This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
Access to education | |
Active inference | |
activity duration | |
activity regularity | |
activity time-use | |
Activity timing | |
Activity type and duration choice model | |
activity-based modelling | |
activity-based travel model | |
Activity-travel survey | |
adaptive design | |
Address-based sample | |
AFC data | |
Aggregation functions | |
agri-environmental-climate measures | |
air pollution | |
air travel | |
Alternative Fuel Vehicles | |
alternative specific constants | |
Amortized variational inference | |
Analytical formula | |
anchoring | |
anchoring effect | |
ANNs | |
aquaculture expansion | |
attitudes | |
Attribute cut-offs | |
attribute non-attendance | |
autoencoder | |
Automated vehicles | |
automobile market | |
Autonomous vehicle | |
Autonomous Vehicles | |
B | |
Bayesian estimation | |
Bayesian inference | |
Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo | |
Bayesian modelling | |
Bayesian Multivariate Ordered Probit & Tobit model | |
Behavior Modelling | |
Behavioral | |
behavioral modeling | |
Behavioural change | |
Behavioural choice model | |
Behavioural economics | |
behavioural finance | |
belief updating | |
benefit transfer | |
Benefit transfer and choice modelling | |
Best-worst choice experiment | |
Bicycle Route Choice | |
Bicycle traffic | |
Big data | |
big data application | |
binary choice | |
Biodiversirty value | |
biodiversity | |
biodiversity protection | |
Bogotá | |
brand value | |
Brazil | |
C | |
Cable car | |
Capacity constraints | |
Car choice preference | |
Car ownership | |
Car use | |
categorical embeddings | |
CES | |
Changes of mobility patterns | |
charging behaviour | |
charging infrastructure | |
Charging preferences | |
cheap talk | |
Choice context | |
choice experiment | |
Choice experiments | |
Choice heuristic | |
choice model | |
Choice modelling | |
Choice set formation | |
choice set generation | |
Choice-set formation | |
Choquet integral | |
climate change adaptation | |
climate chnange adaptation | |
clustering | |
cognitive biases | |
Commitment to survey | |
Common Agricultural Policy | |
compensation variation | |
complementarity | |
composite marginal likelihood | |
confirmation bias | |
Conflict | |
Consequentiality | |
conservation | |
Consideration of alternatives | |
Consideration set | |
Consideration-then-choose | |
Consumers Preferences | |
context-aware | |
Contextual priming | |
Control versus Treatment | |
Copula functions | |
coronavirus | |
Correlated random parameter logit model | |
correlation | |
cost vector | |
cost vector design | |
Count Data | |
COVID impact survey | |
COVID-19 | |
COVID-19 pandemic | |
Covid-19 vaccination | |
Cross country comparison | |
cultural economics | |
cultural heritage | |
customer value | |
cycling | |
D | |
D-optimal design | |
Data requirements | |
Data-driven discrete choice modeling | |
Data-driven methods | |
Decarbonisation | |
Decision Field Theory | |
Decision Makers Policy | |
Decision Rule Heterogeneity | |
decision rules | |
decoy | |
decoy effect | |
deep hybrid models | |
Deep learning | |
Demand side response | |
Destination choice | |
Deterministic Annealing EM algorithm | |
diabetes | |
diagnostic services | |
diminishing marginal utility | |
Direct Questions | |
disaggregate shopping behaviour | |
Discrete and Continuous Indicators | |
discrete choice | |
discrete choice experiment | |
Discrete Choice Experiments | |
discrete choice model | |
discrete choice modelling | |
discrete choice models | |
discrete-continuous choice framework | |
discrete-count model | |
Disjunction-of-conjunctions | |
distance decay | |
distance-based correlation | |
distributional considerations | |
distributive justice | |
Drift Diffusion Model | |
driver behaviour | |
Driverless cars | |
dynamic discrete choice model | |
Dynamic Neural Field Model | |
E | |
E-scooter | |
East-Africa | |
eat-in choice | |
eat-out choice | |
eat-out venue preference | |
economic effects | |
Ecosystem Services | |
efficiency | |
Efficient design | |
elasticities | |
Electric vehicles | |
elicitation formats | |
EM algorithm | |
Empirical ethics | |
employment | |
encoding methods | |
Endogeneity | |
endowment | |
Energy | |
ensemble learning | |
environmental effects | |
Environmental interventions | |
environmental valuation | |
episode-based MDCEV | |
Equity impacts | |
Estimation bias | |
Evacuation Behavior | |
Excess demand | |
exchangeability | |
exit choice | |
Experimental design | |
experimental design theory | |
Expressive Social Capital | |
Extreme Value | |
Eye tracking | |
F | |
factorial survey experiment | |
farmers' preferences | |
fat yes-tails | |
Feebate policy | |
financial decision making | |
Fleet fuel economy | |
Flood Protection Services | |
Food choice | |
food industry | |
forecast | |
forecasting | |
Formation of preferences | |
formative measures | |
fractional splits | |
Framing | |
Free energy principle | |
Fuel conservation policy | |
Fuel price elasticity | |
fuel tax | |
G | |
Gaussian Process | |
gender | |
Generalized nested logit(GNL) | |
GHDM | |
Gini | |
global altruism | |
Global Heterogeneity | |
GPS data | |
GPS panel data | |
gradient boosting | |
Green Infrastructure | |
Greenhouse Gas Emission Prediction | |
H | |
hazard-based duration model | |
health disparities | |
Health Economics | |
health outcomes | |
health policy | |
health risk | |
Heterogeneity | |
Heterogeneous disordered traffic conditions | |
Heterogenity of preferences | |
heteroscedasticity | |
Hidden Markov Model | |
home-based telecommuting | |
Hong Kong | |
Horizontal choice | |
Horizontal choice structure | |
Hybrid choice | |
hybrid choice model | |
hybrid choice model (HCM) | |
Hybrid choice models | |
hybrid mixed logit model | |
hybrid model | |
Hybrid transport networks | |
Hypothesis testing | |
hypothetical bias | |
I | |
I-optimality | |
ICLV | |
identification | |
Ile-de-France | |
Importance sampling | |
Incentive mechanisms | |
Income elasticity | |
Indirect Questions | |
individual level parameter | |
Individual-level preferences | |
inequality | |
Inform Decision | |
information effects | |
Information needs | |
information recall | |
Informational cues | |
institutional racism | |
Instrumental Social Capital | |
Instrumental variables | |
Integrated Choice and Latent Variable model | |
intepretable embeddings | |
inter-episode time | |
Investment decisions | |
J | |
Joint activity engagement | |
Joint discrete-continuous model | |
Joint model | |
Journey planning | |
L | |
large-scale networks | |
Latent class | |
Latent Class Choice Models | |
Latent class cluster model | |
latent class model | |
Latent Class Modelling | |
Latent class models | |
Latent variables | |
Latent-class logit mixture model | |
Leisure Activity | |
lexicographic choices | |
local altruism | |
Local Currency | |
location choice | |
logit | |
Logit-based choice model | |
Longitudinal model | |
Lorenz curve | |
M | |
Machine learning | |
machine learning algorithms | |
Management of subarachnoid haemorrhage | |
Mangroves | |
marine plastic | |
MATSim | |
Maximum simulated likelihood | |
MCMC | |
mdc | |
measurement error | |
medical testing | |
Mental health | |
methodological tests | |
Methods comparison | |
Micro Mobility | |
MIMIC models | |
Mixed logit | |
Mixed logit model | |
mixed methods | |
Mixture coordinate exchange algorithm | |
Mixture density network | |
Mixture distributions | |
Mixture experiment | |
Mobile phone data | |
mobility profiles | |
Mode choice | |
Model averaging | |
Model estimation | |
Model of recreational demand | |
Model selection | |
Monte Carlo simulation | |
Moral decision | |
Moral decision-making | |
Moral Foundation Theory | |
Moral psychology | |
Motorcycle taxis | |
Motorway externalities | |
MTurk surveys | |
multi-country | |
Multi-dimensional thresholding | |
multi-story building | |
Multidimensional mixed data models | |
Multinomial Logit | |
Multinomial logit model | |
Multinomial probit model | |
Multiple choice | |
Multiple discrete continuous | |
Multiple Discrete-Continous Model | |
Multiple discrete-continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model | |
Multiple discrete-continuous extreme value models (MDCEV) | |
Multiple Indicator Solution | |
Multiplicative discrete choice model | |
multivariate count model | |
multivariate counts | |
N | |
National Energy Model | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Network Capital | |
Neural Networks | |
Neuroscience | |
New models | |
New transport environment | |
non-expected utility | |
Non-linear | |
non-market valuation | |
Non-parametric distributions | |
Non-parametric random effects models | |
Non-probability samples | |
non-trading behaviour | |
Nonparametric | |
Novel application | |
O | |
Occupational shifts | |
Online gambling choices | |
Online grocery shopping | |
Online privacy | |
Online Shopping | |
open ended | |
opt-out reminder | |
Order Effect | |
ordered choice | |
Ordered probit model | |
Ordinal choice | |
Ordinal data | |
ordinal logit | |
outdoor advertising | |
outliers | |
P | |
paired GNL(PGNL) | |
pandemic | |
Panel data | |
Paratransit | |
Participatory value evaluation | |
patient preference heterogeneity | |
patient preferences | |
payment card | |
payment consequentiality | |
Pedestrian wait time | |
perceived safety | |
Perceptions towards new modes | |
performing arts | |
Perturbed utility | |
Physician preferences | |
Plug-in Electric Vehicles | |
Policy analysis | |
Policy implications | |
pooled SP-RP data | |
port choice | |
portfolio choice | |
positional concerns | |
positionality | |
posterior analysis | |
Prediction | |
preference heterogeneity | |
privacy | |
Pro-environmental behaviour | |
Probabilistic decision trees | |
Probability samples | |
probit | |
Probit model | |
probit modelling | |
product value | |
Prospect theory | |
protection | |
Psychology | |
Public microtransit | |
Public transport | |
public transportation | |
Q | |
q-statistics | |
Qualtrics panel | |
quantity-within-distance | |
Quantum choice model | |
Quantum rotations | |
R | |
random coefficients | |
Random heterogeneity | |
Random Parameter Zero Inflated Ordered Probit Model | |
Random Parameters | |
Random Regret Minimisation (RRM) | |
Random Regret Minimization | |
Random taste heterogeneity | |
Random Utility Maximisation (RUM) | |
Random Utility Maximization | |
Ranked model | |
Real choice experiment | |
real DCE | |
real experience | |
real-time | |
Rebound effect | |
reciprocity | |
Recreational behavior | |
reference-dependence | |
reference-dependence bias | |
reflective measures | |
Register data | |
regret minimization | |
reliability | |
Remigration | |
Research agenda | |
Residential demand side response | |
Residential energy choices | |
Residential location | |
Residential location choice | |
Residential self-selection | |
response lag | |
restoration | |
result-based payments | |
Revealed preference | |
Revealed preference data | |
Review | |
risk | |
risk perception | |
risk preferences | |
Road Networks | |
Road safety | |
robustness | |
route choice | |
Route choice modelling | |
S | |
Safety | |
Sample size calculation | |
sampling of alternatives | |
sanitisation | |
satisficing | |
scanner data | |
scenario credibility | |
Scheduling choice | |
scheduling model | |
Scheffé models | |
Screening | |
screening heuristics | |
Segregation | |
self-interest | |
Self-report | |
selfishness | |
Semi-compensatory behaviour | |
Semi-compensatory model | |
Sentiment analysis | |
Shared Electric Scooter | |
shield | |
Shopping Behavior | |
Shopping Destination Choice Model | |
Simplified responses | |
Simulation | |
Smart card data | |
Smart energy choices | |
Smartphone survey | |
social acceptability | |
Social capital | |
social desirability | |
social distancing | |
Social housing | |
Social Interactions | |
Social media | |
Social Networks | |
Social norms | |
Social Resources | |
socio-demographic enrichment | |
Sparse covariance matrix | |
Spatial | |
spatial choice models | |
Spatial Dependency | |
Spatial Models | |
Spatial sorting | |
Spillover | |
SRI | |
starting point bias | |
Stated choice | |
Stated choice design | |
Stated choice experiment | |
stated choice experiments | |
stated choice methods | |
stated preference | |
Stated Preference (SP) | |
stated preference choice data | |
Stated preference experiments | |
stated preference methods | |
Stated preference survey | |
stated preferences | |
statistical efficiency | |
Status quo effects | |
stochastic variables | |
strategic responding | |
substitution | |
substitution pattern | |
sugar tax | |
supermarket scanner data | |
survey consequentiality | |
survey engagement | |
Sustainable investments | |
swing weighting | |
Switzerland | |
T | |
Technology adoption | |
Telecommuting | |
Temporal | |
Text data | |
the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011 | |
Third workplace | |
three-generation households | |
time series | |
time use | |
Time use decisions | |
time-geography | |
Tracking data | |
Tracking of choice behavior | |
Transaction model | |
transboundary pollution | |
transparent neural networks | |
transport mode-use | |
Transportation | |
Travel behavior | |
travel demand | |
Travel mode choice | |
Travel time reliability | |
Twitter data | |
two-dimensional movement | |
Two-Sided Market | |
Two-stage choice model | |
two-wheelers | |
U | |
unaccounted autocorrelation | |
unbalanced panel data | |
Unimodal distribution | |
Unobserved heterogeneity | |
urban ecosystem services | |
urban imagery | |
utility functions | |
V | |
vaccine hesitance | |
vaccines | |
validity | |
Value of a statistical injury | |
Value of a statistical life | |
Value of Leisure Time | |
Value of privacy | |
value of travel time | |
value-based care | |
valuing culture | |
variational autoencoder | |
Vehicle choice and utilization | |
Vehicle Choice Modeling | |
Vehicle ownership | |
Vehicle to infrastructure | |
Vehicle to vehicle | |
Vehicle type choice | |
vehicle-kilometre | |
video experience | |
Virtual Reality | |
W | |
waiting times | |
Weibull | |
weighting | |
welfare analysis | |
welfare economics | |
Welfare effects | |
willingness to accept | |
Willingness to pay | |
Willingness-to-pay | |
Willingness-to-pay indicators | |
Woodlands | |
Work-from-home | |
Working from home |