Quality and Availability for Analyzing Research Sponsor Bias (abstract) |
The effect of AI on innovation in the case of medical diagnosis (abstract) |
Quantifying the Landscape: Local Divergence and Global Convergence (abstract) |
Stealing the Spotlight or Fading into the Background: Retracted Papers and Disruption (abstract) |
Duty Calls: Evaluating Academic Incentives for Sustainable Rare Disease Research and Development (abstract) |
A Continuous Embedding Measure of Disruptiveness Reveals Hidden Simultaneous Disruption (abstract) |
How the COVID-19 pandemic affected science: collaboration and impact (abstract) |
Disambiguating Scientific Software in Full-Text Publications for Science of Science Studies (abstract) |
Characterizing Academic Publishers’ Name Change Policies for Gender Diverse Authors (abstract) PRESENTER: Deanna Zarrillo |
Measuring Funding Agencies' institutional capacity to address inequities in science (abstract) |
Evaluating the use of funded research in policies in Brazil: a study of the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (abstract) PRESENTER: Karen E F Pinto |
Exploring International Collaboration Dynamics through Multilayer Network Analysis (abstract) |
Effects of Research Paper Promotion via ArXiv and X (abstract) |
Knowledge Recombination and Risk (abstract) PRESENTER: Sotaro Shibayama |
The Smart City as a Field of Innovation: Public-Private Data Collaboration and Its Effects on Innovation at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in China (abstract) |
The Dimensionality of an Idea Space and the Success of Familiar Ideas (abstract) |
The Gender Gap in Novelty Claims and Its Influence on Scientific Impact (abstract) |
A Multiverse Analysis on the effect of Interdisciplinary and Non-conforming Research on scientific impact (abstract) |
To what extent researchers utilize Wikipedia to acquire new scientific knowledge? (abstract) |
The changing landscape of academic leadership: A study of presidents at US R1s (abstract) |
An outcome evaluation of NICHD training programs: 2000-2019 (abstract) PRESENTER: Christopher Belter |
Does Organization Size Undermine Disruptive Potential (abstract) |
Are Patent Examiners killing disruptive innovation? (abstract) |
Geographic focus of the book collection in the Library of Congress (abstract) |
Club versus Clan? Comparing innovation networks in the US and China (abstract) |
Influence of Reproducibility on Scientific Impact (abstract) PRESENTER: Akhil Pandey Akella |
The impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on higher education and scientific institutions in the European borderland (abstract) |
Tuesday, July 2nd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:45-09:45 Session LT2: Lightning Talk Round 1
Daniel Larremore (University of Colorado Boulder, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
08:45 | Who pays for scientific training in the United States? (abstract) |
08:55 | Untapped Potential and Gender Gap in US Faculty Patenting (abstract) PRESENTER: Yifan Qian |
09:05 | Quantifying inequitable education pathways to scientific and technical jobs (abstract) PRESENTER: Katie Spoon |
09:15 | GRaM: A Gravity-Informed Model for Tracking Scientist Mobility in Knowledge Spaces (abstract) PRESENTER: Filipi Nascimento Silva |
09:25 | Scientists Have an Inherent Prioritized Queue in Selecting Collaborations (abstract) PRESENTER: Miura Chiaki |
09:35 | Partisan Disparities in the Use of Science in Policy (abstract) PRESENTER: Alexander Furnas |
09:45-11:00 Session Panel 2: The Other Side: Junk, Fraud, Retractions, and Paper Mills
Location: Main Auditorium
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:00 Session IN: Plenary: Anne Hultgren
Bhaven Sampat (Arizona State University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
12:00-12:30 Session IN: Plenary: Toby Smith
Daniel Larremore (University of Colorado Boulder, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
12:30-13:30Lunch Break
13:30-15:45 Session D: Technology and Social Sciences
Location: Room 120
13:30 | How is generative AI changing scientific software? (abstract) |
13:45 | Can Large Language Model Automate Academic Writing? (abstract) PRESENTER: Lingfei Wu |
14:00 | Displacing Science (abstract) PRESENTER: Lingfei Wu |
14:15 | Science of AI-mediated Science (abstract) PRESENTER: Shahan Ali Memon |
14:30 | Oil & Water? Diffusion of AI Within and Across Scientific Fields (abstract) |
14:45 | Can Large Language Models Discern Evidence for Scientific Hypotheses? Case Studies in the Social Sciences (abstract) |
15:00 | The Narrow Depth and Breadth of Corporate Responsible AI Research (abstract) |
15:15 | Tracking equity in adoption and impact from AI in Science: The case of AlphaFold (abstract) |
15:30 | Individual Misinformation Tagging Reinforces Echo Chambers; Collective Tagging Does Not (abstract) |
13:30-15:45 Session E: Science and Innovation
Jeff Tsao (Sandia, United States)
Location: Lecture Room - East Court
13:30 | The Contribution of Chinese Science to US Technological Advancement: Evidence from Patent Citation of Academic Papers (abstract) |
13:45 | Algorithmic Tradeoffs, Applied NLP, and the State-of-the-Art Fallacy (abstract) |
14:00 | The Private Value of Innovating for the Government (abstract) |
14:15 | All-Female Teams Produce More Disruptive Work: Evidence from Scientific Papers (abstract) PRESENTER: Nandini Banerjee |
14:30 | Age,Aging Scientist and Slow Scientific Advance (abstract) PRESENTER: Haochuan Cui |
14:45 | Partition and reunification of science under external shocks in Germany (abstract) |
15:00 | The making of high-tech clusters: Evidence from early-mover corporate labs (abstract) |
15:15 | Anomaly detection on career independence of biomedical researchers using bibliometric database (abstract) |
15:30 | Tenure and Scientific Production (abstract) PRESENTER: Giorgio Tripodi |
13:30-16:00 Session F: Publishing and Research Dissemination
Yifang Wang (Northwestern University, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
13:30 | Exploring the Role of Social Media in the Diffusion of Economic Research (abstract) |
13:45 | You do not receive enough recognition for your influential science (abstract) |
14:00 | Are Research Articles Cited in Relevant Policy Documents? A Quantitative Analysis Using Large Language Models (LLMs) (abstract) PRESENTER: Miftahul Jannat Mokarrama |
14:15 | Editors handle the submissions of their collaborators and colleagues despite explicit policies (abstract) PRESENTER: Fengyuan Liu |
14:30 | Toward Long-term Computational Reproducibility: Assessing the Archival Rate of URLs to Git Hosting Platforms in Scholarly Publications (abstract) |
14:45 | Publishing in Nature is a Catalyst for Scholarly Impact (abstract) |
15:00 | Expertise Mismatch and Academic Retraction: An Embedding-Based Analysis (abstract) |
15:15 | Can social media attention promote academic purification for retracted articles? (abstract) PRESENTER: Er-Te Zheng |
15:30 | Are Women’s Works and Claims Received with More Uncertainty? (abstract) |
15:45 | The Role of Scientists in Correcting Misinformation: Political Framing and Source Characteristics (abstract) |
15:45-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 Session D2: Technology and Social Sciences
Location: Room 120
16:00 | Innovation Beyond Intention: The Role of Exaptation in Technological Advancements (abstract) PRESENTER: Youwei He |
16:15 | The Past, Present, and Future of OpenAlex: The World’s First Completely Open SKG (abstract) |
16:00-16:30 Session E2: Science and Innovation
Location: Lecture Room - East Court
16:00 | Innovative Science Eludes Recommendation (abstract) PRESENTER: Thomas Gebhart |
16:15 | Using the past to improve the future: An applied history framework for fighting failure (abstract) |
16:00-16:30 Session F2: Publishing and Research Dissemination
Location: Main Auditorium
16:00 | Lost in Translation? Science Communication & the Commercial Diffusion of Ideas (abstract) |
16:15 | The Diverging Fates of Breakaway and Zombie Journals (abstract) |
16:30-18:00 Session P2: Poster Session
Location: Great Hall
Value Expressions in Patent Documents: A New Method and Its Applications to Patent Valuation and Direction (abstract) PRESENTER: Sergio Pelaez |
Network Approach to Research Novelty: Typology and Metrics (abstract) |
When Retractions Fail: Conspiracy and Denial in Online Attention to Retractions (abstract) PRESENTER: Emőke-Ágnes Horvát |
Can We Develop a Policy-Relevant Measure of National Scientific Capacity? (abstract) |
Analysis of the comparative strengths of intramural and extramural grant funding mechanisms (abstract) |
Understanding Clickbait in Multiplatform Science Dissemination (abstract) |
Science resilience hinges on persistence collaboration sacrificing equity (abstract) PRESENTER: Hong Chen |
Sensemaking Networks: Transforming Social Media into a Sensemaking Layer for Science (abstract) PRESENTER: Ronen Tamari |
Can ChatGPT predict article retraction based on Twitter mentions? (abstract) |
The Praxis of Data Annotation and Ideational Search (abstract) PRESENTER: Grace Hogue |
Persistent Colonialism in Contemporary International Collaboration (abstract) |
Assessing the Impact of Migration on the Career Success of Creative Individuals: A Comprehensive Study of Artists' Mobility (abstract) |
Atlas: building a map of commensurable knowledge from existing research (abstract) |
Interventions on Network Formation (abstract) |
How are machine learning research cited in library and information science literature? A citation analysis based on Papers with Code (PwC) dataset and entitymetrics (abstract) |
The Decentralization of Science: Evidence from Award-Winning Researchers (abstract) PRESENTER: Hanzhang Zhou |
Bless or Curse: The Effect of US Sanctions on China’s Technology Development in the Case of AI (abstract) |
Biomedical Open Source Software: Crucial Packages and Hidden Heroes (abstract) |
Bell’s Dodecants: An Architecture for How Technoscience Actually Advances (abstract) |
Towards Abductive Hypotheses Generation in Science and Technology Using Active Learning (abstract) |
Reshaping Research in Japan: Interdisciplinary Innovation in Response to Governmental Pressures on Humanities and Social Sciences (abstract) |
The Role of Universities in Sustaining Innovation (abstract) |
Entry and Capabilities: Manufacturing in the East African Generic Drug Market (abstract) |
The Societal Impact of Science: Using Topic Modeling to Investigate the Broader Impact of Academic Research (abstract) PRESENTER: Ross Potter |
Peacocks Fly to the Southeast: How Talent Policies Foster Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies (abstract) |
What Happens when Discrimination in Academia Becomes Salient? (abstract) |
Indexing of data papers in four research databases (abstract) |
Accuracy of Datasets in OpenAlex (abstract) |
Proposed NIH Pilot Metascience Scholars Program (abstract) |
Cascades, Leaps, and Strawmen: How Explanations Evolve (abstract) PRESENTER: Kara Kedrick |
Understanding Venture Capital Investment Trends through Social and Academic Recognition (abstract) |
The scientific impact of scholarly outputs generated under collaboration in Brazil: a bibliometric approach (abstract) |
If the next big thing in R&D evaluation is AI, who benefits? (abstract) |
Depth versus Breadth in the Hierarchical Recombination of Technology (abstract) |
Deviations in Peer Review Processes: A Study of Funding Selection Practices (abstract) |
The Effect of Research Funding on Early-Career Researchers: Insights from the New Vision Investigator Award (abstract) |
Neural Author Name Disambiguator: Developing a Global Researcher Registry for an Interconnected Research System (abstract) |
Early Indicators of Academic Articles’ Online Popularity (abstract) |
Scatter versus decile bar plots: What do different ways of visualizing the same polygenic index-phenotype relationship convey to lay audiences? (abstract) |
Sensitive Intervention Points of Climate Policies in China from Analysis of Patent Data: A Link Prediction Model (abstract) |
The Long-Term Causal Effects of Winning an ERC Grant (abstract) |
The territorial dynamics of technological jump and differentiation in China: Insights from topological data analysis (abstract) |
Too Doomed to Surprise: Gender Bias in Emerging and Surprising Science (abstract) |
Enhancing DEIA and Innovation with Social Science and STEM Collaborations (abstract) |
Identifying links and gaps between scientific research and policies in the public discourse (abstract) |
Wednesday, July 3rd
View this program: with abstractssession overviewtalk overview
08:45-09:45 Session LT2: Lightning Talk Round 2
James Evans (The University of Chicago, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium
08:45 | Monitoring AI-Modified Content at Scale: A Case Study on the Impact of ChatGPT on AI Conference Peer Reviews (abstract) |
08:55 | How Values and Uncertainty Shape Scientific Advance in Peer Review (abstract) |
09:05 | Assessing Bias and Idiosyncrasies in Elite Scientific Peer Review (abstract) |
09:15 | Can Recombination Growth Lead to Scientific Breakthroughs? (abstract) |
09:25 | An empirical investigation into the production and reception of “mesearch" (abstract) PRESENTER: Molly King |
09:35 | The increasing fragmentation of global science limits the diffusion of ideas (abstract) |
09:45-11:00 Session Panel 3: The Uses (and Non-Uses) of Science and Evidence in S&T Policy
Location: Main Auditorium
11:00-11:30Coffee Break
11:30-12:00 Session IN: Plenary: Alice Wu and Jordan Dworkin
Location: Main Auditorium
11:30 | Predicting Progress: A Pilot of Expected Utility Forecasting in Science Funding (abstract) |
12:30-13:30Lunch Break
13:30-14:30 Session AW: Award Session
James Evans (The University of Chicago, United States)
Location: Main Auditorium