This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
( | |
(dis)harmony | |
(in)coherence | |
(multi-)ethnolect | |
(multi-)ethnolects | |
A | |
accent bias | |
accent studies | |
accent variation | |
acceptability | |
Accommodation | |
acquisition | |
Adolescent Speech | |
Adolescents | |
adpositions | |
Afrikaans | |
Afrikaans as African sister language to Dutch | |
Age | |
age grading | |
Allophonic variation | |
allophony | |
alternation | |
American Yiddish | |
Analogy | |
analysis vs. synthesis | |
anglicisms | |
Anglo-Cornish dialect | |
approximants | |
argument constructions | |
articulatory variation | |
assimilation | |
Attitudes | |
Attitudes and ideologies | |
audience design | |
Australian English | |
Austria | |
Austrian German | |
authenticity | |
Auxiliary Selection | |
Aymara | |
B | |
backchannels | |
Basque | |
Basque dialects | |
Basque Language | |
BATH | |
BATH vowel | |
Bavarian | |
Bavarian dialects | |
Belgian Dutch | |
benim | |
bidialectalism | |
Bilingual speech | |
bilingualism | |
body height | |
Bokmål | |
borrowing | |
boundaries | |
Brazilian Portuguese | |
British English | |
C | |
Canadian English | |
Cardiff English | |
cartography | |
case | |
Castellano Andino | |
Catalan | |
categoricity | |
Celtic | |
Change | |
change in real time | |
child-directed speech | |
children | |
Chinese | |
Classification | |
Classification of dialects | |
classifications of dialects | |
clefting | |
clicks | |
cluster analysis | |
clustering | |
CMC | |
Coherence | |
Community of practice | |
Competition | |
Competitiveness | |
complementizers | |
complexification | |
compound | |
computational sociolinguistics | |
computer mediated communication | |
computer-mediated communication | |
constructions | |
contact | |
contact linguistics | |
contact variety | |
Contact-induced variation and change | |
Contemporary Baltic languages | |
contraction | |
control acts | |
control condition | |
convergence | |
conversation analysis | |
cooccurrence | |
Cornish English | |
Corpora | |
corpus | |
corpus analysis | |
corpus data | |
corpus linguistics | |
corpus-based | |
corpus-based analysis | |
Corpus-based classifications | |
covariation | |
cross-dialectal comprehension | |
cross-linguistic comparison | |
Cross-modal priming | |
crowd sourcing | |
crowd-sourcing | |
crowdsourcing | |
cultural attitudes | |
cultural identity | |
Cypriot Greek | |
Cypriot Greek koine | |
D | |
Danish dialects | |
data elicitation | |
data-mining | |
Database | |
dative alternation | |
default | |
Degemination | |
dental affricates | |
developmental sociolinguistics | |
Diachrony | |
Dialect | |
Dialect boundaries | |
Dialect change | |
dialect classification | |
dialect classifications | |
dialect cohesion | |
Dialect Contact | |
dialect continua | |
dialect continuum | |
dialect convergence | |
Dialect death | |
Dialect features | |
Dialect levelling | |
dialect loss | |
Dialect Maps | |
Dialect mixing | |
Dialect syntax | |
Dialect use online | |
Dialect variation | |
Dialectal features | |
dialectology | |
dialectology of tone | |
dialectometry | |
dialects | |
Dialects in contact | |
dialects online | |
diaspora | |
diaspora languages | |
diasporas | |
diatopic variation | |
Diffusion models | |
digital linguistic practices | |
Digital speech recordings | |
diglossia | |
dimension reduction methods | |
diminutives | |
discourse analysis | |
Discourse Markers | |
discourses of national belonging | |
distributional methods | |
distributional semantic models | |
distributional semantics | |
dominance | |
Dutch | |
Dutch language variation | |
E | |
Eastern Basque | |
ecological conditions | |
Edinburgh | |
Edinburgh English | |
Education | |
EEG | |
Egypt | |
electroencephalography (EEG) | |
endangered languages | |
English | |
English dialects | |
English language | |
English varieties | |
Estonian | |
Ethnography | |
ethnolectal variation | |
ethnolects | |
ethnolinguistic identity | |
evidentiality | |
ex situ focus | |
Exemplar Theory | |
experimental methodology | |
Explicit & implicit language attitudes | |
F | |
Faroese | |
Feature-based classifications | |
Finnic languages | |
focus group | |
focus movement | |
focus-group discussions | |
folk etymology | |
folk linguistics | |
folksongs | |
foreign accents | |
formal phonological theory | |
French | |
frequency | |
Frequency effects | |
Frisian | |
Friulian | |
Fundamental Frequency Range | |
G | |
Galician | |
Gascon Occitan | |
gender | |
gender assignment | |
Gender Marking | |
genderlinguistics | |
general framework | |
generalized additive mixed models | |
genitive | |
geographic information systems | |
Geographical coordinates of the location | |
Geolinguistic landscape | |
Geolinguistic research | |
geolinguistics | |
German | |
German and Danish | |
German Base Dialects | |
German Dialects | |
Germanic | |
Germanic Languages | |
Germanic lingustic exclave/enclave | |
Grammar | |
grammar and usage | |
grammatical change | |
grammatical variation | |
grammaticalization | |
Grapho-stilistic variants | |
Greek | |
Greek dialect | |
Greko | |
Griko | |
grime music | |
H | |
Hate Speech | |
hella | |
Heritage language | |
hesitation markers | |
Highest-Alemannic | |
historical linguistics | |
historical sociolinguistics | |
historical sound changes | |
honorific | |
human-computer interaction | |
hypothesis testing | |
I | |
Ibero-Romance languages | |
Icelandic | |
Icelandic language | |
Identity | |
Identity shifts | |
idiosyncrasy | |
ig-Variation | |
Immigrants | |
Immigration | |
Imperfective | |
implicational scale | |
Incrementation | |
indexical order | |
Indexicality | |
Indian English | |
individual variation | |
infinitival prefix | |
Inflection | |
ingroup | |
inofficial names | |
insider speech | |
intensifiers | |
interaction | |
interactional acceptability | |
interactional linguistics | |
Interactive writing | |
Interface Hypothesis | |
Internet | |
interview | |
Israeli Yiddish | |
Italian | |
Italian accents | |
Italo-Romance dialects | |
J | |
Jutlandic dialects | |
K | |
keyboard input | |
Kleiner Niederländischer Sprachatlas | |
koine formation | |
komen with motion verb | |
L | |
L2 acquisition of structured variation | |
L2 perception | |
language acquisition | |
Language Activism | |
Language and migration | |
language and sexuality | |
language attitudes | |
language awareness | |
language change | |
language change across the life-span | |
language choice | |
language contact | |
language contacts | |
Language decay | |
Language evaluation | |
language ideologies | |
Language ideology | |
Language in the periphery | |
language island | |
language learning | |
language modeling | |
Language networks | |
language perception | |
language perception and attitudes | |
Language planning | |
Language policing | |
language politics | |
Language production | |
language profiles | |
language regards | |
language shift | |
language technology | |
language use online | |
language variation | |
language variation and change | |
language variation and change over the lifespan | |
Language Varieties | |
language-dialect-contact | |
Latin American Spanish | |
Latvian dialects | |
Latvian vowels | |
lectal predictors | |
lectal variation | |
lectometry | |
legalese | |
lenition | |
levels of abstraction | |
lexical areas | |
Lexical decision | |
lexical effects | |
lexical forms | |
lexical lectometry | |
lexical set | |
lexical variation | |
lexical variety | |
lexicography | |
lexicon | |
Lexis | |
LGBTQ+ | |
Life Cycle of Sound Change | |
Limburgish | |
linguistic attitudes | |
linguistic borders | |
linguistic cartography | |
Linguistic change | |
linguistic climate | |
Linguistic creativity | |
Linguistic diversity | |
linguistic geography | |
linguistic landscape | |
linguistic marketplace | |
linguistic stereotypes | |
linguistic stereotyping | |
linguistic system | |
linguistic variation | |
lingusitic construction of social categories | |
listener responses | |
literacy | |
Literary strategic purposes | |
Lithuanian | |
Lithuanian dialects | |
Lithuanian language | |
Lithuanian vowels | |
Loanwords | |
Local identity | |
local language varieties | |
locative adverbs | |
London | |
low-frequency variable | |
Luxembourgish | |
M | |
Mandarin | |
Maps | |
Mental storage | |
mergers and splits | |
Metalinguistic comments | |
Method | |
methodology | |
microlanguage | |
Middle English | |
Middle-bavarian dialect | |
migrant community | |
Migration | |
minority language | |
minority languages | |
Mismatch Negativity | |
mixed methods | |
mixed varieties | |
mixed-code | |
Mišótika Cappadocian | |
modality | |
Modern English | |
Modern Greek | |
mood | |
morpho-syntactic change | |
morpho-syntax | |
morphological variation | |
morphology | |
morphosyntactic variation | |
morphosyntax | |
multi-ethnic dialects | |
Multicultural London English | |
Multicultural London English (MLE) | |
multiethnolect | |
Multiethnolects | |
multilingual community | |
multilingualism | |
Multimodality | |
Multiple factor analysis | |
N | |
n-grams | |
Nahuatl | |
names | |
Native coinages | |
natural language processing | |
need | |
negation | |
neighbourhood proximity | |
Neo-standard Italian | |
neo-standards | |
neuter | |
new dialect formation | |
New speakers | |
newspapers | |
NLP | |
non-binary | |
Non-native accents | |
non-pulmonic | |
Nordic languages | |
North Frisian | |
Norwegian | |
nPVI | |
Nynorsk | |
O | |
Offline | |
Online | |
Online Code-mixing | |
online communication | |
Online Identity construction | |
online language | |
Online Place-making | |
Online teenage talk | |
Online writing | |
Onomasiology | |
onomastics | |
ontology | |
Optimisation of Network Points | |
optional quantitative ER | |
oracy | |
Oral and digital vernacular | |
orthographic variation | |
Orthography | |
other-deprecatory | |
P | |
panel research | |
panel speakers | |
particle placement | |
past participle | |
Past tense | |
perception | |
Perception and production | |
performative identity | |
Periphery | |
personal pronouns | |
Phoneme boundaries | |
phonemic mergers and splits | |
phonemic split | |
phonemic splits | |
phonetic change | |
phonetic microvariation | |
phonetics | |
phonological change | |
phonology | |
physical appearance | |
Piedmontese | |
plasticity in speech perception and production | |
Poetic utilization of varieties of Afrikaans | |
Poland | |
Polish | |
Political borders | |
Pomerania | |
Pommeranian | |
Portuguese dialects | |
possessive pronouns | |
pragmatics | |
preaspiration | |
prepositions | |
prescriptivism | |
present-day Swedish | |
Prestige | |
preterite | |
priming | |
Probabilistic grammars | |
production | |
production-perception relations | |
Productivity | |
proficiency | |
Pronominal variation | |
pronouns | |
prosodic domains | |
psycholinguistics | |
Putonghua | |
Q | |
qualitative research | |
quantification | |
Quechua | |
questionnaire | |
quotative be like | |
Quotatives | |
R | |
Real time | |
real time data | |
real time studies | |
real-time study | |
regional Dutch | |
regional English | |
Regional language features | |
regional languages | |
regional variation | |
regional varieties | |
register | |
regularization | |
relative clauses | |
repertoire | |
restrictive subject relativizers | |
review | |
Rhine Franconian dialects | |
Rhotics | |
rhythm | |
Rinkeby | |
Romance | |
Romanesco | |
Rules | |
Rural | |
Russian | |
Russian Federation | |
Russian speakers in Finland | |
S | |
salience | |
sampling | |
Scandinavian | |
Scandinavian Languages | |
School classroom | |
Scotland | |
Scottish English | |
Scouse | |
second dialect acquisition | |
second language acquisition | |
semantic variation | |
semantic vector space | |
semantics | |
Semasiology | |
semiotic resources | |
Slovene | |
Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA) | |
Small Language communities | |
smartphone apps | |
smartphone input | |
smartphones | |
social conditioning | |
Social dialectology | |
social factors | |
social meaning | |
social meaning of language variation | |
social media | |
social media analysis | |
social network sites | |
Sociolinguistic change | |
sociolinguistic motivation | |
Sociolinguistic parameters | |
Sociolinguistic Theory | |
sociolinguistic variable | |
sociolinguistics | |
sociophonetics | |
Sociopolitical aims | |
sociopragmatic factors | |
sociopragmatics | |
socioprosody | |
SocioSyntax | |
software | |
Sorbian | |
sound change | |
South Schleswig Danish | |
Southern British English | |
Southern Spanish varieties | |
Spanish | |
Spanish varieties in contact | |
spatial patterns | |
spatial regression analysis | |
speaker evaluation | |
Speech evaluation | |
Speech variation | |
Speech variation and coherence | |
split | |
splits | |
spoken language | |
Spontaneous speech | |
Sprachinsel | |
Stance | |
Standard German pronunciation | |
Standard Greek | |
Standard language (change) | |
standard language change | |
standard language ideology | |
Standard orthography | |
Standard usage | |
standard-dialect variation | |
standardisation | |
standardization | |
Standardization and standard language ideology | |
statistical techniques | |
stative possession | |
street names | |
strong and weak inflection | |
Style | |
style shifting | |
Style-Shifting | |
style-shifts | |
Stylistic Variation | |
subject expression | |
subject pronoun expression | |
substrate influence | |
survey methods | |
Surveys | |
Swabian | |
Swedish | |
Swiss German | |
Syntactic change | |
syntactic variation | |
syntactical change | |
syntactical variety | |
Syntax | |
T | |
Theoretical linguistics | |
Third-wave | |
tone | |
TRAP | |
TRAP vowel | |
tussentaal | |
Tyneside English | |
typological change | |
U | |
Udmurt | |
Underspecification | |
urban languages | |
Urban/rural | |
US dialects | |
Usage-based phonology | |
V | |
Variation | |
variation accross registers | |
variation of german | |
Variation Studies | |
variationist linguistic | |
Variationist linguistics | |
variationist methods | |
varieties of Dutch | |
vector space models | |
verb clustering | |
verb conversions | |
verb morphology | |
Verb-movement | |
Verb-second | |
verbal art | |
Verbal complex | |
verbal inflection | |
verbal system | |
verbal-guise technique | |
vernacular writing | |
voiced fricatives | |
voicing and vowel quality | |
vowel merger | |
vowel normalization | |
Vowel perception | |
Vowel production | |
vowel space | |
Vowel system | |
Vowel systems | |
vowel variation | |
Vowels | |
W | |
Wales | |
Welsh | |
Welsh English | |
Welsh language | |
West Midlands | |
West-Germanic varieties | |
which-witch merger | |
Wilamowice | |
word embedding | |
word frequency | |
word search | |
World Englishes | |
writing | |
writing systems | |
written dialect | |
written language | |
Written language practices | |
Wu dialect | |
Wymysiöryś | |
Y | |
Yiddish | |
Youth language | |
Z | |
Zeelandic Flemish |