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Professor Z.Q. Zhu, “Current Developments and Trends in Permanent Magnet Machines and Drives”
Professor Thomas M. Jahns, “The Return of Current-Source Inverters in Future PM Machine Drives”
Oral Presentations
11:15 | Theoretical Analysis of Torque Performance in Permanent Magnet-assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor (ID:793) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposed an analytical method for the calculation of electromagnetic toque in a Permanent Magnet-assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor (PMASynRM) based on equivalent magnetic network model. The Fourier expression of the electromagnetic torque considering harmonic is theoretically analyzed and simulated. With the aim of reducing torque ripple, the effect of the flux barrier angle and PM thickness on the electromagnetic torque and torque ripple is theoretically studied and simulated in one pole asymmetry and one pole pairs asymmetry structure. Finally, the optimal flux barrier angle is given. There is a good consistence between theoretical and simulation result. |
11:30 | Design and Analysis of Permanent-Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor (ID:789) SPEAKER: Thanh Anh Huynh ABSTRACT. This digest provides a solution for design of permanent magnet (PM) assisted synchronous reluctance machine (PMa-SynRM). Differing to interior PM (IPM) machines, the PMa-SynRM is substantially a SynRM with a dominant reluctance torque rather than PM torque. Many studies regarding PMa-SynRM often embed magnets in a SynRM rotor and discussions are then made to compare performance improvement over the original SynRM. However, the effect of PM, such as position in the rotor, the number of layers embedded and the PM width have not been well discussed. This digest, with an attempt to enhance the performance of a PMa-SynRM, discusses upon the influence of several key factors concerning the insertion of PM. A suggest will be provided as a reference for design of the PMa-SynRM. Some theory is discussed and finite element analysis (FEA) is used to evaluate the performance. Finally, experimental studies are conducted to validate the simulations. |
11:45 | Comparison of End Effect in Series and Parallel Hybrid Permanent Magnet Variable Flux Memory Machines (ID:674) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Hybrid permanent magnet (PM) variable flux memory (VFM) machines employ both the high coercive force PM, i.e. the constant PM (CPM), and the low coercive force PM, i.e. the variable PM (VPM), with which the PM magnetization state can be regulated to match various operation requirements. These two kinds of PMs can be connected with either parallel or series configuration so that different characteristics can be obtained. Based on two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) finite element (FE) analyses, the end effects of a pair of VFM machines with parallel and series connections respectively are investigated to highlight their different features. |
12:00 | Comparison of a Flux Barrier and a Salient Pole Synchronous Reluctance Machine for High Rotational Speeds in Electric Traction Applications (ID:262) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper rotor topologies of synchronous reluctance machines are compared with regard to electrical traction applications. Electrical machines for electric vehicles are usually operated in a wide speed range including flux weakening. In contrast to permanent magnet synchronous machines and induction machines synchronous reluctance machines have advantages of a very simple and cost effective rotor design, which makes this machine type very interesting for this application. For synchronous reluctance machines different rotor topologies as salient poles or flux barrier designs are known and both are investigated in this work regarding high speed operation in flux weakening range. Because of the mechanical strength limitation of flux barrier machines a salient pole machine is proposed, although design steps to accomplish the same machine harmonics characteristic of the salient pole type have to be implemented. Finally, both machines provide sufficient operation in the whole speed range. However, the machines show slightly different behavior and require different manufacturing technologies for the stator winding and the rotor. |
12:15 | Investigation on Torque Ripple of Synchronous Reluctance Machine with Square-Wave Drive (Invited) (ID:332) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Synchronous reluctance machine (SynRM) has attracted much attention thanks to the advantages such as low cost, rugged rotor structure and relatively high performance. Conventional drive for the SynRM is the same as that for permanent magnet synchronous machine (PMSM), i.e. the sine-wave drive. However, sine-wave drive needs complicated PWM strategy and high-cost rotor position sensor. In this paper, square-wave drive is proposed for the SynRM. The torque performances with square-wave drive are analyzed and feasible application is concluded. Besides, a-b-c phase inductance and d-q axis inductance models are established to demonstrate the torque component. Moreover, frozen permeability method is utilized to separate the current harmonic-caused torque ripple and inductance harmonic-caused torque ripple so as to illustrate the torque ripple resources. |
Oral Presentations
11:15 | Fundamental Output Characteristics of a Claw Pole Type Half-wave Rectified Variable Field Flux Motor (ID:523) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. We have proposed a claw pole type half-wave rectified variable field flux motor (CP-HVFM) with special self- excitation method. This paper reports the experimental results under the load condition and various speed command, and shows the fundamental output characteristics such as the voltage and the current, the efficiency. And we consider the influence of the variable field flux control on the fundamental characteristics. |
11:30 | Performance and Design of a Novel Single-Phase Hybrid Switched Reluctance Motor for Hammer Breaker Application (ID:719) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a novel single-phase hybrid switched reluctance motor (HSRM) is proposed for hammer breaker application. This motor has simple structure with non-uniform air-gap and produces low torque ripple. Permanent magnets (PM) are placed at parking positions for self-starting and to create positive cogging torque in the torque dead-zones. Compared with conventional single-phase switched reluctance motor, it has an increased torque density and relatively low torque ripple, along with a simpler structure. To verify effectiveness, finite element method (FEM) is employed to analyze the performance of the proposed structure. Comparison between the proposed motor and the existing motor drive system for hammer breaker application is demonstrated. Based on the analysis, a prototype motor is manufactured and tested. The experimental results are presented. |
11:45 | An Inductive Position Sensor with Switched Reluctance Motor Structure (ID:841) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a method of using the switched reluctance motor (SRM) to mimic an inductive rotor position sensor is presented. Based on the high frequency signal injection method, the unsaturated phase inductance of the sensor motor can be calculated indirectly for position estimation. The sensor motor has been tested for providing position signals for a coaxial motor drive. Experimental results verify the validity of the proposed method. This work shows that the new sensor possesses the robust structure and the basic electromagnetic characteristic of a SRM, which is able to be used in many harsh environmental application conditions. |
12:00 | An ELM Identifier and Inverse Controller Based Algorithm for Dynamic Decoupling Control of Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor (ID:644) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a novel dynamic decoupling control algorithm for a single winding bearingless switched reluctance motor (BSRM), using extreme learning machine (ELM) identifier and inverse controller. Firstly, the working principle and mathematic model of BSRM are described and finite element method (FEM) is employed to get characteristic profiles. Then, the invisibility of mathematic model is analyzed and an ELM identifier is applied to identify the inverse model. To illustrate the superiority of ELM inverse model, comparisons are conducted with neural network (NN) and support vector machine (SVM). Finally, simulation results validate that the proposed algorithm can actualize dynamic decoupling control. |
12:15 | Modeling of Switched Reluctance Motor Based on Combined Clustering RBF network SPEAKER: Suying Zhou ABSTRACT. The paper presents combined clustering RBF neural network as a tool to develop the model of the SRM. Combined clustering algorithm is presented here to determine node number of hidden layer and center of RBF neural network self-adaptively. First, the subtractive clustering algorithm is used to find the initial clustering center. FCM(Fuzzy c-means) clustering algorithm is used for further adjustment and effectiveness evaluation. It can not only avoid falling into local optimal solution and improve the clustering speed, but also can automatically generate a good number of clusters according to the influence of each data point in each dimension of the cluster center. Then, data center and optimal network structure of radial basis function RBF neural network is achieved. The sampled data set is obtained from the experimental SRM by the finite elements method(FEM). The simulation results show that the model is reasonable and can reflect the electromagnetic characteristics of the motor. The established model is easy to extend, which provides the basis for the analysis and design of SRM control algorithm. |
12:30 | Torque Ripple Minimization For Switched Reluctance Motor with Predictive Current Control Method (ID:244) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In order to reduce the torque ripple and improve the torque-speed characteristic of switched reluctance motor, a novel predictive current control method with torque sharing function (TSF) is proposed in this paper. Compared with conventional current hysteresis control, the current tracing ability is improved by using proposed method without increasing switch frequency or changing hysteresis band. Both of torque ripples and copper loss reduction of different TSFs are investigated in magnetic linear and saturation condition, respectively. Simulations and experiments with 5.5kw three-phase 12/8 SRM verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies all over speed range. |
Oral Presentations
11:15 | Design of High Speed Permanent Magnet Generator for Solar Co-Generation System Using Motor-CAD (ID:162) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. High speed brushless permanent-magnet generators (HSBPMGs) may be the most suitable choice for small solar co-generation systems due to a variety of merits. For instance, they offer substantial reduction in size, and thermally excellent high power density, which reduces the running costs with good performance and reliability. Moreover, high efficiencies i.e. over 90%, light-weight, low operating temperature, high insulation, no brushes/slip rings and almost negligible cogging torque make HSBPMGs ideal for co-generation systems. However, because of the very high rotor speed and high stator frequency, the design of HSBPMG is quite different from designing a conventional generator with low speed and low frequency. As the speed increases, the losses and temperature go up, and thus careful attention is needed while selecting the design parameters and material for the machine. This paper is aimed to use the basic design process for HSBPMGs running at 60,000rpm, with 6.6kW capacity keeping the losses minimum by using an appropriate material and cooling method. Finite element analysis of the machine is carried by using Motor-CAD simulation software, and modeling of a prototype machine is presented. |
11:30 | Comparison of Modular Linear Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Motors With Different Mover and Stator Pole Pitch (ID:112) SPEAKER: Yunlei Jiang ABSTRACT. In this paper, a new modular linear Flux-switching permanent magnet machine is presented. The analysis of the proposed machine is carried out by the finite-element method. The optimization of this machine for ropeless elevator application is performed based on surrogate method. The characteristics of the new modular machine with different mover and stator pole pitch are compared. |
11:45 | A Novel E-core Hybrid-Excited Flux Switching Machine Based on Biased Flux (ID:466) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a biased flux hybrid-excited flux switching machine (BFHEFSM) to improve the flux-regulation capability of the machine. The proposed configuration uses E-core to enhance the permanent magnet (PM) material utilization ratio, which use half PMs of the conventional flux switching permanent magnet machine (FSPMM). The flux-regulation principle of the E-core BFHEFSM is discussed based on the biased field. However, due to the asymmetric saturation of the magnetic path, the back-EMF of the proposed E-core BFHEFSM occurs phase shift when the current of field winding changes, i.e., flux-regulating. A simple method, namely both the stator and rotor are segmented, is proposed to eliminate the phase shift. The results confirm the flux-regulation capability is favorable. It is demonstrated that the flux-regulation capability of the proposed machine is favorable. |
12:00 | Double Stator and Single Rotor Type Single-Phase Flux Switching Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Motor (ID:361) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a new single-phase flux switching axial flux permanent magnet motor (FS AFPM) is presented. It has a double stator and single rotor (DSSR) disc-type structure. The rotor disc is a simple salient pole rotor, and it is sandwiched between the two stator discs. The permanent magnets (PMs) are embedded in the stator discs, which also contain the single-phase windings. To enhance the self-starting torque capability and unidirectional rotation, the rotor pole is chamfered. The characteristic analysis of the proposed DSSR type single-phase FS AFPM is carried out using the 3D finite element analysis (FEA). |
12:15 | Investigation on an Arc-Linear Axial Flux Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machine (ID:256) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A kind of arc-linear axial flux permanent-magnet synchronous machine (AL-AF-PMSM) used for scanning system is researched in this paper. Due to the characteristics of the three-dimensional (3-D) magnetic field, 3-D finite element method (FEM) is usually required to analyze the AF-PMSM. However, 3-D FEM is generally too time consuming. In order to avoid this problem, an approximate equivalent 2-D calculating model is proposed based on the idea of Complex Simpson integral formula. Then this method is validated by comparing with the 3-D FEM results. Finally, with the help of this new method, the AL-AF-PMSM is optimized to reduce the torque fluctuation and improve the smooth operating range. |
Oral Presentations
11:15 | A Power Router based on Modular Multilevel Converter Integrating UltraCapacitor Energy Storage System (ID:171) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a modular multilevel converter (MMC) integrated ultracapacitors energy storage system (UCESS) are proposed for Power Router. Half bridges integrated with UC modules are utilized as the sub-module (SM) of the converter. Due to the integration of UCESS, the input power and output power can be decoupled, which means that the power relationship of the Power Router can be flexible. This paper analyzes the topology and mathematical model of a port power decoupling Power Router based on MMC-UCESS, and studied the top-down energy management strategy, including the rational allocation of power, power decoupling control, energy storage capacitor status determination and voltage balance control, DC bus voltage control and three-phase circulating current control. The operation mode of the Power Router and the method of using the UCESS to adjust the power flow pattern is discussed. Finally, a Matlab/Simulink simulation has been built to verify the proposed system. |
11:30 | Large-Scale Photovoltaic Generation System Connected to HVDC Grid With Centralized High Voltage and High Power DC/DC Converter (ID:527) SPEAKER: Xinke Huang ABSTRACT. Large-scale photovoltaic (PV) generation system connected to HVDC grid has many advantages compared to its counterpart of AC grid. DC connection can solve many problems that AC connection faces, such as the grid-connection and power transmission, and DC connection is the tendency. DC/DC converter as the most important device in the system, has become one of the hot spots recently. The paper proposes a centralized DC/DC converter which uses Boost Full Bridge Isolated DC/DC Converter(BFBIC) topology and combination through input parallel output series(IPOS) method to improve power capacity and output voltage to match with the HVDC grid voltage. Meanwhile it adopt input current sharing control strategy to realize input current and output voltage balance. A ±30kV/1MW system is modeled in MATLAB/SIMULINK and a downscaled ±10kV/200kW DC/DC converter platform is built to verify the proposed topology and control strategy. |
11:45 | A DC-DC Conversion System for High Power HVDC-Connected Photovoltaic Power System (Invited) (ID:140) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A novel isolated high gain bidirectional DC/DC converter for the MVDC-connected PV power generation system is proposed in this digest. Basic configuration and operation characteristic is introduced. Circuit analysis and prototype circuit will be explained in the final paper. |
12:00 | Three-level Dual Active Bridge with auxiliary inductor for Wide Zero Voltage Switching in Energy Storage System (ID:130) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In order to meet high voltage requirement, three-level structures are attractive. In this digest, a three-level dual active bridge for energy storage system in DC microgrid is investigated. An adaptive auxiliary inductor is proposed to extend the zero voltage switching in light load. The modulation trajectory is proposed. With the optimized modulation trajectory the conduction loss in the auxiliary inductor is improved. The simulation results is verified the modulation scheme. |
12:15 | Novel Topology and Control of a Non-isolated Three Port DC-DC Converter for PV-Battery Power System (ID:237) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a novel three-port converter(TPC) for stand-alone photovoltaic(PV) power system application is proposed, and also presents the control strategy and power management of this converter. This converter uses three switches and switched capacitor structure to obtain a higher voltage gain and reduce the voltage stress of the switch. The control strategy can manage power flow reasonably and efficiently, which has been verified on a 400W prototype of the TPC. |
12:30 | Hybrid MMC Based on the Asymmetrical Double Commutated Cells and Half-bridge Cells and the DC Fault Clearance Capability (ID:026) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The topology and operating principle of the asymmetrical double commutated cells (ADCC) MMC are clarified. A hybrid MMC which combines the ADCC and half-bridge cell is proposed. The dc fault blocking capability of the hybrid MMC is verified by MATLAB/Simulink simulation. |
Oral Presentations
11:15 | Fault identification of Active Magnetic Levitation Bearing Displacement Sensor based on LabVIEW (ID:899) SPEAKER: Ming Zong ABSTRACT. Aiming at the differential displacement sensor of the active bearing (AMB) system, the fault-tolerant control of the sensor probe is studied. The main form of the sensor probe fault and the modeling method of the fault sensor are analyzed. The characteristics and identification methods of the sensor of different forms are studied. Based on the part of the failure of the probe failure, proposed Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) based on LabVIEW,through the Fourier transform of the output voltage of the controller and the sensor, observe the difference in phase difference, so as to determine which sensor failure. |
11:30 | Design of a GMR-based magnetic encoder using TLE5012B (ID:394) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Magnetic encoder based on giant magnetoresistance effect, also known as GMR-based magnetic encoder, has several distinct advantage over the traditional Hall-effect magnetic encoder such as its simpler structure, higher resolution and sensitivity as well as a better tolerance toward extreme working environment. This paper gives a detail design scheme of a GMR-based magnetic encoder. Finite element analysis (FEA) simulation is carried out to find the relationship between the thickness of the air gap and the size of the magnet. Hardware design and software configuration are also discussed. Finally, an encoder prototype is made and the experiment result proves the encoder’s feasibility in position detection of the motor control system. |
11:45 | Development of A New Standard Model of GIB Using Electromagnetic-Structural Coupled Analysis (ID:385) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. To develop a new standard design, an electromagnetic-structural finite element analysis has been conducted considering the electromagnetic force generated in the gas-insulated bus(GIB) with a large current. The GIB are electrical busbar parts of a gas-insulated switchgear(GIS) installed in power plants and substations. Since the electromagnetic forces generated by such a large current flowing through inner conductors in the GIB tend to be very large, the structural integrity of the GIB should be evaluated. The magnetic force was calculated by the virtual work method and structural analysis was performed by utilizing the calculated force as a load condition. By modifying the designs based on the structural safety evaluation results, the maximum lengths of conductors could be increased by about 40~50% |
12:00 | Manufacturing Process of Soft Magnetic Composite Cores for Permanent Magnet Machines (ID:095) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. By using the low mass density compaction, the electrical machine with soft magnetic composite (SMC) cores has shown its great advantage of the low manufacturing cost over that with silicon steels, especially in the mass production. For the laboratory prototype, wire cutting method is widely used to build the SMC cores for electrical machine. However, cutting the SMC perform block can destroy the magnetic properties of the SMC material, making that the electrical machine made in the laboratory cannot have the same performance as that in the mass production. To minimize the gap between the laboratory prototype and the mass production, the SMC cores should be made by the die compaction. However, to achieve high mass density, the compact pressure must be high and the productivity is low. On the other hand, low mass density compaction would greatly increase the productivity, but the core performance may deteriorate, which can be dealt with careful design and optimization of electrical machine. This paper presents our recent investigation on the manufacturing process of soft magnetic cores. The details of designing the die tools and building the SMC cores by using these tools are described. |
12:15 | Lifetime Evaluation of HV Transformers (ID:913) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Power transformers are one of the most important equipment in power substations and distribution systems. As its cost is about 55% of the whole substation cost, it can be called the valuable element in the power grid. Thus its lifetime management based on economical and technical indexes is highly essential for facilitating asset management and achieving more reliability in the power system. This study presents the factors that can affect transformer ageing, analyzes oil test parameters and performs dissolved gas analysis (DGA). Some existing methods for evaluating transformer operation based on DGA are compared. The pros and cons of each method are shown, and a simple method to assess the transformer condition is found. Also, three power transformers with real parameter values and oil samples are studied for the lifetime evaluation, and some possible solutions are proposed for better operation and optimized maintenance. |
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
11:15 | Rotor Displacement Self-sensing of Permanent Magnet Bias Magnetic Bearings Using three-level Switching Amplifier Power Demodulation (ID:191) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The self–sensing magnetic bearing technology offers significant cost savings and the potential for dynamics advantages due to its fundamental sensor-actuator collocation. This paper proposes a rotor displacement self-sensing scheme for the permanent magnet bias magnetic bearings (PMB) using three-level amplifier demodulation. Based on the proposed structure of radial PMB, the self-sensing principle is presented by the magnetic circuit analysis. Then a mathematical expression which includes voltage of the coil, neutral point voltage of the coil and coil current is derived. Based on the derived formula, a practical self-sensing algorithm adapting for three-level switching power amplifier (PA) is proposed. In three-level switching PA, voltage of the coil is non-ideal at high level or low level because of inductive load. If signals are sampled at these non-ideal times, the detection precision becomes worse. The problem is solved through sampling at zero level and singular point will not appear. The experiment on a magnetically suspended motor show that this method can satisfy the performance demand of magnetic bearings system and the rotor speed can reach 3342 RPM. |
11:15 | An Improved Position Detection Method for Permanent Magnet Linear Motor Using Linear Hall Sensors (ID:223) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Two linear hall sensors are utilized to detect the mover position of permanent magnet linear motor (PMLM) in this digest. To eliminate the harmonics of the sensor signals, suboptimal multiple fading Kalman filter (SMFEKF) is utilized. The third-order harmonic is considered into the observation model, and high-order harmonics are considered as observation noise. Compared with traditional EKF, SMFEKF shows higher robustness against model parameter mismatch. Experimental results show that the proposed method can completely eliminate the impact of harmonics when the motor is stationary and significantly improve the accuracy when the motor is running. |
11:15 | Sensorless Control for Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine Based on Sliding Mode Observer (ID:393) SPEAKER: Guangkun Lian ABSTRACT. Sensorless vector control strategy based on sliding mode observer (SMO) was adopted in flux-switching permanent magnet machine (FSPM). The rotor position and speed estimation algorithm was obtained according to the mathematics model of FSPM. Further, the stability criterion was also put forward. At last, an FSPM prototype was designed and the sensorless control strategy was verified well by experiments. |
11:15 | Research on Speed Sensorless Method for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor Based on High Frequency Pulsating Voltage Signal Injection (ID:498) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Improving the detection accuracy of the speed and position of maglev train can effectively ameliorate the performance of train control system. Long primary segmented permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (LPSPMLSM) can be used in medium and low speed maglev train. In this paper, a high frequency pulsating voltage injection method is proposed for the LPSPMLSM, which is used to estimate the speed and position information of the motor. The effectiveness of the method is verified by simulation experiments. |
11:15 | SRM mutual inductance sense for improved sensorless control (ID:871) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Sensorless and torque control of Switched Reluctance Motors (SRMs) is a well researched field. Many techniques rely on the measurement of phase inductance which can be significantly affected by the mutual phase inductance. By measuring the mutual inductance, the accuracy of the sensorless and torque control techniques can be improved. This paper presents two novel techniques which profile the mutual inductance without an offline calibration technique. The techniques are developed for three-phase type SRMs. |
11:15 | Sensorless Control on Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive over Wide Speed Range Operation Based on the Current Derivative Measurements (ID:877) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a sensorless control method for IPMSMS drives over a wide speed range operation, including zero speed by using current derivative measurements during each PWM period. The rotor position estimation is based on relating the measured current derivatives which arise from fundamental PWM voltages to the machine with the incremental inductance. Compared to other saliency tracking sensorless control schemes, this method doesn’t require additional injected signals or test vectors. The experimental results are shown to verify the effectiveness of this sensorless control for IPMSM. |
11:15 | Parameter Sensitivity of Flux-Linkage based Sensorless Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (ID:730) SPEAKER: Tommy Aas ABSTRACT. Abstract — Sensorless control can be utilized to reduce cost, size and total complexity of a motor drive or enhance reliability of the system. This paper first presents a sensorless control algorithm for a surface permanent-magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM) based on estimated flux linkages and stator currents. Within the algorithm, rotor position error can be predicted by comparing the estimated currents with measured stator currents. Performance of the sensorless control based on flux-linkages and the dependency of the algorithm on motor parameters is then numerically investigated via simulations. It is found from the investigation that the accuracy of the method depends on the motor working condition, and it can be improved by parameter estimation. Index Terms – sensorless control, surface permanent magnet synchronous machine, flux-linkage based method, rotor position estimation. |
11:15 | Sensor-less Control of Maglev Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor based on Sliding Mode Observer (ID:431) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In order to solve the difficulty of measuring the speed and the position of maglev permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM),a sensor-less back-electromotive force (EMF) -based sliding mode is proposed.And for the drawback of the sliding mode technique called chattering phenomenon,a series of improvements are provided. |
11:15 | Sensorless Direct Power Control for High-speed PMSM Based on High-precision Rotor Position Estimation (ID:025) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In order to improve the performance of the high-speed PMSM control system, a sensorless DPC (Direct Power Control) scheme for pump-kind applications is proposed. For further improve the performance, a high precision rotor position estimation, which is the key factor for the DPC scheme, is proposed. The experimental results validate effectiveness of the proposed method. |
11:15 | Sensorless Control of Five-phase IPM Motor Based on High-Frequency Sinusoidal Voltage Injection (ID:756) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a rotor position estimation method of a five-phase IPM motor based on high-frequency sinusoidal voltage injection to improve the sensorless control system performance at low speed. The high-frequency sinusoidal voltage is injected into the estimated rotor reference frame. The estimated rotor position and speed are obtained by detecting and processing high-frequency current response of the stator. Simulation results show that this method has good tracking performance with stable and effective operation at low speed and even zero speed. |
Poster Presentations
11:15 | Pulsation Reduction method using notch filter with Pole-Zero cancellation and lead controller in single-inverter-based PMSM parallel operation (ID:154) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Resonance occurs in the uncontrolled slave motor at the middle and lower speed due to the electromotive force and stator resistance error between the two motors when two PMSMs drive in parallel in SIMM structure with master and slave control method. This paper proposes that a notch filter with pole-zero cancellation method to avoid resonant bands and lead controller to reduce pulsation is proposed for stable parallel operation based on resonant analysis of frequency response of mathematical model of SIMM system. The proposed method verified with simulation. |
11:15 | Parameters self-turning fuzzy control for controllable excitation linear synchronous motor magnetic suspension system (ID:181) SPEAKER: Yipeng Lan ABSTRACT. This paper presents a parameters self-turning fuzzy control of magnetic levitation system of controllable excitation linear synchronous motor magnetic suspension feeding platform. Magnetic levitation system is an important subsystem of magnetic suspension feeding platform, which is highly nonlinear, inherently unstable,strongly coupled and highly sensitive to initial condition.In view of the above characteristics,id=0 control mode was used to minimize the impact of magnetic coupling phenomenon of linear synchronous motor on the suspension system. Electromagnetic force between field excitation and mover core is taken as the controllable levitation force, and the other part of the normal force is taken as disturbance of the suspension system. A parameters self-turning fuzzy controller is designed to control maglev system, which includes main fuzzy control unit and fuzzy parameter optimization unit. Simulation results with different initial conditions reveal that the proposed control scheme stabilized the system. |
11:15 | Position sensorless control method of IPMSM applying three shunt sensing PWM inverter using predictive current (ID:484) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The method sensing the phase current using three shunt resistor cannot perform the sensorless control since there is the area that cannot measure three phase current especially in high-speed motor operation where the MI(Modulation index) is increased. In this paper, the boundary where phase currents cannot be obtained is defined and the method for reconstructing the phase current is proposed by predicting phase current in the area which phases current measurement is impossible. Also, the EMF observer and synchronous voltage recalculation method are applied for sensorless control considering both linear area and over-modulated area. |
11:15 | A New Hybrid Asymmetric and Buck-Boost Fronted Converter for SRM with Active Boost Voltage Capability (ID:561) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. in order to improve performance of switched reluctance motor (SRM) at high speed, a new hybrid asymmetric and buck-boost fronted converter for SRM with active boost voltage capability is proposed. Different from existing converters with boosting voltage, the proposed converter has an active regulation ability of boosting voltage, in which voltage level is independent from switching and dwell angels. Firstly, the basic structure and operating modes are introduced and analyzed. Secondly, the key parameter such as inductor and boosting capacitor is investigated and designed. Finally, some experiments are implemented and results show the validation of proposed method |
11:15 | A Novel Reduced-Order Load Torque Observer Based Discrete-Time Sliding Mode Control for PMSM Speed Servo System (ID:023) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. To enhance the control precision of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) under parameter variations and load torque disturbances, a minimal reduced-order load torque observer (MRLTO) based discrete-time sliding mode control (DSMC) scheme is presented. First, a DSMC controller is presented on the basis of the second-order discrete-time PMSM dynamics model to enhance the speed tracking response and robustness. Then, a self-tuning switching gain and the saturation function are introduced to suppress the chattering. Moreover, to simplify the implementation and further enhance the robustness against the disturbance of PMSM, a minimal reduced-order load torque observer is presented, which can provide accurate estimation and feed-forward compensation of the load disturbance. Stability of DSMC and MRLTO is analyzed, respectively. Simulation and experimental comparisons demonstrate the presented controller is superior. |
11:15 | High Power Factor Control of Brushless DC Motor Drive System without Electrolytic Capacitor (ID:188) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a novel control strategy for the brushless DC motor drive system fed by electrolytic capacitor-less inverter. In order to obtain high power factor, this paper proposes a new control method that regulates the inverter input current. The calculated compensation current of small film capacitor is subtracted from the ideal ac input current, which is regarded as the ideal inverter input current. The inverter input current is regulated by a PI controller, and the output of PI controller is used as duty-cycle of PWM technique. Meanwhile, the PWM_ON_PWM pattern is used in the proposed system, which can reduce the torque ripple in BLDCM. The effectiveness of the proposed system has been verified by simulation and experiment. |
11:15 | A Novel Boost Chopper Converter-Based Torque Sharing Function Control Strategy for Switched Reluctance Motors (ID:122) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a novel boost chopper converter-based torque sharing function (TSF) control strategy for switched reluctance motors (SRMs) is proposed to reduce the torque ripple. Due to the advantages of the simple structure, low cost, high reliability and wide speed range, SRMs have attracted much attention in the industrial applications. However, the torque ripple is one critical issue to restrict the further development for SRMs, which is mainly caused by the doubly salient motor structure and unbalanced electromagnetic torque during the commutation region. Though the torque ripple can be reduced by employing the TSF control scheme, the incoming phase torque still cannot achieve its torque reference perfectly and the outgoing phase torque cannot drop down to its reference quickly in the commutation region. Therefore, a boost chopper circuit is presented to combine with the conventional asymmetrical half-bridge converter for TSF control, which effectively minimizes the torque ripple by the enhanced bus voltage. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is verified by the simulation on a 150 W, four-phase 8/6-pole SRM. |
11:15 | A Study on a Novel Multistage-AFPM with Modular Stator Core Made of Different Materials of Silicon Steel and SMC (ID:219) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a 5kW novel multistage axial-flux permanent magnet machine (M-AFPM) is analyzed. As a key part of the machine, stator core of silicon steel and SMC are studied by 3D finite element method (FEM) respectively. No-load, full-load, magnetic field distribution, core loss, etc. are calculated. FEM result indicates that SMC-materials have almost equal influence on EMF, magnetic field distribution and electromagnetic torque. But in aspect of core loss, Differences appears between silicon steel and SMC. The FEM result is also verified by the test results of the prototypes. |
11:15 | Control and LC Resonance Damping for Multiple-Channel Indirect Matrix Converters Fed Dual Three-phase PMSM Drive (ID:480) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a new control scheme is proposed for the multiple-channel indirect matrix converter (IMC) fed dual three-phase PMSM machine based on vector space decomposition (VSD). With VSD, the torque of multiple channels can be controlled as a whole. By designing space vector modulation (SVM) of VSI under non-constant dc-link voltage and safe commutation strategy with CSR, good operating performances are provided for the drive. Besides, the active damping is proposed to improve harmonic performance on grid side. Both simulation and experiments are given to verify the validity of the proposed strategy. |
11:15 | Small Signal Modeling and Stability Analysis of Virtual Synchronous Generators (ID:283) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this article, small-signal modeling of Virtual Synchronous Generator (VSG) is carried out, and complete the steady-state analysis and sensitivity analysis. Each sub-module is modeled in state-space form. Then the model is combined to get the entire inverter model, which can be analyzed comprehensively. The system analysis can guide the selection of parameters. Finally, simulation verify the accuracy of small signal modeling by Simulink. |
11:15 | Low Carrier Ratio Control for Dual Stator-Winding Induction Generator with Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulsewidth Modulation (ID:198) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. With the development of more/all electric aircrafts, variable frequency AC (VFAC) generation system becomes popular. Dual stator-winding induction generators (DWIG) utilized in VFAC systems have the feature of high fundamental frequency. However, the switching frequency of high power devices does not exceed 5 kHz in general, which makes carrier ratio lower. Thus, how to ensure the quality of system’s output voltage under low carrier ratio condition becomes the focus of the study. In this paper, a novel low carrier ratio control method is proposed to improve the quality of output voltage. In this method, selective harmonic elimination pulsewidth modulation (SHEPWM) is adopted and carrier ratio changes depending on different fundamental frequency range. The switching losses are limited while the quality of the output voltage remains good. Simulation and experimental results prove this method is effective. |
Poster Presentations
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
13:45 | Bearing Fault Detection for Drivetrains using Adaptive Filters based Wavelet Transform (ID:041) SPEAKER: Van Khang Huynh ABSTRACT. Predicting a localized defect on a rolling bearing during the degradation process before a complete failure is crucial to prevent system failures, unscheduled downtimes and substantial loss of productivity. During this process, impulses associated with the fault are weak, nonstationary or time-frequency varying, and contaminated by noises, which render the problem of extracting these impulses very difficult. This work investigates the effectiveness of common signal processing techniques on predicting incipient faults, e.g. Fast Fourier transform, Short-Time Fourier transform, Wavelet transform. It was found that an adaptive filter is required to enhance and reconstruct the signals during the degradation process, and a combination of adaptive filter and Morlet wavelet transform is necessary in order to effectively detect a localized defect on rolling element bearings during degradation. The proposed method was applied to analyze vibration signals collected from a run-to-failure test of drivetrain. The analysis shows that the frequency associated with a bearing defect can be well identified in the early stage or during degradation |
14:00 | Novel Fault-Tolerant Stator Structure for Modular PMSMs with Fractional-Slot Overlapping Winding (ID:200) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) equipped with dual three-phase (DTP) fractional-slot overlapping windings (FSOWs) are characterized by stator modularization, low rotor losses and easy manufacturing. However, the overlapping between the adjacent phase windings may cause poor magnetic insulation in PMSMs, which is undesirable in fault-tolerant applications. This paper proposes a type of novel stator structure, in which flux barriers are inserted in stator yokes of PMSMs to realize low mutual inductance between the adjacent phase windings in DTP FSOWs. The proposed stator structure is described in detail, and the principle of depressing the mutual coupling between the adjacent phase windings is also explained. In addition, the main electromagnetic characteristics of a 24-slot 14-pole DTP FSOW PMSM employing the proposed stator structure with flux barriers are compared with those of the counterparts using the conventional stators without flux barriers. |
14:15 | A two-stage detection and fault classification for electric pitch drives in offshore wind farms using support vector machine (ID:491) SPEAKER: Surya Kandukuri ABSTRACT. Wind turbine pitch systems are reported to be among the components with frequent failures. While the pitch systems are easily replaceable in onshore wind turbines, they result in expensive maintenance measures in offshore. This article presents an approach for health assessment of induction motor drives in pitch systems based on selected features derived from motor three phase currents. The features are calculated at wind turbine level and if fault is detected, they are transmitted to a central support vector classifier for accurate fault classification. |
14:30 | Realistic and Very Fast Simulation of Electric Machines and Apparatus by using Massively Parallel Processing (ID:396) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, we present the performance of massively parallel processing in finite element electromagnetic field analyses with time periodic explicit error correction. The Domain decomposition technique is used for parallelization, and the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library is used for processing communications. The numerical results indicate over a 64-fold speed increase compared with the sequential solver, and that it is very effective for designing electric machines and apparatus in a brief period of time. |
14:45 | Detection of rotor broken bar fault of asynchronous motor based on Duffing and PSO algorithm (ID:918) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A new method for rotor fault detection of induction motor is proposed based on the combination of Duffing and PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm. The fault characteristic frequency can be extracted accurately by using the sensitivity of the Duffing system to the initial parameters.Based on that, this paper presents an PSO algorithm to calculate the amplitude and initial phase of each frequency component. The simulation and experiment results show that the proposed method can detect the rotor faults of induction motor quickly and accurately. |
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
13:45 | Model Predictive Control of Brushless Doubly Fed Twin Stator Induction Generator: A Model Reduction Approach (ID:746) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a model reduction approach (MRA) for model predictive control of brushless doubly fed twin stator induction generators (BDFTSIGs). The complete power model is firstly divided into various small divisions with different coefficients. These divisions are then classified into three levels of subspaces through a local sensitivity analysis. A simplified model can finally be obtained by a further analysis of global sensitivity. The effectiveness of the proposed MRA and the accuracy of the simplified model are validated by the excellent control performance. |
13:45 | Reduction of Slot Harmonics in a Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine by Using the Tooth Notching (ID:424) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Since air-gap magnetic fields of brushless doubly-fed machine (BDFM) are produced by two stator windings of different pole pairs, the spatial harmonic contents of the BDFM are higher than conventional induction machines and have a considerable effect on the machine performance. To reduce the contents of main slot harmonics, the harmonic components of air-gap magnetic field for the BDFM are analyzed and a method of using the tooth notching in the stator and the rotor is introduced in this paper. A two-dimensional finite element method (2-D FEM) is applied to model a 72-slot stator, 84-slot rotor and 2/4 pole pairs prototype BDFM. The simulation results show that the method of the tooth notching reduces the first-order slot harmonic of air-gap flux density and torque ripple of the BDFM effectively. |
13:45 | Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine Parametrisation (ID:474) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper examines several techniques for determining the parameters of the Brushless Doubly Fed Reluctance Machine (BDFRM). Even though the mathematical model for this machine is like that of an induction machine, the very high leakages inductances prevent the use of the normal locked rotor and unloaded rotor tests. The accuracy of the parameters found is validated by machine testing and comparison with the FEA machine design. |
13:45 | A New Stator Back Iron Design For Brushless Doubly Fed Machines (ID:627) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper sets out to provide a rotor-centric view of BDFM operation, which shows the basis of its rotating flux pattern, aligning it with the known Natural Speed, and clarifying the synchronous and induction modes of operation of the BDFM. Based on rotor-centric view of the BDFM it is shown that the conventional design methods for the BDFM stator back iron can be modified, leading to a lighter and smaller machine. The proposed design concepts are supported by analytical methods and their practicality is verified using 2-D Finite Element (FE) modeling and analysis of three experimental BDFMs. |
13:45 | Design Study on Novel Three-phase Rotary Transformer Used for Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generators (ID:635) SPEAKER: Yingjie Wang ABSTRACT. The novel three-phase rotary transformer is an attractive solution to replace the brushes and slip rings of doubly fed induction generators. The interaction of magnetic field produced by primary windings and rotating secondary ones makes it difficult to establish the dynamic mathematical model of the transformer. This paper presents finite element analyses of the novel three-phase rotary transformer and investigates its dynamic characteristics. The influence on the most important design parameters such as air gap length and phase voltages are discussed in detail. |
13:45 | A New Optimized Rotor Design for Brushless Doubly Fed Machines (ID:176) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The brushless doubly fed machine (BDFM) is an alternative to the doubly fed induction generator, widely used in wind turbines, without use of brush gears and slip rings. Rotor design is important for designing an optimal multi-MW BDFM. To date, nested-loop rotors have been extensively used in various BDFMs, however they may not be suitable for larger machines. In this paper, design optimization of a bar-cage rotor for the BDFM based on equivalent circuit analysis is presented and its performance verified with experimental results and compared to the conventional nested-loop rotor. A new BDFM with frame size D180 was built with two rotors, one has a nested-loop structure and the other has a bar-cage design. The performance of the BDFM with the two rotors is studied and experimental results will be presented in the full paper. |
13:45 | Comparison Research of Novel Brushless Hybrid-Excitation Axial Flux Machine (ID:089) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A novel brushless hybrid-excitation axial flux machine (BHAFM) is investigated in this paper. It is designed for electric vehicle which requires the ability of wide speed range and high starting torque of machine. Adopting the special structure of claw poles, BHAFM realizes the function of hybrid-excitation without brush and slip ring. Meanwhile, contrasted with traditional permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), it has the merits of less demagnetization to permanent magnet (PM) and more flexible design. The comparison research mainly focus on the ability in the condition of flux weaken control, and the working principle of traditional PMSM and BHAFM in that condition is introduced. |
13:45 | Structural Design and Mechanical Performance Analysis of Dual-Stator Brushless Doubly-Fed Generator (ID:703) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Abstract—Brushless doubly-fed generator (BDFG) has a good application prospect on the wind power generation field. In order to improve the power density, a new type of dual-stator brushless doubly-fed generator (BDFG) with magnetic-barrier rotor is presented in this paper. The overall structure design method and mechanical performance of DSBDFG is put forward and analyzed. In addition, rotor bracket plays an important role for supporting inside and outside cage-barrier rotor, so the mechanical strength of the rotor bracket is calculated by using finite element method (FEM). Furthermore, the structure model and the influence of stator structure parameter on resonance phenomena are investigated for the structure optimization. |
13:45 | Research on Control Strategy of a Novel Axial Doubly Salient Electro-magnetic Machine (ID:892) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a novel axial doubly salient electro-magnetic machine with a new double stator structure based on the traditional permanent magnet brushless DC motor and the switched reluctance motor. And according to the electromagnetic characteristics in different conditions by three-dimensional finite element method, a new control strategy is put forward. Simulation and experiment have verified the correctness of the analysis. The results indicate that the machine in this control strategy can run stably. It has high starting torque, small torque ripple, good speed expansion capability and favorable field-control performance. |
13:45 | A Study on the Current Minimization for a Low Voltage BLDC Motor (ID:695) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, we propose a design model using numerical optimization technique and control technique aiming at improvement of efficiency of the low voltage BLDC motor because the utilization of low voltage motor is increasing for safety and convenience of electric motor use in recent industrial trends. The optimization technique is employed the generalized sensitivity technique and sampling minimization technique. In order to minimize current consumption, the switching method of the driving device is optimized using RSM with DE. |
Poster Presentations
13:45 | Modeling of Electromechanical Actuators Using Multi-body Dynamics (ID:381) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a modeling method of electromechanical actuator (EMA) system including nonlinear links and multi-body dynamics problems with flexible bodies. Since the two nonlinear characteristics can affect the dynamic characteristics of the system, the analysis of their effects on the system can be carried out closer to the actual situation. According to various situations, the mathematical model of the system is studied. Then the simulation model is established in Matlab software to verify the influence of nonlinear factors on dynamic characteristics of the system. |
13:45 | A Novel Third Harmonic Current Injection Method to Optimize the Air-gap Flux for Multiphase Induction Machine (ID:121) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a novel harmonic current injection method to optimize air-gap flux density distribution for multiphase induction machine (IM). The control objective is to generate a nearly rectangular air-gap flux for the best iron utilization. The proposed method uses air-gap flux orientation control (AFOC) and rotor flux orientation control (RFOC) to realize the real-time adjustment of the third harmonic current under various loads. The robustness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme has been validated by computer simulations and experiments. |
13:45 | A Simple Duty Cycle Modulated Direct Torque Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (ID:146) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a simple duty cycle modulated direct torque control (DDTC) for permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). DDTC sequentially output an active vector and a zero vector during each control period. The duty cycle of active vector is obtained using a duty cycle generator according to the torque error, which can avoid the complex calculation process associated with conventional DDTC. Simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the effectiveness of proposed DDTC. Furthermore, the comparative evaluation of proposed DDTC and conventional DDTC is conducted to verify the superiority of proposed DDTC. |
13:45 | Research on the Multilevel-Switching-Linear Hybrid Scheme for PMSM Drives (ID:174) SPEAKER: Congzhe Gao ABSTRACT. In the applications like aerospace, it is important to drive the motor in high precision and high efficiency. The traditional switching inverter drivers output pulse mode voltage which brings lots of harmonics and influences the stability of motor drives. A multilevel-switching-linear hybrid (MSLH) scheme is proposed for the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives. It combines the advantages of multilevel switching inverters and power linear amplifiers: the high efficiency and the excellent linear waveform. The topology of MSLH scheme is proposed and the simulation is carried out to verify the performance of this system. |
13:45 | Control Strategy of DFIG Under Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions Based on Complex-Vector-Resonant Regulator (ID:3)78 SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, the behavior of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) under unbalanced grid voltage conditions is analyzed and a control strategy based on complex-vector-resonant regulator is proposed. Compared with the traditional PI regulator, the positive and negative sequence currents can be regulated without sequential-decomposition process and this control structure has strong robustness parameter variations. Simulation and experimental studies validate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy and the ride-through capability of DFIG under unbalance grid voltage conditions can be enhanced. |
13:45 | A Study on the Life Cycle Cost Analysis of PWM modules in Auxiliary Power System (ID:529) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The maintenance cost of 8200 series electric locomotive operating in Korea is rising due to aging and lack of original technology. 8200 series electric locomotive operating have two auxiliary power systems. The auxiliary power system supplies power to the passenger cars. So It was related to the safety and reliability. There are many parts of auxiliary power system. Among that, The PWM modules are very important in 8200 series electric locomotive. This is because the PWM module is a power conversion device that is essential for powering the passenger cars. Also the price of PWM modules are very high. So maintenance cost of PWM modules have increasing. In this paper, Life Cycle Cost analysis was conducted for PWM modules of the auxiliary power system in 8200 series electric locomotive. In order to life cycle cost analysis, cost of breakdown maintenance and operating was applied. |
13:45 | Analysis of Failure Code of Auxiliary Power System SIBCOS in 8200 Series Electric Locomotive Using Signal Analyzer (ID:511) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Recently, the development of a system using the latest technology has been continuously carried out in order to solve the increase in the maintenance cost and the aging of the railway vehicle. Especially, in the case of 8200 series electric locomotives, which transport passengers and cargoes in Korea, the maintenance cost of railway vehicles has been increasing, and the latest technology is applied to make the products compatible with existing vehicles. Among them, the APS(Auxiliary Power System) supplies electric power to the carriage. This system requires power conversion devices and communication devices. The auxiliary power system performs communication via SIBCOS. In order to perform communication, the protocol defined in the standard must be applied, and when the system is normal, the master device does not generate an error signal. In this study, the fault code of SIBCOS in 8200 series locomotive auxiliary power system was analyzed for the development of the product considering the compatibility with existing. In addition, the failure code that was frequently displayed when applied to real vehicles was analyzed. |
13:45 | Optimal Design of Power Supply System for a Novel Permanent Bistable Electromagnetic Clutch (ID:334) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In-wheel motor system is recognized as the ideal drive system for electric vehicles. To reduce mechanical shock and electromagnetic impulsion brought by rigid connection between hubs and motor, our group proposed a novel permanent bistable electromagnetic clutch which can flexible connecting the motor and hubs. In this paper, several power supply schemes for the clutch are proposed and compared, then, pulsed power supply as a better scheme is further studied and optimal designed. Subsequently, the capacitance, charging voltage, coil turns and coil diameter are determined. Finally, experiments verified the power supply system we proposed. |
13:45 | A 12-Sector Torque Ripple Reduction Method Based on the New Zero Voltage Vectors in Direct Torque Control of BLDCM (ID:131) SPEAKER: Jianfei Yang ABSTRACT. This paper presents a 12-sector control method, based on the new zero voltage vectors (ZVVs), in direct torque control (DTC) of brushless DC motor (BLDCM). Compared to the 6-sector control strategy, this method has a better performance in reducing the torque ripple because it can effectively prevent the phase windings in commutation from commutated current freewheeling. The proposed method is validated by the experimental results. |
13:45 | Inductive Coupling Wireless Power Transfer with LC and LLC resonance operations according to distance between Tx and Rx (ID:048) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper is about improving efficiency of an inductive coupling wireless power transfer (WPT) according to the distance between a transmitting coil and a receiving coil. When the distance between the transmitting coil and receiving coil is very short, it is called by over coupling and efficiency is low and output power is small. Sufficient power and high efficiency can be obtained with LLC resonance and the LC resonance operations according to clearance of two coils. The features are analyzed in two operations in detail. Experimental results are also shown to verify features and operation with a 5W prototype. |
13:45 | An Improved Control Strategy Based on the Duty Ratio Modulation to Reduce the Torque Ripple in Direct Torque Control of BLDCM (ID:132) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, an improved control strategy based on the duty ratio modulation, using the new zero voltage vectors (ZVVs) is proposed in direct torque control (DTC) of brushless DC motor (BLDCM). The conventional voltage switching table is modified according to this strategy to minimize the torque ripple. The strategy has been proved to be easy to realize, fast in dynamic response and insensitive to system parameters. The numerical simulation and experimental results show that the strategy is quite effective in reducing the torque ripple. |
13:45 | A Modified General Model for SiC Power MOSFET in Rail Transportation Application (ID:400) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A compact behavioral model for SiC power MOSFET is proposed. By applying more degrees of freedom in the channel current expression, removing the drift resistance and rectifying junction capacitance mathematical model, the proposed model can accurately reproduces those static and dynamic characteristics in datasheet. The convergence problem of original model is solved and less simulation time is needed. Moreover, the model was promoted to simulate 1200V/300A power module, which is suitable for rail transportation application. |
Poster Presentations
13:45 | Managing Cumulative Distribution Function of The profit: a Producer Risk Management Case (ID:791) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a new framework for risk consideration of participants in electricity markets. Current approaches add risk measures to stochastic problem formulation in order to control the variation of the profits (costs). However, in the proposed method, the cumulative distribution function of profit is utilized and it is shaped based on the preferred risk levels of the producer (buyer). The features of this new method are compared with the current approaches based on a detailed case study performed on the problem of a producer participating in a three settlement market. |
13:45 | Study on Regulatory Position Commercial Grade Item Dedication for Digital Electrical Appliances in Nuclear Power Plant (ID:432) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. As shrinking the overseas nuclear power plant construction market, the number of producers and suppliers has been increased abandoning nuclear quality assurance programs because of decreasing the demand for safety grade items. It is difficult to supply equipment for installation and replacement of safety class electrical equipment of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) in Korea. Commercial Grade Items (CGIs) are inevitable to use as a substitute for safety-related equipment parts through Commercial Grade Item Dedication (CGID). In this work, we have performed to analyze regulatory laws, regulation and technical standards for quality assurance of CGI, critical characteristics and acceptance methods are necessary to clarify for safety and regulatory quality. |
13:45 | Issues on Load Shedding in a Microgrid Operated At Constant Frequency (ID:297) SPEAKER: Daming Zhang ABSTRACT. This paper presents a method to shed off the least important loads in a microgrid operated at constant frequency under the contingency of inadequate power generation. Different from conventional frequency deviation based load shedding, this paper discusses in detail how to shed off load based on the voltage deviation. The key issue is to differentiate whether the voltage deviation is due to sudden change of loads and renewable generation or due to insufficient power generation. By setting proper time margin, an error-free judgement could be made to shed off the least important loads. |
13:45 | Study on the Improvement of Power Utilization Efficiency of Industrial Consumers using Small Scale Microgrid (ID:195) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this study, we collected actual power demand data for small and medium sized industrial customers(SMEs) with high power consumption. Based on these collected data, a small microgrid system including a photovoltaic system and a battery system is constructed at a factory in a customer to improve power consumption efficiency. This system also includes a peak demand power controller to reduce the peak power, and a method for reducing the maximum demand power and the amount of power consumption is proposed in this study. |
13:45 | A Novel Method for Optimizing Distributed Generation in Distribution Networks Using the Game Theory (ID:907) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper a novel method is presented to optimize distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks. The suggested method shows how DGs should change in their sizes and places, if it is necessary, to improve the voltage profile and total power loss of distribution networks. For this purpose, game theory is applied to model the optimization problem. At the first step, an appropriate game based on the Nash equilibrium is suggested. Using the specific features of game theory, the procedure of decision making in the operator centers of distribution grids is considered. Then, the optimization problem is solved by finding Nash equilibrium point. To solve the Nash equilibrium a specific kind of genetic algorithm (GA) called Nash GA is applied. |
13:45 | Fractional-order Analysis Model and Control of Chaotic Oscillation in a 4D Power System Including Synchronous Generator Exciter (ID:005) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A fractional-order analysis model of chaotic oscillation in a 4D power system including synchronous generator exciter is presented in this paper. The dynamics of the system are investigated extensively by using this model. Firstly, the minimum order for chaotic oscillation occurring is calculated under the invariant system parameter set, then the influence on the dynamics of the system under variation of parameters is studied through bifurcation diagram and maximum Lyapunov exponent. The dynamic behaviors of the coexistence of attractors with different initial conditions are also investigated through the analysis of the trajectories and the Poincaré sections of the coexisting attractors. Finally, based on the stability theory and the feedback theory for the fractional-order nonlinear system, a controller is designed to realize the synchronization of two power systems. |
Oral Presentations
15:30 | Fault Tolerant Control of Axial Field Flux-Switching Fault Tolerant Machine Under Single-Phase Faults (ID:591) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Abstract — In order to study the method of fault tolerant control for axial field flux-switching fault tolerant machine under single-phase faults, a new control strategy has been proposed which combines the SVPWM tolerance algorithm and excitation of field winding, based on an inverter with fault tolerant topology called three-phase four-leg with field winding H-bridge. The theory of SVPWM tolerance algorithm has been analyzed in detail when the machine’s single-phase faults happen in this paper. Because of the particularity of AFFSFTM, the field winding can be used to assist fault-tolerant control, which is verified by simulation. Moreover, the experiments were done . AFFSFTM still can maintain normal operation after single-phase faults by using the proposed control method. |
15:45 | Comparative Study of Flux-regulation method for Stator Permanent magnet memory machine (ID:241) SPEAKER: Nian Li ABSTRACT. Three types of flux-regulation methods, namely storage capacitor discharge pulse (SCDP), constant current source pulse (CCSP) and quantitative flux-regulation pulse (QFRP) methods are analyzed and quantitatively compared. The simulation results show that the QFRP possess good performance in regulating the magnitude, direction, duration as well as the parameter insensitivity. In the same magnetization and demagnetization process, the experimental results confirm that the QFRP enables the stator permanent magnet memory machine (SPMMM) to achieve larger back EMF and less harmonic component. |
16:00 | Sliding Mode Control of Axial Field Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine (ID:235) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A novel 6/13-pole axial field flux-switching permanent magnet (AFFSPM) machine has the advantages of compact structure, large torque density, high efficiency and good fault tolerance. In order to reduce the influence of load mutation and the variation of system parameter on the control system of AFFSPM machine, and to improve the stability of drive system, the control method of AFFSPM machine is researched. In this paper, the sliding mode control method based on SVPWM is applied to the drive system of the AFFSPM machine. The simulation model of the drive system under the control strategy is established by MATLAB/Simulink. The waveforms of three-phase currents, speed and torque are researched and analyzed. The simulation results show that the drive system of the novel AFFSPM machine has good static and dynamic performances under the control of the sliding mode control strategy. |
16:15 | Field-Weakening Performance of Permanent Magnet Memory Machines (ID:798) SPEAKER: Nian Li ABSTRACT. This paper presents the theoretical analysis of field-weakening performance of a permanent magnet (PM) memory machine. A modified circle diagram is proposed to graphically illustrate the maximum torque field-weakening control strategy for memory machine drives. It is shown that a maximum torque capacity can be obtained by the proper control of the armature current and magnet flux. The influence of machine parameters on the performance of PM memory machine is also investigated. The results can be used to design a PM memory machine for a given flux-weakening performance. |
16:30 | Comparison of Two Control Methods for Axial Field Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor (ID:233) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Abstract--Axial field flux-switching permanent magnet (AFFSPM) motor is a novel stator-type brushless permanent magent motor. It has these advatanges including short axial size, large torque density and good fault-tolerant capability. In this paper, the structure of a novel U-shaped stator core AFFSPM motor and operation principles are analyzed in detail, based on which the mathematical model of the motor is derived. And then the drive system of the AFFSPM motor, in which the vector control and direct torque control methods are respectively applied, are simulated and researched by MATLAB/Simulink software. The static and dynamic characterisitics are compared and analyzed under the conditon of the two control methods. Although the dynamic response of direct torque control is quicker than that of vector control, the former has better static performances and low speed characteristics. Finally, the relative experiments are done to validate the performances of the AFFSPM motor under the vector control. |
16:45 | Static Characteristics of a Dual-Rotor Axial Field Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine (Invited) (ID:824) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. A dual-rotor axial field flux-switching permanent magnet (DRAFFSPM) machine is proposed and investigated in this paper. The static characteristics, such as the field distribution, the PM flux-linkage, the back-EMF, the winding inductance, the cogging torque, and the output torque, etc., are investigated based on the 3D finite element (FE) method. In order to gain sinusoidal back-EMF and reduce the cogging torque, the structure of the DRAFFSPM machine is optimized. The theoretical analysis is validated experimentally. It shows that the phase back-EMF is sinusoidal, and the machine can be used as a permanent magnet brushless AC motor. |
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
Oral Presentations
15:30 | Torque ripple minimization of an IPMSG with Fractional-Slot, Concentrated-Winding using Uncontrolled Rectifier-connected Boost Converter Control (ID:413) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a technique to reduce electromagnetic torque ripple of an IPMSG with fractional-slot, concentrated-winding which is connected to a rectifier and a boost converter. Firstly, the generator was controlled using DC current control of the boost converter. The generator torque ripple with this conventional method was found as 29.7% of rated torque which is significant to cause generator losses and drive train vibrations. Hence, a new control approach to reduce the ripple was proposed. The proposed strategy directly controls the electromagnetic torque of the generator using a rotor position based torque estimator. The new method was able to reduce torque ripple to 7.6% of the rated torque. The generator was controlled at rated speed and rated current with each of methods mentioned above for the analysis. The improvement was experimentally verified using a 4kW prototype fractional-slot, concentrated-wound IPMSG. |
15:45 | Moving Average Filter-Based Model Predictive Control for Electric Vehicles Bidirectional Power Flow (ID:663) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The paper proposes a moving average filter (MAF) model predictive control (MPC) based on grid virtual flux estimation electric vehicles (EVs). An MAF, which acts as an ideal low pass filter (LPF), can eliminate the effect of unbalanced grid voltage and unknown characteristic harmonics. Both the two cascaded LPF and the proposed MAF-based MPC strategies can achieve bi-directional power flow for G2V and V2G operations. Compared with the two cascaded LPF based MPC, the proposed control method can improve the system performance by reducing the active power overshoot and the current total harmonic distortion (THD). |
16:00 | Direct Torque Control with a Modified Switching Table for a Direct Matrix Converter based AC Motor Drive System (ID:063) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The direct matrix converter has been regarded as a promising AC/AC conversion topology and it is being researched. Motor drives are one of the main potential applications of the matrix converter. This paper carries forward the application of matrix converters in AC motor drives using direct torque control (DTC). In the common DTC scheme for the matrix converter, two vectors with the maximum amplitudes are used to control the torque and flux. In the proposed approach, the input voltage vector sectors are redefined, therefore a modified and simplified switching look-up table is obtained. In this case the most appropriate vector to be applied is uniquely determined and the number of switch actions are reduced. The excellent dynamic performance is obtained by selecting the maximum vector. Flux and speed are controlled effectively. Simulation work is carried out for an induction motor and results verify the effectiveness of the proposed DTC control in matrix converter based AC drive systems. |
16:15 | Highly Integrated Bidirectional Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) System for Electric Vehicles Based on Open Winding Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (ID:775) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a novel integrated control system including PMSM drive and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology based on open winding PMSM. It realizes bidirectional energy flow for Electric Vehicles in V2G control mode and motor drive mode. These modes can be switched easily and smoothly according to commands from integrated controller. Compared with the traditional control system in V2G mode, the proposed control system uses motor stator winding as filtering inductor, eliminating the additional filtering inductor and decreasing the volume of the Electric Vehicles control system and the cost of the product. It also increases the power density of electric vehicle control system. At last, the correctness and feasibility of the proposed integrated control system are verified by theoretical analysis and simulation. |
16:30 | Common-Mode Voltage Attenuation of an Active Common-Mode Filter in a Motor Drive System Fed by a PWM Inverter (ID:659) SPEAKER: Shotaro Takahashi ABSTRACT. In recent years, researches and developments of next generation power semiconductor devices using wide-band gap semiconductors such as SiC and GaN become actively. Switching speed of these devices are more than ten times faster than conventional silicon IGBTs. Therefore, EMI emissions generated by power converters will be further widened in near future. Especially, since an influence by radiated EMI becomes serious, it is urgent to realize effective radiated noise reduction techniques. The authors proposed an active common-mode filter (ACF) capable of reducing radiated noise from power cables which are connected to power converters, and evaluated its reduction effect of radiated noise by using an oscillator as a common-mode (CM) noise source . In this paper, the ACF is applied to a motor drive system fed by a PWM inverter, and an attenuation characteristic of CM voltage is evaluated. |
16:45 | Impact of PWM Switching Frequency on the Radiated Acoustic Noise from a Traction Motor (ID:406) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The radiated acoustic noise from a traction motor at low speeds is dominated by the noise of electromagnetic origin. For a motor operated from pulse width modulated (PWM) converters, the switching frequency of the converter will have a large impact on the noise. The total harmonic distortion of the motor phase currents and thus also the exciting forces, will decrease with increasing switching frequency. Furthermore, changing the switching frequency will shift the frequencies of the exciting forces, hence have an influence on the coincidence with structural resonances of the motor. Tests have been performed on a traction motor and a decrease in sound pressure level with increasing switching frequency has been quantified and analyzed. |
Oral Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
Poster Presentations
15:30 | Direct Thrust Control of Complementary and Modular Linear Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Motor (ID:844) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. CMLFSPM is especially suitable for urban rail transit application due to their high power density and simple structure. In this paper, a direct thrust control method for a complementary and modular linear flux-switching permanent magnet (CMLFSPM) motor is proposed. The Direct Thrust Control (DTC) method has the merits of faster torque response and impregnability of motor parameters. The performance of the proposed control method is demonstrated by simulation results with MATLAB/Simulink software. |
15:30 | Design and Comparison of Two Types of Flux-switching Permanent Magnet Machines with Different Stator Topologies (ID:608) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper proposes a new double-stator flux-switching permanent magnet (DS-FSPM) motor where the stator-partitioned structure and two air gaps are adopted. By using finite element method, the proposed motor is comprehensively evaluated for the electromagnetic performances of torque capabilities, torque ripple, demagnetization, PM usage efficiency, flux-weakening capability in detail. Moreover, a conventional single-stator flux-switching permanent magnet machine with the same overall dimension and the same PM usage is also analyzed and fairly compared. The simulation results indicate that the DS-FSPM motor can not only retain higher torque density, but also exhibit better flux-weakening ability and enhanced demagnetization withstand capability. |
15:30 | Unity Power Factor Control of Hybrid Excited Axial Field Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machine (ID:398) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Hybrid excited axial field flux-switching permanent magnet (AFFSPM) (HEAFFSPM) machine is a novel stator-excitation hybrid excited flux-switching machine, which combines the advantages of the AFFSPM machine and hybrid excited synchronous machine. In this paper, the structure feature of the HEAFFSPM machine is analyzed, and the mathematical model is established. In order to improve the power factor of drive system for the HEAFFSPM machine and make full use of the inverter capability, a kind of unity power factor (UPF) control method is proposed, and the operating performance of the HEAFFSPM machine is investigated. The simulation and experimental results indicate the unity power factor can be achieved at different speed and load while the constant torque region is extended by using the UPF control method compared with the zero d-axis current control method. |
15:30 | Field-Oriented Vector Control System on Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machines (ID:502) SPEAKER: Guangkun Lian ABSTRACT. In order to make the flux-switching permanent magnet machine (FSPM) have favorable control characteristics, this paper researched a field-oriented vector control system. The id=0 vector control strategy was applied to FSPM and the high frequency signal injection method was adopted to identity the initial rotor position of FSPM. The running and regulating characteristics of the machine were all analyzed by experiments. The analytical results of this paper show that the vector controller has good applicability in hardware structure and algorithm, which will greatly promote the industrialization of FSPM. |
15:30 | Speed Control of Double-sided Linear Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Motor System for Electromagnetic Launch System (ID:728) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. In this paper, a new double-sided linear flux-switching permanent magnet (DLFSPM) motor for electromagnetic launch system is proposed, in which the mover only consists of yokeless iron while the permanent magnets and armature windings are all located on the stator. Hence, this motor incorporates the merits of high thrust density of permanent magnet linear motor and high relability of linear induction motor in high speed electromagnetic launch system. The mathematical model and field-oriented control strategy of DLFSPM is investigated. The simulation results indicate that the DLFSPM can offer a very good dynamic performance based on the selected control strategy. |
15:30 | A Study on the Iron Losses in Flux-Switching Permanent Magnet Machines (ID:016) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Flux-switching permanent magnet machines(FSPMM) have doubly-salient structure and permanent magnets on the stator. So, it is possible to increase the rotor speed and prevent from irreversible demagnetization of magnets. In this paper, we analyze the distribution of iron losses in the FSPMM using a two-dimensional finite-element method (2D FEM). As a result, we can get the information for high efficiency FSPMM design. |
15:30 | Flux Switching Machines: A Review on Design and Applications (ID:761) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Flux Switching Machines (FSMs) are a relatively modern technology that provides several advantages in specialized applications. FSMs offer high torque density and a robust rotor design which has attracted interest. This paper will provide a review of the current state-of-the art developments in FSMs technology on several aspects such as design topologies, their practical applications, ease of fabrication, efficiency, power density and cost based on recent research efforts. |
15:30 | Research on Fast Design of Key Variables of Bearingless Flux-switching Motor Based on Variable Structure Magnetic Network (ID:190) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Abstract — In this paper, a variable structure magnetic network model of bearingless flux-switching motor (BFSM) is constructed considering the rotor eccentricity. Based on the network model analysis method, the maximum value of the rotor to stator tooth width ratio and the peak of winding flux linkage is deduced; the electromagnetic torque is derived based on the peak of flux linkage, and the mathematical model of levitation force is further deduced by magnetic network. Finally, the fast design of key variables is verified to be effective by comparing with the finite element analysis and the experimental results. |
15:30 | An investigation of a Linear Flux Switching Machine with Tapered Ferromagnetic Poles (ID:227) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper investigates methods of magnet mass reduction in linear flux switching permanent magnet(LFSPM) machines by introducing tapered consequent poles. Based on the finite element analysis (FEA) three different models are designed, investigated and compared.The obtained results indicate that by adopting the proposed tapered ferromagnetic poles a considerable saving of material cost and weight is obtained without sacrificing the machine performance. |
15:30 | Design of a Double-Stator Hybrid Flux Switching Permanent Magnet Machine for Direct-Drive Robotics (ID:550) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Direct-drive robotics is quite attractive because of its high efficiency, high robustness and wide application prospect. This paper is to propose a new double-stator hybrid flux switching permanent magnet (DSH-FSPM) machine for the direct-drive robotic applications. The key is to integrate the distinct merits of high torque density, flux-modulation, high fault-tolerant capacity, and low torque ripple together. First, the machine design and flux switching principle are analyzed to illuminate the basic operation principle. Also, the machine performance shows that the inner and outer torque ripples offset with each other and contribute to the low torque ripple less than 7%. Furthermore, with the addition of the DC current, the machine flux and EMF can be weakened, which can enlarge the flexibility and stability for the machine operation. The performances of the machine verify the feasibility of the new topology for the direct-drive robotics. |
Poster Presentations
15:30 | Optimal Power Transfer with Aluminum Shielding for Wireless Power Transfer Systems (ID:324) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Aluminum material with different distance away from transceiver coils on source side and load side is studied in this paper. The introduction of aluminum shielding incurs eddy current effect, which weakens the self-inductance of transceiver coils. Simulation and experiments are carried out to find optimal shielding position to realize efficient and fast charging. |
15:30 | Analytic Solution for Transfer Efficiency of Magnetically-Coupled Inductive Wireless Power Transfer System with Constant Power Load (ID:581) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Due to the advantage of power transmission over certain distance without using wires, the wireless power transfer system has attracted more and more attention. This paper proposes an analytic approach to investigate the transfer efficiency of magnetically-coupled inductive wireless power transfer system with constant power load. The mathematical model of the wireless power transfer system with constant power load is developed, and the resonance condition is derived. Furthermore, the closed-form transfer power and transfer efficiency of the system are proposed. The influence of output power, output voltage, input voltage, resonant frequency, and mutual inductance on the transfer power and transfer efficiency are analyzed. This paper can provide a guideline for engineers to follow in the application of magnetically-coupled inductive wireless power transfer system with constant power load. |
15:30 | Comparison of Two Structural Magnetic Coils for Wireless Power Transfer (ID:799) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Abstract— This paper presents a comparison between the properties of solenoid coil and planar spiral coil designed for wireless power transfer (WPT) system. The impedance properties of two structural magnetic coils are discussed. And the influence of the structural parameters (such as diameter, turn number, number of layers, etc.) on the transfer performance of magnetic resonance coupling WPT system are also analyzed. Furthermore, the magnetic resonance coupling WPT experimentsbased on the solenoid coil and planar spiral coil are carried out and compared. Finally, for these two kinds of coils, the recommendations on the suitable applications have been put forward. I. INTRODUCTION The magnetic coils are most critical part of the wireless power transfer (WPT) system, which play a role in energy coupling and transmission[1]. As the dimension and structure of magnetic coils will have an impact on the performance of WPT system, there are numerous studies on the properties of solenoid coil and planar spiral coil[2-4]. For example, as for the solenoid coil, many researchers have done a lot of research in the relationship between transmission efficiency, size of coil and distance[4]. For the planar spiral coil, the features, design and optimization of the structure has also been discussed[5]. However, in this paper, the comparison of the solenoid coil and planar spiral coil in the WPT system is focused on. In this paper, through the theory and simulation analysis,the characteristics of these two types of coilsare summarized. And themagnetic resonance coupling WPT experimentsbased on the solenoid coil and the planar spiral coilarecarried out and compared.Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of these two kinds of coils in the magneticresonance coupling WPT are discussed. Finally, the suggestions for the suitable applications of two types of coils have been made. II. THECOMPARATIVEANALYSIS The shapes of these two types of coils are shown in Figure 1. For the traditional spiral coils, the WPT system can obtain a better transmission performance due to its good directional properties. The reason is that the magnetic field excited by solenoid coil is uniformly distributed. a. solenoid coil b. planar spiral coil Fig.1 The two types of coils As for the planar spiral coils, the relevant WPT system can achieve an excellent frequency selectivity. Besides, for the system composed of planar spiral coils, its optimal load resistor value for impedance matching can be smaller. In addition, the impedance properties of two structural coils have both analyzed. Owing to space constraints, the impedance curve for the traditional spiral coil is shown as Figure 2. Fig.2 The curve of impedance value, reactance and impedance angle III. DISCUSSION Based on the theoretical analysis and experimental verification, the magnetic resonance couplingWPT system composed of the solenoid coil is more suitable for long-distance wirelesspower transfer, which means somewhere with plenty of room. For another, the plane spiral coil is very thin,more suitable for application to some small electrical appliances, which is conducive to the magneticresonance coupling WPT system tends to miniaturization.In addition, the more results will be depicted in the final version. IV. REFERENCES [1] Giulia Di Capua, Nicola Femia, Giovanni Petrone,et al.Power and efficiency analysis ofhigh-frequency Wireless Power TransferSystems. Electrical Power and Energy Systems. 84, pp.124-134, 2017. [2] Kim, Jinwook, et al.Optimal design of a wireless power transfer system with multiple self-resonators for an LED TV.IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics.Vol.58No.3, pp.775-780, 2012. [3] Chen C JC, hu T H, Lin C L, et al.A study of loosely coupled coils for wireless power transfer[J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs,57 (7): 536-540. [4] Hugo Marques, Beatriz V Borges. Contactless batterycharger with high relative separation distance andimproved efficiency [A]. IEEE InternationalTelecommunications Energy Conference ( INTELEC )[C].2011. 1-8. [5] Tan Linlin, Huang Xuelang, Huang Hui, et al. Transfer efficiency optimal control of magnetic resonance coupled system of wireless power transfer based on frequency control[J]. Science China, 2011,41(7):913-919. [6] TeckChuanBeh,TakehiroImura, Masaki Kato,Yoichi Hori. Basic study of improving efficiency of wireless power transfer via magnetic resonance coupling based on impedance matching [C].Industrial electronics ISIE,2010 IEEE International symposium on Bari.2010,July:2011-2016. |
15:30 | Misalignment Based Electric Circuit of a Wireless Power Transfer Transformer for Light Rail Transit (ID:668) SPEAKER: Joao Victor Pinon Pereira Dias ABSTRACT. Electric model based in the duality between the electric and magnetic circuit taking into account the misalignment characteristic of transformer of a WPT is proposed. Being a model based in the constructive characteristic of the transformer the model represent better the misalignment effect and the simulation values are more precise in comparison with the T model that is widely used. |
15:30 | Study on a High Coupling Coefficient Contactless Transformer for the ICPT System in Railway Transportation (ID:057) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Contactless transformer is a key part of the inductive contactless power transfer (ICPT) system. In this paper, a high coupling coefficient contactless transformer is proposed with asymmetric trapezoidal shape cores. With 3D finite element methods(FEM), this paper calculates coupling coefficients of the transformer at different inner lateral side distances and bending angles of the magnetic cores and obtains the distribution of magnetic field and the power transmission characteristics. The results show that the high coupling coefficient contactless transformer can improve the coupling performance and power transmission efficiency of the ICPT system. |
15:30 | Reluctance Circuit Analysis and Structure Optimization of Contactless Transformer with Asymmetrical Windings (ID:056) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Contactless transformer is the key component in inductive power transfer (IPT) system and its coupling coefficient (k) will directly affect the power transfer efficiency. This paper studies a contactless transformer applied in movable vehicle with the structure that primary and secondary side are asymmetrical. By analyzing the magnetic flux distributions of the transformer, magnetic reluctance circuit of this contactless transformer is proposed. Further optimization based on the reluctance circuit was taken, and the finite element methods (FEM) calculation results confirmed the theory analysis. |
15:30 | Efficiency Analysis of Inductive Coupled Power Transfer with Multi-pickups (ID:103) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper analyzes the relationship between the load and the efficiency of contactless transformer with multi-pickups which are in series or parallel connection. An optimal load resistance can be got with parameters of contactless transformer at which the efficiency is the highest. Connection mode of multi-pickups affects the optimal load resistance, which is larger at series or smaller at parallel. A prototype was constructed and test was carried out to extract the parameters of transformer. Theoretical statements are supported by the experimental results. |
Poster Presentations
15:30 | The Gas Regulator Fault Diagnosis Based on PCA-RBF Neural Network (ID:113) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper describe the RBF neural network fault diagnosis methods, then combined the actual gas regulator case is studied. The results show that fault recognition rate can reach 62.5%. In order to further enhance the recognition rate of fault diagnosis, the introduction of the principal component analysis (PCA), combining PCA and RBF neural network technology, based on PCA and RBF neural network is put forward in the gas regulator improved method of fault diagnosis, for gas regulator provides a new method of fault diagnosis. Through inputing the actual sampling data into the algorithm, simulation show that PCA-RBF neural network fault recognition rate than RBF neural network fault recognition rate increased by 25%, thus PCA-RBF Neural Network is effectiveness method. |
15:30 | Detection Method of Low Voltage Series DC Arc based on the Pattern Matching Algorithm (ID:923) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. The paper presents a method of the series arc fault for DC systems. The aim of the study is to find some current characteristics, which can be significant for the purpose of arc detection. The validity of the proposed method is testified by analyzing the arc fault current signal. The low voltage series DC arc study is carried out on the currents waveforms acquired during some tests on electric appliances. The pattern matching algorithm is then used to detect and classify the arc fault. As a result, the method is effective in detecting and classifying the arc fault, and easy to be realized in the practical cases. |
15:30 | Fault Detection and Diagnostic Coverage for The Domain Control Units of Vehicle E/E Systems on Functional Safety (ID:631) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper deals with the method of a fault detection and diagnostic system for the domain control units, a vehicle equipped with advanced vehicle E/E systems. The fault detection is a technique for improving the diagnostic coverage of vehicle E/E systems by introducing harsh environments to fault injection in hardware paths and error handling code in software paths. This results in fault detection of time-varying nature and magnitude. This thesis develops a set of methods able to detection these fault issues in a systematic manner with functional safety systems. |
15:30 | Development of Image Processing Technique Based System for Measuring the Locus of Spindle Vibration with High Speed (ID:857) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper presents a new image processing technique based method to measure the locus of spinning spindle vibration. Spindle vibration detection is always a difficult problem in textile industry. Compared with the conventional method which utilizes vibration sensor and is just applied to measure the vibration of the spindle without load, the proposed method can be applied to the spindle with load. A camera with high-speed shutter is enrolled to take pictures of the spindle top surface. According to a serials of the obtained images, several methods are used to locate the center of the spindle surface, based on which the locus of spindle vibration with these centers is given. Furthermore, the proposed method can also be used to measure the locus of other similar high-speed rotating components. |
15:30 | Alarm Threshold Settings and Field Test of Non-contact MEMS UHVDC Electroscope (ID:909) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Although a number of 800kV UHVDC (Ultra High Voltage Direct Current) transmission lines has been built, there is lack of general UHVDC electroscope equipment and relevant standards. Therefore, a non-contact electroscope based on MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System) is proposed in this paper. The reasonable measuring position of the electroscope is selected. The distribution of electric field of UHVDC transmission lines in different operating modes, such as double-pole operation and single pole operation, are obtained through simulation and analysis. The alarm threshold of electroscope is set and the field test is carried out. The effectiveness of the electroscope is verified. |
15:30 | Development of a Wireless Telemetry-Based Traffic Sensor Technology to Overcome the Lead Cable Breakage in AVC (ID:441) SPEAKER: Sang Hyup Lee ABSTRACT. Development of a Wireless Telemetry-Based Traffic Sensor Technology to Overcome the Lead Cable Breakage in AVC Note: I lost my word file and thus I cannot make the file as requested by you for I do not have enough time. However, I will submit the correct format file later. |
15:30 | Finite Element Analysis of Positive and Negative Discharge in Atmospheric Air (ID:340) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Positive and negative discharge mechanisms in atmospheric air have been numerically analyzed using a fully coupled finite element analysis. Until now, many research works have examined discharge analyses, but the discharge mechanism has not yet been explained in detail numerically. In a positive discharge, the electric field intensity at the streamer head can be enhanced owing to the superposition of a Laplacian field and a field from the positive space charge density. With this increased electric field intensity and attraction force between the negative electrode and positive space charge density, the positive streamer can move straight from the positive tip electrode to the negative plane electrode. In a negative discharge, the polarity of the electrode is reversed, and the positive space charge covers the negative electrode. Excess negative ions move toward the positive electrode, and a Trichel pulse is formed in the discharge current. To analyze this space charge propagation, we employed charge continuity equations for carriers such as electrons and positive and negative ions. These equations include ionization, attachment, and recombination effects, and Poisson’s equation for electric fields. A secondary emission effect is included as a boundary condition on the cathode surface. Tip-plane electrodes were implemented in 2D axial symmetric model with a gap radius of 1 mm. To verify our numerical setup, the numerical results were compared with experimental data found in the previous literature. |
15:30 | Parameter Estimation of Linear Oscillatory Actuator with RLS Method (ID:438) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. This paper focuses on parameter estimation for linear oscillatory actuator (LOA) utilized in linear compressor. A recursive least square (RLS) based method has been developed to estimate the resistance, inductance and thrust coefficient of the motor. Considering the time-varying effect of the system, a forgetting factor is introduced to improve the dynamic tracking precision. A mover displacement estimator is presented to verify the accuracy of the proposed estimated parameters. Simulation and experimental results are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. |
15:30 | Design of a generalised charge-based self-sensing model for quasi-static piezoelectric actuators (ID:702) SPEAKER: unknown ABSTRACT. Self-sensing actuation is defined by the ability to derive the state of an actuator by exclusively measuring physical signals produced by the actuator itself, which can be done thanks to the reversibility of the piezoelectric effect. Most modern piezoelectric self-sensing methods have made use of charge measurement with several kinds of piezoelectric actuators (e.g. linear stacks, cantilevers, shear stacks, etc.). This paper provides a generalized model and approach for describing the system equations of piezoelectric actuators regardless of their morphology with actuator parameters being calculated separately. This will provide an understanding of each of these parameters’ influence on the self-sensing performance. A test setup verifying the authenticity of the model is being assembled. |