This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
1 | |
1 Internet of Things | |
1)Artificial Intelligence | |
1. Automatic Voice command drug dispenser | |
2 | |
2 Analog to Digital Converter | |
2)Protection relays | |
2. Arduino | |
3 | |
3 Digital to Analog Converter | |
3)Distribution Generation | |
3. IoT | |
32-bit | |
3D printing | |
4 | |
4 light weight Deflectometer | |
4)Radial basis network | |
45nm Technology | |
5 | |
5 Benkelman Beam Deflection | |
5)Confusion Matrix | |
5G | |
5G Wireless Networks | |
6 | |
6G | |
6G network | |
A | |
AA6351-T6 | |
AC Cycle | |
Accelerator | |
Activation function | |
Ada boost | |
ADC | |
adder | |
Adder Enhancement | |
Ads | |
aes | |
AES encryption in payment | |
Affective | |
Alcohol level | |
AlGaN/GaN | |
Allergen Free Food | |
ambiguity function | |
Analog Neural Networks | |
anomalous behavior | |
AntennaRange | |
anti-theft | |
Approximate matrix inversion | |
Arduino | |
Arduino Mega | |
Arithmetic Logic Unit | |
Arm | |
Arrhythmia | |
Artificial neural network | |
aspect angle | |
Assessment Methods | |
ATK-SE | |
author | |
Autoencoders | |
automated proctoring | |
Automation | |
B | |
bandwidth | |
BaseTransreceiverStation | |
Big Data | |
BiLSTM | |
Bio Signals | |
BIST - Built-In Self Test | |
Bistable Approximation simulation engine | |
Blockchain | |
Boost Converter | |
Boron doped NCD | |
Bottom-up approach | |
Brain Imaging | |
brain tumor detection | |
BRAM - Block RAM | |
Bridge the gap | |
C | |
C-arm | |
Cable fault monitoring | |
CAN | |
CANoe | |
capacitive accelerometer | |
Cardiac Disorders | |
Cardiotocograph (CTG) | |
Career | |
Carry Skip Adder (CSA) | |
Cascade H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter | |
CCU Panel | |
CDR | |
Centrifugal casting | |
Channel modelling | |
Cipher Text | |
Class topper optimization (CTO) | |
Class topper optimization algorithm | |
classification | |
Classifier | |
CLB's - Configuration Logic Block | |
Cloud Computing | |
Cloud Security | |
CMOS | |
CMOS logic | |
CMOS Technology | |
CNN | |
Cognitive Radio | |
Coherence vector energy simulation engine | |
Combined economic and emission dispatch problem | |
Combined Emission Economic Dispatch (CEED) | |
Communication Access Programming Language | |
Communication trust | |
Comparator | |
Competency | |
Component Testing | |
Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system | |
Computing | |
Confidentiality | |
Consumer behavior | |
Continuance | |
Convolution | |
Convolution engine | |
Convolutional Layers | |
Convolutional neural network | |
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) | |
Cooperative Spectrum Sensing | |
Copper powder | |
Copula | |
Correct detection ratio | |
Correlation Power Analysis | |
Coupled Inductor(CI) | |
Course Outcomes | |
COVID-19 | |
CRC | |
Crisis | |
Cross-correlation coefficient (CC) | |
Cryptocurrency | |
Cryptographic encryption | |
CVN | |
Cyber Secuirty | |
Cybercrime | |
D | |
DAC | |
Dark channel prior algorithm | |
Data Sharing | |
Database Management | |
DBR (Diode Bridge Rectifier) | |
DC-DC Converter | |
Decision Tree model | |
Deep Learning | |
Deep neural network | |
Defacement | |
des | |
Design Verification | |
Device under Test (DUT) | |
Devops | |
Diamond substrate | |
Differential Power Analysis | |
Digital Multiplier | |
Digitalization | |
DNN | |
DNN Similarities | |
Domino Keeper Logic | |
Double sandwich composite | |
DSP - Digital Signal Processor | |
dynamic QR Code | |
E | |
e-commerce | |
e-transaction | |
eat Transfer | |
ECC | |
ECG | |
Economic Dispatch Problem (ELD) | |
ECU | |
edge | |
Edge devices | |
Education | |
Elastomer foam | |
ELD | |
Electric Vehicles (EVs) | |
Electricity | |
Electronic Control Unit (ECU) | |
Energy efficiency | |
Energy Meter - is the meter which tells the reading of consumption of electricity | |
Energy Storage System (ESS) | |
Entropy parameters | |
Error Detection and Correction | |
ESP32 | |
Ethical implications | |
examinee recognition | |
examinee spoofing | |
eye-gaze estimation | |
F | |
Fabrication | |
Face recognition classification | |
fading | |
feature extraction | |
Feature face | |
Feature Fusion | |
Federated Learning | |
Femto Cell | |
FERD | |
Fetal expression | |
Fetal Heart Rate (FHR) | |
FFT | |
FHR Variability | |
Finite Element Analysis | |
FIR | |
Five level | |
Flexural strength | |
Floating-point | |
Footstep | |
FPGA | |
Fractional Hilbert transform | |
Frank Copula | |
Frequency response masking(FRM) | |
Frequency transformation(FT) | |
Friction Stir Welding | |
Full Adder | |
Fuzzy-PI controller | |
G | |
Gabor feature extraction | |
gadget detection | |
gas sensing | |
Gaussian noise | |
GDI | |
GLAD | |
Glaucoma | |
GPS and GSM | |
Graph based low pass filter | |
Graph with Fast Localization spectral filters | |
GSM | |
GSM - to transmit msg | |
H | |
Harris corner points | |
Harris Hawk Optimization | |
Harvesting | |
head pose estimation | |
Health Monitoring | |
Heart Disease | |
Hermitian Multi-wavelet transform | |
Heterogeneous images | |
Heterogeneous Networks | |
heterostructure | |
Higher education | |
Higher Educational Institutes | |
Hilbert transform | |
Hiring | |
home automation | |
Hospitality sector | |
Hotels | |
HUB | |
HVAC | |
Hybrid Adaptive Rood Pattern | |
hysteresis current control | |
I | |
IFFT | |
Image Denoising | |
Image processing | |
incubator | |
Industrial Automation | |
Instrumentation | |
Integrated Circuit | |
integrated side lobe ratio | |
interactive | |
Internet of Things | |
Internet of Things(IoT) | |
IoT | |
IOT Technology | |
IR sensor | |
iterative algorithm | |
Iterative Methods | |
ITS | |
J | |
JavaScript | |
K | |
K-mean clustering | |
K-Means Clustering | |
Kho-Kho Optimization (KKO) technique | |
Kriging Regression | |
L | |
LabVIEW | |
LabView@2015 | |
Landslide Conditioning Factor (LCF) | |
Landslide Inventory Mapping (LIM) | |
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping (LSM) | |
Layerpipe | |
Leakage Current | |
lightGBM | |
LIN | |
linear frequency modulation | |
Link Change Rate | |
Logistic regression | |
Logistic regression model | |
logistics | |
Long short-term memory Neural Network | |
Low frequency oscillation (LFO) | |
Low probability of intercept | |
LR | |
LSTM | |
LTE | |
Lung segmentation | |
M | |
MAC unit | |
Machine Learing | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine Learning lifecycle | |
Malware | |
Mass-Marketing Fraud | |
Massive MIMO | |
MDCP | |
Median Filter | |
Memristor | |
MEMS | |
Mental illness | |
Metaverse | |
Methodology and SAKURA G | |
Micro generators | |
Microcontrollers | |
MIMO | |
MIP | |
ML | |
ML Ops | |
MLFlow | |
MLOps | |
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Routing | |
Mobile application | |
Mobile devices\ | |
Mobile Trust Factor | |
Modbus Master | |
Modbus RTU | |
Modbus Slave | |
Modified Booth’s multiplier | |
Modified Data Cipher Policies | |
modulation | |
MongoDB | |
motion estimation | |
Moving robot | |
MRI image | |
Multi-Objective Optimization | |
Multiplier | |
N | |
Nano-crystalline Diamond | |
Nanowires | |
Natural Language Processing | |
Navigation | |
Naïve Bayes | |
NB Classifier | |
neonatal | |
Neural Networks | |
Night vision camera | |
NLC | |
NLP | |
Node MCU | |
Node.js | |
NodeMcu | |
Normative | |
NP Domino logic | |
Numerical computation | |
NVC | |
O | |
obstacle detection | |
Online Dating Fraud | |
Online proctoring | |
Online Social Media | |
Online Social Network | |
op-amp | |
Open CV | |
open weather MAP API | |
Optimization based algorithm | |
Optistruct software | |
order information | |
Organizational Commitment | |
Otsu Thresholding | |
overhang constraint | |
P | |
P10 LED board | |
Parallel -beam suspension | |
Parallel self trained timed adder | |
payment | |
payment QR Code | |
payment transaction | |
PDP | |
peak side lobe ratio | |
Performance Indicators | |
petabyte | |
Phase change | |
Phishing | |
PhobiCure | |
Plate-fin heat exchanger | |
PLC | |
Polyethylene foam | |
polyphase codes | |
polytime | |
power allocation | |
Power Exponential type 2 | |
Power generation | |
Power line communication | |
Power operated Tailgate (POT) | |
Power system stabilizer (PSS) | |
pre-processing | |
Precipitation | |
Precision | |
Prepaid - before hand | |
preterm baby | |
Privacy of metaverse | |
profiling | |
Program outcomes | |
propagation scenario | |
PSNR | |
pulse compression | |
PZT | |
Q | |
QR Code | |
Quantum-dot Cellular Automata (QCA) | |
R | |
radar cross section | |
radio channel | |
random forest | |
Random Forest model | |
randshift | |
Raspberry pi | |
Raspberry pi v3 Model B plus | |
Re-configurable hardware | |
readers | |
Recommendation Systems | |
Regression | |
Remote Desktop Access | |
Reordered Normal Basis | |
Resource aware D2D communication | |
Reverse Gumbel | |
RFA | |
RFID | |
Rice leaf disease | |
Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) | |
RNN | |
Robot | |
rounding | |
ROV | |
RS 422 protocol | |
Rumours | |
S | |
safety | |
Salt & pepper noise | |
SAR | |
SCA Hardware Security | |
scale data | |
Scanning Electron Microscopy | |
SCL | |
secure electronic transaction | |
secure payment | |
security | |
security in e-commerce | |
security measures | |
Security of metaverse | |
segmentation | |
Semantic Segmentation | |
Sensor Coverage | |
Sensors | |
Sensors and Actuators | |
Sentiment analysis | |
SET | |
SiC substrate | |
Single Error Correction | |
Smart Cities | |
Smart Grid | |
smart helmet | |
Smart Parking | |
Social Media | |
Social Network frauds | |
SoCs | |
Softmax activation function | |
Software Development lifecycle | |
sound sensor | |
Spectral analysis | |
Spectrum Sensing | |
Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) | |
Spring constant | |
Sputtering | |
SRAM | |
SSIM | |
Stack Filter | |
steganography | |
sub-surface weld defects | |
supply-chain | |
Support Vector Machines | |
SVM | |
Swarm Intelligence | |
swerling models | |
Systolic AI | |
Systolic arrays | |
T | |
TCAM | |
technology | |
telehealth care | |
Temperature | |
Tensile Strength | |
TestStand | |
Text blob | |
THD | |
Thepade SBTC | |
Thermal design | |
Top-down approach | |
Topology Optimization | |
Total annual cost reduction | |
Transcoders | |
Transfer Learning | |
Trust | |
trusted ecosystem | |
U | |
U-NET | |
UGB | |
unbiasing | |
Underwater | |
URL | |
user’s behaviour | |
V | |
Vader | |
Validation | |
Vedic multiplier | |
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network | |
Very Large Scale Integration Design | |
Vickers Hardness | |
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy | |
vocal snippet | |
Volterra Filter | |
VT system | |
vulnerabilities | |
W | |
warehouse | |
Water Absorption | |
WAVECT Controller | |
web application attacks | |
Weight of Evidence (WoE) | |
Wi-Fi | |
X | |
X-ray | |
X-ray generator | |
X310 USRP SDR | |
XGBosst Classifier model | |
Xilinx | |
Xilinx ISE 14.7 | |
Y | |
Yahoo Finance | |
Z | |
ZnO | |
ZYNQ framework |