This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
' | |
'Consensus Control' | |
'Distributed Secondary Control' | |
'Islanded Microgrid' | |
'Voltage Control' | |
- | |
- Active Clamp Snubber | |
- Bluetooth controller | |
- DC-DC Converter | |
- Electromagnetic Induction type Wireless Power Transmission | |
- High switching frequency | |
- No losses active snubber | |
- Quasi Resonant Flyback | |
- RCD snubber | |
/ | |
/electromagnetic hammer | |
/performance of high temperature | |
1 | |
1000kV UHV | |
10kV distribution network | |
2 | |
2-D and 3-D direct coupled model | |
2-D Halbach Magnet Array | |
2-D magnet array | |
2-D magnetic properties | |
2D finite element analysis (FEA) | |
3 | |
3-D air-gap | |
3-D dynamic simulation | |
3-D FEM | |
3-D finite element analysis | |
3-D finite-element method | |
3-D Magnetic Properties Measurement System | |
3-order harmonic | |
3D FEA | |
3D magnetic field measurement | |
3D magnetic sensor | |
3D-FEA | |
4 | |
4D power system | |
4phase 8/6 srm | |
8 | |
8200 series electric locomotive | |
A | |
A Bearingless Induction Motor | |
AC drives | |
ac excited pump storage unit (ACEPSU) | |
AC losses | |
AC machine | |
AC microgrid | |
AC-AC Converter | |
acceleration | |
acoustic noise | |
Active common-mode filter | |
Active damping | |
Active Disturbance Rejection Control | |
Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) | |
Active noise reduction | |
Active power correction module | |
Active power filter | |
Active Rectifier | |
Active short circuit | |
Active Stabilization | |
active suspension control | |
active vibration cancellation | |
actuator | |
Adaptive control | |
Adaptive Filter | |
adaptive genetic algorithm | |
adaptive law | |
Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy | |
adaptive virtual impedance | |
Adjusting phase angle | |
ADRC | |
Advanced | |
Advanced Differential Evolution | |
Aerial Vehicle | |
AFPM | |
Aging | |
Air conditioners | |
air cooling induction motor | |
air core reactor | |
air gap magnetic field | |
air-gap flux density | |
Air-gap flux orientation control | |
algorithm of chickens | |
Alloy | |
alternately saturated | |
Alternative Energy | |
Aluminum shielding | |
AMB | |
amorphous stator core | |
Ampacity | |
Analysis | |
analytic method | |
analytical calculation | |
analytical method | |
analytical model | |
analytical modeling | |
Analytical solution | |
Analytical windage losses model | |
angle stability | |
ANSYS Icepak | |
ant colony optimization algorithm | |
anti-short-circuit | |
APF, | |
Application-oriented design | |
Approximation Function | |
Arc | |
Arc linear permanent magnet machine | |
arc-linear axial flux permanent-magnet synchronous machine (AL-AF-PMSM) | |
arresting cable | |
arresting system | |
Arrhenius Equation | |
AS5304 | |
Asset Management | |
assistant teeth | |
Asymmetric primary | |
Asymmetric Salient Pole | |
asymmetric trapezoidal | |
Asymmetrical fault | |
Asymmetrical Grid Faults | |
Asymmetrical short-circuit | |
Asymmetrical Single-phase Induction Motor | |
asymmetrical stator | |
Asynchronous motor | |
atomization parameter | |
Automatic generation | |
automatic Multi-Objective Optimization | |
automatic retract | |
Automotive driving cycle | |
Auxiliary | |
auxiliary power system | |
Auxiliary power unit | |
Auxiliary slot | |
Auxiliary tooth | |
auxiliary winding | |
AVC | |
Aviation power generation system | |
axes cross-coupling | |
axial field | |
axial field flux-switching permanent magnet machine | |
Axial field motor | |
Axial flux | |
axial flux machine | |
axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) machines | |
axial flux permanent magnet machines | |
Axial flux permanent magnet motor (AFPM) | |
axial flux rotor | |
Axial Flux Switching Machines | |
axial magnetic field coreless permanent magnet motor | |
axial magnetic force, | |
Axial PM machine | |
axial-field | |
axial-flux | |
Axial-flux machine | |
Axial-flux permanent magnet (AFPM) | |
axial-flux PM machine, | |
Axially tapered stator tooth tip | |
B | |
B-H curve | |
B-H sensing structure | |
back EMF coefficient | |
back EMF harmonics | |
Back-EMF synchronized | |
backEMF | |
Backstepping | |
Balancer | |
ballscrew system | |
Bar current | |
Bar-cage rotor | |
Bar-type IPM | |
Bare-bones particle swarm optimization | |
base plate solder | |
Basic characteristic | |
Battery | |
Battery direct current resistance | |
battery energy storage | |
battery management | |
Battery management system | |
battery module | |
Battery power capability prediction | |
Battery Powered Railway Vehicle | |
Battery storage | |
Bearing fault detection | |
Bearingless | |
Bearingless Flux-switching Motor (BFSM) | |
bearingless permanent magnet synchronous motor | |
Bearingless switched reluctance motor | |
bearingless switched reluctance motor (BSRM) | |
bearingless synchronous reluctance motor | |
behavioral model | |
Bi-directional converter | |
Bi-directional DC-DC Converters | |
Bias-Flip Rectifier | |
biased Flux | |
bidirectional | |
bidirectional DC/DC converter | |
bidirectional power flow | |
bifurcation | |
biological intelligent control | |
Bipolar LVDC | |
Bipolar-CMOS-DMOS | |
BLDC Motor | |
Blender Machine | |
Bond Graph | |
Bonded Halbach cylinder | |
Boost chopper converter | |
boost converter | |
boost full-bridge isolated ; | |
boost mode | |
boost voltage | |
BP algorithm | |
Braking unit | |
breakage | |
bridge-like amplification mechanism | |
Brushless | |
brushless DC machine | |
brushless DC motor | |
Brushless Doubly Fed Machine | |
Brushless Doubly Fed Machines (BDFM) | |
brushless doubly fed reluctance machine | |
brushless doubly fed twin stator induction generator | |
brushless doubly-fed generator | |
Brushless doubly-fed generator (BDFG) | |
brushless doubly-fed machine | |
Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) | |
bubble defect | |
buck mode | |
Buck-Boost | |
Buck-boost converter | |
Buck-boost inverter | |
burn-in test | |
Burr | |
C | |
cable equation | |
calculation method | |
calculation model | |
Calorimeter | |
canned solid-rotor induction motor with squirrel-cage | |
Capacitance calculation | |
capacitor voltage estimation | |
Carbon Fiber Composite Materials | |
carrier wave ratio | |
cascaded H-bridge rectifier | |
Cascaded Half-Bridge | |
cascaded system | |
Cascased H-bridge inverter | |
ceramic winding carrier | |
CGID(Commercial Grade Item Dedication) | |
Channel optimization | |
chaotic characteristic | |
chaotic oscillation | |
characteristics | |
Characterization | |
Charging and discharging | |
Chip resistor | |
Circuit breaker | |
Circuit integration | |
circuit synthesis | |
circulating current | |
clamp circuit | |
Closed slot | |
closing protection | |
closing state | |
Cloud based Control | |
Cloud Computing | |
cluster center | |
Clustering | |
Coasting characteristics | |
Coasting synchronization | |
coated superconductor magnets | |
Cogging torque | |
cogging torque design of experiment | |
coil | |
collaborative control | |
Color Sensor | |
Combined Clustering Algorithm | |
Combiner lens | |
Common DC bus | |
Common Mode Voltage elimination | |
Common Mode Voltage mitigation | |
Common-mode voltage | |
communication system | |
commutation | |
Commutation Compensation | |
compensation | |
Compensation current | |
compensation windings | |
Complex Simpson integral formula | |
complex vector | |
complex vector regulator | |
Compound fuzzy control | |
computation time | |
Computational fluid dynamics | |
Concentrated | |
concentrated winding | |
Condition monitoring | |
Condition Monitoring techniques | |
conditional value-at-risk | |
conducted electromagnetic interference | |
Conductive media | |
conductivity | |
conductor temperature | |
Conical-rotor PM generator, | |
Connect model | |
Consensus algorithm | |
consequent pole | |
consequent pole (CP) rotor | |
Consequent-pole | |
constant current | |
constant current source pulse (CCSP) | |
Constant Power Load | |
Constant Power Loads | |
Constant speed drive | |
Constant voltage constant frequency | |
Contact Loss | |
Contactless power transfer | |
contactless transformer | |
contactors | |
continuous skew | |
Continuous Transition Model | |
Control | |
Control Method | |
control strategies of converters | |
control strategy | |
Control System | |
control wind turbine | |
controllable excitation LSM | |
controllable reactor | |
controller | |
Conversion System | |
converter | |
converter topology | |
converter-fed rotor | |
cool of motor | |
cooling medium | |
Cooling performance | |
Cooling system | |
cooperation game | |
Coordinate Control | |
coordinated control method | |
coordinative optimization control | |
Copper | |
core loss | |
core losses | |
correlation algorithm | |
Correlative Switching Technique | |
Cost benefit analysis | |
cost of maintenance | |
Counteracting PWM schemes | |
coupled harmonic oscillators | |
Coupling analyses | |
coupling characteristics | |
Cross-coupled magnetic saturation | |
Crosscoupling | |
crowbar circuit | |
cryogenic permanent magnet synchronous motor | |
CSM | |
Cumulative distribution function | |
cumulative fatigue damage rule | |
cup-shaped axial magnetic contact | |
current control | |
Current derivative | |
Current Derivative Measurement | |
Current distribution | |
Current Feedforward | |
current harmonic suppression | |
Current limiting reactor(CLR) | |
current minimization | |
current observer | |
current predictive control | |
Current ripple | |
Current source | |
Current Source Controller | |
Current source inverter | |
Current source rectifier | |
current trajectory | |
current transient | |
current-source inverter | |
current-source thyristor inverter | |
D | |
d-q transformations | |
DAB | |
damper windings | |
Damping force | |
Data Interpolation | |
Data mining | |
DC bias | |
DC breaker | |
DC Bus inductor | |
DC chopper circuit | |
DC components | |
DC distribution | |
DC distribution system | |
DC electric system | |
DC Electromagnetic Pump | |
DC high current | |
DC micro-grid | |
DC microgrid | |
dc motor drive | |
DC solid state transformer | |
DC-AC power conversion | |
DC-DC boost converter | |
DC-DC converter | |
DC-Link Capacitor | |
DC-link voltage sensorless | |
DC-machines | |
DC-to-DC converter | |
DC/DC Converter | |
dc/dc converters | |
DE algorithm | |
Dead Band | |
Dead-time | |
deadbeat control | |
deadbeat-direct torque and flux control | |
Decentralized control | |
Decision tree classification | |
decompose fault model | |
decoupling control | |
decoupling control strategy | |
Deep Learning | |
delay | |
demagnetization | |
Demand Control | |
Demand response | |
Demand response aggregation | |
Demand Response Provider | |
demodulation | |
Dependable control | |
Design | |
Design and Comparison | |
Design and Control | |
Design of Experiment (DoE) | |
Design optimization | |
design technology | |
deviation decouling strategy | |
DFIG | |
DFIG wind turbines | |
DFT | |
DGA | |
DGA(dissolved gas analysis) | |
Diagnostic Coverage | |
dielectric losses | |
Diesel Generator | |
different locations | |
Different Operational Conditions | |
Different rotor structure | |
differential equations | |
Differential Negative Feedback Control | |
digital control | |
digital control system | |
Digital Electrical Appliances | |
Digtial control delay | |
Diode-Clamped Modular Multilevel Converters | |
Dipole-Collective | |
direct control | |
direct coupling | |
direct current | |
Direct Matrix Converter | |
direct measurement | |
direct power control | |
Direct Self Control | |
Direct Thrust Control | |
Direct torque and flux control | |
Direct Torque Control | |
direct torque control (DTC) | |
direct voltage control | |
Direct-Drive | |
Direct-drive robotics | |
direct-drive wave energy conversion system | |
direct-drive wave power generation | |
direct-drive wind power generation | |
Direct-driven | |
Direct-type lead exit | |
discharge | |
discharge performance | |
disconnector | |
discontinuous conduction mode | |
Discontinuous current mode | |
discrete elements model | |
discrete-time complex vector current regulator | |
discrete-time sliding mode control (DSMC) | |
Discretization | |
displacement estimator | |
Distributed | |
distributed computation technique | |
distributed control | |
Distributed Generation | |
distributed winding | |
Distribution Networks | |
distribution transformer | |
disturbance compensation | |
disturbance observer | |
disturbance observer (DOB) | |
disturbance rejection property | |
Doernenburg | |
Domain Control Units | |
double fed induction machine | |
double Fourier integral analysis | |
Double inverters | |
double level network | |
double modulation wave carrier PWM | |
double pulse test | |
Double rotor | |
Double sided linear induction motor | |
Double stator | |
Double-end supply | |
double-fed induction generator(DFIG) | |
Double-side permanent magnet linear synchronous generator | |
double-sided tubular generator | |
double-stator flux-switching permanent magnet motor | |
doubly fed induction generator | |
Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) | |
doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) | |
Doubly salient | |
doubly salient electro-magnetic machine | |
Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Motor | |
doubly-excited winding | |
Doubly-Fed Induction Generator | |
doubly-fed start-up | |
DPC | |
DQ current controller | |
drag system | |
Drive performance | |
drive-trains | |
driving cycle | |
Droop control | |
DRPMR machine | |
DSC(Delayed Signal Cancellation) | |
DSP | |
DTC | |
dual active bridge | |
dual air gap | |
Dual cooling passages | |
Dual excitation control | |
dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) | |
Dual Fan Motors | |
Dual Inverters | |
dual power flow | |
Dual rotor | |
dual stator | |
dual stator Doubly Salient Electro-magnet Motor | |
Dual stator winding inducton machine | |
dual SVM method | |
Dual three-phase (DTP) | |
dual-active-bridge converter (DAB) | |
dual-closed loop | |
dual-inverter | |
dual-loop control | |
dual-rotor | |
Dual-side cascade inverter | |
dual-stator | |
dual-stator brushless doubly fed induction machine | |
dual-stator brushless doubly-fed generator | |
Duality electric magnetic circuit | |
Duffing system | |
Dummy slot | |
duty cycle modulation | |
duty ratio control | |
duty ratio modulation | |
Duval | |
DVR | |
DWIG system | |
dynamic characteristics | |
dynamic coupling | |
Dynamic Current | |
Dynamic DC load | |
dynamic decoupling control | |
dynamic demonstrating | |
dynamic electrical networks | |
dynamic equivalent modeling method | |
Dynamic model s | |
Dynamic performance | |
dynamic process | |
dynamic response | |
dynamic response characteristics | |
Dynamic Stability | |
dynamic voltage restorer | |
E | |
E-core | |
E-CVT | |
Earth Fault Protection | |
Eccentric rotor | |
eccentricity | |
Eccentricity Fault | |
Economic dispatch | |
Economical Replacement Cycle | |
ECRIS magnet | |
ECU | |
eddy current | |
Eddy current distributions | |
Eddy current loss | |
Eddy current magnet loss | |
eddy current sensor | |
Effective skin depth | |
efficiency | |
efficiency control | |
efficiency improvement | |
efficiency maps | |
Efficiency optimization control | |
Efficiency optimization control (EOC) | |
EHV shunt reactor | |
Electric Drives | |
Electric field | |
electric field distribution | |
electric field generation | |
electric grid | |
electric machine | |
electric motor | |
electric property | |
electric tools | |
electric traction | |
Electric vehicle | |
Electric Vehicle (EV) | |
Electric vehicles | |
Electric Vehicles(EVs) | |
Electrical | |
Electrical Analogue | |
Electrical damping | |
electrical drives | |
electrical engineering | |
Electrical engineering education | |
electrical life | |
electrical loss | |
Electrical Machinery | |
electrical properties | |
Electrical steel | |
electrical variable transmission | |
electrically excited synchronous machine | |
Electricity markets | |
Electriv Vehicle | |
electro-thermal | |
Electrolytic Capacitor-less | |
Electromagnet Actuator | |
electromagnet structure | |
electromagnetci performance | |
electromagnetic analysis | |
electromagnetic and temperature coupling | |
electromagnetic and thermal characteristics | |
electromagnetic and thermal coupled analysis | |
electromagnetic and thermal design | |
electromagnetic arresting gear | |
Electromagnetic clutch | |
Electromagnetic coupling | |
electromagnetic design | |
electromagnetic detection | |
Electromagnetic devices | |
Electromagnetic energy harvester | |
Electromagnetic Exciting Force | |
electromagnetic field | |
electromagnetic force ripple | |
Electromagnetic Forces | |
Electromagnetic loss | |
electromagnetic modeling | |
electromagnetic optimization | |
electromagnetic performances | |
Electromagnetic properties | |
Electromagnetic torque | |
Electromagnetic vibration | |
Electromagnetic-Fluid-Thermal Coupling | |
electromagnetic-mechanical coupled model | |
electromagnetic-structural coupled analysis | |
electromagneto-mechanical two-way coupled model | |
electrostatic precipitator | |
Elimination of the steady state error | |
EMA | |
emergency diesel generator | |
Emergency Power | |
EMF integration | |
EMI | |
end effect | |
end leakage reactance | |
end region | |
energy | |
Energy Balanced | |
energy consumption | |
energy conversion | |
Energy Harvesting | |
Energy management | |
energy management system | |
energy method | |
energy router | |
energy saving | |
energy storage | |
Energy storage generator | |
energy storage system | |
Energy Storages | |
Engine-generator | |
engineer | |
engineering design | |
EPIM (Explosion-proof Integrative Motor) | |
Equilibrium Strategy | |
equivalent circuit | |
equivalent circuit parameter | |
equivalent electrical-circuit model (ECM) | |
Equivalent magnetic circuit | |
equivalent magnetic network circuit | |
equivalent relationship | |
error | |
Estimation Error | |
EV applications | |
evaporative cooling | |
evporative cooling | |
Excitation control system | |
Excitation Frequency | |
exciting and auxiliary poles | |
experimental correlation | |
Experimental evaluation | |
Experimental result | |
experimental voltage generator | |
exported torque | |
extended electromotive force | |
Extended Kalman filter | |
Extended state observer | |
extended state observer (ESO) | |
external rotor | |
external rotor PMSM | |
external rotor surface permanent magnet machine | |
External-internal relation of magnetic field | |
external-rotor permanent magnet synchronous machine | |
extreme learning machine (ELM) identifier | |
F | |
Fail Code | |
Failure modes | |
Fast Fourier Transform | |
fast simulation | |
Fatigue Fracture | |
fatigue life prediction | |
fault analysis | |
fault current | |
Fault Detection | |
Fault diagnosis | |
fault identification | |
fault location | |
fault mode | |
Fault Model | |
Fault Signature | |
Fault tolerance | |
fault tolerant | |
fault tolerant control | |
fault tolerant permanent magnet synchronous motor | |
fault Transient expression | |
Fault-Compensation | |
Fault-Tolerance | |
fault-tolerant | |
Fault-Tolerant Motor | |
fault-tree analysis(FTA) | |
Fe-Ga alloy | |
FEA | |
feature selection | |
FEA, | |
Feed-forward control | |
Feed-Forward Control、 | |
feedback flux-weakening | |
Feeder cable | |
FEM | |
FEM Design | |
FEM method | |
ferrite | |
ferrite core | |
ferrite magnet | |
Ferrite permanent magnet machine | |
ferromagnetic poles | |
Ferromagnetism | |
Ferroresonance assessment | |
Field Computation | |
field coupling model | |
field flux-switching permanent magnet motor | |
field Installation; | |
field modulated | |
Field Orientated Control | |
Field Oriented Control | |
Field parameter | |
Field Test | |
Field Weakening Region | |
field winding H-bridge | |
Field-Circuit Coupled | |
field-modulation | |
field-oriented control | |
Filed Weakening | |
filter design | |
finite element | |
finite element analysis | |
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) | |
finite element electromagnetic field analysis | |
finite element method | |
Finite element method (FEM) | |
finite element methods (FEM) | |
finite element simulation | |
finite method | |
finite state machine (FSM) | |
Finite-element analysis | |
finite-element method | |
firing angle | |
Five-leg Voltage Source Inverter | |
Five-level inverter | |
Five-Phase | |
five-phase inverter | |
five-phase IPM motor | |
flexible converter | |
Flexible loads | |
Flexible Power Transmission Device | |
FLL(Frequency Locked Loop) | |
flow characteristics | |
flow parameter | |
fluid field | |
fluid-thermal coupled | |
flux barrier | |
Flux Barrier Machine | |
flux density distribution | |
Flux leakage effects | |
flux reversal | |
flux switching | |
Flux Switching Machines | |
Flux switching motor with segmented secondary | |
Flux Weakening | |
Flux-barrier | |
Flux-focusing structure | |
flux-linkage based method | |
flux-modulated machine | |
flux-modulation machine | |
flux-regulation | |
flux-regulation capability | |
flux-switching | |
Flux-switching machine | |
flux-switching permanent magnet | |
flux-switching permanent magnet machines (FSPMM) | |
Flux-switching permanent magnet motor | |
Flux-varying | |
Flux-weakening | |
Flux-weakening control | |
flux-weakening performance | |
FluxEstimation | |
flyback microinverter | |
flying capacitor | |
flywheel | |
Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) | |
flywheel energy system | |
flywheel system | |
FMPM in-wheel motor | |
follow-up mode | |
force characteristic | |
force density | |
Force ripple | |
Forging applications | |
four-switch three-phase inverter | |
FPGA | |
Fraction slot concentrated winding | |
fractional order model | |
fractional slot | |
fractional-order model | |
Fractional-slot concentrated winding | |
Fractional-slot concentrated-winding | |
Fractional-slot concentrated-wound stator | |
Fractional-slot windings | |
free-piston energy converter | |
Freewheeling | |
frequency | |
frequency change rate | |
Frequency control | |
frequency cross coupling | |
frequency division | |
Frequency Factor | |
frequency regulation | |
Frequency Splitting | |
frozen permeability method | |
FSPM | |
FSS control | |
fuel cell Power generation | |
full-bridge converter | |
Full-Bridge Inverter | |
full-order stator flux observer | |
fully HTS electric motor | |
Fully-immersed evaporative cooling | |
Functional Safety | |
Fundamental | |
Fundamental motor loss | |
fuzzy clustering algorithm | |
fuzzy control | |
fuzzy entropy | |
Fuzzy Logic Control | |
G | |
Galfenol | |
Game Theory | |
GaN HEMT | |
gas insulated bus | |
Gas pressure regulator | |
gate drive | |
Gate Drivers | |
generation | |
generator control | |
genetic algorithm | |
genetic algorithm optimization | |
giant magneto resistive (GMR) | |
GIB | |
GIS | |
goaf | |
good speed expansion capability | |
Grain-Oriented Silicon Steel | |
grid | |
Grid Connected | |
grid connected converter | |
Grid connected converters | |
grid integration | |
Grid-connected inverter | |
Grid-connected PV system | |
grid-feeding | |
grid-forming | |
grid-interconnected inverter | |
grid-supporting | |
GTO | |
H | |
H-infinity control | |
H6 topology | |
Halbach | |
Halbach array | |
Halbach permanent magnet | |
Halbach-arrary, | |
Half bridge | |
Half period sinusoidal pulse signal | |
Half-bridge converter | |
Half-wave Rectified Brushless Excitation | |
Hall signal fault | |
hammer breaker | |
Handover test | |
haptics | |
Hardware-In-the Loop simulation (HIL) | |
hardware-in-the-loop simulation(HILS) | |
Harmonic | |
harmonic analysis | |
harmonic attenuation | |
Harmonic contamination | |
Harmonic current injection | |
harmonic current suppression | |
harmonic distortion | |
Harmonic Injection | |
Harmonic motor loss | |
Harmonic Voltage Control | |
harmonics | |
Harmonics Compensation | |
harmonics elimination | |
Harmonics suppression | |
harvesting | |
HCS | |
Head-up Display | |
heat dissipation | |
heat sinking | |
Heat Storage | |
Heat Transfer | |
Heat Transfer of | |
HEFS machine | |
heliostat | |
hemorrhagic | |
HESS | |
HEV | |
HFAC | |
hidden Markov model | |
High | |
High - speed EMU | |
high accuracy | |
high coupling coefficient | |
high efficiency | |
High efficiency driving | |
High efficiency PM exciter | |
high energy-consuming enterprise | |
high force density | |
High Frenquecy | |
high frequency measurement | |
High Frequency Pulsating Voltage Signal | |
high frequency transformer | |
high gain | |
high order harmonics | |
high power and high voltage-ratio; | |
high power density | |
high power density motor | |
High Power Density Motors | |
high power rectifier | |
high resolution encoder | |
high speed | |
High Speed BLDC | |
High Speed BLDC motor | |
High speed permanent magnet generators (HSPMGs) | |
High speed permanent magnet machine | |
High speed permanent magnet motor | |
High speed PMSM | |
high speed range | |
high starting torque | |
high temperature | |
high temperature superconductors | |
high thrust density | |
high voltage | |
High Voltage DC Circuit Breaker | |
High Voltage Direct Current | |
high voltage direct current (HVDC) | |
High Voltage Direct Current(HVDC) | |
High volume manufacturing | |
high-accuracy | |
High-frequency | |
high-frequency injection | |
high-frequency transformer | |
high-resistance connection | |
high-speed | |
high-speed electrical machine | |
high-speed maglev | |
High-speed performance characteristic | |
High-speed rotor | |
high-speed solid rotor induction motor | |
High-temperature superconductor | |
High-voltage process | |
Higher fill factor | |
Hilbert transform | |
homogenization technique | |
Hot spot | |
Hot-Spot Temperature-rise | |
House-Service Power Supply, | |
HSPM | |
HTS | |
HVAC | |
HVDC | |
hybrid AC-DC microgrid | |
hybrid AC/DC microgrid | |
hybrid artificial fish swarm and shuffled frog leaping algorithm | |
Hybrid drive | |
hybrid electric vehicle | |
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) | |
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) | |
hybrid energy storage | |
Hybrid excitation | |
Hybrid machine | |
hybrid magnet | |
hybrid mode | |
hybrid multilevel topology | |
Hybrid Power Plant | |
Hybrid railway power conditioner | |
Hybrid rotor | |
Hybrid single-phase SRM | |
hybrid stator | |
Hybrid synchronized PWM | |
Hybrid vehicle | |
Hybrid-excited | |
Hydrogenerators | |
hyperboloidal pole-shoe | |
Hysteresis | |
hysteresis current control | |
Hysteresis Model | |
Hysteresis Modell | |
hysteretic current-model control(HCMC) | |
I | |
ICPT System | |
Identical compensator | |
IEC | |
IGBT | |
IGBT module | |
image processing technique | |
impedance model | |
impedance parameters | |
implementation with FPGA | |
improved direct flux controller | |
improved power calculation unit | |
Improved Switching Techniques | |
Improved Thevenin model | |
in-wheel direct drive | |
In-wheel motor | |
incipient bearing fault | |
Incipient fault | |
indirect matrix converter | |
Indirect measurement | |
Indirect-type lead exit | |
inductance | |
Inductance harmonics | |
inductance model | |
inductance parameter calculation | |
Induction Generator | |
Induction heating | |
Induction machine | |
induction machine drives | |
Induction machines | |
Induction Motor | |
Induction motor control | |
Induction motor drives | |
Induction motors | |
Inductive Coupling | |
inductive power transfer | |
Inductor | |
inductor size | |
infarction | |
Input current ripple reduction | |
input voltage sharing | |
input-parallel-output-series; | |
inrush current and synchronization | |
instruction current control | |
insulated tubular bus-bar | |
Insulated Tubular Bus-bar; | |
Insulation structure | |
Insulation system | |
Insulator-Changing Tool | |
Integral sliding mode control | |
Integrated Charger | |
Integrated design | |
integrated motor drivers | |
integrated rotor | |
integrated starter and generator (ISG) | |
integrated starter generator | |
Intelligent tires | |
intelligent-follower | |
Inter-turn fault | |
inter-turn short circuit fault | |
inter-turn short-circuit | |
interface circuit | |
interior ferrite permanent magnet synchronous motor | |
interior permanent magnet (IPM) machines | |
Interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous machines | |
interior permanent magnet machine | |
Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine | |
Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines | |
Interior permanent magnet synchronous motor | |
interior permanent-magnet motor | |
Interior PM Synchronous Machine (IPMSM) | |
interlaminar current | |
interlinking converter | |
intermediate vector | |
internal model | |
Internet of Things | |
inverse controller | |
inverter | |
inverters | |
IPM-Drives | |
iron loss | |
iron loss model | |
iron losses | |
Iron Powder Core | |
ironless stator | |
ironless stator, | |
ironless windings | |
ISG | |
island power supply | |
Islanding detection | |
Isodiametric Magnetic Pole | |
ISOP | |
J | |
J-A dynamic hysteresis model | |
JFET switches | |
Joint simulation | |
junction temperature estimation | |
Junction temperature fluctuation | |
K | |
K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (KNNA) | |
Kalman | |
Kalman filter | |
Key gases | |
Key words: renewable energy | |
Keywords--epoxy resin | |
kinetic energy | |
kink-wave | |
KPCM | |
L | |
LabVIEW | |
ladder-slit secondary | |
laminated core | |
lamination | |
Large synchronous condenser | |
large thrust density | |
Large-Capacity Synchronous Compensator | |
large-scale condenser | |
lateral force | |
LC equalization circuit | |
LC-filter | |
LCC | |
LCC resonant converter | |
LCL filter | |
LDC | |
lead cable | |
Lead Control | |
lead screw | |
lead-acid battery | |
Leakage Flux | |
leakage inductance | |
leakage-stress-acoustic coupled model | |
Lebesgue’s integral | |
Levitation force | |
life cycle | |
Life Cycle Cost | |
Lightning protection system of truss bridge | |
limited reactive power | |
line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor (LSPMSM) | |
Line-start Synchronous Reluctance Motor | |
linear actuator | |
Linear and rotary | |
linear compressor | |
Linear flux-switching permanent magnet machine | |
linear flux-switching permanent magnet motor | |
Linear generator | |
linear Hall | |
linear induction motor | |
Linear induction motor (LIM) drive | |
linear machine | |
Linear Machines | |
linear motor | |
linear oscillating motor | |
linear permanent magnet machine | |
Linear PM Generators | |
Linear quadratic tracker | |
linear rotary permanent magnet generator | |
linear switched reluctance machines (LSRMs) | |
linear switched reluctance motor | |
linear switched-flux PM machine | |
linear synchronous motor | |
linear vernier motor | |
Linear-stability critical threshold | |
linear-velocity-based trajectory planning | |
liquid nitrogen test | |
lithium ion battery | |
Lithium-ion battery | |
Lithium-ion capacitors | |
lithium-iron phosphate battery (LiFePO4) | |
LLC resonant converter | |
LLC resonant operation | |
LMA | |
LMS adaptive filtering algorithm | |
LOA | |
load characteristics | |
load condition | |
load sequence | |
load shedding | |
Load uncertainties | |
Load Uncertainty | |
Local saturation | |
locus of spinning spindle vibration | |
long stator linear synchronous motor | |
longitudinal end effect | |
looseness state | |
loss | |
loss calculation | |
Loss measurement | |
Loss minimization | |
Loss of density | |
loss separation | |
Loss Separation Method | |
losses | |
Losses analysis | |
low carrier ratio | |
low cost | |
low current interrupting | |
low flux density | |
Low frequency fluctuation | |
low frequency ripple | |
low signal-to-noise ratio | |
low speeds | |
low switching frequency | |
low thrust ripple | |
low voltage DC series arc | |
Low voltage DC-DC voltage converter | |
low voltage distribution network | |
low voltage ride through(LVRT) | |
low-cost | |
Low-power-dissipation | |
low-speed direct-driven | |
low-speed high-torque permanent motor | |
Low-speed high-torque PMSM | |
LRT | |
Lumped-parameter (LP) | |
Lyapunov exponent | |
M | |
M-DOF | |
Machine Design | |
Machine Learning | |
Machines | |
machining | |
Maglev | |
Maglev System | |
maglev train | |
Maglve train | |
magnet eddy current loss | |
magnet loss | |
magnet mass | |
Magnet segmentation | |
Magnet thickness | |
Magnetic bearing | |
Magnetic characteristic in deep saturation | |
Magnetic Characteristics | |
Magnetic circuit | |
Magnetic coupling | |
magnetic encoder | |
Magnetic Equivalent Circuit | |
magnetic field | |
Magnetic field adjustment | |
Magnetic field analysis | |
magnetic field distribution | |
magnetic field model | |
magnetic field modulation | |
Magnetic Field Modulation Motor | |
magnetic field orientation | |
magnetic flux circuit | |
magnetic flux density distribution | |
magnetic flux linkage | |
Magnetic Forces | |
magnetic gear | |
Magnetic gearbox | |
magnetic geared motor | |
magnetic hysteresis | |
Magnetic Hysteresis Property | |
Magnetic levitation | |
Magnetic liquid | |
Magnetic Materials | |
Magnetic Membranes | |
magnetic network | |
magnetic neurostimulation | |
Magnetic permeability | |
magnetic properties | |
magnetic reluctance circuit | |
magnetic thermal coupling | |
Magnetic-geared permanent magnet machine | |
magnetic-thermal coupling | |
Magnetically controlled saturated reactors | |
Magnetically Suspended Control and Sensing Gyroscope (MSCSG) | |
Magnetically-coupled | |
Magnetisation | |
Magnetization | |
magnetizing | |
Magneto-Rheologyical Elastomers | |
Magneto-viscous characteristic | |
Magnetomechanical coupling | |
magnetostriction | |
Magnetostrictive | |
Magnetostrictive materials | |
Magnetostrictive Property | |
magnetostrictive transducer | |
manufacturing | |
manufacturing cost | |
manufacturing tolerances | |
Marine Permanent Magnet Propulsion Motor | |
mass production | |
massively parallel processing | |
Materials | |
mathematical model | |
Matlab | |
Matlab Simulation | |
Matlab/Simulink | |
Matrix Converter | |
Maximal power point tracking | |
Maximum back electromotive force | |
Maximum Demand | |
Maximum Power Point (MPP) | |
Maximum Power Point Tracking | |
Maximum tooth width ratio | |
Maximum Torque per Voltage control | |
Maximum Wave Energy Extraction | |
Maxwell stress tensor | |
measured data | |
Measurement | |
Measurement of soft magnetic materials | |
Measurement System | |
measurement uncertainty | |
Measurements | |
Mechanical Characteristics | |
Mechanical design | |
mechanical design, | |
Mechanical Device | |
Mechanical Model | |
Mechanical Performance | |
Mechanical properties | |
mechanical property | |
Medium Voltage | |
Medium-Voltage Drives | |
Megawatt - class | |
memory machine | |
MEMS | |
MEMS inertial sensor | |
Mesh element | |
MHD model | |
MHEV | |
Micro grid | |
Micro inverter | |
micro robotics | |
Micro-grid | |
Micro-grid Energy Storage System | |
micro-inverter | |
Microgird | |
Microgrid | |
Micromagnetism | |
Microturbine-generation | |
mini electric vehicle | |
miniature | |
Miniature circuit breaker | |
minimal-order observer | |
Misalignment | |
mismatch loss | |
Mismatched transceiver coils | |
Modal | |
modal analysis | |
Modal test method | |
Mode conversion | |
model following control | |
model free predictive current control | |
model predictive control | |
model predictive control (MPC) | |
model predictive current control | |
model predictive direct torque control | |
model predictive thrust control | |
model predictive torque control | |
model reduction approach | |
Model Reference Adaptive | |
model reference adaptive system | |
Model validation | |
Modeling | |
Modeling and simulation | |
modeling methods | |
modified circular cylinder | |
Modular | |
Modular Cascaded H-bridge | |
modular machine | |
Modular multilevel converter | |
modular multilevel converter (MMC) | |
Modular Multilevel Converters | |
modular structure | |
Modulation | |
modulation effect | |
modulation ration | |
monotonic fuzzy system | |
monotonicity | |
motion control | |
Motor | |
motor control system | |
motor drive | |
Motor drive system | |
Motor drives | |
Motor Efficiency Improvement | |
Motor learning | |
motor parameters optimization | |
motor protection | |
motor stator | |
motor vibration | |
Motor-Cad | |
motor-driven spindle spinning frame | |
motorized spindle application | |
Moving average filter | |
MPPT | |
MRAS | |
MTPA | |
MTPV | |
Multi - physics analysis | |
Multi layer motor | |
Multi Magnetic Material Laminated Core (MMLC) Nanocrystalline metals | |
Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization(MOPSO) | |
Multi- Modular Converter (MMC) | |
multi-agent system (MAS) | |
Multi-agent systems | |
Multi-area economic emission dispatch (MEED) | |
multi-body dynamics | |
multi-energy hybrid power system | |
Multi-inverter system | |
Multi-Layer | |
Multi-layer magnet configuration | |
Multi-layer structure | |
Multi-level inverters | |
multi-loop theory | |
multi-objective optimization | |
multi-physics coupling | |
Multi-physics field | |
multi-physics optimization | |
multi-pickups | |
Multi-port | |
multi-port power electronic transformer | |
multi-source coordinated control | |
Multi-stator | |
multi-variable | |
Multi-winding | |
Multilevel Converter | |
Multilevel inverter | |
Multilevel-switching-linear hybrid (MSLH) | |
multiobjective optimization | |
Multiphase | |
Multiphase drives | |
Multiphase induction machine | |
Multiphase motor | |
Multiple Objectives Control | |
Mutiple-channel indirect matrix converter | |
mutual coupling | |
mutual flux | |
Mutual Inductance | |
MVDC | |
N | |
nanocrystalline material | |
narrow pulse | |
natural frequencies | |
natural frequency | |
natural switching surface (NSS) | |
Natural Trajectory Tracking | |
NC | |
negative discharge | |
negative sequent current | |
negative-sequence current | |
Nested-loop rotor | |
neural network | |
Neural Networks (NN) | |
Neuro-fuzzy control | |
neutral point balcance | |
Neutral point potential | |
neutral-point balancing control | |
new definition of reactive power | |
nine-switch converter | |
no guidance-actuator | |
No Harminic Detection | |
no sideslip-value sensor | |
NoC | |
Noise | |
noise reduction | |
non integer order differentiation | |
non liner friction | |
non-electrolytic capacitor | |
Non-intrusive load identification | |
Non-rare-earth | |
non-rotating | |
Non-Sinusoidal Excitations | |
non-uniform air-gap | |
Non-uniform rational B-spline | |
Nondestructive testing | |
nonlinear analysis | |
nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous input neural network | |
nonlinear characteristic | |
Nonlinear inverter loss model | |
nonlinear modeling | |
nonlinear relations | |
Nonlinear Simplex | |
nonlinear stand-alone generation system | |
Notch Filter | |
Novel Nonsingular Terminal Sliding Mode Variable Structure | |
Novel Torque Sharing | |
NPC converters | |
NPC three-level inverter | |
Nuclear Power Plant | |
Number of poles | |
numerical prediction for temperature | |
Numerical simulation | |
numerical solver | |
Nyquist criterion | |
O | |
observer | |
Observers | |
Oceanic Wave Energy | |
off-line identification | |
Offshore wind Farm | |
Offshore wind turbines | |
on-load tap changer | |
on-load torque ripple | |
one cycle control | |
Online fault diagnosis | |
online identification | |
Online Inductance Estimation | |
open circuit | |
Open circuit test sample | |
open winding motor | |
Open winding PMSM | |
open-end winding | |
Open-end winding asynchronous motor | |
open-winding | |
Open-winding machine | |
operating range | |
Operating System | |
Operation System | |
Optical device | |
optimal charging | |
Optimal Design | |
optimal load resistance | |
optimal maximum torque per ampere control | |
Optimal power flow | |
Optimization | |
Optimization algorithm | |
Optimization Design | |
optimization design method | |
Optimization method | |
optimized control strategy | |
optimum skew angle | |
Optocoupler | |
Ordinary Least Squares | |
Outer rotor | |
output | |
output impedance | |
Output voltage | |
Overcurrent Protection | |
Overload conditions | |
Overload performance | |
overmodulation | |
Overshoot reduction | |
Overvoltage | |
overvoltage protection | |
P | |
Parallel computing | |
Parallel operating | |
Parallel Stator Winding Open Circuit Faults | |
Parameter estimation | |
parameter identification | |
parameter Matching | |
parameter selection | |
parameter testing | |
parameter variation | |
parameters | |
parameters self-turning fuzzy control | |
parametric design | |
parametric uncertainty | |
pareto optimization | |
Partial discharge | |
Partial Shading Conditions(PSC) | |
Particle swarm algorithm | |
particle swarm optimism (PSO) algorithm | |
particle swarm optimization | |
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) | |
passive damping | |
passive rotor | |
passivity-based control | |
pattern matching | |
PCA-RBF neural network | |
PDCA | |
PDPA | |
PDS | |
peak shaving and valley filling | |
Performance Analysis | |
performance improvement | |
Performance Measurement System | |
performance simulation | |
Performance Test | |
Permanent Bistable Electromagnetic Clutch | |
permanent magnent | |
Permanent magnet | |
permanent magnet actuator | |
permanent magnet eddy-current coupling | |
Permanent magnet IPMSM | |
Permanent magnet linear synchronous motor(PMLSM) | |
permanent magnet machine | |
Permanent magnet machines | |
permanent magnet motor | |
Permanent magnet motors | |
Permanent magnet synchronous linear motors (PMSLM) | |
permanent magnet synchronous machine | |
permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM) | |
permanent magnet synchronous machines | |
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor | |
permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) | |
permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive | |
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors | |
Permanent Magnet Wind Turbine | |
Permanent Magnet-assist Synchronous Reluctance Machine | |
Permanent Magnetassisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor | |
permanent-magnet machine | |
Permanent-Magnet Motor | |
Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors | |
Permeability | |
Phase Change Paraffin | |
phase demodulation | |
phase detection | |
Phase Inductance | |
phase shift | |
phase shift control | |
Phase Shift Full Bridge Converter | |
phase shifting reactor | |
phase space reconstruction | |
phase-advance control | |
phase-deficient operation | |
Phase-locked loop | |
phase-locked loop observer (PLLO) | |
phase-shifted PWM | |
Photodiode | |
photovoltaic | |
photovoltaic HVDC grid connected converter | |
Photovoltaic Panels | |
photovoltaic system | |
Photovoltaic systems | |
Photovoltaic(PV) Generation System | |
phtovoltaic cell | |
PI controller | |
PID control | |
Piezoelectric | |
piezoelectric cantilever beam | |
piezoelectric stack | |
Piezomagnetic effect | |
Pitch motor drives diagnostics | |
Planar | |
Planar Motor | |
Planar spiral coil | |
planetary gear | |
PLL | |
PLL(Phase Locked Loop) | |
PM | |
PM flux density | |
PM generators | |
PM machine | |
PM motor | |
PM-assisted reluctance synchronous linear generator | |
PM-assisted synchro-reluctance machine | |
PM-free | |
PMB | |
PMFM | |
PMSG | |
PMSG wind turbine | |
PMSM | |
PMSM drives | |
PMSMs | |
pole arc coefficient | |
pole number | |
pole-changing | |
Port Controlled Hamiltonian with Dissipation | |
Portable | |
position detection | |
position detection method | |
Position Estimator | |
position sensor | |
position sensorless control | |
Position Sensors | |
Position Servo System、 | |
positive discharge | |
post-assembly | |
post-fault performance | |
Posture control | |
pow air cooling island | |
power | |
Power assisted | |
Power cable | |
Power conditioning system | |
power control strategy | |
Power conversion system | |
power converter | |
Power Converter Control | |
power converter optimization | |
Power Converters | |
Power Decoupling | |
Power Decoupling Circuit | |
power density | |
power dispatch | |
Power electric transformer | |
Power electronic converter | |
Power Electronic Device | |
Power Electronic Transformer | |
power electronics | |
power factor | |
power factor improvement | |
Power Flow Control | |
Power Flow Control Strategy | |
Power Gain(PG) | |
power loss | |
power maximizing | |
Power network | |
Power Quality | |
Power Reduction | |
Power Router | |
power saving rate | |
power sharing | |
power smoothing | |
Power supply | |
Power Supply System | |
Power system | |
Power system frequency control | |
power system stabilizer(PSS) | |
Power transfer efficiency | |
Power Transformers | |
power wind turbine | |
Powerfactor | |
PR Control | |
Precise computing | |
Predictive Control | |
Predictive current | |
Predictive torque control | |
preditive current control | |
Preisach model | |
Price maker bidding | |
process | |
Proportion of current | |
proportional resonant control | |
Proportional Resonant Controller | |
proportional-resonant | |
Propulsion Control System | |
propulsion system | |
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell | |
proximity effect | |
PSFB Converter | |
PSIM | |
PSIM simulation | |
PSO | |
PT100 sensors | |
pulse barycentre theory | |
Pulse Injection | |
Pulse transformers | |
pulse width modulation (PWM) | |
Pumped storage generator/motor | |
Pumping Power | |
PV | |
PV array | |
PV cell | |
PV inverter | |
PV power generation | |
PV system | |
PV systems | |
PWM control | |
PWM inverter | |
PWM modules | |
PWM rectifier | |
Q | |
quantitative flux-regulation pulse (QFRP) | |
Quasi Z-source inverter | |
quasi-static | |
quasi-Trans-Z Source Inverter | |
Quasi-transformer Impedance Converter | |
Quasi-Z-Source Inverter | |
quick selection | |
R | |
R-bar | |
radial air gap pressure | |
radial axial flow turbine, | |
Radial Basis function neural network | |
radial basis functions model | |
radial flux rotor | |
Radial Flux Switching Machines | |
radial force | |
Radial forces | |
radial suspension force | |
Rail Tain | |
rail transportation | |
Railroad car | |
railway | |
Railway vehicle | |
rain cover | |
random strategy | |
rapid regression modeling | |
Rare earth magnet recycling | |
Rate of rise recovery voltage (RRRV) | |
Reactive current detection | |
reactive power coordinated control | |
reactive power optimization | |
Reactive Power Support | |
Reactor | |
reactor vibration | |
Real Time Monitoring | |
recognition algorithm | |
Rectifiers | |
reduced voltage sensors | |
redundancy | |
Regenerative electric power | |
reliability | |
reluctance | |
reluctance circuit | |
reluctance machine | |
reluctance motor | |
reluctance motors | |
Reluctance networks | |
Reluctance Synchronous Motor | |
renewable energy | |
Renewable energy resources | |
Renewable Energy System | |
Repeat control | |
Repetitive control | |
Residential | |
Residential customers | |
residents' behavior | |
residual flux | |
resolution | |
resolver | |
resonance | |
resonance-coupling | |
resonant frequency tracking control | |
resonant regulator | |
Resonant system | |
response surface methodology (RSM) | |
response surface model | |
Restarting with speed | |
RGB Sensor | |
ring core | |
ring DC Systems | |
Ring Specimen Test | |
ring structure winding | |
Ripple current | |
Ripple of DC-link | |
ripple reduction | |
Rise time | |
Risk management | |
RLS estimation | |
robustness | |
Rogers | |
Role | |
rolling element bearing | |
ropeless elevator | |
rotary linear motor | |
rotary transformer | |
rotating flux density | |
rotating magnetic field | |
rotating magnetic flux | |
rotational magnetization | |
rotational-speed-based trajectory planning | |
rotor | |
Rotor bar current | |
Rotor broken bar fault | |
Rotor demagnetization | |
Rotor Design | |
Rotor Design and Optimization | |
rotor dynamics | |
Rotor eccentricity | |
rotor fault | |
Rotor flux orientation control | |
rotor initial orientation | |
Rotor inter-turn short circuits | |
rotor interturn short circuit | |
rotor iron loss | |
rotor position estimation | |
Rotor slot number | |
Rotor strength | |
rotor structure | |
rotor topology | |
Rotor-Centric Approach | |
rotordynamics | |
RSM | |
Runge-Kutta | |
runway shape winding | |
S | |
Safety critical application | |
Sag | |
Saliency Ratio | |
Salient Pole Machine | |
Salient pole rotor | |
sampling loss rate | |
Saturated Inductance Calculation | |
Scalar control | |
SCIG | |
Seamless Transfer | |
Search Coils | |
Second-order Sliding Mode | |
secondary | |
sectionalized stators | |
segment – powered linear motor | |
segmental rotor | |
segmental stator | |
Segmented interior permanent magnet synchronous motor | |
Segmented rotor | |
Segmented stator | |
segmented translator | |
Segmented winding | |
selection configuration | |
selective harmonic elimination | |
self help | |
Self sensing | |
Self-adaptive Droop Control Strategy | |
self-circulating system | |
self-correction | |
self-excited synchronous generator | |
self-impedance matching | |
Self-Sensing | |
self-starting torque | |
Sensor Replacement | |
Sensor-Faults | |
sensor-less control | |
Sensorless | |
Sensorless Control | |
sequential inference method | |
series voltage compensation | |
series-connected | |
series-connected wind generators | |
SF6 arc quenching chamber | |
SFLA | |
SG211V | |
shaft current | |
shaft grounding system | |
shaft voltage | |
shape optimization | |
sheath | |
Shield Ring | |
Shoot-through | |
Short Arc Lamp | |
Short Circuit Fault | |
short flux path | |
short-circuit fault | |
Short-circuit Force | |
shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) | |
Shunt resistor | |
sic | |
SiC device | |
SiC devices | |
Signal Analyzer | |
signal injection | |
silicon carbide | |
Similar slot and pole number | |
SIMM | |
Simplified 2-D model | |
Simplified Model | |
simplified model predictive control | |
simplified SVPWM | |
Simulation | |
simulation technique | |
Simulator | |
Simulink | |
Simulink model | |
Single Current Regulation | |
single DC supply | |
Single Phase | |
single prediction | |
single pulse drive | |
single stage | |
single-arm crane | |
single-phase | |
single-phase earth fault | |
single-phase grid-connected inverters | |
Single-phase inverter | |
single-phase line-start permanent magnet motor | |
single-phase motor | |
Single-phase Three-level Rectifier | |
Single-Phase To Three-Phase Converter, | |
Six-phase double Y-shift 30° windings | |
six-phase electrical machine | |
Six-step overmodulation | |
skew brushless DC motor | |
skewed slot | |
skewed stator | |
skewed-rotor | |
skin and proximity effects | |
sliding discrete fourier transform | |
sliding mode control | |
sliding mode control (SMC) | |
sliding mode observer | |
Sliding Mode Variable Structure-Model Reference Adaptive System | |
sliding-mode MRA observer | |
Slip compensation | |
Slot Harmonics | |
slot less windings | |
slot opening | |
Slot-pole combination | |
slot/pole combinations | |
Small Power System | |
Small Signal Model | |
Small Signal Modeling | |
small snapshots data | |
smart grid | |
Smart meters | |
SMC | |
SMC materials | |
SMES magnet design | |
Smooth Output Power | |
smoothing effect | |
SOC | |
Soft magnetic composite | |
Soft magnetic composite material | |
Soft magnets | |
soft switching | |
Solar Co generation | |
Solar energy | |
solar-wind | |
solenoid coil | |
solid-state | |
SOMALOY 700 | |
Sound intensity | |
space charge density | |
space vector | |
Space Vector Modulation | |
space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) | |
Space Vector PWM | |
Spare Core | |
spatial voltage stress | |
Specific Power | |
Spectrum analysis | |
Speed Identification | |
Speed Observer | |
speed stabilization loop | |
Speed-Power Control | |
speed-torque characteristics | |
Sphere Rotor | |
Spindle vibration detection | |
split-wingding | |
Spoke-type rotor | |
spray cooling | |
Spray parameters | |
spread spectrum code | |
SPWM | |
square-wave drive | |
square-wave drive system | |
SRM | |
SSCI | |
SSOM | |
SSR | |
SST | |
stability | |
Stability domain | |
stability of the voltage and frequency | |
Stable operation region | |
stand-alone power generation | |
Stand-alone power generation systems | |
star-delta winding | |
Starter-Generator | |
starting capability | |
startup strategy | |
State feedback control | |
state feedback linearization | |
state of charge (SOC) | |
static characteristics | |
static eccentricity | |
static strength analysis | |
static synchronous compensator(STATCOM) | |
Static Var Compensator (SVC) | |
Stator Cage Winding | |
Stator Control Winding | |
stator core axial segmentation | |
stator core fault | |
stator flux vector | |
Stator hybrid excitation flux-switching machines | |
stator inductance | |
Stator inter-turn short-circuit fault | |
stator module, | |
Stator permanent magnet | |
Stator Power Winding | |
stator resistance | |
stator slot/pole number | |
stator structure optimization | |
Stator temperature estimation | |
Stator Winding Fault | |
stator winding inter turn short circuit(SWITSC) stable oparation | |
stator winding inter-turn short circuit (SWITSC) | |
Steel plate with different thicknesses | |
step skew | |
Stereolitography 3D print | |
Stirling Engine | |
Stirling power generating system | |
Stochastic optimization | |
Stochastic programming | |
storage capacitor discharge pulse (SCDP) | |
Storage System | |
Stray load loss | |
Stray loss | |
stress | |
stress analysis | |
stress effects | |
structural deformation | |
structural design | |
structural dynamic analysis | |
Structure optimization | |
Structure Optimization Design | |
sub-domain calculation | |
sub-harmonics | |
Sub-span Oscillation | |
submerged LNG pump | |
sudden short-circuit type-test | |
sun-tracking | |
Super Capacitor | |
super-capacitor (SC) | |
superconducting cable | |
superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) | |
superconducting magnets | |
superconducting-antenna | |
support vector machine | |
Support vector machine fault classification | |
surface mounted permanent magnet | |
Surface mounted permanent magnet machine | |
surface permanent magnet synchronous machine | |
surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) rotor | |
surface-mounted pole structure | |
surrogate model | |
SVPWM technology | |
Swarm intelligence based algorithms | |
switch commutation | |
switched reluctance generator | |
Switched reluctance machine | |
switched reluctance motor | |
Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) | |
switched reluctance motors | |
Switched-boost network | |
Switched-Capacitor | |
switched-mode rectifiers | |
switching | |
switching circuit | |
switching frequency | |
switching loss model | |
Switching losses | |
Switching mode power supply | |
Switching Sequence | |
switching speed and phase difference | |
Switching table | |
Symmetrical components theory | |
Symmetrical Hybrid | |
synchro | |
Synchronization | |
synchronization control | |
synchronized PWM | |
synchronous condenser | |
synchronous electric machines | |
synchronous generator | |
synchronous machine | |
Synchronous Motor | |
Synchronous reluctance | |
Synchronous Reluctance Machine | |
Synchronous reluctance motor | |
Synchronous reluctance motors | |
System | |
system dynamic | |
system efficiency | |
system stability | |
T | |
T-type inverter | |
tactile display | |
taffic sensor | |
Taguchi Method | |
tangential magnetic rotor | |
Task Mapping | |
Teaching example | |
Teaching Virtual Platform | |
teeth height ratio | |
telemetry | |
temperature | |
Temperature dependence | |
Temperature Distribution | |
temperature field | |
Temperature measurement | |
temperature retrieval | |
Temperature rise | |
Testing demonstration | |
THD | |
the asymmetrical double commutated cells (ADCC) the hybrid MMC | |
the current peak in the non-conducting phase | |
the DC Microgrid | |
the entropy generation rate | |
the exergy destruction | |
The follow-up control system | |
the harmonic characteristic | |
The high temperature superconducting (HTS) | |
the large signal stability criteria | |
the mixed potential theory | |
the modulation principle of testosterone release | |
The multi - loop theory | |
the stator rind | |
the Storage System | |
the superpose principle | |
Thermal | |
Thermal Aging | |
thermal analysis | |
thermal circuit | |
thermal estimation | |
thermal field | |
thermal field distribution | |
thermal irreversible demagnetization | |
thermal management | |
Thermal management of electronics | |
thermal network method | |
thermal performance | |
thermal resistance network | |
Thermal simulation | |
Thermo-chromic Pigment | |
thermo-electromagnetic properties | |
three level | |
Three level converter | |
Three-dimensional | |
Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic | |
three-dimensional finite element | |
three-dimensional helical coil | |
Three-leg Voltage Source Inverter | |
three-level converter | |
Three-level converters | |
three-level inverter | |
three-level PA | |
three-phase four-leg | |
three-phase four-leg inverter | |
three-phase IGBT intelligent power supply | |
Three-Phase Induction Motor | |
three-port converter(TPC) | |
three-segmented control | |
threshold overload torque | |
Thrust and levitation force | |
thrust and magnatic field calculation | |
thrust fluctuation | |
thrust force | |
Thrust ripple | |
thyristor | |
thyristor converter | |
Thyristor Dual Converter System | |
thyristor rectifier | |
thyristor-controlled transformer | |
time delay | |
time delay compensation | |
Time domain state analysis | |
time periodic explicit error correction | |
Time-stepping | |
time-stepping finite elements analysis | |
timing control | |
tolerant-fault | |
Tooth Notching | |
topology | |
Topology Design | |
topology optimization | |
Toroidal-Winding | |
Torque | |
torque coefficient | |
torque compensation | |
Torque composition | |
torque control | |
Torque density | |
Torque dispatching function | |
torque estimator | |
torque fluctuation | |
Torque injection | |
Torque Performance | |
torque ripple | |
Torque ripple minimization | |
Torque ripple mitigation | |
Torque Ripple Reduction | |
torque ripples | |
torque sharing function control | |
torque-ripple | |
torque-vector | |
torsional vibrations | |
total harmonic distortion | |
total harmonic distortion (THD) | |
track the power | |
Tracking system | |
Traction | |
Traction Application | |
Traction Applications | |
Traction Motor | |
Traction Substation | |
Traction system | |
transcranial magnetic stimulation | |
transfer efficiency | |
Transfer system | |
Transformer | |
transformer winding | |
Transformer Windings | |
Transient electromagnetic phenomena | |
Transient recovery voltage (TRV) | |
transient response capability | |
transient simulation | |
transient stability | |
Transmission line model | |
transverse flux | |
transverse flux flux switching permanent magnet machine | |
Transverse flux linear motor | |
Transverse flux MG | |
traverse edge effecct | |
traverse force | |
Trichel pulse current | |
Trigger circuits | |
TSF | |
tubular flux-switching permanent-magnet linear machine | |
tubular linear permanent magnet generator | |
Tubular Linear PM Motor | |
tubular permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (TPMLPSM) | |
tubular transverse-flux and flux-reversal linear machine | |
tubular transverse-flux flux-reversal permanent magnet linear machine | |
Turbidity analysis | |
turbo-generator | |
turn-to-turn short circuir fault | |
twelve sectors division | |
Twin Coils | |
Two degrees of freedom | |
two phase flow | |
Two Single-phase Induction Motors Drives | |
two stage commutation | |
two-degree-of-freedom (2DOF) | |
two-degree-of-freedom PID | |
two-dimensional finite-element method (2D FEM) | |
two-phase conduction | |
two-speed line-start permanent magnet motor | |
two-stage | |
two-vector-based MPC | |
U | |
UC3854 | |
UHV Transformer | |
UHV transformer noise | |
Ultra Capacitor | |
Ultra high voltage | |
Ultra-high Switching Frequency Converters | |
ultracapacitor | |
UltraCapacitor Energy Storage System | |
Ultrasonic motor | |
unbalance compensation | |
unbalance grid voltage | |
unbalanced grid voltage | |
unbalanced grid voltages | |
unbalanced load | |
Unbalanced magnetic force | |
Unbalanced magnetic pull (UMP) | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncertainty consideration | |
under practical working conditions | |
Underground earthing system | |
unequal pole pitch | |
unified voltage modulation | |
Uninterruptible Power Supply | |
unity power factor | |
Unstable Voltage | |
UPS | |
UPS inverter | |
UPS Product | |
Urban Railway Substation | |
Urban railway technology | |
utilization ratio of power supply | |
V | |
v-shape interior | |
V/f control | |
V/f scalar control | |
vacuum arc | |
Vacuum Circuit Breaker | |
vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) | |
Variable characteristics | |
variable DC-link | |
variable droop coefficient | |
Variable Field Flux | |
Variable flux | |
variable flux reluctance machine | |
variable frequency controlling system | |
Variable Parameters | |
variable reluctance | |
variable speed wind generator | |
Vector control | |
vector control, | |
Vector diagram | |
vector fitting method | |
Vector Hysteresis Model | |
vector placement | |
Vehicle-to-grid | |
verification | |
vernier machine | |
Vernier Machines | |
Vernier motor | |
Vertical array | |
Vertical axis wind generation | |
Very-high-speed machines | |
vibration | |
vibration and noise | |
vibration modes | |
Vibration Monitoring | |
Vibration noise | |
vibration signal | |
Virtual Display | |
Virtual flux | |
virtual flux droop method | |
virtual impedance | |
virtual inertia control | |
Virtual Platform | |
virtual resistance | |
Virtual Synchronous Control | |
virtual synchronous generator | |
virtual synchronous generator (VSG) | |
Virtual Synchronous Generators | |
virtual-flux direct power control | |
Voltage Balancing Method | |
voltage blancing | |
Voltage Compensation | |
voltage droop control | |
Voltage equation | |
voltage modulation strategy | |
Voltage profile | |
voltage quality | |
Voltage reference regulated method | |
voltage ripple of DC microgrid | |
voltage sag compensation | |
voltage source converter based high voltage direct current (VSC-HVDC) | |
voltage space vector pulse width modulation | |
voltage stability | |
Voltage Variation | |
Voltage Vector Selection Strategy | |
Vortex | |
VSC | |
VSG | |
W | |
wake effects | |
water cooling | |
Water cooling structure | |
Water Transportation | |
Water Turbine Generator | |
Water-cooled motor | |
water-cooled system | |
Wave energy conversion | |
Wave energy converter | |
Wave Energy Converters (WECs) | |
wave energy generation | |
Wavelet Transform | |
Weak Grid | |
weak network | |
WEC Aggregation | |
weighted efficiency | |
Weighted subspace fitting | |
weighting factor | |
Wheel Motor | |
Whether protection | |
wide frequency | |
wide input-voltage range | |
wind energy | |
wind energy conversion system | |
Wind farm | |
wind generation | |
wind generator | |
wind power | |
wind power converters | |
Wind power fluctuation | |
Wind power generation | |
wind power generator | |
Wind Power Producer | |
Wind turbine diagnostics | |
wind turbine generator | |
wind-power generation | |
Wind-Power Generator | |
wind-wave combined power generation system | |
Windage loss | |
Winding | |
winding open circuit fault | |
winding structure | |
Wingding | |
wireless | |
Wireless data communication | |
wireless power transfer | |
wireless power transfer system | |
wireless power transmission | |
witched reluctance generator | |
without Rotor Polarity Detecting | |
Woehler Theory | |
working condition information | |
working principle | |
wound field | |
Wound field synchronous motors | |
WPT | |
Z | |
Z-source network | |
zero sequence current | |
zero sequence voltage component | |
zero vector | |
Zero Voltage Switching | |
Zero voltage vector | |
zero voltage vectors | |
zero-sequence current | |
Zero-sequence voltage | |
Zero-Voltage Switching | |
zigzag transformer | |
ZVT | |
μ | |
μ synthesis | |
fi | |
finite-element method (FEM) |